Friday, May 26, 2006

Link to my new site

Here it here.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I've moved houses

This happens to have been my last post here as I have moved to a new estate.
The new estate is still under construction and it might be a long while before it looks any more decent, but my next post should come from there.
A big thank you to the one blogger who has, over the past few days, helped me recover from the most terrible of hackings I have had since I began blogging in 2003 (at another site). 
Thanks for your time, expertise and generosity; the good Lord bless you!
And for my dear hackers, thanks for constantly reminding me that I'm not all that free at all!
Not even in my own country.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Live from Soweto & of Poi's goodbye

The session on the Beeb a few hours ago went well, albeit hurried.
The South African edition (running kitu 8:00pm Kenyan time) allowed the studio audience in Nairobi and Lagos good amount of time to say some things, though - as expected - the show was dominated by the South Africans.
I asked for a fair allocation of wealth and opportunities in the country; a well-structured political system unlike the existing corrupt ones that entrench old guards in power and ensure that youths remain "wingers" and also suggested that - with Nigeria on the West Coast and Kenya on the East Coast - an elaborate socio-economic agenda or blue-print be researched, initiated and proposed for adoption by the AU to advance the youth agenda. 
When the programme went international at 9:05pm (Kenyan time), the time was limited but I got to ask the South Africans if they were prepared to relax immigration laws to allow for the movement of manpower, knowledge and goods. 
Asked for my assesment of Kenyan-South African relations, I didn't commit myself, - I said the countries have had their bad and good times, but went back to the youth issue and suggested that capable, educated and driven youths in both countries (but particularly South Africa) needed to now acquire economic and political power in their desire to exert a redeeming influence on their societies and its issues over and above the troubles they have had with the older generation. 
The show was can listen again by clicking on World Have Your Say: Live from Soweto (bottom right on the BBC website).

Poi's goodbye and the continuing responses to her posts as well as Mental's should, in a large way, remind us of the vexing moral and spiritual questions of our day. 
Not knowing neither Mental nor Poi personally, my interpretation of the events has largely been on the basis of their posts and on that basis, I have formed some opinions of which those I have been in touch with regarding the same are already aware. 
One such opinion that I have publicly expressed is that, in the words of Thomas Paine, "reputation is what men and women think about us; character is what God and the angels know about us."  
Equally important, human praise and acclaim in this life is often empty and fickle at its very best so that having an eternal perspective of this life and its issues is both liberating and helpfully comforting in a fallen and hurting world.
Someday, I believe, all known and unknown history on the Poi-Mental matter - as indeed every other issue in our lives - will definitely culminate before the throne of the Most High Living God.
I pray He keeps those among us who call upon His name in Himself till then.


Monday, May 22, 2006

Yours truly on the good old Beeb

Tonight - on the 22nd I'll be part of a young audience to talk about the things that are important to them (young people) as well as "the future of South Africa".
All that will be on the BBC's World Have Your Say.
If you - a Kenyan - have any thoughts you think are worth passing on, drop me an e-mail at
I'll try my best to condense all that as and when I receive your mail.

Send instant messages to your online friends

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I support Mzalendo!

I support Mzalendo..... Each of my blogs will have a link to it.... And I'll find other ways to spread the word too... Again, congrats Thinker and Ory...

P.L.O Lumumba - Yawa!!!!!!!


"In promulgating your esoteric cogitations or articulating your superficial sentimentalities, and amicable philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosa. Let your conversational communications possess a compacted conciseness, a clarified comprehensibility, a coalescent cogency, and a concatenated consistency. Eschew obfuscation and all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune rabblement, and asinine affectations. Let your extemporaneous descanting and unpremeditated expatiations have intelligibility and voracious vivacity without rodomontade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, pompous prolificacy, and vain vapid verbosity.
In short what Lumumba was telling his fellow commissioners in the review team is: "Be brief and don't use big words!!!!"

Choosing God's reign


"Men and Women, I call us this evening to repentance. We need to turn from the idols that enslave us, that demonize, dehumanize, and degrade us, and return to the living God. We need to turn from the illusory kingdoms of self to the very real and substantial Kingdom of God."

