Friday, March 31, 2006

Owuor: Iran quakes have come as predicted

By DR. DAVID OWUOR In an interview carried on your site a few days ago, I shared that the Lord had asked me to warn about upcomig earthquakes in, among other countries, Iran.

Both CNN and the BBC have reported that an earthquake has hit Iran and the death toll is rising. Iran was called by name in the online sharing I had on this site; speedy and record fulfillment of prophecy towards the end-times. This was from the Lord and He said that it is merely the beginning of birth-pangs around the world. Now the Iranian massive earthquake is in Kenyan news, particularly local radio and television. Further news and updates may be found at my blog, which is now in use. I expect to post some of the audio and video messages you have been requesting for on it in the next few days, access to which will be free.

Who's Your Daddy?


A seminary professor was vacationing with his wife in Gatlinburg, TN. One morning, they were eating breakfast at little restaurant, hoping to enjoy a quiet, family meal. While they were waiting for their food, they noticed a distinguished looking, white-haired man moving from table to table, visiting with the guests. The professor leaned over and whispered to his wife, "I hope he doesn't come over here."

But sure enough, the man did come over to their table. "Where are you folks from?" he asked in a friendly voice. "Oklahoma," they answered.

"Great to have you here in Tennessee." the stranger said. "What do you do for a living?"

"I teach at a seminary." he replied. "Oh, so you teach preachers how to preach, do you? Well, I've got a really great story for you." And with that, the gentleman pulled up a chair and sat down at the table with the couple. The professor groaned and thought to himself, "Great... Just what I need... another preacher story!"

The man started, "See that mountain over there? (pointing out the restaurant window). Not far from the base of that mountain, there was a boy born to an unwed mother. He had a hard time growing up, because every place he went, he was always asked the same question, 'Hey boy, Who's Your Daddy?'

Whether he was at school, in the grocery store or drug store, people would ask the same question, 'Who's Your Daddy?' He would hide at recess and lunchtime from other students. He would avoid going in to stores because that question hurt him so bad.

When he was about 12 years old, a new preacher came to his church. He would always go in late and slip out early to avoid hearing the question, 'Who's Your Daddy?'. But one day, the new preacher said the benediction so fast he got caught and had to walk out with the crowd. Just about the time he got to the back door, the new preacher, not knowing anything about him, put his hand on his shoulder and asked him, 'Son, Who's Your Daddy?'

The whole church got deathly quiet. He could feel every eye in the church looking at him. Now everyone would finally know the answer to the question, 'Who's your Daddy'. This new preacher, though, sensed the situation around him and using discernment that only the Holy Spirit could give, said the following to that scared little boy...

'Wait a minute!' he said. 'I know who you are. I see the family resemblance now. You are a child of God.' He patted the boy on his shoulder and said, 'Boy, you've got a great inheritance. Go and claim it.'

With that, the boy smiled for the first time in a long time and walked out the door a changed person. He was never the same again. Whenever anybody asked him, 'Who's your Daddy?' he'd just tell them, 'I'm a Child of God'." The distinguished gentleman got up from the table and said, "Isn't that a great story?" The professor responded that it really was a great story!

As the man turned to leave, he said, "You know, if that new preacher hadn't told me that I was one of God's children, I probably never would have amounted to anything!" And he walked away.

The seminary professor and his wife were stunned. He called the waitress over and asked her, "Do you know who that man was who just left that was sitting at our table?"

The waitress grinned and said, "Of course. Everybody here knows him. That's Ben Hooper. He's the former governor of Tennessee!"

Someone in your life today needs a reminder that they are one of God's children! "For you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, 'Abba, Father'. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit, that we are God's children." (Romans 8:15-16)

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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Updates from Dr. Owuor

Hi guys - Dr. Owuor has added further insights to parts of the interview that I carried here a few days ago. Please visit the updated version of the interview by clicking here. I'll let you know: 1. If and when I'll have received anything new from his end. 2. He has operationalized a site he is coming up with which should be more dedicated to updating you on the message he believes God has placed on his heart for Kenya and the world at large. Jesse.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Memo to Mzee Moi, Biwott, Kosgey, et al

Kit nebo kamanut eng bikap Keiyo / Nandi, etc konai ng'olyondoni...... Mwaei ichek kole (kit nenyolo koro ak kobwat Arap Moi Biwott ak Kosgey eng Arap Ruto) "Chepkisas ko tatun kechomei."

Nyolu konai Arap Moi, Biwott ak Kosgey kole chang bikap Kalenjin chetomo konyor imanda eng icheget kou ichek che bunu Trans-Nzoia, Mt. Elgon, West Pokot, Marakwet, etc.

And now the same message for the benefit of those among us who don't know a wee bit of Kalenjin....:-)

It's vital that, in the context of the Moi-Biwott-Kosgey vs Ruto duel, the Kalenjin people understand that..... That their own people have a saying to the effect that "he who is despised now might be useful in the days to come."

The Moi-Biwott-Kosgey axis needs to understand that not all ordinary Kalenjins support them on this matter; including those from Trans-Nzoia, West Pokot, Marakwet, Mt. Elgon, etc.

___________________________________________________________ To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Why I'm a Christian

By MAYA ANGELOU (as forwarded by Victor Komanyo)

When I say... "I am a Christian"

I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'."

I'm whispering "I was lost,

Now I'm found and forgiven."

When I say... "I am a Christian"

I don't speak of this with pride.

I'm confessing that I stumble

and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... "I am a Christian"

I'm not trying to be strong.

I'm professing that I'm weak

And need His strength to carry on.

When I say... "I am a Christian"

I'm not bragging of success.

I'm admitting I have failed

And need God to clean my mess.

When I say... "I am a Christian"

I'm not claiming to be perfect,

My flaws are far too visible

But, God believes I am worth it.

When I say... "I am a Christian"

I still feel the sting of pain.

I have my share of heartaches

So I call upon His name.

When I say... "I am a Christian"

I'm not holier than thou,

I'm just a simple sinner

Who received God's good grace, somehow!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Cry, my beloved country, more are still dying!!!!!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

THE BIG INTERVIEW: Dr. Owuor on his life, ministry.....and new prophecies

Dear readers, following your sustained readership of this blog and endless questions concerning some of the stories I have published here, I have had to follow up on one that I think has dominated your interest the most as evidenced by your comments and e-mails. Two days ago, I met with and interviewed Dr. David Owuor for nearly five hours following your queries about his life and ministry. I should, from the very outset, state that the transcript I'm offering here is in no way definitive about the chat we had; there's much detail I have ommitted for reasons beyond my control. There is a limit to what I can say here, mostly for security reasons. I should also state that I'll make every attempt not to inject my personal opinion into my recollections of the chat I had with Dr. Owuor; I hope to God you will be in a position to read and make your own independent conclusions. The October 23rd, 2005 edition of Kenya Times has a good summary of the man's personal story, details of which I have opted to overlook in my piece (including mentions of some events he says are yet to occur). I'm in the process of getting the audio and video copies of some messages from his office for your considered consumption. Those among you with the know-how of how such may be uploaded on this blog are welcome to share your expertise via the e-mail address on my homepage the soonest you possibly can. Happy reading! Jesse. Q. Who is David the man? What is the story of your beginnings? A. I was born in Yimbo, Bondo District. I studied sciences at Makerere University and the University of Nairobi. I later proceeded to study and work in other countries, specifically the Ben-Gurion University in Haifa, Israel where undertook my Ph.D studies in molecular genetics, otherwise known as the "science of the future." I also took up a post-doctoral fellowship in the United States with a specific interest in gene sequencing and signal transduction. I progressed further in these fields. Q. How did you come to understand that you had a calling to what you now know as the ministry God has called you to? A. I came to faith in 1987 when, while Uganda was still fluid politically, I asked God to take me safely from Western Kenya into Uganda and back as I tried to transfer my credits from Makerere to Nairobi. I told God that if He did it for me, I would consider giving Him my life; I would live for Him. Suprisingly, the Ugandan soldiers were unexpectedly most helpful to me throughout; I was never harassed. I didn't notice it at the time but my spiritual journey with God had actually began. I was never serious with Him thereafter but He still pursued me. In my office in Haifa, Jewish colleagues would peep through my doorway and shout jokingly: "Remember Moses!" They were neither Christians nor Judaists, but their reference to Moses left me wondering what they were about. Later, after I had moved to the US, the same references were used again but now to a clearer end. One day as I walked through Chicago, a man drove and pulled up besides me and said: "Man, are you aware that as you were walking a brilliantly blinding light had enveloped you, thus blocking my view of the way? You know, like you remember Moses?" Q. What happened? A. That's when the Haifa incidents came back to mind. I decided to talked to the LORD and asked HIM as to whether it was HE that had put the brilliant LIGHT that all were seing and asking "Do you remember Moses?" Then the LORD appeared to me that Night in my apartment house and I was fightened and tried to run away.....After the LORD appeared to me, HE sent me the PERSON OF THE HOLY SPIRIT who started talking to me in mighty visions and dreams about the mission. HE started showing me the different churches in the world all the things that were to happen and those things started happenning. Then the LORD commanded me to leave to the churches after another visitation in a dream on the 3rd of July 2003. At first it was a great struggle but when the LORD appeared to me and physically touched my mouth and then lifted me from one room to the next in my house and wrote on the wall ISAIAH 43:11 and ISAIAH 43:1 on the wall for me. So I woke up and understood that HE had called me out for HIMSELF. Q. Whose son are you spiritually? Who is your mentor and how has your journey in faith been like? A. After I got convicted concerning my calling, I tried to get closer to some known American Christian leaders to mentor me but got no further with any one of them. There was a pastor I went to and shared my encounters with the Lord and the new direction I believed He was leading me to; the pastor just said there was no way they thought they could be of help to me in the circumstances. Another prominent leader involved in prophetic ministry in the US was least helpful; he appeard more eager to exploit rather than walk with me in my spiritual journey. Another one who appears regularly on Kenyan television just couldn't meet me as he was having an outreach meeting in London. I found myself having to just learn on the mill with the Lord Himself. The Lord turned Himself into my ultimate mentor in the despair, doubts, questions and even pain I had trying to find my footing in ministry. A while later (after the 2002 elections), it became clear to me that he needed me to return and serve Him here (in Kenya). Q. Ahead of this interview, a reader sent me an e-mail saying: "Please ask Dr. Owuor why all his prophecies are ever tragic. God has never spoken to him on good things about Kenya and the world. At times it's very scary to hear him. My family stopped watching his television programme long time. Ask him his view on Good News. The Bible is good news to humanity. Ask him why Jesus never spoke on the devil many times yet he does. I don't miss him." How does such a take on your ministry sit with you? A. These events were prophecies by Christ JESUS HIMSELF in Matthew 24 and now HE has sent me and shows them to me and when I prophecy them they do come to pass. This is actually the true GOODNEWS because these prophecies talk about the beginning of birth pain and hence the Nearing of the coming of the LORD for the church. So the fact that they are being fullfulled is VERY GOODNEWS and we as christians should not fear these prophecies. Instaed we should prepare in REPENTANCE for the Innevitable EndTime, the GLORIOUS COMING OF THE LORD. Remember the LORD has Spoken to me about the Rapture and the SECOND COMING, so they will for sure happen sooner than the church thought. The God of Israel has a zero tolerance for sin. I won't soften what He asks me to proclaim just so as to win anyone's approval. I have a mission to tell it as it is. If people change, judgement won't happen. The Church has not taught the true God who judges sin. Q. What is your understanding of the role that theological education plays in ministry? A. The best teacher is the Holy Spirit, not the different schools of thought that inform theological training in most Bible and theology schools. Equally sad, there is no capturing of God's vision because people are training for ministry as a proffession. It is pointless trying to lead people to a spiritual and visionary God from such a position. It is an indictment of many among us who are looking to start Churches as a business. People are building personal kingdoms and empires with wrong, spiritual foundations in the name of God. Their training is preparing them for ministry as a gateway to wealth. Their preaching is horizontally heavy on flesh and blood, never vertical enough to help their congregants meet God on His own terms (I Cor. 15:50). That's not a good model anyhow. Q. What is your understanding of the difference between faith and reason? A. Faith builds on spiritual being, not empirical manifestation. Once you build your faith, anything in the physical can happen. Faith is irrational. Reason, on the other hand, seeks empirical evidence. The Church has not built her faith. Healing, restoration, etc would come our way if we had faith. The Church should focus on building faith over reason. The miracle industry has boomed because people have lacked faith. We should not depend on miracles to reach God. Consequently, some ministers are lying to their congregations because they (the ministers) have not believed God can use them to do what they lie about. Q. Where do both the Church and the nation stand concerning the judgement of God over the land? Will God remember mercy or are we still in the danger zone? A. Both are currently in judgement. The altar of the Lord has to be restored. The judgement in the house of God is going to be most severe. Q. What is God saying about the national prayer and repentance done by individual believers and Churches last year? What is the current state of Kenya after that repentance day? A. It's not over yet. God is not yet done with Kenya. God is serious about that. God definitely appreciates last year's prayers and repentance, but it isn't over yet. We are in judgement. Look at the drought that hit Kenya, the drought I had warned about, the many people I said I had been shown by the LORD as leaving their homes in large numbers and going to unknown, SURELY we so this happening till now. People lost cattle and left homes in search for water and food and death occured. The LORD is asking for REPENTANCE; HE is faithful. Recently in Nakuru HE wrote for me HIS JUDGMENT in the SKY and I have warned Kenya of the urgent need to repent. HE further showed me very very thin cattle and this is Judgment. Q. They say that a nation's state of affairs is a reflection of the manifest spiritual condition of the Church inside such a nation. How does such a maxim sit with you regarding the present state of affairs in the country? A. The Church is a mirror of the State. Kenya needs the Church for direction because the Church speaks to the Lord. The Church prayed to the Lord for a new government in 2002, but rested easy thereafter believing that it had accomplished its mission. Right now, it has no authority to point fingers at anyone in preaching the gospel of corruption as it is mired in the same in ways that would make the government even look clean. There's rape in the country because there is rape in the Church; there is poor leadership in the country because there is poor leadership in the Church. And the list goes on and on. The Church needed to teach holiness. What we have today in the way of exposed ills in the Church is just the tip of the iceberg. Q. What specific sins have believers and non-believers been committing to warrant the repentance message you have been preaching? A. Sexual immorality, love of money, lying, false prophecies, etc. People are exalting money, what with the fake health and wealth prosperity gospel from the USA. A further word on sexual immorality may be appropriate. The other day I saw a disturbing advert ahead of the 7 O'clock news on one of the local TV stations. A mother was telling her daughter that she could sleep around as long as her boyfriend had a condom on. The levels to which we have sunk in accomodating pre-marital sex are just too low. God is mad! Holiness has been thrown out of the Church too. Condoms can easily be found in Church compounds after kesha (vigil) nights. We are more inclined to turn our Churches into entertainment and performance centers for fun and comedy; the more you laugh, the better the Church, we seem to be saying. The gospel of panda mbegu (sow the seed) which came from Satan the devil is the gospel they are preaching as a symbol of their success as custodians of the altar of the Lord. It is now about the sizes of cars, houses, bank accounts, etc and less about the narrow path and cross of the Lord. Q. Do you have tangible evidence on some section of the clergy's use of demonic powers to serve God as has been reported that you claim? A. Yes, there is massive evidence. Witchdoctors have come out speaking about some of them who have been to see them over their services (Editor's note: Some details ommitted). Q. Where do you place the Bible in your predictions and your claim of prophecy? How Biblical and accurate is the statement "God has commanded us to repent so that the Church can prepare for the rapture?" Does the repentance of the Church in Kenya, therefore, guarantee an immediate rapture? And whatever happened to Jesus' coming like a thief in the night? A. There is nothing the LORD speaks to you about that you dont find in the Bible. Remember the Asian Tsunami (see appendix below), Katrina, Pakistani Quake, EA Quake, Australian Storm on now (prophesied in Kitale on the June 4th 2005; see tapes of messages) etc that the LORD showed me earlier and finally happened. You find these in Matthew 24 when the LORD said in the End will come the Beginning of Birth Pain.There is nothing the Lord tells you about anything that you cannot find in the Bible. The Lord is sending forth His word through His servants in these last days. These are merely the beginnings of intense birth-pangs for the entire world. The end is nigh. People, get ready! Q. What thoughts are there on Jewish-Muslim relations in this age? And can you add any insights on Jewish breakthroughs in recognizing Christ as their Messiah? A. That land is precious to the Lord and Jewish leaders who have thought otherwise have in recent years had to learn that lesson the hard way (Editor's note: Some details ommitted). Spiritually, it is not yet over for the Jews. God has a plan for them. Those are His beloved. He has a covenant with them. He is bringing many of them into the saving knowledge of His Son and will continue to do that. Q. What do you call yourself - a prophet, prophet of doom, or God's special spokesman on matters of calamities and repentance? A. It is up to the people that listen to the prophecies the LORD has given me and monitoring their fulfillment that can now decide for themselves what to call me. Deuteronomy 18 says very clearly that if a man prophesies something and it comes to pass, that man I have spoken with and is my prophet, and if a man prophecies and it doesn't come to pass that man has spoken presumptiously and I have not spoken with him, so do not fear him. Q. What is next in the pipeline, any predictions...especially on the Church as well as the current state of politics in Kenya? A. The Lord used me to speak about the Asian tsunami, tremors that hit Kenya, Tanzania and the Great Lakes region last year, the ongoing Avian Flu and other major events around the world. He has impressed on my heart that a third of the world, including Iran, Russia and Germany is going to be hit by a major earthquake. The Church in Kenya and the country itself is in judgement and will need every prayer to go through some difficult moments ahead of it (Editor's note: Some details ommitted). Q. Has God revealed to you anything on the country's future President? A. No, He hasn't but He will with time. Q. What should the Church in Kenya do to be able to send missionaries to unreached people groups in Kenya and other nations? A. Reaching to the many who are constantly ebbing into an eternity, damned in Hell and forever separated from God should be the Church's greatest humanitarian emergency. The Church must restore the Lord's altar for missions. It must also position itself for the latter rains of God's saving grace upon the unreached people groups in and outside Kenya. The floodgates of Heaven are going to open again. Q. What would a transformed Kenya look like for you? A. A Kenya that would reflect a nation hit by revival that brings repentance and holiness. Q. How is your prayerlife? A. I have to pray. APPENDIX: COPY OF E-MAIL SENT OUT BY DR. OWUOR AHEAD OF THE ASIAN TSUNAMI AND NEW ORLEANS KATRINA

Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:33:29 -0800 (PST)
Subject: The LORD GOD Has Spoken Again

HTML Attachment [ | ]

Shalom Apostle Nuyo,
I am holding a meeting with my team today for the second time.
The LORD is going to build a holy church here.
Nuyo, the LORD GOD talked to me this morning VERY VERY STRONGLY BY HIS VOICE beginning 12:30 am until 6 am in the morning.
Nuyo, the LORD is so mad and has asked me to pass a Judgement on the Eastern Religions and New Age Religions. He has HE asked me to shave my head and beard and showed me blood on my hands i a vision, if I dont warn them.
He said I should warn them (the whle world and especially Africa and Asia), that if they dont repent in Christ Jesus, HIS Judgement will come upon them and he concluded
It was such a tough night, but you know, I am with the LORD GOD, and I love HIM because HE is the Eternal KING.
He showed me a great vision in which many peple died from floods.
In the vision HE put me in there and showed me how it was impossible to save any body in this HISTORIC floods coming soon. Please inform the prophets about this new move of the Lord GOD HIMSELF. To hear HIS VOICE issuch a MIGHTY Experience, Amen
I am going to preach this for the first time today.
Thanks Hno Nuyo, May the LORD bless you and your family,
In Christ JESUS,
Hno David

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Weekly Citizen article on "Raila's secret spy network"