My two friends and I came from Canada to the Urbana Convention. We sat together in the middle section, just below the nosebleed seats. We three listened to John Stott, who expounded 2 Timothy each morning.

We three listened to missionaries talk about the power of God, about the love of God for lost people, about miracles and the supreme joy of being devoted to Jesus no matter what the circumstance.

When it came time to make a decision, we three were ready. We stood together and made a commitment to give our lives to mission and follow God's leading anywhere, at home or abroad.

Now, we are thirty-six years this side of Urbana 1967. For my friend Ted, the inspiration he received and commitment he made led him to be a career missionary. He is serving God's purpose in Europe and parts of Africa. He has been on the mission field for over thirty years.

The other friend who came with me was Mary, someone who had made it clear to her family, her friends and her church that she was going to be an overseas missionary. If there was a sure bet, Mary was it. Today, Mary is a top executive in her field. She has influence; she has affluence, and some very impressive toys. She rubs shoulders every day with some very powerful people. But she is not a missionary overseas, and she is not a missionary in her work context. God is not shaping her life choices.

When I left Urbana, with the passion and inspiration of my decision still very fresh, I had every intention of fulfilling it. I would finish high school, then on to university and then into Christian service. However, when I started at the University of Toronto a year later, I began to wonder whether it might not be a bad idea to put those commitments aside for a time.

I wanted to take just a little break – just enough time to savour some new friendships, some new thoughts, and a new worldview. I decided to take a little detour. That detour turned out to be longer than I'd expected. It would be eight years before I would once again consider the decision I made at Urbana.

Ted, Mary and me – we three! We heard the same message. We stood up with the same conviction and made a decision with passionate sincerity. But with such very different outcomes. How could that be?

Central to this question is what defines our reality?

I am a big movie fan. So of course I was there with the best of them on November 5 to see the latest installment of The Matrix. As much as I enjoyed the sequels, I found the first Matrix the most compelling. The main idea of the Matrix is that reality is not what it seems. What characters experience, what they see, touch, hear, taste and smell is not, in fact, true reality.

This is an engaging and disturbing premise for a story because we all base our lives on what we believe is real. And like the movie, "reality" often has more layers than what is first apparent.

Scripture says that when we let something or someone other that God define our reality, we are committing idolatry. We may think of idolatry as something people did in ancient times – nothing we’d do now – bowing down before statues and offering sacrifices to golden calves – we don’t do that! But idolatry is subtler, more insidious and a hundred times more pervasive than that. Idolatry has to do with what we worship, and what we worship defines our reality. It defines what we love, what we fear, what we long for, and what we aspire to. It affects how we pray and what we pray for. It shapes what keeps us up at night, what we do in secret and where we turn when we need solace and care. It is the thing that adds definition, color and nuance to our daily choices.

In the gospels, and I am sure you remember this story; a man comes to Jesus and asks him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" The man comes and questions Jesus because he senses that despite all that he is doing to lead a good life, something is missing. Like Neo, the main character in the Matrix, he has an intuitive sense that despite appearances, something is amiss.

This was a man driven to do the right things. When Jesus tells him to keep the commandments, he does all of them. Not one does he miss. And he has done them since his youth. How many of us could say that? Certainly not me!

Perhaps he was beginning to entertain the frightening notion that the reality by which he organized his life might not, in the end, secure the thing he wanted most.

My own restlessness, the sense of something amiss, started in high school. My life with God had been particularly marked by a few things: summers at Christian camp as a kid and my home church, which was a family-based church.

Camp was where I most understood the reality of Jesus. Hearing God's Word in the midst of God's creation; living with eight kids gave an opportunity to live out and see lived out, an obedience to Jesus in loving and serving others – and probably, for me, always asking for and receiving forgiveness. Jesus became real for me.

At my church, I knew adults of Christian faith, who were very sincere, and whose lives were deeply changed by the gospel. But the church struggled to engage the societal shifts of the 1960's and the social revolution. There were unwritten assumptions that there were certain things that Christians didn't do, certain questions that Christians didn't ask, certain topics that Christians don't talk about.