In his famous book the 48 Laws of Power, author Robert Green advises those who want to be succesful leaders to be as cunning as foxeswhen dealing with both friend and foe. In rule number 14 titled 'Pose as a friend, work as a spy', he states: 'Knowing about your rival is critical. Use spies to gather valuable information that will keep you a step ahead. Better still, play the spy yourself. In polite social encounters, learn to probe. Ask indirect questions to get people to reveal their weakness and intentions. There is no ocassion that is no opportunity for artful spying." Raila Amolo Odinga - the politician affectionately nicknamed Agwambo by his supporters - is a man who has perfected this art of spying on both friends and enemies and the noxious merceneries saga is the latest and most credible case that has proved claims that the Lang'ata MP runs a very effective parallel secret spy system. THE MP, using this elaborate network, has effectively infiltrated key state institutions including the police force which falls under the office of the president, the sensitive immigration ministry whose headquarters are at Nyayo House, the Kenya Ports' Authority, the Registrar of Companies and Kenya Revenue Authority's motor vehicle registration department. Additionally, the MP, a political strategist of no mean repute, has a formidable information gathering machinery whose work is to collect and process as much intelligence as possible on his real and perceived enemies. For instance, during his political duels with the late Vice-President Wamalwa Kijana, he enlisted the services of a Wamalwa kin who had 24-hour access to Wamalwa to effectively monitor his rival's activities. It is said Raila capitalized on the infighting among the late Senator William Wamalwa's siblings to achieve the spying aim. Using the relative, Wamalwa was able to receive information on which people had spoken to, where he had slept and the cars he had used. It should be recalled that Wamalwa was always ridiculed as a politician who liked watching cartoons, the favourite being Tom and Jerry. This information is said to have been passed to the public after Raila received it from the Wamalwa kin. Indeed Wamalwa enjoyed watching cartoons, at times at the expense of very important functions. And while he served as minister in the Moi cabinet and untill recently the Kibaki cabinet, raila made sure that he had all the necessary intelligence on all ministers, particularly those from Nyanza province opposed to his politics. Word has it that last year, a Luo minister warned his driver and bodyguards to stop associating with Raila's bodyguards and drivers. This was after the minister discovered that Raila's bodyguards and drivers had a habit of talking ill of their boss openly, claiming he was arogant and mean. This was a strategy to get others talking about their bosses, information that was passed on to Raila. This way, the enigmatic MP learnt a lot of secrets on the ministers. An insider in Raila's camp says through such networks, the Lang'ata MP has gathered massive intelligence on practically all the important politicians in the country. "Agwambo knows which politician coughs at night, their favorite drinks, love affairs, business associates and investments and of course bank accounts," said the insider who did not want to be named. A shrewd political operative, he has a secret security network which travels ahead of him during public functions including weddings and funerals. The politician has very strong contacts in the media, ussually at senior management and editorial levels. These contacts brief him on all the news that touch on him or his political interests before the information is made public. Last week when the alleged Armenian mercenery, Artur Margayan visited Standard Group offices, Raila aides were spotted at I&M Buildings in a white Peugeot vehicle registration KWS 606 an hour before the controversial businessman arrived. A Lang'ata councillor, Opete Opete, was also spotted at the press conference. What he was doing there is anyone's guess. The two well-built men kept on talking on mobile phones and when the alleged mercenery was forced to flee a lynch mob, one of Raila's men was heard communication the information to a second party. That the government is concerned and worried about Raila's information gathering machinery was well manifested when an immigration officer suspected to have given Raila details of the Armenians from the Immigration Department was suspended. The officer was suspected to have been instrumental in giving out the photocopies of passports and work permits of the two controversial brothers. Copies of the two passports displayed by Raila to the media indicated that the two men, born in 1970 and 1973 respectively entered Kenya for the first time on January 23, 2006 and were issued with residence visas for two years. The passports also show that the two travelled to Dubai between 2005 and 2006. Weekly Citizen has information that initially the CID thought the copies of passports were not genuine and made a follow-up at Immigration offices. To their suprise, the copies were of genuine passports. And to add insult to injury, Raila went ahead to name the residential house in Runda where the Armenians were staying beside providing information on a truck registration KAU 967W that was seen entering and off-loading materials in the compound before speeding away with occupants. Raila's recent exposes, complete with documentary proof, is said to have caught top CID officers and the staff at the National Intelligence Security Services (NSIS) headquartered at Ruaraka and headed by Michael Gichangi off-step. According to observers, Raila has penetrated a section of the country's intelligence that is giving him useful information that he has been using to embarass the government. A second theory has it that a group of influential personalities who were recently elbowed out of State House after being fingered by former Ethics PS John Githongo is on a revenge mission and could be responsible for the credible adverse information Raila has been releasing with such devastating effects. The fallen group which still enjoys sympathy in various strategic government departments can lay their hands on confidential government documents including those at State House. Last week, state intelligence network were pursuing ODM luminaries for leads on the merceneries, exposing how the raid at the KTN studios and the Standard newspapers at I&M Building and on the Standard press at Likoni Road was excuted on March 2. ODM claims that more foreigners among them Tanzanians including a woman only identified as Shifana are on the government's dirty payroll. They have been issued with police certificates and guns by a CID officer which they used to plan and raid the Standard. Police are puzzled that Raila's network was able to identify the vehicles used in the raid whose registration were given as KAQ 010W, KAU 828Y (white Lexus), and KAP 448Z, a blue Mitsubishi and KAR 4553H, a green Toyota Prado. Raila's underground network has been able to unearth numbers of several vehicles that are available to foreigners. They are KAH 980M, a blue Merceded Benz 320; KAS 501S a Mercedes Benz 320; KAQ 010W and KAU 838Y, both white Lexus; KAT 331P, a white Volvo; KAR 453H Toyota Prado Green; KAU 801P, a grey Land Rover Discovery; KAT 285Y blue Peugeot 406; GK A222H white Subaru; KAS 847F, a blue Mercedes Benz KAQ 215J; blue Subaru and KAP 448Z a blue Mitsubishi. It is suspected Raila has been able to capitalize on the current infighting among Kibaki close confidantes to access sensitive information. For example, queries are being asked how how the fiery MP established that two officers from the presidential escort unit have been deployed as bodyguards and drivers to the foreigners. Our informant tells us that Raila gets sensitive information either directly or from close allies in the business, social and political areas. It is said that Raila's information gatherers are to be found on streets of Nairobu, Mombasa and Kisumu and when they land on information they either call him directly or his aide. The network, according to sources has to verify information. For example if news comes in that Kibaki was planning to visit Kisumu and raila is not aware, the network immediately starts gathering hints from close men associated with Foreign Affairs Minister Raphael Tuju. The reason here is that the president cannot visit Nyanza without Tuju's knowledge. We have established that among politicians Raila has detailed his men to monitor closely are Prof. George Saitoti, Uhuru Kenyatta, Kalonzo Musyoka, Nicholas Biwott, James Orengo, Musalia Mudavadi, Gideon Moi, Najib Balala, David Musila, Musikari Kombo, William Ruto, Mukhisa Kituyi, Simeon Nyachae, Raphael Tuju, Mutula Kilonzo, Fred Gumo and Cyrus Jirongo among others. And within Kibaki's kitchen cabinet, Raila is interested in the activities of Strategic Planning PS Stanley Murage, ministers Njenga Karume, Amos Kimunya, John Michukl and Martha Karua. Francis Muthaura secretaery to the cabinet and head of the civil service, George Muhoho, Eddy Njoroge and Joe Wanjui, Chancellor University of Nairobi. Within the Asian community, is is said the late road contractor Sunil Behal alias "Lord Fupi" used to be Raila's informer. For now Raila, the man who studied in the then Communist East Germany gets tips from a number of Asians in Nairobi who have roots in Kisumu and are fluent in the Luo language, which they use to communicate in five-star hotels. For Raila's security network, he is said to mostly depend on ex-air servicemen who were involved in the 1982 coup. It is this group that is said to have been used as advance party during last year's referendum campaigns. Travelling in hired Nissan vans, with crude weapons, petrol bombs and with mobile phones, they offered security for ODM luminaries throughout the hectic campaign period.

Source: Weekly Citizen, March 20-26th, 2006; pp.1-2.

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Monday, March 20, 2006

True or not, the web is awash with such e-mails as this that someone forwarded to my blog...I don't know the original source!!!

The following are the request details: Name: mehmet öztürk Sender's country: CzechRepublic Sender's occupation: Clergy Sender's comments: When a Kenyan living here in the Czech Republic showed meyour online edition with pictures of Artur Sargsyan and Artur Margaryan who were claiming that they are heavy bussiness people, I could not believe my eyes. I know both of them and they are not related to the Armenian President. The names they are using is not their original name. Sad that i cant remember their real names. What i know is that both of them were members of the elite Czech Army and they were fired because of selling government arms illegally. There after they moved to Turkeyand were involved in a lot of drug and arms trafficking where the man claiming to be Margaryan was caught and jailed. Since then they disappeared completely only to emerge in Kenya as heavy business men. What i know is they are criminals who will even kill to get money. They are not Armenians as they claim. May be they are using a forged Armenian passport. Be careful Kenyans!!! Mehmet Öztürk

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Saturday, March 18, 2006

A Highly Productive Crash

Mark Greene finds much to ponder in Crash, his film of 2005

Crash is a controversial film that quietly concludes that there is no God. But that’s not what made it controversial. It’s controversial because it is outrageously politically incorrect on the issue of race. Hispanics mock Chinese to their faces for saying ‘blake’ instead of ‘brake’, blacks mock Hispanics for parking their cars on their lawns, black diners complain that waiters and waitresses never give them good service because black people don’t tip well and then the diners don’t leave a tip. Indeed, almost every character ends up saying the kind of things lots of nice people think but rarely express.

However, below Crash’s multi-racial surface deeper themes swim – issues of purpose, of life, death, the human capacity for evil, the human capacity for heroic acts of self-sacrifice and the question of whether anyone knows enough to know anything for certain. Indeed, it is the multi-layered nature that made it for me the most stimulating film of 2005, and certainly a film that provides a fruitful platform for conversation with people who’ve looked for the presence of a benevolent divine being and not found him, her or it. Because neither does this movie.

The film opens with a crash, significantly just before Christmas. A Chinese woman has rear-ended a car being driven by an off-duty black policeman accompanied by his Puerto-Rican partner – professional and sexual. The policeman muses on the metaphysical significance of the moment. Was it a mere accident? Or are there so many crashes in Los Angeles because people are so isolated from one another, so lonely, so thirsty for contact that a crash is the only way to get in touch with others? Like deeply troubled young people who cut their arms – their hearts are screaming.

It sounds like blah-humbug but by the end of the film the audience is in no doubt that sometimes a crash, or some tumultuous event can put people back in touch with each other, with themselves or with the reality of their situation. Of course, it can also hurl them apart.

What follows is a flashback over the preceding 36 hours in which the stories of the core cast intersect with one another in evocative, thought-provoking ways. Matt Dillon, for example, plays a bigoted LA cop who pulls over a couple in a luxury four wheel drive. The driver is black and his wife looks Hispanic but turns out later to have been a member of the Varsity equestrian team – not what we’re expecting. The cop body searches the wife in a thoroughly indecent way – bad cop. The cop’s new freshly recruited partner looks on disgusted and requests a transfer and, at some personal cost, he gets it. Good cop.

The following day bad cop confronts good cop and declares that: “You think you know who you are. You have no idea.” Nor perhaps do we. Later bad cop attends another crash. One car’s fuel tank has burst and a rivulet of petrol is running towards an upturned car. There’s someone trapped inside. Bad cop dives into the car. The black woman he molested the day before is inside. He tries to get her out. The petrol is getting closer and a spark from the other car ignites it. Bad cop’s fellow officers pull him from the car. The woman will die. But he dives back in and pulls her out. Pervert turns saviour. Bad cop? Good cop? We didn’t know what was in him. We don’t know what’s in ourselves.

Indeed, past actions are not always accurate indicators of future ones. By the end of the day his former partner, good cop, has saved the woman’s husband from being killed by two policemen. We’d expect that. But when a young black man that he’s offered a lift to seems to be mocking him and goes to reach into his pocket, the good cop thinks it’s a gun. Bang. But it was a statuette of St Christopher – the patron saint of travellers. The black traveller is dead. And white traveller who also has a statuette of St Christopher has killed him. Good cop, bad cop.

The good cop didn’t have quite enough information. And that is one of the themes of the film – people making decisions on the information they have and acting accordingly. Sandra Bullock’s suburban housewife, recently carjacked at gunpoint by two black men, notices that the man changing her house locks is young, Hispanic and tattooed. She insists that her husband has the locks changed the following day. The Hispanic will, she is certain, hand over the keys to their house to his homeboy friends.

She’s wrong about the locksmith but is she wrong to think what she’s thinking? Don’t we all have to make judgements like that every day? To try always to be as innocent as doves but as wise as serpents – to love but not to be naïve – like Salvation Army Officers working with alcoholics and drug addicts – understanding likely patterns of behaviour but somehow treating every person as an individual.

Crash, however, does not stop at asking how we use the information we have to make judgements about people, it asks how we make judgements about the meaning of events. Is there any? Or do we simply impose our prejudiced worldviews on events in the same way that we impose our prejudiced racial views on people?

So in Crash people do kind things for others and bad things happen. People do bad things and good things happen. Well intentioned actions and malicious actions have unintended consequences that can lead to good or bad consequences. So, for example, a racist gunseller lets an Iranian woman unwittingly buy blank cartridges for the gun her father has bought to protect his store. That night, the store is vandalised by people who think he’s an Arab. Distraught and financially ruined, he seeks his revenge against the locksmith who he erroneously believes failed to secure his shop. He tracks him down, and pulls out his gun. The locksmith’s five year old daughter runs between them. The Iranian fires. We think she’s dead. But no one is killed. His gun is full of blanks. The locksmith intended it for harm, as Joseph son of Jacob put it to his treacherous brothers in Genesis 50. But was it the Lord who turned it to good? Or just chance?

The Iranian shopkeeper, presumably a Muslim, is in no doubt. God has sent an angel. We know he hasn’t. We know that it wasn’t the little girl but the blanks. But the shopkeeper is insistent. The film’s point is that people insist on seeing the world in their own way, that they either suppress the facts or simply don’t know them all.

Certainly, there are reconciliations. The ‘crashes’ change some people for the better and help others see their world or themselves more accurately. This is not however because there is some great benevolent deity. A black director, a Buddhist, may be saved by a white policeman outside a house with a huge nativity scene painted on the garage door, and a Chinese human trafficker run down by a car is dumped outside a hospital in front of another nativity scene – but it’s got nothing to do with Christ. After all, the St Christopher fails to prevent the manslaughter of an enlightened, if criminal, young black. We are left with our yearning for meaning, or our insistence that there is meaning but there is none to be found beyond humankind. Our hope, according to Crash, lies in our capacity to love others, and in the capacity of some of us to change for the better.

Still, the film raises important questions. How do we as Christians interpret things that happen to us? Yes, we may well be able to present evidence to rebut any atheist’s assertions about a god-free universe, we may be able to defend the reliability of the biblical documents, make a compelling case for the resurrection, and we may know that life is not ultimately random, that bad things may be allowed by God but are not pre-intended and can work for the good of those who love him, but do we see him acting in our daily lives? And how do we know?

Two true stories:

It’s March 2005. A Christian woman thinks that God is telling her to pray for the protection of her office. It seems like a strange imperative but she does so. On July 7th 2005, a bomb explodes 50 yards from her building. Glass flies through many of the the offices like shrapnel from a shell burst. Ordinarily, there would be people working in those offices. Extraordinarily, on that day at that time, no one is in their office. Luck? Coincidence? A miracle, she believes. So do I.

It’s December 2005. A senior Christian businessman is struggling to discern his way forward in his career – he loves the company he’s in but finds the man he works for very difficult. Should he stay or should he go? He’s travelling and comes across a copy of the Daily Telegraph. It’s not his usual paper but he picks it up anyway. Inside there’s a Q and A with Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric. One of the two questions Welch addresses is this:

What's better: to work for a bad boss at a good company, or a good boss at a weak company?

Luck? Coincidence? Divine provision, he believes.

Of course, the first instance is less easily dismissed than the second. But to the people involved God had provided. Sometimes we may never fully know but once Christians start praying before and after events then God may well give us eyes to see his interventions, and then the number of instances accumulate to the point where the odds of them being fulfilled become so high as to be implausible.

Many people think God is an idea. I think he’s a person. Some people think God is dead. I know he’s alive. Some people think God is a long way from here – I know he’s Emmanuel – God with us. And I’ve got the stories to prove it. So probably have have you. And the more we pray the more the odds mount up against those extraordinary events in our lives being mere coincidences. People in our culture are yearning for a living God who has not only spoken but acted. More than that they are yearning for a God who not only speaks but acts, who is present with us. Isn’t that why Jesus was called Emmanuel – God with us? Not because he came and went but because he came and went and came back and went and sent His Spirit to be with us. Crash doesn’t know that but it gives us a chance to communicate it – humbly. And in awe.

Mark Greene, London Institute of Contemporary Christianity (LICC),

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Friday, March 17, 2006

Govt, ODM said to be knowing much more on foreign duo

A source tells me both the Government and the ODM know much more than they are telling us and that there could be other groups that are interested in the outcome of the debacle.

The matter touches on many raw nerves and has every potential to turn ugly on a national scale depending on how the concerned parties continue to play out their cards; what some often consider as "mass hysteria" is no idle ideal.

If you have never prayed for Kenya before, pray now, seriously!

My prayer is that God's will be done in our country, the best He knows how..... I also pray that Church leaders will emerge who will not speak for either side of the political divide but for God to both sides and the rest of the country; that they will know the times and the seasons and courageously stand up to be counted in what God would have the Church in Kenya do (I Chron. 12:32). There is always much to be said about the Church in Kenya.....

If I get anything worth writing, I'll have it on my blog the soonest I possibly can.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Dr. Owuor is back, says God "is very serious" about the Church in Kenya

Following the tremors that hit the great Lakes region and parts of East Africa late last year (including kenya), I carried a piece on this weblog on December 6, 2005 asking that the man who had been reported in sections of the Kenyan media as having predicted such beforehand come out and speak on the developments. At the time, my plea got nothing from Dr. David Owuor - the man reported as having prophesied about the tremors and other major events around the world. There were, instead, some interesting responses from some of my readers (kindly refer to the comments' section of the post in question). At around 12:30 a.m today (Kenyan time), however, a reader calling himself Dr. Owuor responded to the said post. Said he: "Praise the LORD. Im Dr. David Owuor. The LORD has spoken with me about the Earthquakes and HE has commanded that we repent so that church can prepare for the Rapture. On the 30th Octobr 2005, I prophecied that this E.African Earthquake was going to come and a month later it appears after the initial earlier warning (sic)." He continued: "Surely The LORD is very serious and HE has sent me to prophecy events such as the Asian Tsunami a moth before it occurred, Pakistani Earthquake, Afghanistani Earthquake (24hr warning), and the current tonardos in Illinois. Let the Church repent and prepare for the LORD." And he also said: ".....You can all get the prophecy out of the Kapsokwany repentance meeting on 30th October 2005. The tapes are available, call 0721-370-150 or 0724-268-148." I'm not in a position to call the number from where I'm at the moment, but I'll greatly appreciate hearing from anyone of you who manages to get through with the number or even access the mentioned resource materials concerning the Kapsokwony meeting. This is in no way a commentary on the veracity or lack thereof on anything there is or might be concerning Dr. Owuor and what he is about; it is merely a note to the Christians among us who have previously been divided on this matter. Over to you ladies and gentlemen!

Monday, March 13, 2006

666: Is the "Mark of the Beast" finally here?

By ANN WINBURN As a concerned Christian, you are hopefully aware of the "Mark" of the Beast in Rev. Chapter 13. If anyone takes this "Mark" according to Rev. Chapter 14, his or her soul will be lost forever. For this reason I thought you might be interested in this front-page article of the Seattle Times, March 1st, 2006. I'm not sure you will be able to retrieve that article as it is a secured website, so I have copied it below for you: Man grips future with microchip implants in hands

By Kristi Heim Seattle Times business reporter
Bellingham entrepreneur Amal Graafstra has given a new meaning to hands-on technology.
In each hand, between his thumb and index finger, is a microchip implant, which he can use to open doors to his apartment and car and sign on to his computer.
The one in his left hand was designed for tracking wildlife, among other things.
He ordered both chips for less than $5 each on the Internet.
"I saw pets getting these things for years, and then I heard about people getting the chip implant," he said. "I wanted to use that technology so I don't have to carry any keys."
Graafstra, 29, is one of a small but growing number of people experimenting with RFID chips in their bodies. He plans to talk about his project at 7 p.m. today at an event called Dorkbot at Seattle's Center on Contemporary Art. At the event, a local cosmetic doctor will implant the chip in a Canadian robotics enthusiast.
More information on
RFID, or radio frequency identification, transmits information wirelessly from a tiny chip or tag to a reader device. Its applications are broad, from tracking merchandise in warehouses and controlling access to buildings, to identifying pets if they're lost.
In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first human implantable chip, made by VeriChip of Delray Beach, Fla. Since then, about 85 people in the United States have had the VeriChip implanted, primarily to give doctors speedy access to their medical records, said company spokesman John Procter.
Graafstra has engineered the chips in his hands to serve the same purpose as the code that opens his apartment door or the key fob that unlocks his silver 2004 Volkswagen Golf. He keeps no data on the chips, just a 10-character code.
He waves his hand within a few inches of a sensor on the windshield, and that performs the same function as pressing a button on his remote control, unlocking the car door.
The chip was implanted by Dr. Virginia Stevens of Woodinville, who will do the same procedure tonight.
"It's not that huge a deal for the body," Graafstra said. "It was really kind of a fun experiment.
"I got the implant in my hand and I was writing the software with the bandage on," he said. "Within a couple of hours, I had the front-door access working."
Stevens, a cosmetic doctor at Hypatia Clinic in Woodinville, has performed about eight RFID chip implants since Graafstra's first in March 2005.
"My first reaction was here we go toward the end of the world," she said. "All your whole life history on a little chip."
Medically, she called the implant process "extremely simple."
She numbed the area, made a small incision with a scalpel, inserted the 13-millimeter chip and sealed the opening with skin glue.
Last July, Graafstra had his second chip inserted "in two seconds" with a special needle by his family doctor. He hasn't started using that chip yet, but is trying to figure out how to implement features for it.
The technology raises eyebrows — and the ire of privacy advocates — for its social implications.
"We think it's a very bad idea," said Liz McIntyre, co-author of the book "Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID."
Making chip implants seem like a cool experiment sends the wrong message to young people, she said.
"They're equating this with just another piercing," she said. "What they're doing is actually breaking down the mental barriers to the unique numbering of humans."
Because information on the tiny chips can be read surreptitiously from a distance, privacy watchdogs worry that the prevalence of RFID could allow secret monitoring and tracking by government or companies.
Graafstra acknowledges that any technology has potential for abuse. But many of the fears stem from misunderstanding, he contends.
"Basically people are learning about the technology, which could never be a bad thing," he said. "If it ever became oppressive, it's the people learning about it now who would be equipped to fight it."
He hopes his hands-on experiment can help dispel some myths. "Take charge of the technology," he says, "don't run from it."
One advantage to the do-it-yourself approach is that his system works only with his property, unlike corporate systems with many users linked to one database. With those systems, hackers could stage random attacks on anyone in the database.
Reading his chip would be like "finding a house key on the ground," Graafstra said. "It only works on my house, and you don't know where I live.
"The information can't be used in a way that would compromise my money or my medical data or anything like that," he said.
Graafstra has written a book, "RFID Toys," with step-by-step instructions for rigging doors and computers to respond to RFID tags. He's also converted his girlfriend. She has a chip implanted in her hand that lets her into his apartment and car.
Another convert is Phillip Beynon, a robotics enthusiast and college student from British Columbia who plans to have the chip implanted in his right hand tonight. He has projects planned, including using RFID to lock his computer, drawers and suitcase.
One challenge may be finding a willing doctor.
"A lot of doctors would have a moral problem with it," Stevens said. "If the person understands exactly what its potential capabilities are, and the way they use it is clearly defined, they are adults and can make their own decisions."
As for herself, Stevens said, "I would just scrounge around for my keys."

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Khartoum grins, whistles in the cemetry

So the AU has decided to give Khartoum more time to make peace by making war between now and April 30th; how diplomatic indeed! Then also that the lame-duck AU forces will hang in there for just a little longer to protect Bashir and his friends' scalps who would otherwise have progressively made it to The Hague had the UN forces stepped in at this point. My own country Kenya chose to stand by Khartoum in the interest of pursuing "African solutions for African problems." Then there are also some "national interests" sources say have continued to inform Nairobi's stance towards Khartoum; how to break that down, again in the national interest, is a "national security" affair. I stand with Washington and the NGO world on this one; what we have in Darfur and parts of Tchad is a systematic genocide and the rulling elite's fitting place is gaol. A dear friend of mine also passed on a few months ago in Southern Sudan, courtesy of the LRA and some other elements allied to Khartoum; all the more why I'm riled by the theatre of the absurd that the AU has become on this subject.

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Liberia experience

My friends in DC say recently-elected Liberian President Johnson Sirleaf has been invited to address the US Congress in the next few days. Out of love for Liberia and in memory of the great Liberians I schooled with at the university, I hereby re-publish a piece on the West African country that I published a few years ago at a newspaper I once edited. Kisimir, the writer, is a dear friend and one of the men and women who have had a lasting impact on my journey in African journalism. I'll be publishing another piece from him on the Rwandan genocide in the next few days. **********


It takes a peculiar state of mind before a man deliberately and cold-bloodedly shoots down another. It must either be the terror of the hunted or the unbalanced frenzy of the criminal lunatic. That is why Liberia, the beautiful but war torn West African country, will remain in my mind for a long time.

This strangely beautiful country has been limping for years, but plunged into the abyss last year when rebels took great chunks of territory, leaving President Charles Taylor’s government marooned in the capital city, Monrovia. In August, Taylor fled to Nigeria, ushering in a transitional government. By then, everything had gone ballistic. The level of violence was unimaginable. Thousands of women and children were dying either by the bullet or starvation.

Like vultures, aid agencies, as well as the United Nations, descended on Monrovia to help the vulnerable long after the country has collapsed. I left Somalia for Liberia in early September to lead World Vision International’s communications team in Liberia. I found a dead city. Most good buildings and landmarks in the city have been shelled. Rebels and ragtag government militias have drawn lines of control, with snipers posted at several vantage points.

Only two hotels were functional, possibly saved by their proximity to the United States Embassy. The U.S. embassy is a fort, surrounded by razor wire, enough to shred a regiment. My colleagues and I slept on the floor and ate cold food in our temporary residence-office. We were much better off because over 200,000 displaced peopled were crowded into camps within the city, with limited access to water, food and dignified shelter. Every morning when we woke up, we prayed and planned on how best to help them. There was some level of security in most parts of the city, but our work does not confine us in the city. Thousands of displaced people were holed up in rebel held territories. They needed food, shelter and medicine.

My first assignment on arrival was to accompany a convoy of World Vision International relief experts into rebel controlled territory in the west of the country. It was a challenge, venturing into unknown territory. No aid workers had gone out of the city for months as the war escalated. We were all anxious. Will the rebels allow us to go through? How many people are still living in villages? What are they eating? What is the level of harassment, rape, intimidation and killings of civilians?

We left the city headed west to the areas controlled by the rebel faction, LURD (Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD). We were tense and anxious as we went through checkpoints manned by West African Peacekeepers who saluted and wished us well. A few kilometers from the city, we met thousands of terrified, hungry and tired civilians were trekking towards the city. Most of them women, carrying children and bundles on their heads. We estimated the number at about 20,000. This was a sign that fighting is still going on in the interior. Many have walked for days to reach the only place which they think would be safe – Monrovia.

There were roadblocks after every few kilometers, manned by excited and drugged child soldiers. More frightening encounters were still to come we approached the city of Tubmanburg. The child soldiers were becoming aggressive. They shot into the air as we approached and took long to let us go through the checkpoints. Some demanded food, water and money in that order. Like everybody else in this country, they were hungry. We drove off the road towards the villages to find out if any people still lived here. Some villages were empty, while in others people ran into the forest as we approached. It was raining and roads were almost impassable. It was frustrating.

We stopped in Wenal village in Montserado County, 37 km north of Monrovia. It was deserted but we saw smoke from one of the huts. As in other places, people had fled, they can no longer tell friend and enemy.

A shrub move at the periphery of the dense forest, then a face and several eyes. Frightened faces of people who had known terror for long. We waved and called out that we had come to help. A woman hesitantly advanced, searching for a hint of danger. She gathered courage and came slowly towards us.

Somebody whistled and people started coming out from the forest. They came out dancing in the rain, crying, “Thank you God. Thank you Jesus.”

They went round the convoy of our vehicles. They touched the vehicles and hugged each other. It was a heart breaking experience. They hugged their children and clapped with excitement, celebrating that hope at last is coming to a devastated people. They had not seen anyone else for months but the rebels fighting the government. Food is impossible to find, they have been surviving on bush yam.

We turned back to the main road, only to get into a checkpoint. The soldiers got excited and started shooting into the air. We stopped and they came around, asking questions. Most could not tell aid agencies from their enemy. Our flag on the vehicles meant nothing to them. There was a dead body lying at the checkpoint, a definite signal that they are trigger-happy and a warning to those who disobey them.

A child came around our vehicle, holding a grenade in his left hand and an AK automatic rifle dangling from his shoulder. He peeped through the window and asked for water. Another shot went into the air and the checkpoint was opened for us.

We drove to the city of Tubmanburg, the headquarters of the LURD rebels, to negotiate with rebel commanders modalities for distribution of food to the starving population in the villages. The city was a busy place, littered with the loot from Monrovia. Rebels had commandeered many four-wheel vehicles belonging to the government, the UN and aid agencies when they stormed Monrovia. The commanders were concerned because a hungry population is dangerous and they want the people on their side.

But the unfortunate thing was that most trucks used by the World Food Programme (WFP) to ferry food are in the hands rebels. We found many of them being cannibalized and repainted. We challenged on of the commanders. How do they expect food to come to their people when they are holding the trucks? He shook his head and argued that other factions including the government have also looted vehicles from aid agencies. We could not buy his point. He agreed in principle to release the trucks if WFP comes for them. That is easier said than done. Some trucks were released but many were non-functional.

For the days that followed, we braved the tough weather and insurmountable workloads. We distributed food to thousands of people. Thousands more flocked to medical clinics set up by World Vision in different camps. But the fighting in the interior of the country continued to hurt civilians, forcing them to flee in all directions.

Aid agencies and foreign governments pressured the UN Security Council to send peacekeepers to the country to protect civilians and enforce a ceasefire signed by warring parties. The situation was very fluid with militiamen driving up and down on looted vehicles, sometimes shooting and robbing civilians.

With time, life began to improve. Food was reaching more displaced people but the security situation made the population very restless. The good news finally came that the UN Security Council had approved sending 11,500 peacekeepers to Liberia, making it the largest peace keeping mission in the world. The 3,500 West African troops who were already on the ground would join the UN troops making the number 15,000. Excitement hit the streets of Liberian cities and displacement camps. People celebrated and waited eagerly.

On October 1, the West African peacekeepers switched to blue UN helmets in an elaborate ceremony, thus becoming the first UN troops in the country. Representatives of the warring factions and government were to attend the ceremony. It was a bright day. Hope was in the air.

Officially, it was World Vision’s prayer day. Most of us except those doing food distribution and critical medical staff converged to pray. I was restless because I knew a lot of things were going to happen. There was a possibility of the country returning to peace or continue to indulge in turmoil.

As the leading journalist for the World Vision’s rapid response team in Liberia, I did not want to just sit, but to keep my eyes open. The whole partnership of over 100 countries was keenly following happenings in Liberia. I had helped create that appetite by filing interesting situation reports. I had spent late hours every day, writing news, features, editing digital pictures and doing media interviews on the state of the country and our programs.

I left the prayer room and drove to town. On reaching the great bridge that separated LURD and government territory, I met a stampede. People were running towards the city center. Vehicles were hooting, and then crack of automatic gunfire cracked and filled the air.

A taxi braked just before us, the occupants shouting that the rebels were coming, and they would take our vehicle. I picked my camera gear, alighted and told the driver to return to base.

What’s happening? No one knows. In Liberia, when you hear gunfire, you run away as far as possible. Whoever is shooting or being shot at is not your concern. “Run, run. Don’t go there. They are coming!”, the crowds keep shouting.

A UN armoured tank approached, heading to the front line, a TV van in close pursuit. I ran to the van, raising my cameras. It stopped and I jumped in. What’s the news?

Gunmen had shot at LURD rebel leader Sekou Conneh, thus triggering an exchange of fire between rebels and government troops. Mr. Conneh was on his way to see interim President Moses Blah. Several agencies lost vehicles to looters in the confusion that ensued. Seven people were killed.

I called my colleagues who were distributing food in the area where the fighting started. The team leader, Tamba Macaulay, advised me not to go towards their direction. Suddenly the UN tank stopped and turned to block the road. Several vehicles carrying rebel soldiers approached. Two other UN tanks arrived with soldier’s arms at the ready, and ordered the rebels to stop. The rebels were headed to the city center, a situation that could lead to a full-scale war.

I called Tamba again. His phone was off. I called the office. Alex Slewion, our Security Officer ordered me back to base. Rebels have taken 25 of our staff hostage. The staff, all from Commodities Department had gotten caught up on their return to the city from a food distribution exercise at a displaced people’s camp about 23 km from Monrovia.

The information hit us badly. We assembled and prayed for their safety and kept calling the UN peacekeepers for any information. By 8.00 pm we were informed that peacekeepers had traced our vehicles and rescued all our staff. But there is no safe passage to the city any more. Gunfire is cracking everywhere. Rebels and government troops are looting everything and anything that came their way. My colleagues spent a night at a peacekeepers checkpoint and were driven back to the office in the morning. By evening UN troops had contained the skirmishes. Tension was very high in the city. Civilians continued to be harassed by gunmen in the northern counties of Lofa, Nimba and Bong.

As the situation stabilized in Monrovia, civilians reacted with joy. They danced in the streets and in overcrowded camps and cheered as UN troops passed by their homes. They clung on to hope for a better future.

I woke up to the day of my departure. Just as the day I arrived, it was oppressively hot, with the threat of a rainstorm looming up out of the east. The first lightning bolt struck with a crackling electric explosion that seemed to singe the air about me. The thunderbolt seemed to shake the sky, and rock the earth’s very foundations. The rain came in buckets. It drummed, roared and deafened. I left another devastated African country but still shared Murie Lester’s view that: "War is as outmoded as cannibalism, chattel slavery, blood-feuds, and dueling, an insult to God and humanity... a daily crucifixion of Christ.”

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Extra Weekly Citizen article

It began with Kenyan Pundit who got some of the controversial articles from the Weekly Citizen before others in the Kenyan blogsphere someone sent the following extra piece to my blog.

Wambui Edges out Lucy out of State House: Our Reporter(Weekly Citizen, February 20th- 26th, 2006) The saying that when two bulls fight, it is the grass that suffers, graphically describes events unfolding at State House where President Kibaki has not only to contend with mega scams threatening his regime but also the unity of his immediate family. Even as the purge on corruption continues, a political tit for tat scheme has been unleashed as the Muthaiga camp politicians enjoying the backing of the Othaya activist Mary Wambui square it out with the Hurlingham Group with the support of First Lady Lucy Kibaki majority of whom have now been reduced to political spectators. Sources privy to the goings-on at State House divulged that the high-flying Wambui team comprising mainly of Kibaki’s old golfing buddies and bosom friends, are the ones now calling the shots in the corridors of power as the Hurlingham team cries foul. What is causing the Hurlingham group sleepless nights is the treatment Wambui has been accorded allegedly by the state and the source of her wealth which she uses to bankroll the group and other social activities. Wambui, the woman President Kibaki once categorically denied being a member of his family is allegedly enjoying state security and overwhelming press coverage by the state-run Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC). Early in the month, she was spotting using a Kenya Wildlife Service helicopter with a team of security men acting as body guards. To prove how powerful On other occasions it has been alleged that she uses government GK vehicles in her countrywide tours and one wonders who foots the bill. Back to State House, all is not well for the Hurlingham-based Lucy’s team, comprising of politicians mainly from the known to be Kibaki’s key advisors majority of whom have been sent packing after being adversely mentioned in the scam. The group is nicknamed Hurlingham because they used to hold secret meetings at a Hurlingham hotel. In Lucy’s camp is former Finance Minister David Mwiraria, former Transport Minister Dr. Chris Murungaru, former Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi, Head of Civil Service Francis Muthaura, former Education Minister George Saitoti and sacked Kibaki’s Personal Assistant Alfred Getonga. Wambui’s team includes Defence Minister Njenga Karume, Internal Security Minister John Michuki, former PS John Githongo, State House based Stanley Murage and former State House comptroller Matere Kereri. Others are parastatal heads Eddy Njoroge of Ken Gen, George Muhoho of Kenya Airports Authority, University of Nairobi Chancellor Dr. Joe Wanjui and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture Vice-Chancellor Nick Wanjohi. To prove that the Muthaiga team is increasingly becoming powerful sources say, the appointment of former Lands Minister Amos Kimunya to replace Mwiraria at the Treasury was a result of lobbying by Wambui. Well-placed sources say, after the unceremonial departure of Getonga from State House, it is Murage who is now calling the shots thereby giving his Muthaiga club members an upper hand in meeting the president. Last week, the Hurlingham team comprising of Kiraitu Murungi and Getonga in a rare show of solidarity accompanied Chris Murungaru to the Anti-Corruption Court to answer charges relating to wealth declaration claims. The bone of contention in the whole fighting at State House is the Githongo dossier and the Hurlingham team is blaming the Muthaiga team for having recommended the appointment of Githongo ostensibly to “finish” them. Githongo’s appointment had the blessings of University of Nairobi chancellor Dr. Joe Wanjui and a number of the Muthaiga club members. When word leaked out that Githongo was secretly closing in on the Hurlingham group, they hurriedly organized his operation base base from State House to Harambee House but Karume intervened and their move was thwarted. The game plan was that he was to be denied access to the President as Getonga takes control. Murage is also said to have played a pivotal role and brokered the appointment of Martha Karua to replace Kiraitu Murungi as Justice and Constitutional Affairs minister. Both Murage and Karua are from Kirinyaga District. Other sources say, the Muthaiga team has now secretly introduced the former Kenya Power and Lighting Company MD Samwel Gichuru to State House and he has of late become a regular visitor. Lucy who has of late decided to take a low profile since the Anglo-Leasing ghost disappeared with her supporters has finally fell in the trap laid by her main rival Wambui. Kibaki on the other hand has let nature take its own course. But even as Kibaki watches from the touch line as the Githongo ghost sweeps the Hurlingham team, it is unlikely the can dump his Muthaiga bosom friends just in case they are named in any of the scams. Those who understand Kibaki’s brand of politics say his relationship with his Muthaiga old friends date back to the formation of the Democratic Party (DP). A story is told on how close Kibaki was to these people that a special table was reserved for them at the Golf Club known as the “Chairman’s corner.” This was reserved for Kibaki, Muhoho and Karume. As the Anglo-Leasing scam investigations continue, the man said to be enjoying the goings-on is the Defence Minister Njenga Karume, Kibaki’s trusted lieutenant. Karume was once in Lucy’s camp during their heyday on DP where he was the patron and party financier but temporarily parted ways in 2002 when Karume dumped the DP chairman and said that “Kbaki was a thankless man”. It was the entry of Karume to the cabinet that marked the end of the Hurlingham group and the emergence of the Muthaiga group in State House. As the struggle over control of State House affairs continues, lobbying is in top gear to replace the sacked ministers who are also senior members of the Hurlingham group. Other reports say, the sacked ministers several attempts to seek audience with Kibaki failed as their hotlines at their residential homes had been disconnected. State House comptroller has been playing cat and mouse games with them. He has also been allegedly recruited on the Muthaiga camp team. Sources say, a major reshuffle is looming and a bruising battle awaits those calling the shots within the corridors of power.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Uhuru Park memo

It was refreshing to be in Nairobi and attending a public rally, something I had not done since I was here to vote in the referendum campaigns. Nairobi is a busy capital; I needed no further testimony of that as I boarded a Matatu to the CBD. Continuing my feel of the average mwananchi, I alighted at the Uhuru Highway-Haile Selassie junction to walk the rest of the way. A few people loittered around the City Council pond at Uhuru Park, but most people sat peacefully near the dais; waiting for the politicians to arrive. That was 9:47 a.m; I realized I had been a little too early. But I saw some of my friends in the press corps, so I moved towards them to play some catch-up. It's long since I penned down a story for anyone, so it was nice to be "refreshed" on what is cutting in some of the Kenyan media houses. Still, no politician had arrived, but the crowd was swelling. I saw CNN's Jeff Koinange (in a red top) take a lengthy call on his phone while strolling towards one of the "valleys" at the park, just at the same time as Raila and company walked up the path that links the dais and the City Council pond. A section of the crowd that had already began pressing the police near All Saints retreated when they heard Raila had arrived; the crowd rushed back to the dais.

Raila is not loved and hated for nothing; the man could barely move. Besides him were Linah Jebii Kilimo, Ochillo Ayacko, Anyang' Nyong'o, Nick Salat, William Ruto, Kalonzo Musyoka and others but everyone in the crowd wanted to touch him - Raila. Security guards cleared the way for members of the press corp to take shots of Raila and his group, but that was still a struggle to say the least. The crowd stood still, shouting in a frenzy that "Michuki must go" as the politicians waited for the public address system to be brought. In a short while, a while Land Rover pulled by; the politicians went atop it as the crowds and journalists jostled to get a better view of the action. It was Raila outlining the streets and avenues the procession would take; no violence or looting, he stressed. PPO Mwangi King'ori came by and passed on some message to the politicians above the din of some in the crowd that were asking if he was a snake or not. He didn't seem to be armed and neither was he harmed; though his guards whisked him away a little too fast.

I couldn't secure an interview with anyone of the politicians as they led the crowd along Kenyatta Avenue, pushing for space so that they themselves could breath. When we got near Nyayp House, someone in the press corp shouted there could be some news behind us and as sure as that could be, we saw Linah struggling to catch up with the rest of the politicians; it wasn't clear what had held her back, but the procession now moved on. At Teleposta, the crowd stopped again, as some requested passengers to join them in the protests; some did, others didn't. Negotiating one's way to Bunge then Harambee House was proving difficult as more folks joined the procession; I had to leave my media colleagues, make my way via Holy family Basillica and jump over its fence with other wananchi so as to catch up with the crowd on its way past Bunge. Faithfuls and a few nuns at the Basillica gate watched us in amazement, as the guards shut the gates behind us to block others who had been keen to follow us. I got to Harambee just in good time; the politicians had began speaking. Activities around town had come to a standstill as civil servants and pedestrians strove to keep up with the action; the former watched through windows as others stood at their verandas. Policemen lining the procession paths and defending government buildings and installations were most peaceful; I shook the hand of one who transferred his rungu and ngao to his left hand to greet me "properly." Raila, Ruto, Linah and Kalonzo (I don't recall anyone else speaking at this point) called for Michuki to resign as the crowd roared along. The journey along Harambee Avenue on our way back to Uhuru Park was punctuated with catcalls near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs....the victim this time round guessed it, Tuju. "Alipata 850 Ramba mwaka jana, tutampa sufuri akijaribu next year," a youngman shouted besides me. Others took up the call. The journey to Uhuru Park was uneventful, save for near the Intercon when some fellow shouted obscenities at Raila who had already passed the place. Well, well...thank the crowds again....they nearly stormed the place to lynch the fellow who had by then taken refuge there....but calmly walked on when some ODM activists urged them to achane naye. I asked NTV's Robert Nangila if he could let me give him a soundbyte for the incident (:-) but akasema cameraman wake alikuwa ashaenda na wanasiasa. Uhuru Park was, for kitu 15 minutes, a mess as everyone tried to be near the press corps (you know why). Eventually Reuben Ndolo got the increasingly large crowd (bigger than the one that had began the maandamano a few minutes before) to relax and listen to the politicians. - There was this mhindi....sijui jina lake...but he spoke well...nasikia yeye ndiye dawa ya Mwenje huko Embakasi 2007. - Ntimama was witty...he struck a chord with the crowd when he said "Kibaki toka" instead of "Kibaki tosha." But that Nkaisserry was allowed to speak for much longer perhaps indicates a shift in Maasai politics. The last time I went to Narok, I learnt that Ntimama does not intend to run next year. So maybe - just maybe - Nkaissery might take that mantle. A youngman I helped campaign for in Kajiado South might not make it back if he isn't too careful with his constituents....because they are no longer with the people he is supporting in govt....Enough of the Maasai politics. - Gumo worked the crowd....... - Nyong'o steered clear of Anglo Leasing..... - Ayacko blasted Ndingi, Mutava and Nzimbi for boot-licking the powers-that-be. - Magara was the youth's hero....and he worked them too....Nyachae definitely has some homework to do in Gusiiland. There were others...but I must end now.... - Linah acted the mother...and she got away with it..the crowds adored her; "Mama Chungwa" - they shouted. - Ruto was in his element; no one could have spoken for the media any better than he did, not even the Standard Group's lawyer (Otiendo Ommollo) and the embattled KUJ Chairman Tervil Okoko could beat him at it. Ruto was a darling of the crowd. Same thing with George Khaniri. Mudavadi also did well with the speechwork, bemoaning the "unknown" chains of command in the country's security apparatus. - Kalonzo proclaimed something he said would, from now onwards, be known as Press Freedom Day. But he appeard apprehensive and somehow brow-beaten as he ploughed through his remarks. As he spoke, the young men and women around me were asking him to state whether or not he had met the President in secret. I don't know, but the mixed signals in the crowd appeard to be taking some confidence away from him. He led the crowd in a half-hearted backing of Ali in his "wars" with Michuki and his boys in the police force, apart from "forgiving" him for the referendum Kisumu and Likoni deaths. I don't know again, but I think that might haunt him some day. - Raila sounded like Cozy Aquino and the Filipino crowds in 1986...his remarks were classic anti-govt rhetoric. He repeated his remarks about the "foreign" merceneries that reportedly led the raids on the Standard Group. He also said he won't obey the police's summons for him to write a statement with them over that. By that time Jeff Koinange had moved closer to the politicians. I think he was among those the press corps who asked that both Kalonzo and Raila repeat their remarks in English for a wider audience.

I left the place certain that way beyond the Standard Group and, by extension, the rest of the media, the day's biggest winner had been the ODM. Public opinion is with the ODM; Michuki gave them that gift at a crucial time. It will be interesting to see how Kibaki fights to re-claim his place in the hearts and minds of Kenyans.

I had better leave now: I'll let the pro and anti-govt editors do their spinning in their evening broadcasts and kesho's dailies:-) It was good to be here at this time, witnessing these small bits of history unfolding. Nitarudi kupiga kura yangu baadaye. And I'll cover any protest in future if I can, be it pro or anti-govt.