I concluded God's kingdom was narrow and had a lot of arbitrary rules of conduct. The rules, for me, made no sense, but I liked the people, so I began to live a compartmentalized life, and a hidden life. You can imagine my restlessness, my sense of unease, as I tried to live vacillating between these two worlds.

Idolatry entered in at that point. Other things other than God became more real for me. I graduated, and I was selected for a great job, which included working for the Olympics. The job paid well. I was in love with a great non-Christian man. We were talking seriously about getting married. We worked hard and we played hard, and we worked together in the same work. I had part ownership of a sailboat and a ski chalet, a sports car, and all the toys and gadgets you could ever dream of, and all the places you could ever fly to.

With the Rich Ruler, he was blameless by the rules of conduct. But he was missing the big piece of reality – relationship with Jesus. Jesus addresses his deep restlessness. Jesus invites him to decide to leave behind his idolatry of money, so that he could, with his whole self, follow after Jesus and participate in the Kingdom of God.

Likewise, Jesus invited me to deal with my restlessness. Ironically, I am probably one of a few Christians who was urged back to the faith by her non-Christian boyfriend. He asked me to go back to church and decide once and for all about God. He knew he didn't want Jesus and he didn't want a wife who followed Jesus. He liked our life the way it was.

Reluctantly, I started attending church. It was the closest one I could roll out of bed and go to. Providentially, an old friend spotted me and made herself a fixture in my life. She introduced me to her friends and Christian mentors. I found myself in a small group with her, asking all the questions I had stored up, and then some! I found that Marilyn and Shirley, although they were Christians, were actually pretty fun people. I enjoyed being with them. They weren’t afraid of my questions. They had their own questions about life and they brought them openly before God. They treated God as a friend. They hid nothing.

They introduced me to a missionary friend. As you can probably guess, I also didn’t like missionaries. She and her husband had helped found the IFES student movement in Colombia. She was so different than the stereotypes I had built up about missionaries – she was not narrow-minded, she wasn’t out-of-touch, or strangely religious. "Weird," as I called it! Instead, she was a "with-it" person, fun to be with, and anything but boring. And she would engage every question I had.

Above all, she and these Christian friends gave me a glimpse of life lived out not vacillating between two worlds. They broke my stereotypes; they had an attractive, intimate relationship with Jesus that I had never developed. Jesus shaped the way they lived, and the choices they made. They loved me enough to challenge the things that were idols in my life; things that limited my relationship with God.

Friends, who or what defines your reality? Is it the Kingdom of God, or is it the Kingdom of Self? Is it Jesus, his love, his purpose, his power, his very self? Or is it something else?

What makes up the Matrix of illusion and idolatry for those of us in North America? I want us to consider three general avenues of idolatry. And friends, I want you to know: I had to face these idols and how they expressed themselves in my life, to be free to really embrace the life of Jesus and his kingdom.

So I come to you tonight, not to burden you, but to be with you in this process.

The Idolatry of Self-Glory or Self- Fulfillment

Perhaps only a few of us would actually admit that our life ambition is to rule the world. Most of us wouldn't say that. But how many more of us dream of being set apart, of being noticed, of being Number One, or of being special or praised by this world? How many of us are caught up in the desire to project the right image, wearing the right clothes, being in with the right people or the right group?

How many of our thoughts gravitate to "will I be accepted, will I be happy, will I like the job I do? Will it entertain me, or keep my interest?" I loved the idea that I worked with the Olympics in Montréal. I loved being a part of a crack team, hand-selected by my boss! I loved that my future was going to be with the International Olympic Committee, and fly all over the world. I liked that.

For me, I needed to set aside my agenda for self-glory or self-fulfillment – the path I had decided I was on. So God took me to Colombia, where I spoke no Spanish. I couldn’t communicate. I couldn’t really do anything. I could just be loved by the people there, and enter a relationship with God. How many of us are swayed by the matrix of worldly honor, glory or fulfillment rather than Kingdom of glory?

The Idolatry of Self-Comfort

For those of us from Canada and the US, avoiding suffering and experiencing comfort can have an incredible power. Jesus promises us a life filled with joy, community, power, depth and persecution! Jesus promises to comfort us in our suffering; but Jesus does not promise us a comfortable life.