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Shalom Apostle Nuyo,
I am holding a meeting with my team today for the second time.
The LORD is going to build a holy church here.
Nuyo, the LORD GOD talked to me this morning VERY VERY STRONGLY BY HIS VOICE beginning 12:30 am until 6 am in the morning.
Nuyo, the LORD is so mad and has asked me to pass a Judgement on the Eastern Religions and New Age Religions. He has HE asked me to shave my head and beard and showed me blood on my hands i a vision, if I dont warn them.
He said I should warn them (the whle world and especially Africa and Asia), that if they dont repent in Christ Jesus, HIS Judgement will come upon them and he concluded
It was such a tough night, but you know, I am with the LORD GOD, and I love HIM because HE is the Eternal KING.
He showed me a great vision in which many peple died from floods.
In the vision HE put me in there and showed me how it was impossible to save any body in this HISTORIC floods coming soon. Please inform the prophets about this new move of the Lord GOD HIMSELF. To hear HIS VOICE issuch a MIGHTY Experience, Amen
I am going to preach this for the first time today.
Thanks Hno Nuyo, May the LORD bless you and your family,
In Christ JESUS,
Hno David|W|P|114315615386051593|W|P|THE BIG INTERVIEW: Dr. Owuor on his life, ministry.....and new prophecies|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com3/24/2006 09:00:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Indeed, i have enjoyed going through the interview. i believe the lord has something concerning our country and specifically the church. saints lets arise to the occassion, cleanse ourselves and pray that the lord may heal our land (2Chro.7:14)
The lord also wants us to test the spirits to ascertain whether its from God or Devil since this are the last days.
"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God"
Thanks Jesse.3/24/2006 09:17:00 am|W|P|Blogger bankelele|W|P|Interesting. good to see the pics came out ok3/24/2006 10:40:00 am|W|P|Blogger Kenyan Idiot|W|P|That was great Jesse. I agree with some of what Dr. Owuor says but not everything. some clarity still has to be made. i hope to get in touch with him in person so that i can feel him. that will be when i come back to Kenya soon.
Otherwise, repentance is basic Christian requirement of dying daily. Romans 12.1-2 says we offer ourselves as a living a living sacrifice, as Rick Warren puts it, has the tendency to crawl out of the altar thus requiring to re-offer itself time and again. i mean sanctification is a continuous process.
I would also love to hear what he says about God's role in a Christians walk... as it is now, it appears to mee that he is emphasising personal responsibility at the expense of Divine sovereignity. this may lead to legalism if not checked well.
However, from the testimony, i think Daktari is serious and means well...just that proclamation devoid of theological orientation could be dangerous. I pray for the best.
barikiwa sana3/24/2006 10:58:00 am|W|P|Blogger Kenyan Idiot|W|P|I felt i needed add this, Paul puts it clearly in Romans, i don't know where, that 'they had zeal without knowledge'. That would be pure fanaticism.
Now, you know how much a fanatic can be misguided, even if he means good.
I still insist that God calls but he equips. Moses had 80 years of theological orientation. 40 in Pharaoh's houseehold and then 40 in DST (desert School of Theology). King David had his leessons in the wilderness too. ...and the Israelite prophets went to the school of prophecy...cheeck your Bible. In the New Testament, the apostles sat at the feet of Jesus, and Paul not only had a Pharisaic background but was also discipled by Barnabas. only then was he able to put the titbits together, coming up with the best theological books in the NT eventually. You saw what charisma without knowledge did to Apollos. He was undeniably an eloquent speaker, but did not have the right facts of what he was to speak about...thanks to Priscillahh and Acquilla, he learnt the facts and thereafter taught the truth.
Finally, James warns those who purpot to be teachers, saying that they will be judged harshly. i don't deny the fact that some people use their theological knowhow for selfish gains, but so do the uneequipped too. Such people, i strongly condemn... and God will be the judge of their motives. However, you'll bear me witness that several untrained preachers have destroyed the Church in Kenya, even God knows this!3/24/2006 11:54:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Oga O, thank you plenty for availing the interview on this blog.

I go take what Dr. O says with a pinch of salt... I believe God is love, tolerant and caring...

He carries out judgement, but is not 24/7 on judgment and calamities.

Great interview! Greetings from Okafo the aeronotic engineer minus opportunity :-). He is asking if u can send him an invitation letter for his visa application to Kenya. He wants to come there for easter...3/24/2006 03:33:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|what crap is this?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????3/24/2006 04:13:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Greetings!!!
Have you ever considered when the Lord Jesus Christ will return for His bride? You may say, “But Jesus said no man can know the day, and that only the Father knows.” Although that is true, Jesus did say that we could watch the signs and recognize that the end of the age is near.

Matthew 24:3-14, And as He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ.’ And will mislead many. And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations on account of My name. And at that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. And because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, it is he who shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.

As you read this passage of Matthew, doesn’t it sound as if we are at least in the beginning of birth pangs? If we are only in the beginning of birth pangs, the wars, famines, and earthquakes will only intensify and become more frequent. The only thing that is holding back the return of Christ is that this gospel has not yet been preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations. But a report from the International House of Praise indicates that with the networking of various ministries, this gospel could be preached to the whole world by 2010, and then everything would be in place. Are you ready for Christ’s return? If 2010 would be the year, what would you do differently now and through these next four years? Whether 2010 is the year or not, time is coming to a close and you need to be ready to meet God.

The LORD bless you with evaluating your life and recognizing what need to be changed so you are ready for His return whenever that might be.3/24/2006 10:43:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|This is trememdous. How A man of God stands for the Lord. Surely We MUST REPENT OR PERISH!3/27/2006 07:08:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Yeah, thanks for doing the interview.
It was really well done and the pictures are great. I'm sure alot of people liked it.

Keep up the good work!3/27/2006 03:15:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Praise the Lord. Maze i have just gone through you site n i have been greatly challenged.Infact naendelea kusoma now the Dr. Owuor interview. May God blee you n uplift the ministry in you.God blee u Cuzo.3/27/2006 07:42:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I love the comments and observations of Dr. Owour. I share the doctor's points of view on specifically the church and the focus the church and her institutions have taken... Key to all these, is the church still playing a central role in the lives of societies and shaping attitudes of the same or are the leaders of the church also engrained in the chain and marsh that is corruption, immorality, and politics.... and have managed to inflict substancial fear to their followers blinding them to the very unusual activities of those the followers call their spiritual shepherds???9/16/2006 08:12:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Thank you!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]9/16/2006 08:12:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Great work!
My homepage | Please visit9/16/2006 08:12:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Thank you! | 11:01:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|This must truly be a man from God. The bible says we will know them by their fruits. Any evil fruits from Owuor?
Visions of God may not happen exactly as seen in vision, but the basic message has to be taken seriously, coz you may not know the severity of the impending prophecy. One thing for sure is that what God has said , he will do.1/17/2008 12:29:00 pm|W|P|Blogger james|W|P|am very much sorrowed by the much that a person can say concerning the prophet of the Lord.
but his prophesy is now made manifest in the way that KENYA wails without a consoler today.
he prophesied earthquakes on our towns,we are carnal to expect an earthquake, but we are now shaken.
may the Lord God of Israel consider mercy and save us now.
you mockers of the word of God, repent for the wrath of God is on such as they that don't fear GOD.2/02/2008 04:09:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|ALL SERVANTS OF GOD LEADING FLOCKS IN KENYA SHOULD AGREE TO BE LEAD TO A PRAYER OF REPENTANCE 4THE HEALING OF THE NATION BY PROPHET OWUOR.WE ALL SHOULD REPENT 4HAVING SHUT OUR EARS TO THE MAN OF GOD.KOFFI ANNAN SHOULD MEET THE MAN OF GOD TOO.2/04/2008 12:59:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|We thank Lord God almighty for remembering Kenya with such a dedicated servant like Dr. Owuor. He is the Jonah that was sent to Kenya in good time but people took him for granted.When I read a about a prophecy from an Egyptian in the Kenyan Analyst, I realized the Jonah being quoted in it is Prophet Owuor.I cried over for the country and for myself. I am so disppointed that when I was in Kenya in 2006-7,some church leaders and people did not speak well of him and I failed to attend any of his meetings. I agree with with him that God hates sin.I have always experienced cut-off from God when I fall into any sin.I repent of all I have sinned even as a christian and also on behalf of Kenya..that God will uplift their suffering and restore it to where He wants.We need repentance and sin-free life with Christ. Kenya is for Christ and I dream of coming to Kenya for mission work. Even though am not Kenyan citizen my heart remains Kenya and what affects Kenya affects the deepest part of me. I have also learnt the everlasting grace of God. When we call on Him He will not delay in coming to save us from the blood bath that now haunts the land. Thank you Prophet of God for bringing to light the need to repent.John the baptist preached ".....bear fruit of repentance!"The coming of the Lord is near brethren, there is no time to argue or doubt what the servant of the Most High God is telling you.God bless you all in Kenya!3/05/2008 01:39:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I happened to hear an audio of Dr. Owuor a few days back and it was quite life changing. I have had some bad experiences with churches and have been locking horns with my church because of the way the gospel is abused at times. This led to me becoming a sceptic and i have doubted almost every so called man of God for a long time (at least a year) and i subject them to many tests befor accepting their message. So far i find i cant really trust any. But i stand by Owuor's msg. He was absolutely Biblical (At least the msg i heard).

I think it makes sense that in our day and age a gospel of Judgement is preached . Look around. How messed up things are. Even Christians preach God as this buddy or friend who is at your service. I think we tend to Forget that between the new testament and the old testamnet, Gods standard to Holiness and the way we are to respect has not changed. Read Acts and remember that they all lived as brothers sharing all. There was no concept of Personal Property and many of them left Secular Jobs so as to not compromise. Christians loved each other so much that they would sell themselves into slavery to set other Christians free. They were intolerant of Sin.

But i dont want to get started on that. I wish i could meet this man. I want to to really give my all to Christ but am lost. Anyway this isn't meant to be a personal plea or request page.

I would say, that we should all repent and really get ourselves straight before the coming of Christ. Its human nature not to take things seriously until its too late. For example as much as you may tell a smoker the ill effects of smoking and how badly lung or mouth cancer can kill, He wont stop smoking. he knows it in his head but refuses to face the possibility that he may get cancer himself.

Friends i hope we dont behave like that and know that assuredly christ is coming and he is a God who doesn't tolerate sin. I pray WE ALL LOSE O UR LIVES FOR HIS SAKE, tHAT WE MAY FIND LIFE.4/17/2008 09:50:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|trully the gospel of feel good,hype and psyche,material prosperity instead of holiness and power does not enrich souls at all.Without holliness we cannot see God! LETS REPENT KENYA.8/26/2008 03:34:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I THANK THE LORD FOR PROPHET DR. DAVID OWOUR HE IS A TRUE MAN OF GOD12/06/2008 04:36:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Been the greatest critic to Dr owuor Ministry but now I understand Him. HE'S A TRUE PROPHET!! wid rather repent now!! EDDY POL12/27/2008 12:14:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Unknown|W|P|the prophetc is antiseptic1/13/2009 03:11:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I thank the LORD so much for constantly reminding us of the coming of his son JESUS CHRIST, through His mighty servant Prophet Dr Owuor. The church MUST now wake up and preach HOLINESS, without which no one will see the LORD (Heb 12:14). Let the church put on fine linen to be able to prtake on the wedding of the Lamb (Rev 19:7-8)
I bless the LORD so much.2/08/2009 12:27:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|The LORD of Moses,Elijha,Abraham, has spoken.u either tke this message seriously or u suffer during the tribulation.recently GOD showed him how the anti-Christ will be killing christians who are sleeping on their deaf years,he has also been show the mighty vision of the HEAVENS CLOCK,showing 1 MIN TO MIDNIGHT.dear christians time is nit there to question the LORD'S servant, u dont have to be like the pharasees and the Noahs generation who were pinned down by the most fullfilling LORD.tray for others and me my self so that the LORD can santify us with the holy spirit before the rupture and remember this is the last season then the rupture shall tke place followed by the anti-Christ coming,the great tribultion on the earth.God will remove the Holy spirit after the rupture so this is the exact time to ask God to infill u with the Holy Spirit.
God bless you all
pray so that the Lord can not pass his judgement upon us3/02/2009 10:01:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Praise GOD,
I heard from a pastor who attended Dr.Owuar teaching at Goa saying that only through & by HOLINESS one can be caught in the rapture which truly stirred my spirit and i had to search in net for dr.But i got a cd without any preaching of Dr.and listening to the worship itself and the crowd the Holy spirit made me to understand that unless we leaders repent for our churches and our nations nothing good will happen.The church is getting tooooooo crazy without the voice of the Lord.We need prophets like these today and it does not matter whether the church likes them or not.Let God do the judgement.Please get me Dr's email ID.We are praying for him and appointed time of God to Mangalore,India.3/29/2009 11:42:00 am|W|P|Anonymous vincent okumu, kisumu|W|P|daktari this is great work you are doing..soldier on pray for them that are of little faith4/02/2009 11:59:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|What is the latest prophesies from the prophet? Is his webpage up, pls someone let me know.5/17/2009 04:29:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Gorrety|W|P|I read the comment column and shade a tear for even after all the Lord has done to show Kenyans that He is God who Has sent His prophet and all the miracles are from him, they still argue and call him names so that it be said that Kenyans abused the Prophert of God? When did satan ever preached of repentance and holiness on earth people? We dint want to fulfill the writings of the end times here with the way we respond to this message. Pliz lets open our spiritual ears and eyes and get this well for there is no time to gumble, the time is now to literaly cry and repent before the Lord. Just read Rev 6 onwards and decide if you want to be there to witness and go through the great tribulation? I repent on behalf of all who rebuke this message and let all who read the interview change. God bless u much. Gorrety Akoth - Naivasha.7/21/2009 10:26:00 am|W|P|Anonymous MWANGI FROM NAKURU|W|P|KENYAN YOUTHS THE LORD HAS SPOKEN AND WE MUST REPENT ELSE WE PERISH.8/21/2009 02:50:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Aswata|W|P|Millicent Aswata.
The interview is an eye opener.Believe it or not GOD is serious about evrything He tells HIS beautiful child,the prophet Dr. Owuor.Dr.Owuor may the Lord God Almighty,Jehovah Yahweh who called you bless you,make His face shine upon you and protect you.Moreover, I bless the Father for the humility you show in your service.I thank the Holy Spirit for continually using you to reach out to the lost.I also thank Jesus Christ the Messiah for saving you so that He could use you as His vessel in this age.The LORD bless you richly.Shalom.9/30/2009 03:47:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I love this man. But he is totaly wrong regarding Bible Schools and Theology Training. There are serious Schools out there, lead by the Holy Spirit and doing a great job. I hope he changed his mind since 2006 !10/03/2009 11:27:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Kenyans must than God to have a prophet among them. God bless kenya.
Jayson, India1/20/2010 01:04:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Lucas Owako|W|P|Even though Dr Owuor came with a noble message, I am now convinced something either from the beginning or in latter days, went very wrong. Yes, it is true that the Church has had sin in its midst, and needs the message of repentance and a return to holiness. However, since the Repentance and Holiness ministry found its place among us, we have seen its fruit and its not good. Everywhere, there are divisions, discord and dissensions. Aren't these parts of the acts of the sinful nature?

How comes the disciples of this Prophet are always marked by one key characteristic: Rebellion? Their pride and arrogance screams. They despise other Christians and display a superiority complex quite foreign to Christianity.

Does the Prophet know how much his followers revere him? Does he know that he, a man, is taking the place of Christ in the minds of some of these people, and his teachings replacing the Bible in their lives and fellowships? Is he aware that his followers permit no one to question him or them? Isnt this the material cults are made of? Didn't even Christ permit and welcome questions about the legitimacy of his ministry, though He knew that most of it was with malicious intent? Isnt this following without questioning the very kind of attitude that has grown the kind of "Mighty men of God" the prophet rightfully condemns?

Does the prophet know that in Rift Valley and Nyanza areas, there is now lots of family breakages because of his ministry? People (mostly women) no longer want to be with their sinful spouses! Is this what the prophet teaches? What is his stand on family? Actually, can the prophet tell us clearly and publicly what happened to his own family?

Does the prophet know how many students, especially University and college students, have left their colleges to go and "serve the Lord" under him without finishing their courses? Some of these have later gotten disillusioned and left!

What does the prophet say when some of the ministers under him (a specific example is the leader of the altar in Thur Dibuoro, Nyando) claim that they walk in revelation and so no longer really need the Bible?

Does the Prophet know that everywhere, people are very clear on the rot among his followers. The only thing is that a constant refrain now is that the prophet himself is good and his teachings sound, only his followers are straying! This, I say, is crap!! The bible is very clear! Knowledge of a person is not about what they say, but the fruit that naturally COMES OUT OF THEM. The fruit coming out of the ministry of our prophet stinks.

I do not reject the message of repentance. Indeed, I embrace it. I agree with the prophet that we have issues to sort out with our Lord as individuals and as the Church. However, the prophet does not own repentance. This is a Christian theme that has been around for as long as the faith has existed. Therefore, no one should conclude that I do not repent simply because I do not belong to this group or attend the repentance meetings.

With its "Altars" now becoming local churches, I pray that this group will evolve into a sound denomination, like the many others it sorely criticizes. BUT I FEAR THAT IT IS QUICKLY EVOLVING INTO A CULT.

May the Lord have mercy on all of us!2/12/2010 12:40:00 pm|W|P|Blogger evans@kco|W|P|The Most Holy GOD is just about to send HIS son Jesus for His perfect bride, a Holy bride in deed, a bride that has prepared a SPOTLESS wedding gown for the wedding supper of the LAMB[ even if it will be a single person on earth!]. How I wish that anyone out there would be quickened to join me in preparing for His much anticipated coming.The LORD bless you even as you still doubt if Dr Owuor is a true servant of GOD.3/05/2010 07:58:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|This comment has been removed by the author.3/05/2010 08:01:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|God is awesome, in many people across the world He has created a hungry desperate heart for Him.

We are not interested in any other voice than the Almighty powerful voice and calling of God.

Nothing satisfies than the fresh bread and pure living waters from heaven.

I praise God that He is true to His word - that He raises and sends forth His sons and daughters and prophets to proclaim His message of repentance and holiness and a full commitment to Him our Lord and Saviour.

I recently wrote to dr Owuor and he humbly accepted to come to South Africa and preach God's urgent call to all of us.

How awesome is our God!!!

The Spirit and the Bride says "Come, Lord Jesus come!!!"5/14/2010 05:46:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Unknown|W|P|May the LORD Almighty receive all the glory, honor, power and authority. I thank the LORD for His love that he sent us his prophet Dr. Owuor to tell us of the coming of the LORD JESUS. Dr. is a true servant of GOD because his teachings take us back to Holiness of the LORD.He tells us: stop sin, repent and prepare the way of the coming of the Messiah. Surely, if you follow that, where will you end? Is it not in the Kingdom of GOD. Please my dear bros and sizs, let us repent all our sins and return to Holiness, and prepare the way for his(JESUS) coming.

I have attended some of the LORD'S meetings the Prophet holds, and in my family, my wife was healed of concurrent severe headache, my child was also healed when the man of GOD was praying for people over the radio, and I myself have been blessed by a Job after the LORD led his prophet to pray and bless us in Kisumu during 2009 end year meeting. May GOD help us reach his Kingdom, Amen.6/01/2010 06:42:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Shrek Mutwol|W|P|......indeed a Prophet has been born within us!! Yes these are the END times and repentance isn't a option but a MUST for the rapture is sooner than the church has been saying!! Kenya-analyst keep posting us more!! Kenya we are blessed nation....Lets Repent NOW!!!6/07/2010 02:40:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Raj Patel is Maitreya, alias the Antichrist, alias Satan: 11:10:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I believe that the Lord God Almighty has sent the Prophet David Owuor. This is not a cult. But then again even the Lord Jesus Christ himself was so controversial when he walked the earth. If this is His message then we expect it to still draw controversy. Things of God are not easily accepted by people who are not completely delivered from past sinful encounters. Just like the word says, if you are serving God in Spirit and Truth then you should be able to discern and test the Spirit of Prophet Owuor. The Holy Spirit that indwells you and that is there to teach you ALL things will tell you the truth.

Prophet keep on the message as the Lord leads you. Do not tire. I thank God for making it possible for me to hear this message. It is out of His great mercy and love for me that He did not allow me to perish before hearing this important message.

Caroline12/04/2010 01:11:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous xxx free stories|W|P|This was a moment between wife and wife, I guess. The mans delighted eyes traveled from her furry vulva, dimly visible under the tautly stretched nylon that molded her underarch, up to those newly revealed breasts, to linger there, enjoying the way the generous swells, once released wobbled slightly as they fell into place, then hung pendulously rich, fully curved, naked tits, with thick, wide nipples that angled down and pointed outward from the center.
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This was a moment between wife and wife, I guess. The mans delighted eyes traveled from her furry vulva, dimly visible under the tautly stretched nylon that molded her underarch, up to those newly revealed breasts, to linger there, enjoying the way the generous swells, once released wobbled slightly as they fell into place, then hung pendulously rich, fully curved, naked tits, with thick, wide nipples that angled down and pointed outward from the center.12/04/2010 08:28:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous young girls erotic sex stories|W|P|Melvin and I stood up to him that day, even after he had lost hisvoice from screaming and finally sank into a deep sulk. That night I met Leon, Bobs best friend.
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Melvin and I stood up to him that day, even after he had lost hisvoice from screaming and finally sank into a deep sulk. That night I met Leon, Bobs best friend.12/12/2010 03:45:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Every prophet builds on the other prophets that preceded them which Dr. Owuor has utterly failed. i.e Daniel and Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Isaiah and John the Baptist and the Old Testament.

The guy has failed to show us the 7 year tribulation in the Bible separating the prophecy of Daniel 9:25-27 and throwing 7 years in the latter times which should never be done.

I believe in a Specific Sabbath which is in Ten Commandments. The Sabbath that was given to man and not to the Israelites in the Garden of Eden and which made the Israelites go into captivity, the so called prophet has not led Christians to rebuild the walls

Jesus hates divorce and said it should never be unless marital unfaithfulness. Abraham, Moses, Hosea, Peter remained with their wives no matter the high calling they had received, who is he to throw away his family!

Daniel, Meshack, Shadrack and Abednego and even the Israelites went through tribulations and they were saved through them. Elijah, the most fiercesome prohet went through tribulation and the Lord God says that the Chhurch will go through tribulation but the days will be made few in Mathew 24 and in Revelation the multitude comes out of great tribulation. Dr. Owuor says that the church would be raptured away before tribulation which is un-biblical and his followers don't study the Bible they just go by what he says.

i was once blinded by his ministry but am praying that as the day draws near, he shall be caught and the Lord Jesus Christ will save His children from this false ministry.

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face book account 02:18:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|@ GOD BLESS YOU FOR SEEING THE TRUE LIGHT, THIS MAN HAS COURSED MANY TO ABANDON THEIR HOMES AND EVEN QUIT UNIVERSITY,(Jesus is very clear on the issues of divorce and Paul also gave his opinion on the issue) otherwise, he claims to know the "antichrist" but wont name him..why? if you ask me its because he knows that its a speculation (of which Jesus is very clear about speculating ) and if the so assumed antichrist is not, then his whole ministry will fall down! if God has told him about the antichrist let him name him! the prophets of the bible never held back anything that God told them about israel/men..7/14/2011 11:52:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Hadassah|W|P|If Dr Owuor wasn't God chosen, none of the miracles that take place during his meetings would ever be. God does not tolerate sin, if God chooses to use someone, all the past is gone and the new has come. Those who keep on finding the wrong in the Servant of God, Dr Owuor, they are just wasting themselves coz God does not keep a record of wrongs 4 those He has chosen. For those who beleive in his message, keep on runnin the race n being ready for the Wedding of the Lamb(Rev 19:7-8) God bless u all n keep the faith. e of the miracles that take place during his meetings would ever be. God does not tolerate sin, if God chooses to use someone, all the past is gone and the new has come. Those who keep on finding the wrong in the Servant of God, Dr Owuor, they are just wasting themselves coz God does not keep a record of wrongs 4 those He has chosen. For those who beleive in his message, keep on runnin the race n being ready for the Wedding of the Lamb(Rev 19:7-8) God bless u all n keep the faith.8/19/2011 11:36:00 am|W|P|Anonymous George|W|P|I Thank THE LORD OUR GOD so much for bringing HIS prophet to us. i believe in all the Prophet of GOD has said. if you don't believe then Read Mathew 24 an see all that's happening in the world today. for sure the coming for the MESSIAH is just near. It is now an individual's decision. for those who doubt it will come a time when you will come to realize that all these were true. how i pray that the LORD may remember me and rapture me and my family so that i may not face the tribulation that is yet to come. May GOD be with you all.Amen12/24/2011 12:15:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|if we dont repent surely we wil die.5/09/2012 04:34:00 am|W|P|Blogger wakawakwaka|W|P|Hassanah -how do u know that they are real miracles, not just placebo or plants in the audience, and why would God allow a porphet to just hold back some very important info!5/23/2012 11:15:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Rejection was there even during those days when Jesus himself was on earth.Who said that you have to attend Prophet owuor's meetings in order to enter rapture?just repent wherever you are and follow God's will and then walk in holiness.Surely in holiness,God will not forsake us.shalom5/28/2012 06:09:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I for one I thank the Lord for helping me to come across one of the messages of the Prophet and I believe he is from God. I pray that he come to minister in South Africa because we really need a revival.6/13/2012 09:39:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|May God have mercy on you6/27/2012 06:11:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I thank God for His Mighty Prophet Dr. Owour.
I also thank God for the revival that has consumed the earth in our time.
Many prophets of the old longed for this day.
We are a blessed generation.
Truly JEHOVAH loves Kenya.

Leonard K.11/19/2012 02:04:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous DAVIES|W|P|the priviledges of preparedness we have from this man of God will soon end;and that's when people will start realizing that they cant get him back!For those who see the need,repent and turn away from sin;shalom.... 11/23/2012 04:36:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|That guy who wants to add his knowledge dont really know who GOD is. God can used any and put His word to the mouth of anyone. Remember He is GOD. You shld rather say, continue to pray for the protection of this man of GOD that he will continue to be obedience to GOD. I praise GOD for the life of this man may He abundantly blessed him forever.
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Also visit my web page; workout routines for women at home beginner7/24/2013 10:26:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|This man is TRUE prophet of God,we are praying for you11/22/2013 08:18:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|we have got a man of GOD, in fact we people we should appreciate the Lord for him!5/14/2014 08:56:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Who can oppose what God has chosen to use?.When Jesus was almost to ascende to heaven he told his Apostles that He was not going to leave them like ophans but to wait in jerusalem until his Father sends them the holy spirit he had promised.On receiving the holy spirit they went out to feed and care for the sheep that Jesus had told peter to care of.This people never went to any thiological school and even before receiving the holy spirit,they never taught people in any church.This means that the holy spirit taught them how evagelise.Brethrens preaching is adifine call from God and when you receive this call it is so powerful,perfect,glorious because what you will be preaching comes directly from God through the holy spirit.In this kind of preaching always the message given is pure no yeast in,no compromise,there are so many deep teachings that people who have gone to school of theologies can not give.If you want to prove it out compare the messages taught by Prophet Dr Owour and from other servants.You will be shocked.Let us not point fingers to anybody just because we are not comfortable with the true word he preaches.Always What is right people dont like it because we are used worldly sweet teachings that favors us to compromise and we have loved the world more than hearing someone saying he has been sent to inform us to prepare the messaiah is coming.Dont dispute prophet Dr owour.May the Lord forgive us and have mercy on us so that he open our spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear. 8/15/2014 09:43:00 am|W|P|Blogger Roy Inojales|W|P|Sir, i'm amazed on your life experience with our Most High God. I'm longing to see you here in the Philippines- General Santos City, and conduct such a Revival Event as a ambassador of God. In Jesus Name!and to witness the outpouring Rain of the Holy Spirit! God bless you more and more.3/12/2015 02:18:00 am|W|P|Blogger Unknown|W|P|ICC Mortgage And financial Services,Is a sincere and certified private Loan company approved by the Government,we give out international and local loans to all countries in the world,Amount given out $2,500 to $100,000,000 Dollars, Euro and Pounds.We offer loans with a dependable guarantee to all of our clients. Our loan interest rates are very low and affordable with a negotiable duration.
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1/20/2017 07:01:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Dr Purva Pius|W|P|Hello Everybody,
My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.3/28/2017 01:55:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Perch David|W|P|

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4/27/2017 07:51:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Dr Purva Pius|W|P|My name is.Mrs.Anna Daniel. I live in Ukraine i am a happy woman today? i need to use this time to tell all people how i got my loan from this honest and God fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $84,000 please contact him. if you also need a loan without any problem he name is Dr Purva Pius email ( tell him that is Mrs.Anna Daniel that refer you to he5/20/2017 08:43:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|HOW TO JOIN THE GREAT ILLUINATI GROUP
eamil;; sends e-mail) If you do not want to
join do not read this message.
Rules * You must be above 18 years of age. *
You must have full access to the internet. * You
must not discuss the secret of the Illuminati to
anyone. * We are not interested in anyone who
has obtained their knowledge about the
Illuminati based on what they %u2019ve
HEARD from Mass Media (News or Performing
Arts), Conspiracy Theorists (Amateur or
Professional Authors or Speculators), Internet
Rumors, or other HERESY. * Once you join the
Illuminati within one week of your membership
you will achieved the greatest goal in life and
also have wealth and fame and 18millionusd
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say too much about it here. If you are truly
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thank the great illuminati5/29/2017 11:35:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Unknown|W|P|This is a great temple of the Illuminati
were you find, riches, power and fame,
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6/29/2017 02:25:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Welcome to brotherhood Illuminati where you can become
rich famous and popular and your life story we be change
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contact him +2348106618681 email:illuminatibrotherpowerful@ or you need my assistance 04:27:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Unknown|W|P|Attention to all,Attention to all.Are you a business man singer soccer play
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..............??7/26/2017 07:28:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Welcome to brotherhood Illuminati where you can become
rich famous and popular and your life story we be change
totally my name is Dan Jerry I am here to share my
testimony on how I join the great brotherhood Illuminati
and my life story was change immediately . I was very poor
no job and I has no money to even feed and take care of my
family I was confuse in life I don’t know what to do I try all
my possible best to get money but no one work out for me
each day I share tears, I was just looking out my family no
money to take care of them until one day I decided to join
the great Illuminati , I come across them in the internet I
never believe I said let me try I email them.all what they
said we happen in my life just started it was like a dream to
me they really change my story totally . They give me the
sum of $1,200,000 and many thing. through the Illuminati I
was able to become rich, and have many industry on my
own and become famous and popular in my country , today
me and my family is living happily and I am the most
happiest man here is the opportunity for you to join the
Illuminati and become rich and famous in life and be like
other people and you life we be change totally.If you are
interested in joining the great brotherhood Illuminati.then
contact him +2348106618681 email:illuminatibrotherpowerful@ or you need my assistance 02:38:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Unknown|W|P|WELCOME TO ILLUMINATI,; the Club of the Rich and Famous; is the world oldest and largest fraternity made up of 3 Millions Members.We are one Family under one father who is the Supreme Being. In Illuminati we believe that we were born in paradise and no member should struggle in this world. Hence all our new members are given Money Rewards once they join in order to upgrade their lifestyle.; interested viewers should contact us; on..( ( )or call Mr Andrew fore more info..+2349035553397
12/07/2017 09:00:00 am|W|P|Blogger Unknown|W|P|i want to share my testimony of how i become rich and famous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i search for help from different corners but to no avail… i see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it though out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me. ” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found their number so we decided to contact them and unfortunately we did as they instruct us to do and later they told us to get some requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great fraternity gave us $1,200,000 to start up our lives…. and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great fraternity all you need to do is for you to contact them because they are legitimate and they do as what they instructed them to do, so you can as well WhatsApp me +2348106618681 or for more information +1(705)8062021 you can Email: 10:39:00 am|W|P|Blogger Unknown|W|P|Good Day Sir/Madam: Do you need an urgent loan to finance your business or in any purpose? We are certified and legitimate and international licensed loan lender we offer loans to Business firms. Individuals, companies firms, corporate bodies at an affordable interest rate of 3%. It might be a short or long term loan or even if you have poor credit. We shall process your loan as soon as we receive your application. We are an independent financial institution. We have built up an excellent reputation over the years in providing various types of loans to thousands of our customers. We offer Educational loan, Business loan, home loan, Agricultural loan, Personal loan, Auto loan with either a good or bad credit history. If you are interested in our above loan offer you are advice to fill the below information and return to us for more details. You can contact us with this email ( we shall respond to you as soon as we receive your loan application details below.

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Mr Abdul Muqse5/12/2018 01:17:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Alex carlos|W|P|WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF RICHES,FAME AND POWERS. Are you a business man or woman, political, musician,pastor,lawyer,actor,actress,banker,Footballer,doctor, engineer, model,graduate, student,seeking wisdom, fame,power, knowledge and wealth and you. want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great ILLUMINATI brother hood. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great ILLUMINATI brother hood, Note: newly recruited members are entitled with 500,000 US Dollars , A Golden Ring, that will protect and guild you from enemies, and a free visa to United State Of America . Please will do not share blood. Kindly Email VIA: or WhatsApp/Call +2332386667036/05/2018 09:28:00 am|W|P|Blogger agent william|W|P|It is a well-known fact that Illuminati consist of Multi Millionaires,
Billionaires who have major influence regarding most global affairs,
including the planning of a New World Order. Many world leaders,
Presidents, Prime Ministers, royalty and senior executives of major Fortune
500 companies are members of Illuminati. join a secret cabal of mysterious
forces and become rich with boundless measures of wealth in your company or
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contact : or WhatsApp +1(863)733-6604 EL
IAI LEXION Thaddeus Iam Vice-President of Citizen Outreach THE ILLUMINATI

Do not hesitate to contact us by WhatsApp.

Whatsapp: +1(863)733-6604
Email :

THANKS.'....''6/05/2018 09:53:00 am|W|P|Blogger Unknown|W|P|i want to share my testimony of how i become rich and famous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i search for help from different corners but to no avail… i see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it though out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me. ” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found their number so we decided to contact them and unfortunately we did as they instruct us to do and later they told us to get some requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great fraternity gave us $1,200,000 to start up our lives…. and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great fraternity all you need to do is for you to contact them because they are legitimate and they do as what they instructed them to do, so you can as well WhatsApp me +2348106618681 or for more information +1(705)8062021 you can Email: 05:40:00 am|W|P|Blogger illuminati agent|W|P|INTRODUCTION TO ILLUMINATI

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,It is a well-known fact that Illuminati consist of Multi Millionaires,Billionaires who have major influence regarding most global affairs, including the planning of a New world order.
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AYDIN BARIS ON whatspp +2347052886592 HE WAS THE ONE THAT HELPED ME, YOU CAN AS WELL CONTACT ME ON WHATSAPP +16106342059c8/30/2018 06:08:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Patrick A. Mang'ori|W|P|But The Prophet didn't mention the specific date, time, year or hour the Messiah is to come.10/04/2019 09:30:00 pm|W|P|Blogger illuminati home |W|P|This is a great temple of the Illuminati
were you find, riches, power and fame,
are you a business man or woman, are
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ever you are in all over the world dose
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us is to see you happy and rich, we are
giving you the chance here to be what
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(+234903465314310/28/2020 02:18:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Hello everyone..this is an open invitation for you to become part of the world's biggest conglomerate and reach the peak of your career. As we begin this year recruitment programme and when you agree to be a member of the illuminati district, also known as New World Order. You'll become rich and famous beyond your imagination. Text Grand Master on email:
Or whatsapp: +1 (364)202-5427 if interested only12/15/2020 05:21:00 am|W|P|Blogger Sharon Kate|W|P|
the viewer is here to share my testimonial on how I finally joined the Illuminati hood and became RICH, FAMOUS AND POWERFUL, I did my best to become a member of the hood but I was ripped off several times , before finally coming across a testimony on the net so I contacted the agent, I was so afraid that he would ask me a lot of money before I could join the hood but to my surprise he only asked to buy the items I made and today I am so happy to tell the world who is wealthy and has been able to build many businesses with it all, I have the sum of 20 million dollars on my personal account and i am also known worldwide with the affairs which have been entrusted to me by the Illuminati and which also have the power to do what i want ... I know a lot of people can be on my way and seek help here is their
official email:
ICQ 757580619
Beware of scammers, and you must be above the age of 18.
WhatsApp contact +31970050336953/22/2006 12:39:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|

In his famous book the 48 Laws of Power, author Robert Green advises those who want to be succesful leaders to be as cunning as foxeswhen dealing with both friend and foe. In rule number 14 titled 'Pose as a friend, work as a spy', he states: 'Knowing about your rival is critical. Use spies to gather valuable information that will keep you a step ahead. Better still, play the spy yourself. In polite social encounters, learn to probe. Ask indirect questions to get people to reveal their weakness and intentions. There is no ocassion that is no opportunity for artful spying." Raila Amolo Odinga - the politician affectionately nicknamed Agwambo by his supporters - is a man who has perfected this art of spying on both friends and enemies and the noxious merceneries saga is the latest and most credible case that has proved claims that the Lang'ata MP runs a very effective parallel secret spy system. THE MP, using this elaborate network, has effectively infiltrated key state institutions including the police force which falls under the office of the president, the sensitive immigration ministry whose headquarters are at Nyayo House, the Kenya Ports' Authority, the Registrar of Companies and Kenya Revenue Authority's motor vehicle registration department. Additionally, the MP, a political strategist of no mean repute, has a formidable information gathering machinery whose work is to collect and process as much intelligence as possible on his real and perceived enemies. For instance, during his political duels with the late Vice-President Wamalwa Kijana, he enlisted the services of a Wamalwa kin who had 24-hour access to Wamalwa to effectively monitor his rival's activities. It is said Raila capitalized on the infighting among the late Senator William Wamalwa's siblings to achieve the spying aim. Using the relative, Wamalwa was able to receive information on which people had spoken to, where he had slept and the cars he had used. It should be recalled that Wamalwa was always ridiculed as a politician who liked watching cartoons, the favourite being Tom and Jerry. This information is said to have been passed to the public after Raila received it from the Wamalwa kin. Indeed Wamalwa enjoyed watching cartoons, at times at the expense of very important functions. And while he served as minister in the Moi cabinet and untill recently the Kibaki cabinet, raila made sure that he had all the necessary intelligence on all ministers, particularly those from Nyanza province opposed to his politics. Word has it that last year, a Luo minister warned his driver and bodyguards to stop associating with Raila's bodyguards and drivers. This was after the minister discovered that Raila's bodyguards and drivers had a habit of talking ill of their boss openly, claiming he was arogant and mean. This was a strategy to get others talking about their bosses, information that was passed on to Raila. This way, the enigmatic MP learnt a lot of secrets on the ministers. An insider in Raila's camp says through such networks, the Lang'ata MP has gathered massive intelligence on practically all the important politicians in the country. "Agwambo knows which politician coughs at night, their favorite drinks, love affairs, business associates and investments and of course bank accounts," said the insider who did not want to be named. A shrewd political operative, he has a secret security network which travels ahead of him during public functions including weddings and funerals. The politician has very strong contacts in the media, ussually at senior management and editorial levels. These contacts brief him on all the news that touch on him or his political interests before the information is made public. Last week when the alleged Armenian mercenery, Artur Margayan visited Standard Group offices, Raila aides were spotted at I&M Buildings in a white Peugeot vehicle registration KWS 606 an hour before the controversial businessman arrived. A Lang'ata councillor, Opete Opete, was also spotted at the press conference. What he was doing there is anyone's guess. The two well-built men kept on talking on mobile phones and when the alleged mercenery was forced to flee a lynch mob, one of Raila's men was heard communication the information to a second party. That the government is concerned and worried about Raila's information gathering machinery was well manifested when an immigration officer suspected to have given Raila details of the Armenians from the Immigration Department was suspended. The officer was suspected to have been instrumental in giving out the photocopies of passports and work permits of the two controversial brothers. Copies of the two passports displayed by Raila to the media indicated that the two men, born in 1970 and 1973 respectively entered Kenya for the first time on January 23, 2006 and were issued with residence visas for two years. The passports also show that the two travelled to Dubai between 2005 and 2006. Weekly Citizen has information that initially the CID thought the copies of passports were not genuine and made a follow-up at Immigration offices. To their suprise, the copies were of genuine passports. And to add insult to injury, Raila went ahead to name the residential house in Runda where the Armenians were staying beside providing information on a truck registration KAU 967W that was seen entering and off-loading materials in the compound before speeding away with occupants. Raila's recent exposes, complete with documentary proof, is said to have caught top CID officers and the staff at the National Intelligence Security Services (NSIS) headquartered at Ruaraka and headed by Michael Gichangi off-step. According to observers, Raila has penetrated a section of the country's intelligence that is giving him useful information that he has been using to embarass the government. A second theory has it that a group of influential personalities who were recently elbowed out of State House after being fingered by former Ethics PS John Githongo is on a revenge mission and could be responsible for the credible adverse information Raila has been releasing with such devastating effects. The fallen group which still enjoys sympathy in various strategic government departments can lay their hands on confidential government documents including those at State House. Last week, state intelligence network were pursuing ODM luminaries for leads on the merceneries, exposing how the raid at the KTN studios and the Standard newspapers at I&M Building and on the Standard press at Likoni Road was excuted on March 2. ODM claims that more foreigners among them Tanzanians including a woman only identified as Shifana are on the government's dirty payroll. They have been issued with police certificates and guns by a CID officer which they used to plan and raid the Standard. Police are puzzled that Raila's network was able to identify the vehicles used in the raid whose registration were given as KAQ 010W, KAU 828Y (white Lexus), and KAP 448Z, a blue Mitsubishi and KAR 4553H, a green Toyota Prado. Raila's underground network has been able to unearth numbers of several vehicles that are available to foreigners. They are KAH 980M, a blue Merceded Benz 320; KAS 501S a Mercedes Benz 320; KAQ 010W and KAU 838Y, both white Lexus; KAT 331P, a white Volvo; KAR 453H Toyota Prado Green; KAU 801P, a grey Land Rover Discovery; KAT 285Y blue Peugeot 406; GK A222H white Subaru; KAS 847F, a blue Mercedes Benz KAQ 215J; blue Subaru and KAP 448Z a blue Mitsubishi. It is suspected Raila has been able to capitalize on the current infighting among Kibaki close confidantes to access sensitive information. For example, queries are being asked how how the fiery MP established that two officers from the presidential escort unit have been deployed as bodyguards and drivers to the foreigners. Our informant tells us that Raila gets sensitive information either directly or from close allies in the business, social and political areas. It is said that Raila's information gatherers are to be found on streets of Nairobu, Mombasa and Kisumu and when they land on information they either call him directly or his aide. The network, according to sources has to verify information. For example if news comes in that Kibaki was planning to visit Kisumu and raila is not aware, the network immediately starts gathering hints from close men associated with Foreign Affairs Minister Raphael Tuju. The reason here is that the president cannot visit Nyanza without Tuju's knowledge. We have established that among politicians Raila has detailed his men to monitor closely are Prof. George Saitoti, Uhuru Kenyatta, Kalonzo Musyoka, Nicholas Biwott, James Orengo, Musalia Mudavadi, Gideon Moi, Najib Balala, David Musila, Musikari Kombo, William Ruto, Mukhisa Kituyi, Simeon Nyachae, Raphael Tuju, Mutula Kilonzo, Fred Gumo and Cyrus Jirongo among others. And within Kibaki's kitchen cabinet, Raila is interested in the activities of Strategic Planning PS Stanley Murage, ministers Njenga Karume, Amos Kimunya, John Michukl and Martha Karua. Francis Muthaura secretaery to the cabinet and head of the civil service, George Muhoho, Eddy Njoroge and Joe Wanjui, Chancellor University of Nairobi. Within the Asian community, is is said the late road contractor Sunil Behal alias "Lord Fupi" used to be Raila's informer. For now Raila, the man who studied in the then Communist East Germany gets tips from a number of Asians in Nairobi who have roots in Kisumu and are fluent in the Luo language, which they use to communicate in five-star hotels. For Raila's security network, he is said to mostly depend on ex-air servicemen who were involved in the 1982 coup. It is this group that is said to have been used as advance party during last year's referendum campaigns. Travelling in hired Nissan vans, with crude weapons, petrol bombs and with mobile phones, they offered security for ODM luminaries throughout the hectic campaign period.

Source: Weekly Citizen, March 20-26th, 2006; pp.1-2.

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|W|P|114297718602786236|W|P|Weekly Citizen article on "Raila's secret spy network" |W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com3/22/2006 04:07:00 am|W|P|Blogger WM|W|P|Well, basically, aren't you just saying that this guy has just passed Niccolo's test with flying colours? That is, if you want to define politics that way, which I think is the problem. Ever since that damned Machiavelli got published (who let him? Damn that Gutenburg), amorality and immorality in politics have been somehow justified, even glorified. So, how about if we retreat a little, and start talking about how honesty, and loyalty, even idealism and generosity are things to be rewarded instead of punished? The problem may not be with our political system, it may be in our system of thinking about politics; for a revolution of which we are going to need either a prophet or a plague. Do you happen to have one of either just lying around?3/22/2006 11:15:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Well, I thinkif it is true that Raila runs a parallel Inteligence systems, and that system can unearth all the Dirty tricks of the Govt, then he should be encouraged.

Kenyan must be encouraged to blow the whistle. Raila like Githongo, should keep up the good fight.

I know citizen carried this article may be to encourage Raila surpoters to revolt. But I can assure you the Man is on top of things.

If the armenians are here illegally, I think it is okay for them to be exposed. We have been encouraging community policing. If they being protected by senior govt official, that is even worse, heads shoul roll. And if it is true they are engaged in criminal activities, then Michuki shoul be telling us what to do.

Remember the buck stops somewhere by the Hill............. Komanyo3/22/2006 11:41:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Indeed, i 100% believe that mr. Agwambo must be having a secret intelligence men who caters information for him. it does not amaze therefore how him (Agwambo)speaks out with such a confidence and enthusiasm. Raila has come a long way passing through 'oceans' and 'seas'. we appreciate the fact that we are able to get information just at hand but also being courtious that we do not just believe everything rather test. Anyway "all that glithers are not Gold!!!"3/22/2006 01:47:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Wow... Oga u mean Agwambo is giving the FBI and the CIA serious compe bana!

In the words of one of ur very talented artist there in Kenya "Compe ni compe roho safi"
:-) ama!!! Go Raila go Raila go...3/22/2006 01:48:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Oh I be forget to sign off O; this has been, your westafrican corespondent,

O.S.3/23/2006 02:04:00 am|W|P|Blogger ZIWANI|W|P|The recent conflicting articles in the press of the mercenary debacle is proof that lies and propaganda even of the most mundane kind are being peddled by our so called democratically elected leaders in government. Question is why does gava uptill this moment have no official response, nothing has been recorded or clarified except the usual official response that thier is no response. Money has been poured to finish me at the kichinjio.Toboa!3/23/2006 09:51:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|i am totaly jazd yaani agwambo is a master of too many talents i think he should be incharge of security we need such men with big brains who dont just talk over rumours but somthing they have first hand information on.big up im wit you all da way agwamo rules3/23/2006 01:28:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Girl in the Meadow|W|P|Well as one of true Raila haters, i can say i am not even amused. And even if be so.,i think he is a very dangerous man.

We dont need him, my contention has always been God protects Kenya. All Governments in the world do many things.

We have other foreigners living here apart from the Arturs and perhaps more dangerous.

And what is his intention of running parallel intelligence?

I think he is a bomb waiting to explode on Kenyans. I could not even wait for him to be a leader of Kenya. God forbid.3/23/2006 05:25:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Unknown|W|P|thats a long post lemme copy paste it and read at home I'll be back3/24/2006 06:29:00 am|W|P|Blogger jke|W|P|Interesting article.
I wonder why - if Raila has these networks running (why shouldn't he, i'd prolly do the same) - he hasn't become prezzo yet or at least secured a position as PS in the Ministry for Internal Security or something like that.

To be honest, I never liked him until I saw him speaking fluent German. I must admit that he somehow fascinates me, and hence I can understand the passion and devotion Agwambo has at this grass root level. A scary personality, for sure...1/12/2008 11:53:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|May be we can classify him as deeply intelligent, but for what purpose? Does it add value to our lives? To him, its macho, but for a true leader, he doesnt pass the test. We are past the Soviet times,and we are looking for altruism, rather than aggression. We need a Gandhi in Kenya, not a Hitler. The power is within us to sieve the leaders from dirt. God bless Kenya.6/12/2013 07:43:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I do not even know how I finished up here, however I thought this publish was once good.

I do not realize who you are however definitely you're going to a famous blogger if you happen to aren't already.

Feel free to visit my blog: pożyczki pozabankowe bez zabezpieczeń3/20/2006 11:41:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|

The following are the request details: Name: mehmet öztürk Sender's country: CzechRepublic Sender's occupation: Clergy Sender's comments: When a Kenyan living here in the Czech Republic showed meyour online edition with pictures of Artur Sargsyan and Artur Margaryan who were claiming that they are heavy bussiness people, I could not believe my eyes. I know both of them and they are not related to the Armenian President. The names they are using is not their original name. Sad that i cant remember their real names. What i know is that both of them were members of the elite Czech Army and they were fired because of selling government arms illegally. There after they moved to Turkeyand were involved in a lot of drug and arms trafficking where the man claiming to be Margaryan was caught and jailed. Since then they disappeared completely only to emerge in Kenya as heavy business men. What i know is they are criminals who will even kill to get money. They are not Armenians as they claim. May be they are using a forged Armenian passport. Be careful Kenyans!!! Mehmet Öztürk

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|W|P|114284407461999109|W|P|True or not, the web is awash with such e-mails as this that someone forwarded to my blog...I don't know the original source!!!|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com3/20/2006 04:20:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|wow!!its amazing, but how can we prove it? a layman kenyan as myself is just left pondering and wondering where to find the truth. kenyans are tired of all this. who can save us??????????3/20/2006 11:28:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Kenyan Idiot|W|P|My my my my... here is another story all together, where do we start from? they are Czechs, then they are not, they become turks and now armenians, aagh.

Will we ever find the truth abouth these 'thugs'? its all goes round and round like the story of the hen and the egg, which one came first? don't ask me! liars must have good memories, why don't the authorities try asking them the same questions they have been asked before.. who knows, we may find some descrepansies and inconsistensies in their response.

By the way, how could they afford a cheap lie that they are related to the Armenian premier? it another case of taking Kenyans cheaply.... so they think we are idiots? Methinks these people should be jettisoned out of this country by the Kenyan public and we forget about them. otherwise at this rate they'll deviate our attention from every important issue concerning this country. Over to you, Ndolo and Gumo.

Parliament is opening tomorrow and we want full concentration on important issues, not these blinging thugs.2/14/2013 03:37:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Thanks for one's marvelous posting! I really enjoyed reading it, you could be a great author. I will remember to bookmark your blog and may come back later on. I want to encourage continue your great writing, have a nice weekend!

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Mark Greene finds much to ponder in Crash, his film of 2005

Crash is a controversial film that quietly concludes that there is no God. But that’s not what made it controversial. It’s controversial because it is outrageously politically incorrect on the issue of race. Hispanics mock Chinese to their faces for saying ‘blake’ instead of ‘brake’, blacks mock Hispanics for parking their cars on their lawns, black diners complain that waiters and waitresses never give them good service because black people don’t tip well and then the diners don’t leave a tip. Indeed, almost every character ends up saying the kind of things lots of nice people think but rarely express.

However, below Crash’s multi-racial surface deeper themes swim – issues of purpose, of life, death, the human capacity for evil, the human capacity for heroic acts of self-sacrifice and the question of whether anyone knows enough to know anything for certain. Indeed, it is the multi-layered nature that made it for me the most stimulating film of 2005, and certainly a film that provides a fruitful platform for conversation with people who’ve looked for the presence of a benevolent divine being and not found him, her or it. Because neither does this movie.

The film opens with a crash, significantly just before Christmas. A Chinese woman has rear-ended a car being driven by an off-duty black policeman accompanied by his Puerto-Rican partner – professional and sexual. The policeman muses on the metaphysical significance of the moment. Was it a mere accident? Or are there so many crashes in Los Angeles because people are so isolated from one another, so lonely, so thirsty for contact that a crash is the only way to get in touch with others? Like deeply troubled young people who cut their arms – their hearts are screaming.

It sounds like blah-humbug but by the end of the film the audience is in no doubt that sometimes a crash, or some tumultuous event can put people back in touch with each other, with themselves or with the reality of their situation. Of course, it can also hurl them apart.

What follows is a flashback over the preceding 36 hours in which the stories of the core cast intersect with one another in evocative, thought-provoking ways. Matt Dillon, for example, plays a bigoted LA cop who pulls over a couple in a luxury four wheel drive. The driver is black and his wife looks Hispanic but turns out later to have been a member of the Varsity equestrian team – not what we’re expecting. The cop body searches the wife in a thoroughly indecent way – bad cop. The cop’s new freshly recruited partner looks on disgusted and requests a transfer and, at some personal cost, he gets it. Good cop.

The following day bad cop confronts good cop and declares that: “You think you know who you are. You have no idea.” Nor perhaps do we. Later bad cop attends another crash. One car’s fuel tank has burst and a rivulet of petrol is running towards an upturned car. There’s someone trapped inside. Bad cop dives into the car. The black woman he molested the day before is inside. He tries to get her out. The petrol is getting closer and a spark from the other car ignites it. Bad cop’s fellow officers pull him from the car. The woman will die. But he dives back in and pulls her out. Pervert turns saviour. Bad cop? Good cop? We didn’t know what was in him. We don’t know what’s in ourselves.

Indeed, past actions are not always accurate indicators of future ones. By the end of the day his former partner, good cop, has saved the woman’s husband from being killed by two policemen. We’d expect that. But when a young black man that he’s offered a lift to seems to be mocking him and goes to reach into his pocket, the good cop thinks it’s a gun. Bang. But it was a statuette of St Christopher – the patron saint of travellers. The black traveller is dead. And white traveller who also has a statuette of St Christopher has killed him. Good cop, bad cop.

The good cop didn’t have quite enough information. And that is one of the themes of the film – people making decisions on the information they have and acting accordingly. Sandra Bullock’s suburban housewife, recently carjacked at gunpoint by two black men, notices that the man changing her house locks is young, Hispanic and tattooed. She insists that her husband has the locks changed the following day. The Hispanic will, she is certain, hand over the keys to their house to his homeboy friends.

She’s wrong about the locksmith but is she wrong to think what she’s thinking? Don’t we all have to make judgements like that every day? To try always to be as innocent as doves but as wise as serpents – to love but not to be naïve – like Salvation Army Officers working with alcoholics and drug addicts – understanding likely patterns of behaviour but somehow treating every person as an individual.

Crash, however, does not stop at asking how we use the information we have to make judgements about people, it asks how we make judgements about the meaning of events. Is there any? Or do we simply impose our prejudiced worldviews on events in the same way that we impose our prejudiced racial views on people?

So in Crash people do kind things for others and bad things happen. People do bad things and good things happen. Well intentioned actions and malicious actions have unintended consequences that can lead to good or bad consequences. So, for example, a racist gunseller lets an Iranian woman unwittingly buy blank cartridges for the gun her father has bought to protect his store. That night, the store is vandalised by people who think he’s an Arab. Distraught and financially ruined, he seeks his revenge against the locksmith who he erroneously believes failed to secure his shop. He tracks him down, and pulls out his gun. The locksmith’s five year old daughter runs between them. The Iranian fires. We think she’s dead. But no one is killed. His gun is full of blanks. The locksmith intended it for harm, as Joseph son of Jacob put it to his treacherous brothers in Genesis 50. But was it the Lord who turned it to good? Or just chance?

The Iranian shopkeeper, presumably a Muslim, is in no doubt. God has sent an angel. We know he hasn’t. We know that it wasn’t the little girl but the blanks. But the shopkeeper is insistent. The film’s point is that people insist on seeing the world in their own way, that they either suppress the facts or simply don’t know them all.

Certainly, there are reconciliations. The ‘crashes’ change some people for the better and help others see their world or themselves more accurately. This is not however because there is some great benevolent deity. A black director, a Buddhist, may be saved by a white policeman outside a house with a huge nativity scene painted on the garage door, and a Chinese human trafficker run down by a car is dumped outside a hospital in front of another nativity scene – but it’s got nothing to do with Christ. After all, the St Christopher fails to prevent the manslaughter of an enlightened, if criminal, young black. We are left with our yearning for meaning, or our insistence that there is meaning but there is none to be found beyond humankind. Our hope, according to Crash, lies in our capacity to love others, and in the capacity of some of us to change for the better.

Still, the film raises important questions. How do we as Christians interpret things that happen to us? Yes, we may well be able to present evidence to rebut any atheist’s assertions about a god-free universe, we may be able to defend the reliability of the biblical documents, make a compelling case for the resurrection, and we may know that life is not ultimately random, that bad things may be allowed by God but are not pre-intended and can work for the good of those who love him, but do we see him acting in our daily lives? And how do we know?

Two true stories:

It’s March 2005. A Christian woman thinks that God is telling her to pray for the protection of her office. It seems like a strange imperative but she does so. On July 7th 2005, a bomb explodes 50 yards from her building. Glass flies through many of the the offices like shrapnel from a shell burst. Ordinarily, there would be people working in those offices. Extraordinarily, on that day at that time, no one is in their office. Luck? Coincidence? A miracle, she believes. So do I.

It’s December 2005. A senior Christian businessman is struggling to discern his way forward in his career – he loves the company he’s in but finds the man he works for very difficult. Should he stay or should he go? He’s travelling and comes across a copy of the Daily Telegraph. It’s not his usual paper but he picks it up anyway. Inside there’s a Q and A with Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric. One of the two questions Welch addresses is this:

What's better: to work for a bad boss at a good company, or a good boss at a weak company?

Luck? Coincidence? Divine provision, he believes.

Of course, the first instance is less easily dismissed than the second. But to the people involved God had provided. Sometimes we may never fully know but once Christians start praying before and after events then God may well give us eyes to see his interventions, and then the number of instances accumulate to the point where the odds of them being fulfilled become so high as to be implausible.

Many people think God is an idea. I think he’s a person. Some people think God is dead. I know he’s alive. Some people think God is a long way from here – I know he’s Emmanuel – God with us. And I’ve got the stories to prove it. So probably have have you. And the more we pray the more the odds mount up against those extraordinary events in our lives being mere coincidences. People in our culture are yearning for a living God who has not only spoken but acted. More than that they are yearning for a God who not only speaks but acts, who is present with us. Isn’t that why Jesus was called Emmanuel – God with us? Not because he came and went but because he came and went and came back and went and sent His Spirit to be with us. Crash doesn’t know that but it gives us a chance to communicate it – humbly. And in awe.

Mark Greene, London Institute of Contemporary Christianity (LICC),

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|W|P|114269439834494267|W|P|A Highly Productive Crash|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com3/17/2006 09:37:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|

A source tells me both the Government and the ODM know much more than they are telling us and that there could be other groups that are interested in the outcome of the debacle.

The matter touches on many raw nerves and has every potential to turn ugly on a national scale depending on how the concerned parties continue to play out their cards; what some often consider as "mass hysteria" is no idle ideal.

If you have never prayed for Kenya before, pray now, seriously!

My prayer is that God's will be done in our country, the best He knows how..... I also pray that Church leaders will emerge who will not speak for either side of the political divide but for God to both sides and the rest of the country; that they will know the times and the seasons and courageously stand up to be counted in what God would have the Church in Kenya do (I Chron. 12:32). There is always much to be said about the Church in Kenya.....

If I get anything worth writing, I'll have it on my blog the soonest I possibly can.

|W|P|114257745604179145|W|P|Govt, ODM said to be knowing much more on foreign duo|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com3/17/2006 03:29:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Its amazing that in Kenya the political scene overides other developement issues. its commicle that both sides(govt & ODM) claims innoscence. am predicting a gradual fall of the cuntry unless something happens. Christians!! wake up from your slumber and interceed for God's intervention.3/17/2006 03:30:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Its amazing that in Kenya the political scene overides other developement issues. its commicle that both sides(govt & ODM) claims innoscence. am predicting a gradual fall of the cuntry unless something happens. Christians!! wake up from your slumber and interceed for God's intervention.3/17/2006 06:20:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Manamsim|W|P| 2 Chronicles 7:14 says “ if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and paray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land”

I pray that God give us the grace to humble ourselves so that we may see things as He sees them and that He may deliver us from tribalism. Tribalism has blinded both our leaders and ourselves (wananchi) to the point that we are unable to make objective prayers.3/18/2006 10:59:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|These strange foriegners must be drug dealers in the 90's when donor aid was cut off .The Moi regime or elements within it sought to finance government expenditure through joining the international drug trade . The money of course neded up in private pockets . The trade has infected every arm of government the republic it self is in dangour .3/15/2006 12:36:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|Following the tremors that hit the great Lakes region and parts of East Africa late last year (including kenya), I carried a piece on this weblog on December 6, 2005 asking that the man who had been reported in sections of the Kenyan media as having predicted such beforehand come out and speak on the developments. At the time, my plea got nothing from Dr. David Owuor - the man reported as having prophesied about the tremors and other major events around the world. There were, instead, some interesting responses from some of my readers (kindly refer to the comments' section of the post in question). At around 12:30 a.m today (Kenyan time), however, a reader calling himself Dr. Owuor responded to the said post. Said he: "Praise the LORD. Im Dr. David Owuor. The LORD has spoken with me about the Earthquakes and HE has commanded that we repent so that church can prepare for the Rapture. On the 30th Octobr 2005, I prophecied that this E.African Earthquake was going to come and a month later it appears after the initial earlier warning (sic)." He continued: "Surely The LORD is very serious and HE has sent me to prophecy events such as the Asian Tsunami a moth before it occurred, Pakistani Earthquake, Afghanistani Earthquake (24hr warning), and the current tonardos in Illinois. Let the Church repent and prepare for the LORD." And he also said: ".....You can all get the prophecy out of the Kapsokwany repentance meeting on 30th October 2005. The tapes are available, call 0721-370-150 or 0724-268-148." I'm not in a position to call the number from where I'm at the moment, but I'll greatly appreciate hearing from anyone of you who manages to get through with the number or even access the mentioned resource materials concerning the Kapsokwony meeting. This is in no way a commentary on the veracity or lack thereof on anything there is or might be concerning Dr. Owuor and what he is about; it is merely a note to the Christians among us who have previously been divided on this matter. Over to you ladies and gentlemen!|W|P|114237361642166930|W|P|Dr. Owuor is back, says God "is very serious" about the Church in Kenya|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com3/15/2006 11:53:00 am|W|P|Blogger Ogweno|W|P|A friend told me about Dr. Owuor about a week ago. As at now, it may be too early to make judgements. The content of what he teaches/preaches may be the yardstick to authenticate him as a servant of God. If one can listen to his tapes, one can then measure them against a balanced biblical theology. Not every servant of God may may have a dove or a voice from heaven to confirm them.

We also know that miracles are not perfomed on demand.3/15/2006 01:24:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|"Many will come in my,name, performing miracles..." does that sound familiar?3/15/2006 03:12:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I called the number 0721 370 150 and I can confirm that it belongs to Dr Owuor’s ministry. You can also call the Jesus is Lord Ministries/Radio at Nakuru. They told me that the tapes are available and if you are in Nairobi you can reach them tomorrow (16/03/2006) at Makini School.

I first listened to Dr Owuor for the first time in November last year in Bomet. Until that day I had my doubts concerning some of the prophecies and probably his ministry. After listening to him all my doubts were erased. His main theme is repentance something that many men and women of God now are reluctant to talk about. He does not collect offerings and infact rebukes our charismatic brethren for being too preoccupied with prosperity gospel.

In that meeting which took place somewhere in Rift Valley many people turned to the Lord. And let me say that I have never seen Kalenjin men weep in public the way it happened in that meeting.3/15/2006 07:00:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Kenyan Idiot|W|P|God cannot be ltd to anything or any way of action, that much we know. He used Balaak and many other wicked pagans to fulfil his will. BUT he also used devout men to proclaim his message to mankind. That being the case, i wish to state categorically that the 'happenings' were indeed God's doing for reasons best known to Him. As to whether he used Dr. Owuor is immaterial, though we cannot ignore his message of repentance (IF AT ALL THATS WHAT HE PROCLAIMS, AS ONE READER COMMENTS). the message of repentance is quite biblical and is the only way of restoration to the cultural mandate. If we are too curious on Dr. owuor we may miss the point just like herod was too curious on Jesus but missed his salvation. Its not about People, its all about Jesus.
Nevertheless, if we must trust Dr. Owuor and his prophesies then his justice to scripture is the only yardstick... as long as he isn't doing any aesegesis for his own good then all is fine. Only pure exegesis based on sound biblical principles will confirm to us God's message to Dr. Owuor.3/15/2006 07:02:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Kenyan Idiot|W|P|God cannot be ltd to anything or any way of action, that much we know. He used Balaak and many other wicked pagans to fulfil his will. BUT he also used devout men to proclaim his message to mankind. That being the case, i wish to state categorically that the 'happenings' were indeed God's doing for reasons best known to Him. As to whether he used Dr. Owuor is immaterial, though we cannot ignore his message of repentance (IF AT ALL THATS WHAT HE PROCLAIMS, AS ONE READER COMMENTS). the message of repentance is quite biblical and is the only way of restoration to the cultural mandate. If we are too curious on Dr. owuor we may miss the point just like herod was too curious on Jesus but missed his salvation. Its not about People, its all about Jesus.
Nevertheless, if we must trust Dr. Owuor and his prophesies then his justice to scripture is the only yardstick... as long as he isn't doing any aesegesis for his own good then all is fine. Only pure exegesis based on sound hermeneutical principles will confirm to us God's message to Dr. Owuor.3/16/2006 06:08:00 am|W|P|Blogger WM|W|P|Oh, honestly! Tchh!3/16/2006 08:19:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I called the number 0721 370 150 and I can confirm that it belongs to Dr Owuor’s ministry. You can also call the Jesus is Lord Ministries/Radio at Nakuru. They told me that the tapes are available and if you are in Nairobi you can reach them tomorrow (16/03/2006) at Makini School.

I listened to Dr Owuor for the first time in November last year in Bomet. Until that day I had my doubts concerning some of the prophecies and probably his ministry. After listening to him all my doubts were erased. His main theme is repentance something that many men and women of God now are reluctant to talk about. He does not collect offerings and infact rebukes our charismatic brethren for being too preoccupied with prosperity gospel.

In that meeting many people turned to the Lord. And let me say that I have never seen Kalenjin men weep in public the way it happened in that meeting.3/16/2006 02:04:00 pm|W|P|Blogger WM|W|P|Hey you: I may be unconventional, but I hope I have some manners left. Thank you for visiting, and for your extremely thoughtful comments, which is just about the best that anyone can ask for. Write on!3/16/2006 03:47:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Oga Sir, here in Lagos we would like to say that we are praying for u all in Kenya O...

Obikwelu the great said he saw 2 Russians with juju masks invade a building in down town nairobi in a trance 2 months ago... Oga my friend, r there any two Ruskis in Kenya at the moment that u know of, who may b the ones Obikwelu saw?

O.S.3/16/2006 03:51:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Kenyananalyst|W|P|He! He! He! He! He!
You should have your head checked my friend!
What did you say you had for your last meal? :-)
He! He! He! He! He! He! He! He!3/16/2006 05:01:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Oga O, my head is vertically pependicular to my neck, so I know everything is fine with me according to the Doctor's report O... I had Okra soup and fufu, which is a very balanced combination... I'll b coming to Kenya in two weeks time to discuss ways with the ministry of health, in which u can prevent bird flu from ravagin the chickens there as it has done here... Please book me in at the Grand Regency O... I am alergic to other hotels :-)..

O.S.3/16/2006 06:46:00 pm|W|P|Blogger WM|W|P|On a completely irrelevant note, I must just say that you float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. Faster work I have never seen. You have my awe as well as my compliments.3/17/2006 04:57:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Shalom
Thanks atleast.Am in one of the nations affected by Tsunami.May such not come to Kenya.God have mercy.3/23/2006 03:04:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|On a similar subject, if anyone does obtain these tapes..could they put them online for us to share?3/27/2006 07:03:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I love the comments and observations of Dr. Owour. I share the doctor's points of view on specifically the church and the focus the church and her institutions have taken... Key to all these, is the church still playing a central role in the lives of societies and shaping attitudes of the same or are the leaders of the church also engrained in the chain and marsh that is corruption, immorality, and politics.... and have managed to inflict substancial fear to their followers blinding them to the very unusual activities of those the followers call their spiritual shepherds???

Charles3/27/2006 07:09:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I love the comments and observations of Dr. Owour. I share the doctor's points of view on specifically the church and the focus the church and her institutions have taken... Key to all these, is the church still playing a central role in the lives of societies and shaping attitudes of the same or are the leaders of the church also engrained in the chain and marsh that is corruption, immorality, and politics.... and have managed to inflict substancial fear to their followers blinding them to the very unusual activities of those the followers call their spiritual shepherds???

Charles3/28/2006 06:05:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|When one thinks closely, Dr. Owour's comments are not news... Inside ourselves, we always have known, though dared not comment, lest we are branded 'unusual' or something worse... So, how is the Dr. different??? he dares says it. But most significantly, he is a 'somebody'- well schooled and experienced and all that... he gets the much needed audience... thank God he makes sense...

Far from it, what has gone wrong with society, in actual effect, what has gone wrong in me and/or in you... Our humanity longs for a relationship with our creator. However, we are lazy to pick the bible (or whatever your source of faith) study it, question it, seek valuable solutions for regarding salvation...

How is that different from a huge number of our current spiritual leaders, who have little or no difference to the current breed of politicians???

They simply have unearthed our weakness, or it our laziness? They have analyzed what we want most to hear and they give it to us.

Eventually, getting material wealth through especially "planting a seed" and other gimmick tops our priorities... Forecasting based on proper planning and saving is thrown out the window and the planted seed, is surely hoped will deliver. the results, i could be forgiven for branding them catastrophic....

In my faith and whatever yours is, understand what the faith's texts describes as the proper way to leave at relative harmony with your supreme being spiritual life

On the other hand, plan for the future, no planted seeds or whatever, will overt our laziness to seek better living hoping for a miracle...
Charles4/08/2006 11:55:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Thank you Charlse,
I've been feeling that for ages.
I think sometimes christians fail to take enough responsibility for circumstances in their lives, but if their actions are not aligned to their prayer...

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God created a world of cause and consequence, isnt it?5/08/2006 02:22:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I have listened to Dr Owuor severally and I too like Kitur have no doubts and the yardstick for the prophecies he gives should be the whether they are in line with the Bible.
One thing for sure Kenyans cannot ignore repentance and holy living. It is time up and Christians in Kenya must style up and live the Word.
Could Kidha Kidha use terms that are easily understood. Expound on pure exegesis based on sound hermeneunticall principles. Remember Dr Owuor has not obtained theological training and depends on the Holy Spirit for guidance something some Xtians would rather not discuss.
If we are too curious we may miss the message. The Gospel is about Jesus the Risen Lord.
True not everyone may have a dove or voice. Must we see the marks in his hand. Blessed are those who believe and have not seen me. Will Jesus find faith when he returns??12/10/2006 07:07:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Hello people!
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PS. I know i’m a little off topic...6/17/2012 04:07:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous American Christian|W|P|We, in the US, were introduced to Dr Owuor's materials through local radio within this past month. My husband, a pastor, was refreshed by the words of repentance, holiness, and the need to prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus in the Rapture.

This is a message rarely preached here. Most church-going Americans are receiving Sunday sermons about God's love and forgiveness without any reference to the responsibility to walk worthy of their callings in Christ Jesus. Although Americans can easily purchase Bibles and a multitude of other books about the Christian life, we tend to read and study the portions that are pleasing to us. "Itching ears". We have many choices and are able to find material that supports just about any point of view.

Anyway, my husband called the radio station to gain more information, and soon we met a family of Kenyans who are called to bring this message to America. (May God richly bless them as they serve Him.)

Personally, we have lived for many years with a focus on righteousness and holiness. Still, this new exposure to the message - so strongly expressed - has encouraged us to make some changes to our lifestyle.

Please, Christian brother, Christian sister, please "watch and wait", allow Jesus to be your supreme focus, and readily repent of any sin. Jesus is coming!

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E-mail: shadiraaliuloancompany1@gmail.com3/13/2006 01:06:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|By ANN WINBURN As a concerned Christian, you are hopefully aware of the "Mark" of the Beast in Rev. Chapter 13. If anyone takes this "Mark" according to Rev. Chapter 14, his or her soul will be lost forever. For this reason I thought you might be interested in this front-page article of the Seattle Times, March 1st, 2006. I'm not sure you will be able to retrieve that article as it is a secured website, so I have copied it below for you: Man grips future with microchip implants in hands
By Kristi Heim Seattle Times business reporter
Bellingham entrepreneur Amal Graafstra has given a new meaning to hands-on technology.
In each hand, between his thumb and index finger, is a microchip implant, which he can use to open doors to his apartment and car and sign on to his computer.
The one in his left hand was designed for tracking wildlife, among other things.
He ordered both chips for less than $5 each on the Internet.
"I saw pets getting these things for years, and then I heard about people getting the chip implant," he said. "I wanted to use that technology so I don't have to carry any keys."
Graafstra, 29, is one of a small but growing number of people experimenting with RFID chips in their bodies. He plans to talk about his project at 7 p.m. today at an event called Dorkbot at Seattle's Center on Contemporary Art. At the event, a local cosmetic doctor will implant the chip in a Canadian robotics enthusiast.
More information on
RFID, or radio frequency identification, transmits information wirelessly from a tiny chip or tag to a reader device. Its applications are broad, from tracking merchandise in warehouses and controlling access to buildings, to identifying pets if they're lost.
In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first human implantable chip, made by VeriChip of Delray Beach, Fla. Since then, about 85 people in the United States have had the VeriChip implanted, primarily to give doctors speedy access to their medical records, said company spokesman John Procter.
Graafstra has engineered the chips in his hands to serve the same purpose as the code that opens his apartment door or the key fob that unlocks his silver 2004 Volkswagen Golf. He keeps no data on the chips, just a 10-character code.
He waves his hand within a few inches of a sensor on the windshield, and that performs the same function as pressing a button on his remote control, unlocking the car door.
The chip was implanted by Dr. Virginia Stevens of Woodinville, who will do the same procedure tonight.
"It's not that huge a deal for the body," Graafstra said. "It was really kind of a fun experiment.
"I got the implant in my hand and I was writing the software with the bandage on," he said. "Within a couple of hours, I had the front-door access working."
Stevens, a cosmetic doctor at Hypatia Clinic in Woodinville, has performed about eight RFID chip implants since Graafstra's first in March 2005.
"My first reaction was here we go toward the end of the world," she said. "All your whole life history on a little chip."
Medically, she called the implant process "extremely simple."
She numbed the area, made a small incision with a scalpel, inserted the 13-millimeter chip and sealed the opening with skin glue.
Last July, Graafstra had his second chip inserted "in two seconds" with a special needle by his family doctor. He hasn't started using that chip yet, but is trying to figure out how to implement features for it.
The technology raises eyebrows — and the ire of privacy advocates — for its social implications.
"We think it's a very bad idea," said Liz McIntyre, co-author of the book "Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID."
Making chip implants seem like a cool experiment sends the wrong message to young people, she said.
"They're equating this with just another piercing," she said. "What they're doing is actually breaking down the mental barriers to the unique numbering of humans."
Because information on the tiny chips can be read surreptitiously from a distance, privacy watchdogs worry that the prevalence of RFID could allow secret monitoring and tracking by government or companies.
Graafstra acknowledges that any technology has potential for abuse. But many of the fears stem from misunderstanding, he contends.
"Basically people are learning about the technology, which could never be a bad thing," he said. "If it ever became oppressive, it's the people learning about it now who would be equipped to fight it."
He hopes his hands-on experiment can help dispel some myths. "Take charge of the technology," he says, "don't run from it."
One advantage to the do-it-yourself approach is that his system works only with his property, unlike corporate systems with many users linked to one database. With those systems, hackers could stage random attacks on anyone in the database.
Reading his chip would be like "finding a house key on the ground," Graafstra said. "It only works on my house, and you don't know where I live.
"The information can't be used in a way that would compromise my money or my medical data or anything like that," he said.
Graafstra has written a book, "RFID Toys," with step-by-step instructions for rigging doors and computers to respond to RFID tags. He's also converted his girlfriend. She has a chip implanted in her hand that lets her into his apartment and car.
Another convert is Phillip Beynon, a robotics enthusiast and college student from British Columbia who plans to have the chip implanted in his right hand tonight. He has projects planned, including using RFID to lock his computer, drawers and suitcase.
One challenge may be finding a willing doctor.
"A lot of doctors would have a moral problem with it," Stevens said. "If the person understands exactly what its potential capabilities are, and the way they use it is clearly defined, they are adults and can make their own decisions."
As for herself, Stevens said, "I would just scrounge around for my keys."
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3/12/2006 10:12:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|

So the AU has decided to give Khartoum more time to make peace by making war between now and April 30th; how diplomatic indeed! Then also that the lame-duck AU forces will hang in there for just a little longer to protect Bashir and his friends' scalps who would otherwise have progressively made it to The Hague had the UN forces stepped in at this point. My own country Kenya chose to stand by Khartoum in the interest of pursuing "African solutions for African problems." Then there are also some "national interests" sources say have continued to inform Nairobi's stance towards Khartoum; how to break that down, again in the national interest, is a "national security" affair. I stand with Washington and the NGO world on this one; what we have in Darfur and parts of Tchad is a systematic genocide and the rulling elite's fitting place is gaol. A dear friend of mine also passed on a few months ago in Southern Sudan, courtesy of the LRA and some other elements allied to Khartoum; all the more why I'm riled by the theatre of the absurd that the AU has become on this subject.

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|W|P|114214756992602947|W|P|Khartoum grins, whistles in the cemetry|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com3/11/2006 09:40:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|

My friends in DC say recently-elected Liberian President Johnson Sirleaf has been invited to address the US Congress in the next few days. Out of love for Liberia and in memory of the great Liberians I schooled with at the university, I hereby re-publish a piece on the West African country that I published a few years ago at a newspaper I once edited. Kisimir, the writer, is a dear friend and one of the men and women who have had a lasting impact on my journey in African journalism. I'll be publishing another piece from him on the Rwandan genocide in the next few days. **********


It takes a peculiar state of mind before a man deliberately and cold-bloodedly shoots down another. It must either be the terror of the hunted or the unbalanced frenzy of the criminal lunatic. That is why Liberia, the beautiful but war torn West African country, will remain in my mind for a long time.

This strangely beautiful country has been limping for years, but plunged into the abyss last year when rebels took great chunks of territory, leaving President Charles Taylor’s government marooned in the capital city, Monrovia. In August, Taylor fled to Nigeria, ushering in a transitional government. By then, everything had gone ballistic. The level of violence was unimaginable. Thousands of women and children were dying either by the bullet or starvation.

Like vultures, aid agencies, as well as the United Nations, descended on Monrovia to help the vulnerable long after the country has collapsed. I left Somalia for Liberia in early September to lead World Vision International’s communications team in Liberia. I found a dead city. Most good buildings and landmarks in the city have been shelled. Rebels and ragtag government militias have drawn lines of control, with snipers posted at several vantage points.

Only two hotels were functional, possibly saved by their proximity to the United States Embassy. The U.S. embassy is a fort, surrounded by razor wire, enough to shred a regiment. My colleagues and I slept on the floor and ate cold food in our temporary residence-office. We were much better off because over 200,000 displaced peopled were crowded into camps within the city, with limited access to water, food and dignified shelter. Every morning when we woke up, we prayed and planned on how best to help them. There was some level of security in most parts of the city, but our work does not confine us in the city. Thousands of displaced people were holed up in rebel held territories. They needed food, shelter and medicine.

My first assignment on arrival was to accompany a convoy of World Vision International relief experts into rebel controlled territory in the west of the country. It was a challenge, venturing into unknown territory. No aid workers had gone out of the city for months as the war escalated. We were all anxious. Will the rebels allow us to go through? How many people are still living in villages? What are they eating? What is the level of harassment, rape, intimidation and killings of civilians?

We left the city headed west to the areas controlled by the rebel faction, LURD (Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD). We were tense and anxious as we went through checkpoints manned by West African Peacekeepers who saluted and wished us well. A few kilometers from the city, we met thousands of terrified, hungry and tired civilians were trekking towards the city. Most of them women, carrying children and bundles on their heads. We estimated the number at about 20,000. This was a sign that fighting is still going on in the interior. Many have walked for days to reach the only place which they think would be safe – Monrovia.

There were roadblocks after every few kilometers, manned by excited and drugged child soldiers. More frightening encounters were still to come we approached the city of Tubmanburg. The child soldiers were becoming aggressive. They shot into the air as we approached and took long to let us go through the checkpoints. Some demanded food, water and money in that order. Like everybody else in this country, they were hungry. We drove off the road towards the villages to find out if any people still lived here. Some villages were empty, while in others people ran into the forest as we approached. It was raining and roads were almost impassable. It was frustrating.

We stopped in Wenal village in Montserado County, 37 km north of Monrovia. It was deserted but we saw smoke from one of the huts. As in other places, people had fled, they can no longer tell friend and enemy.

A shrub move at the periphery of the dense forest, then a face and several eyes. Frightened faces of people who had known terror for long. We waved and called out that we had come to help. A woman hesitantly advanced, searching for a hint of danger. She gathered courage and came slowly towards us.

Somebody whistled and people started coming out from the forest. They came out dancing in the rain, crying, “Thank you God. Thank you Jesus.”

They went round the convoy of our vehicles. They touched the vehicles and hugged each other. It was a heart breaking experience. They hugged their children and clapped with excitement, celebrating that hope at last is coming to a devastated people. They had not seen anyone else for months but the rebels fighting the government. Food is impossible to find, they have been surviving on bush yam.

We turned back to the main road, only to get into a checkpoint. The soldiers got excited and started shooting into the air. We stopped and they came around, asking questions. Most could not tell aid agencies from their enemy. Our flag on the vehicles meant nothing to them. There was a dead body lying at the checkpoint, a definite signal that they are trigger-happy and a warning to those who disobey them.

A child came around our vehicle, holding a grenade in his left hand and an AK automatic rifle dangling from his shoulder. He peeped through the window and asked for water. Another shot went into the air and the checkpoint was opened for us.

We drove to the city of Tubmanburg, the headquarters of the LURD rebels, to negotiate with rebel commanders modalities for distribution of food to the starving population in the villages. The city was a busy place, littered with the loot from Monrovia. Rebels had commandeered many four-wheel vehicles belonging to the government, the UN and aid agencies when they stormed Monrovia. The commanders were concerned because a hungry population is dangerous and they want the people on their side.

But the unfortunate thing was that most trucks used by the World Food Programme (WFP) to ferry food are in the hands rebels. We found many of them being cannibalized and repainted. We challenged on of the commanders. How do they expect food to come to their people when they are holding the trucks? He shook his head and argued that other factions including the government have also looted vehicles from aid agencies. We could not buy his point. He agreed in principle to release the trucks if WFP comes for them. That is easier said than done. Some trucks were released but many were non-functional.

For the days that followed, we braved the tough weather and insurmountable workloads. We distributed food to thousands of people. Thousands more flocked to medical clinics set up by World Vision in different camps. But the fighting in the interior of the country continued to hurt civilians, forcing them to flee in all directions.

Aid agencies and foreign governments pressured the UN Security Council to send peacekeepers to the country to protect civilians and enforce a ceasefire signed by warring parties. The situation was very fluid with militiamen driving up and down on looted vehicles, sometimes shooting and robbing civilians.

With time, life began to improve. Food was reaching more displaced people but the security situation made the population very restless. The good news finally came that the UN Security Council had approved sending 11,500 peacekeepers to Liberia, making it the largest peace keeping mission in the world. The 3,500 West African troops who were already on the ground would join the UN troops making the number 15,000. Excitement hit the streets of Liberian cities and displacement camps. People celebrated and waited eagerly.

On October 1, the West African peacekeepers switched to blue UN helmets in an elaborate ceremony, thus becoming the first UN troops in the country. Representatives of the warring factions and government were to attend the ceremony. It was a bright day. Hope was in the air.

Officially, it was World Vision’s prayer day. Most of us except those doing food distribution and critical medical staff converged to pray. I was restless because I knew a lot of things were going to happen. There was a possibility of the country returning to peace or continue to indulge in turmoil.

As the leading journalist for the World Vision’s rapid response team in Liberia, I did not want to just sit, but to keep my eyes open. The whole partnership of over 100 countries was keenly following happenings in Liberia. I had helped create that appetite by filing interesting situation reports. I had spent late hours every day, writing news, features, editing digital pictures and doing media interviews on the state of the country and our programs.

I left the prayer room and drove to town. On reaching the great bridge that separated LURD and government territory, I met a stampede. People were running towards the city center. Vehicles were hooting, and then crack of automatic gunfire cracked and filled the air.

A taxi braked just before us, the occupants shouting that the rebels were coming, and they would take our vehicle. I picked my camera gear, alighted and told the driver to return to base.

What’s happening? No one knows. In Liberia, when you hear gunfire, you run away as far as possible. Whoever is shooting or being shot at is not your concern. “Run, run. Don’t go there. They are coming!”, the crowds keep shouting.

A UN armoured tank approached, heading to the front line, a TV van in close pursuit. I ran to the van, raising my cameras. It stopped and I jumped in. What’s the news?

Gunmen had shot at LURD rebel leader Sekou Conneh, thus triggering an exchange of fire between rebels and government troops. Mr. Conneh was on his way to see interim President Moses Blah. Several agencies lost vehicles to looters in the confusion that ensued. Seven people were killed.

I called my colleagues who were distributing food in the area where the fighting started. The team leader, Tamba Macaulay, advised me not to go towards their direction. Suddenly the UN tank stopped and turned to block the road. Several vehicles carrying rebel soldiers approached. Two other UN tanks arrived with soldier’s arms at the ready, and ordered the rebels to stop. The rebels were headed to the city center, a situation that could lead to a full-scale war.

I called Tamba again. His phone was off. I called the office. Alex Slewion, our Security Officer ordered me back to base. Rebels have taken 25 of our staff hostage. The staff, all from Commodities Department had gotten caught up on their return to the city from a food distribution exercise at a displaced people’s camp about 23 km from Monrovia.

The information hit us badly. We assembled and prayed for their safety and kept calling the UN peacekeepers for any information. By 8.00 pm we were informed that peacekeepers had traced our vehicles and rescued all our staff. But there is no safe passage to the city any more. Gunfire is cracking everywhere. Rebels and government troops are looting everything and anything that came their way. My colleagues spent a night at a peacekeepers checkpoint and were driven back to the office in the morning. By evening UN troops had contained the skirmishes. Tension was very high in the city. Civilians continued to be harassed by gunmen in the northern counties of Lofa, Nimba and Bong.

As the situation stabilized in Monrovia, civilians reacted with joy. They danced in the streets and in overcrowded camps and cheered as UN troops passed by their homes. They clung on to hope for a better future.

I woke up to the day of my departure. Just as the day I arrived, it was oppressively hot, with the threat of a rainstorm looming up out of the east. The first lightning bolt struck with a crackling electric explosion that seemed to singe the air about me. The thunderbolt seemed to shake the sky, and rock the earth’s very foundations. The rain came in buckets. It drummed, roared and deafened. I left another devastated African country but still shared Murie Lester’s view that: "War is as outmoded as cannibalism, chattel slavery, blood-feuds, and dueling, an insult to God and humanity... a daily crucifixion of Christ.”

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|W|P|114205921475936179|W|P|The Liberia experience|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com3/13/2006 03:25:00 am|W|P|Blogger Beaver|W|P|What a fascinating post. Thanks for sharing this. I just arrived in Monrovia today. This helps me better understand the past.


Beav'3/13/2006 03:25:00 am|W|P|Blogger Beaver|W|P|This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.3/09/2006 05:29:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|

It began with Kenyan Pundit who got some of the controversial articles from the Weekly Citizen before others in the Kenyan blogsphere someone sent the following extra piece to my blog.

Wambui Edges out Lucy out of State House: Our Reporter(Weekly Citizen, February 20th- 26th, 2006) The saying that when two bulls fight, it is the grass that suffers, graphically describes events unfolding at State House where President Kibaki has not only to contend with mega scams threatening his regime but also the unity of his immediate family. Even as the purge on corruption continues, a political tit for tat scheme has been unleashed as the Muthaiga camp politicians enjoying the backing of the Othaya activist Mary Wambui square it out with the Hurlingham Group with the support of First Lady Lucy Kibaki majority of whom have now been reduced to political spectators. Sources privy to the goings-on at State House divulged that the high-flying Wambui team comprising mainly of Kibaki’s old golfing buddies and bosom friends, are the ones now calling the shots in the corridors of power as the Hurlingham team cries foul. What is causing the Hurlingham group sleepless nights is the treatment Wambui has been accorded allegedly by the state and the source of her wealth which she uses to bankroll the group and other social activities. Wambui, the woman President Kibaki once categorically denied being a member of his family is allegedly enjoying state security and overwhelming press coverage by the state-run Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC). Early in the month, she was spotting using a Kenya Wildlife Service helicopter with a team of security men acting as body guards. To prove how powerful On other occasions it has been alleged that she uses government GK vehicles in her countrywide tours and one wonders who foots the bill. Back to State House, all is not well for the Hurlingham-based Lucy’s team, comprising of politicians mainly from the known to be Kibaki’s key advisors majority of whom have been sent packing after being adversely mentioned in the scam. The group is nicknamed Hurlingham because they used to hold secret meetings at a Hurlingham hotel. In Lucy’s camp is former Finance Minister David Mwiraria, former Transport Minister Dr. Chris Murungaru, former Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi, Head of Civil Service Francis Muthaura, former Education Minister George Saitoti and sacked Kibaki’s Personal Assistant Alfred Getonga. Wambui’s team includes Defence Minister Njenga Karume, Internal Security Minister John Michuki, former PS John Githongo, State House based Stanley Murage and former State House comptroller Matere Kereri. Others are parastatal heads Eddy Njoroge of Ken Gen, George Muhoho of Kenya Airports Authority, University of Nairobi Chancellor Dr. Joe Wanjui and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture Vice-Chancellor Nick Wanjohi. To prove that the Muthaiga team is increasingly becoming powerful sources say, the appointment of former Lands Minister Amos Kimunya to replace Mwiraria at the Treasury was a result of lobbying by Wambui. Well-placed sources say, after the unceremonial departure of Getonga from State House, it is Murage who is now calling the shots thereby giving his Muthaiga club members an upper hand in meeting the president. Last week, the Hurlingham team comprising of Kiraitu Murungi and Getonga in a rare show of solidarity accompanied Chris Murungaru to the Anti-Corruption Court to answer charges relating to wealth declaration claims. The bone of contention in the whole fighting at State House is the Githongo dossier and the Hurlingham team is blaming the Muthaiga team for having recommended the appointment of Githongo ostensibly to “finish” them. Githongo’s appointment had the blessings of University of Nairobi chancellor Dr. Joe Wanjui and a number of the Muthaiga club members. When word leaked out that Githongo was secretly closing in on the Hurlingham group, they hurriedly organized his operation base base from State House to Harambee House but Karume intervened and their move was thwarted. The game plan was that he was to be denied access to the President as Getonga takes control. Murage is also said to have played a pivotal role and brokered the appointment of Martha Karua to replace Kiraitu Murungi as Justice and Constitutional Affairs minister. Both Murage and Karua are from Kirinyaga District. Other sources say, the Muthaiga team has now secretly introduced the former Kenya Power and Lighting Company MD Samwel Gichuru to State House and he has of late become a regular visitor. Lucy who has of late decided to take a low profile since the Anglo-Leasing ghost disappeared with her supporters has finally fell in the trap laid by her main rival Wambui. Kibaki on the other hand has let nature take its own course. But even as Kibaki watches from the touch line as the Githongo ghost sweeps the Hurlingham team, it is unlikely the can dump his Muthaiga bosom friends just in case they are named in any of the scams. Those who understand Kibaki’s brand of politics say his relationship with his Muthaiga old friends date back to the formation of the Democratic Party (DP). A story is told on how close Kibaki was to these people that a special table was reserved for them at the Golf Club known as the “Chairman’s corner.” This was reserved for Kibaki, Muhoho and Karume. As the Anglo-Leasing scam investigations continue, the man said to be enjoying the goings-on is the Defence Minister Njenga Karume, Kibaki’s trusted lieutenant. Karume was once in Lucy’s camp during their heyday on DP where he was the patron and party financier but temporarily parted ways in 2002 when Karume dumped the DP chairman and said that “Kbaki was a thankless man”. It was the entry of Karume to the cabinet that marked the end of the Hurlingham group and the emergence of the Muthaiga group in State House. As the struggle over control of State House affairs continues, lobbying is in top gear to replace the sacked ministers who are also senior members of the Hurlingham group. Other reports say, the sacked ministers several attempts to seek audience with Kibaki failed as their hotlines at their residential homes had been disconnected. State House comptroller has been playing cat and mouse games with them. He has also been allegedly recruited on the Muthaiga camp team. Sources say, a major reshuffle is looming and a bruising battle awaits those calling the shots within the corridors of power.

|W|P|114191617940276288|W|P|Extra Weekly Citizen article|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com3/10/2006 02:43:00 am|W|P|Blogger WM|W|P|This is not in any way a commentary on the veracity of your analysis. It is just that I find it interesting how often African political analysis end up with some mata hari or manipulative woman pulling strings..winnie mandela, the Rwandese president's wife who headed up the "akuza" or something like that, and now, of course the Wambui/Lucy saga. It seems that there is at least a possibility for seeing a pattern of sorts, having to do with the idea of women and politics (the spirit of Carol Pateman permeates) and the idea of the woman as tempter and disrupter of order. I'm not in the least angry, but I am intrigued. Possibly, somewhere some graduate student has thankfully decided on a dissertation topic after reading this. As always, thank you for the news fresh and hot.3/10/2006 11:30:00 am|W|P|Blogger Kenyananalyst|W|P|WM -
You make for great reading....
I'll be keen to keep track of your posts here and on your blog a little more seriously....
Much more than I had been doing...
Talking of women and politics.....
I couldn't agree with you more....
Endless cases of Antony and Cleopatra, eh!3/11/2006 11:48:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Kenyan Idiot|W|P|It was clear from the onset when Lucy went loose...that when you are on the top there's no place you can really go but DOWN DOWN DOWN.
thinking about it a second time, Kenyan politics is fast changing its shades like a chameleon. One day its like some holywood movie(Some unbelieveable Jamesbond like attack on the media), the nextday its like a Spanish Soap Opera (some wambui/Muthoni love affair with kibaki).
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QuickBooks Software9/24/2024 02:34:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Patrick Smith|W|P|The student realized they needed support and decided to look into business assignment help They found a range of resources and guidance that allowed them to approach the assignment with a clearer perspective. With this help, they were able to break the task down into more manageable parts and gain a deeper understanding of the material.3/07/2006 03:09:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|

It was refreshing to be in Nairobi and attending a public rally, something I had not done since I was here to vote in the referendum campaigns. Nairobi is a busy capital; I needed no further testimony of that as I boarded a Matatu to the CBD. Continuing my feel of the average mwananchi, I alighted at the Uhuru Highway-Haile Selassie junction to walk the rest of the way. A few people loittered around the City Council pond at Uhuru Park, but most people sat peacefully near the dais; waiting for the politicians to arrive. That was 9:47 a.m; I realized I had been a little too early. But I saw some of my friends in the press corps, so I moved towards them to play some catch-up. It's long since I penned down a story for anyone, so it was nice to be "refreshed" on what is cutting in some of the Kenyan media houses. Still, no politician had arrived, but the crowd was swelling. I saw CNN's Jeff Koinange (in a red top) take a lengthy call on his phone while strolling towards one of the "valleys" at the park, just at the same time as Raila and company walked up the path that links the dais and the City Council pond. A section of the crowd that had already began pressing the police near All Saints retreated when they heard Raila had arrived; the crowd rushed back to the dais.

Raila is not loved and hated for nothing; the man could barely move. Besides him were Linah Jebii Kilimo, Ochillo Ayacko, Anyang' Nyong'o, Nick Salat, William Ruto, Kalonzo Musyoka and others but everyone in the crowd wanted to touch him - Raila. Security guards cleared the way for members of the press corp to take shots of Raila and his group, but that was still a struggle to say the least. The crowd stood still, shouting in a frenzy that "Michuki must go" as the politicians waited for the public address system to be brought. In a short while, a while Land Rover pulled by; the politicians went atop it as the crowds and journalists jostled to get a better view of the action. It was Raila outlining the streets and avenues the procession would take; no violence or looting, he stressed. PPO Mwangi King'ori came by and passed on some message to the politicians above the din of some in the crowd that were asking if he was a snake or not. He didn't seem to be armed and neither was he harmed; though his guards whisked him away a little too fast.

I couldn't secure an interview with anyone of the politicians as they led the crowd along Kenyatta Avenue, pushing for space so that they themselves could breath. When we got near Nyayp House, someone in the press corp shouted there could be some news behind us and as sure as that could be, we saw Linah struggling to catch up with the rest of the politicians; it wasn't clear what had held her back, but the procession now moved on. At Teleposta, the crowd stopped again, as some requested passengers to join them in the protests; some did, others didn't. Negotiating one's way to Bunge then Harambee House was proving difficult as more folks joined the procession; I had to leave my media colleagues, make my way via Holy family Basillica and jump over its fence with other wananchi so as to catch up with the crowd on its way past Bunge. Faithfuls and a few nuns at the Basillica gate watched us in amazement, as the guards shut the gates behind us to block others who had been keen to follow us. I got to Harambee just in good time; the politicians had began speaking. Activities around town had come to a standstill as civil servants and pedestrians strove to keep up with the action; the former watched through windows as others stood at their verandas. Policemen lining the procession paths and defending government buildings and installations were most peaceful; I shook the hand of one who transferred his rungu and ngao to his left hand to greet me "properly." Raila, Ruto, Linah and Kalonzo (I don't recall anyone else speaking at this point) called for Michuki to resign as the crowd roared along. The journey along Harambee Avenue on our way back to Uhuru Park was punctuated with catcalls near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs....the victim this time round guessed it, Tuju. "Alipata 850 Ramba mwaka jana, tutampa sufuri akijaribu next year," a youngman shouted besides me. Others took up the call. The journey to Uhuru Park was uneventful, save for near the Intercon when some fellow shouted obscenities at Raila who had already passed the place. Well, well...thank the crowds again....they nearly stormed the place to lynch the fellow who had by then taken refuge there....but calmly walked on when some ODM activists urged them to achane naye. I asked NTV's Robert Nangila if he could let me give him a soundbyte for the incident (:-) but akasema cameraman wake alikuwa ashaenda na wanasiasa. Uhuru Park was, for kitu 15 minutes, a mess as everyone tried to be near the press corps (you know why). Eventually Reuben Ndolo got the increasingly large crowd (bigger than the one that had began the maandamano a few minutes before) to relax and listen to the politicians. - There was this mhindi....sijui jina lake...but he spoke well...nasikia yeye ndiye dawa ya Mwenje huko Embakasi 2007. - Ntimama was witty...he struck a chord with the crowd when he said "Kibaki toka" instead of "Kibaki tosha." But that Nkaisserry was allowed to speak for much longer perhaps indicates a shift in Maasai politics. The last time I went to Narok, I learnt that Ntimama does not intend to run next year. So maybe - just maybe - Nkaissery might take that mantle. A youngman I helped campaign for in Kajiado South might not make it back if he isn't too careful with his constituents....because they are no longer with the people he is supporting in govt....Enough of the Maasai politics. - Gumo worked the crowd....... - Nyong'o steered clear of Anglo Leasing..... - Ayacko blasted Ndingi, Mutava and Nzimbi for boot-licking the powers-that-be. - Magara was the youth's hero....and he worked them too....Nyachae definitely has some homework to do in Gusiiland. There were others...but I must end now.... - Linah acted the mother...and she got away with it..the crowds adored her; "Mama Chungwa" - they shouted. - Ruto was in his element; no one could have spoken for the media any better than he did, not even the Standard Group's lawyer (Otiendo Ommollo) and the embattled KUJ Chairman Tervil Okoko could beat him at it. Ruto was a darling of the crowd. Same thing with George Khaniri. Mudavadi also did well with the speechwork, bemoaning the "unknown" chains of command in the country's security apparatus. - Kalonzo proclaimed something he said would, from now onwards, be known as Press Freedom Day. But he appeard apprehensive and somehow brow-beaten as he ploughed through his remarks. As he spoke, the young men and women around me were asking him to state whether or not he had met the President in secret. I don't know, but the mixed signals in the crowd appeard to be taking some confidence away from him. He led the crowd in a half-hearted backing of Ali in his "wars" with Michuki and his boys in the police force, apart from "forgiving" him for the referendum Kisumu and Likoni deaths. I don't know again, but I think that might haunt him some day. - Raila sounded like Cozy Aquino and the Filipino crowds in 1986...his remarks were classic anti-govt rhetoric. He repeated his remarks about the "foreign" merceneries that reportedly led the raids on the Standard Group. He also said he won't obey the police's summons for him to write a statement with them over that. By that time Jeff Koinange had moved closer to the politicians. I think he was among those the press corps who asked that both Kalonzo and Raila repeat their remarks in English for a wider audience.

I left the place certain that way beyond the Standard Group and, by extension, the rest of the media, the day's biggest winner had been the ODM. Public opinion is with the ODM; Michuki gave them that gift at a crucial time. It will be interesting to see how Kibaki fights to re-claim his place in the hearts and minds of Kenyans.

I had better leave now: I'll let the pro and anti-govt editors do their spinning in their evening broadcasts and kesho's dailies:-) It was good to be here at this time, witnessing these small bits of history unfolding. Nitarudi kupiga kura yangu baadaye. And I'll cover any protest in future if I can, be it pro or anti-govt.

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|W|P|114173334472929576|W|P|Uhuru Park memo|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com3/07/2006 04:36:00 pm|W|P|Blogger bankelele|W|P|Very good summary, feels like I was there. The mhindi of Embakasi is called Sumra i believe.3/07/2006 07:49:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|With a graphic detail like this, I feel like I attended the rally from my comp! Good work JM3/07/2006 11:12:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Machozi|W|P|Amazing post felt as if i was moving with you and the crowd..Cheers!3/07/2006 11:57:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|@Jesse - thank you for blow by blow account of the march. You are right I dont think the papers will go into that detail. Every time I hear of Ruto's oratarial skills I feel very pround within me. He was my student for four years (Form I to IV) and I taught him language. Whatever people say about him now I dont know - what I know is that he was the Chairman of Christian Union. I was the patron and I can tell you he knew his Bible. He was humble and obedient. I have no problem with him seeking high office. (Now I await bomb shells from forummers)3/08/2006 12:29:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Thanks for the heads-up, and the brilliant summary. Feels so real-time.

Looking forward to reading more from you about this.3/08/2006 12:46:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Jesse--

Thanks for the early unedited log. It left me wondering what the march's purpose was exactly and whether they achieved it. Was it just symbolic demonstration and chanting? So what if they called on Michuki to resign, will they follow up if he doesn't, and when? All the same, I think Kalonzo has burnt his bridges in ODM; I read him yesterday lamenting that ODM is out to finish him, so I can't fathom how he can continue associating with a group out to burry him. It's his prerogative. That quip about Tuju was hilarious; what happened to the guy, he's uncharacteristically quiet.3/08/2006 12:47:00 am|W|P|Blogger Kenyananalyst|W|P|Jikz -

Tiz true, I had and still have had no time to do any decent editing of the log....twaz penned down in haste; probably twaz better that way.
The Michuki issue....

Kalonzo said they will follow up on it on 21st.....

Raila said they will follow up on it kesho.....when they meet to announce a parallel review team....

Talk of reading from different scripts, eh!

Sources say their goal had been to rattle the govt :-)....spin-docs on their side say they are satisfied with the outcome.

The early evening edition of the Beeb's Focus on Africa prog. (widely listened in the country, alongside its Dira ya Dunia cousin, beyond the 680 million-plus African audience) appeared to mirror expectations of the ODM's spin-docs.

I'm made to understand by govt and opposition sources that today went generally well for the ODM countrywide.

Kalonzo.....has an uphill task....convincing his team-mates...that he can be a trustworthy and "sellable" commodity....that's the low-down of it at the top of the hour in the grapevine :-)

Tuju....Tuju....Tuju....the 411 on him ain't too good....I can't go into that here.

You had asked me the question you've asked Pukks a few days ago....again, without yapping sana, I'll tell you Ruto is a man to be watched.

Moi should not think he'll lead Kalenjins the Uhuru way as easily as he did in 2002, and neither should Uhuru imagine that Kibaki's current woes are any blessing to him beyond CP (not even the Anglo Leasing report, when it comes out, could enlarge his territory. There's a serious credibility issue with our brothers and sisters from CP; sad but true. Kathleen Kihanya, his PR hatchetwoman, has some fine work to do).

RVP, particularly its youth vote, is thinking Ruto seriously....and a possible Raila-Ruto pact of some sorts.....

Well, that was it.

I'll post anything else I find on my blog...probably edited this time round :-)3/08/2006 12:48:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|esse,

Thanks for the informative review of the march, I have indeed enjoyed reading it.


The up coming pattern looks quite interesting and with NARC's getting burried, and potential presidential candidates targeting different regions eg

1.Ruto trying to establish his base in RVP.

2. Kalonzo is targeting RVP and Coastal P

3. Uhuru is targeting Central and RVP

4. Raila is targeting Nairobi and Coastal P

I hope to see new alliances being formed and ODM breaking as already observed.I wish we could have some measures to check the next goverment.3/08/2006 12:48:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Yes I taught Ruto well and he respects me to date. Any time I am in Kenya and we meet he will always stop - no matter how busy and have a lively conversation with me.

However let me tell the forummers that Rutto will not make it as a Presidential candidate. Inward Rutto is a good man but unfortunately the politics of ethnicity will be his undoing and NOT Moi. Rutto (Wlliam Samoei Rutto) is originally from Kipsigis. He grew up in Uasin Gishu and did his primary school in Uasin Gishu. He also did his secondary (both O and A) in Uasin Gishu. Now the people of Uasin Gishu view him as a visitor - an alien. There is talk that he is driving some air from Kosgey who is the son of a real Nandi. He cant go back to Kipsigis because nobody knows him there.

He might be the president Kenya might not have. Otherwise if he stands - he has my vote. If only Narc had continued to narture the detrabalisation that had started. Did you see the people who surrounded Kibaki in December 2002? That was Kenya. Do you know the peope surrounding Kibaki now? Guess! For this reason people have started retreating again to their tribal cocoons.

I only wish that the Church, and the progressive young people will come out in the open and reclaim Kenya for Kenya not Kenya for their tribes.3/08/2006 12:49:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|@Jesse

Be keeping us posted - whenever you have something in your blog please inform us. I wish it was possible to subscribe to your blog by email. That way we can get news via email.

ODM should really watch now - there will be charlattans among them. There will be Judases. If only they can prove the test of time and hang together until elections they will be winners or else to paraphrase a former President of USA they will surely be hang separetly.

@ All

I enjoyed my days as a teacher - however I made a big U turn. I entered the world of NGOs and development and got lost. I have written a book which is coming out next month with a foreword written by Robert Chambers - anybody out there ready to review it for me for the consumption of the papers in Kenya?3/08/2006 12:54:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Thanks for sharing this with us.3/08/2006 01:13:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Pukks is there an email one can reach you at. I know someone who can do the review for you. Let me know.

Me3/08/2006 02:20:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|very good post, thank you, very much appreciated, since some of us are so far flung.3/08/2006 02:54:00 am|W|P|Blogger Adrian|W|P|being from loitokitok, i had to smile when you mention the young man from kajiado south. while at home over christmas, most of the feedback on him was... eeemmm... negative. and a lot of in-fighting...3/08/2006 04:22:00 am|W|P|Blogger Medusa|W|P|What a great read..Confirms my suspicions somewhat-that this would turn into an ODM campaign. This was a great initiative though,..we're staying tuned to see where this takes us as a nation. Thanks man!3/08/2006 08:03:00 am|W|P|Blogger Girl in the Meadow|W|P|Methinks those ODM FELLOWS are LARGER SNAKES than Michuki.

Good coverage. Thanks the Government didn't even think of dispersing them, it would have turned ugly.3/08/2006 08:30:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|@ me
my email is
I am in Mozambique.3/08/2006 08:32:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|@me
You asked for my email address for the book review.
The title of the book is "Participatory Learning and Action: A Guide to Best Practice"
email me at
Pukks3/08/2006 08:32:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|How come comments posted in OPC have ended in this blog?
Pukks3/08/2006 10:05:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|...good reporting jesse, thats why you missed out at breakfast and the better part of the morn! we could do with some photographs in future? i agree there is a lot of political re-alignments happening now. kalonzo seems to have lost his grip...uhuru is missing in action - and...being replaced? And today, Ali seems to have lots of troubles...i wish he gets smart with these guys..3/08/2006 10:21:00 am|W|P|Blogger Kenyananalyst|W|P|HI EVERYONE -
CHEERS!3/08/2006 10:24:00 am|W|P|Blogger Kenyananalyst|W|P|Adrian -
it is a good thing you guys are putting Ole Metito on his toes....3/08/2006 10:26:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Hi
I support the whole process since there is no need of muzzling the press. Time us come for us to stand and fight for our rights. There is no need of being surpressed by Me- Chuki and yet you know the named guy as served in the Kenyatta's government and Kibaki's govt. While his son in law Mutahi Kagwe has to support him. What is all this ....... what can you call it. Kudos for your sacrifice !!!!3/08/2006 10:47:00 am|W|P|Blogger mdskpr|W|P|I just wanted to add my opinion on all these ODM and rainbow and snake and what-have-you rallies that Kenyans' favourite means of political expression. The show one thing about the political scheme of things in this country: THE MIDDLE CLASS DOES NOT EXIST.

In our political movie there are two main characters: THE RICH ELITE and THE POOR MASSES. The poor masses are ill-informed, mis-informed pawns easily manipulated with propaganda. They are extremely easy to control, just press the tribe button, adjust the food-and-basic-needs dial and you get them to move any way. The reason they are strategically important to the elite is simple: THEY FORM 70% of Kenya's population. And in a democrazy like ours all you need is a simple majority. An immense resource for the powers that be because they are a dam of votes. Almost like the human energy supply for the machines in The Matrix.

The middle class are too few. They may be informed, educated, critical, but they lack economic muscle, which is what the game is all about. They are shut our of the media, out of parliament, out of the stock market, out of business... All they can do is write letters to the editor. And vote. And now they have started to blog.

But the sound they make makes little impact when all the residents of Kibera are in Uhuru park chanting and trembling in worship of Raila, god of the circus.

What's my point?

We, the middleclass of this country, have to think up more creative ways of influencing the scenario, because we are locked out of the mainstream. Blogsphere is a great place to start. So is conscious music. Ukoo Flani holla if you hear me. What else?

Last word: The middle class may not appear in the political radar, but it is very significant in anothe important screen: Economics. But that's for the next blog.

Over to you.3/08/2006 10:49:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Hey thanks for the vivid moment by moment narration of jana's march.I am a little concerned bout this tribalism thing,esp. when there is absolutely no need for it ( not that there is ever a need)what's this nonesence bout pro gava marches,for what,on what n about what? Kibs should know for free that his silence is not a virtue but a serious sign of weakness.if only the Church leadership would offer half of the strength they use on blasting faithfuls on observing the tithe,on demanding for good governance and accountability.Ndingi n the rest that make news r hopelessly not useful (read useless) to Kenyans. God help us3/08/2006 10:53:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|can somebody tell the busy bodies that are likes of Mutua katuku n the like that NARC Kenya or NARC whatever will not make us vote these traitors in office again.We will not vote for the Chameleons,snakes,krokondails and any other human reptile even if they call their party KIBAKI.3/08/2006 10:56:00 am|W|P|Blogger Kenyananalyst|W|P|Raphael -

I resonate with much of what you've said....

The middle-class is the civil society (kwanza the Church)....

Something happens among the poor in Orwell's BIG BROTHER....

Do you think it could happen in Kenya?3/08/2006 11:43:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|hey...thanks for touching base and for the memo.

keep it up!3/08/2006 02:34:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I am still waiting for the gentlemen/lady who wanted to review my book
Pukks = afsc@teledata.mz3/08/2006 05:05:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I give up3/08/2006 06:23:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Melissa Omino|W|P|Good heads up!
Thanx...hehe it has that truly Kenyan quality of jumping of fences and such LOL!

Aside: Jeff was probably sending his voice over by phone...LOL...just kidding...

Nice one, look foward to more...3/08/2006 09:59:00 pm|W|P|Blogger jke|W|P|Thx!3/08/2006 10:04:00 pm|W|P|Blogger WM|W|P|Wow, I could practically feel the crowd pressing in on me. Lovely work, thanks for taking us there.3/08/2006 10:45:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Hi guys,
You will agree with me he's one of Kenya' finest writers. Did a pretty good job will enjoy. Keep it J.3/09/2006 06:06:00 am|W|P|Blogger Unknown|W|P|Awesome stuff KA..Pundit away!3/09/2006 11:16:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Excellent post. Captured the events of that day and the public mood quite well. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your article. For those of us far away from home, such an article is a gemstone.3/10/2006 02:22:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|EXCELENT WORK SIR... I know u O... Chief N. is very proud of u O... The Kenyans here in Lagos are singing ur praises O...

Keep up the good work.

O.S.3/10/2006 04:19:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|superb Jesse. Thanks for your comprehensive summary report. Keep the mantle burning3/10/2006 04:19:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|superb Jesse. Thanks for your comprehensive summary report. Keep the mantle burning3/13/2006 05:19:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Thanks for taking the time to write this post.

Nothing beats a "from the midst crowd" type report for giving a real feel of what is really going going since most of Kenya's formal media always seems to have an editorial slant.10/09/2010 10:39:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Keyur Amin|W|P|I really like tht. 11:34:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|[b][url=][/url][/b] At present, loads of females use low-cost designer reproduction handbags as its the symbol of position. These types of duplicate designer handbags are typically commonplace among females belonging to various courses. Replicate is a single usual outlet youll have the option to have a look at within celebration you happen to be attempting to find replicate designer totes.

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