One of my students when I worked in California came to university with her life ambition being to acquire a husband with a good job, get some kids, and get a house in the suburbs, complete with white picket fence. While there was nothing wrong with wanting any of those things, she allowed her reality to be defined by the drive for security and comfort. And she had to give that over to God, to allow God to fill her with his presence.

Today, Susan and her husband work in an orphanage in Eastern Europe. They combat poverty, government bureaucracy and their own weaknesses. Her life is not comfortable, but it is rich, full of purpose and the very real presence of Jesus.

Our drive for self-comfort can also lead us into all kinds of addictions. Alcoholism continues to be a major health issue on North American university and college campuses, as well as gambling. As believers, we are not immune to this.

The widespread use of computers and the ease of surfing on the Internet have made pornography widely available and even acceptable for self-comfort. Women, as well as men, become pornography users and find themselves trapped in addictive behaviours, with sexualized imaginations that they feel helpless to control and get any healing from. Talk about a lifestyle of demoralizing hiddenness! Some of you are trapped in that lifestyle and feel helpless.

We also, in the area of self-comfort, look inappropriately for comfort in relationships. We justify moving beyond the boundaries that God has set. We begin to personally reset the boundaries of these relationships based on our feelings and need for love and intimacy; based on the fact that we might have been wounded or hurt or abused, and are looking for love. In our quest for comfort and ease, anything can become an addiction – video games, hours of anonymity in chat rooms, the shop-till-you-drop syndrome – you name it.

The Idolatry of Self-Empowerment or Self-Reliance

Perhaps the biggest object of worship among North Americans is money – not just money, but all the things that money can buy. I know – I had all the gadgets. Rampant consumerism, yes, but even more than that, the intangible things that money buys: the things that bring you in among the world's privileged, educated, and elite. Things that would create you to be an elitist.

And all of this occurs to the point that we feel entitled. We feel entitled to have choices, to have a sense of freedom, to live without limits and boundaries. It's not even enough that we have food: we would find it confining, boring, to eat the same foods at every meal. We like it that we can choose Italian, Chinese, pizza, hamburgers, or French, or go out for Thai food.

We feel entitled when we want to travel to distant countries and cultures – so that we might be people of broad understanding and experience. Never mind that some people in our world have such limited means that in a lifetime, they never go beyond the borders of their town.

We feel entitled to leisure time and to be entertained endlessly, to have prosperity in the present and security in the future. We may even set arbitrary hours we will work. Some of us won’t even work a full-time job, because we’ve decided we can have leisure when we want. We can have a reflective life when we want. And those might not be God’s decisions.

Men and Women, I call you this evening to repentance. I call you to soften your hearts. We need to turn from the idols that enslave us, that demonize us, dehumanize us, and degrade us, and return to the living God. We need to turn from the illusory kingdom of self to the very real and substantial Kingdom of God.

What does repentance consist of? I took an eight-year detour from the commitment and plans I made at Urbana. God was infinitely patient and loving, and caring with me along the way. He made repentance possible for me. Tonight, friends, he’s making repentance possible for you.

Relationship with Jesus was worth making the changes in my life. I had to pay a cost, but it was worth it and it is still is worth it. Because as you let go of an idol in your life, a void is left. And friends, Jesus wants to come and fill that void. Jesus came and filled the void in my life, as I began to lay some of these idols down. Because idols only fill the area of a deeper need.

There are three steps involved in repentance.

1. Decide to follow Jesus.

The Rich Ruler was asked to sell what he had, give to the poor, and to follow Jesus. I knew the decision for me was to choose for God and God alone – relationship with Him; to no longer straddle being a citizen of two worlds, two realities, and two kingdoms. I needed to break from my compartmentalized world. God took me to Colombia, South America, an unfamiliar place, where my faith was made even more alive with the friendship and love of Colombian university students. Over a period of time, I decided to follow Jesus with my whole life. I needed to be there, to be untangled from all the idols that were limiting my relationship with God.

2. Pursue healing of the consequences of idolatry.

Idolatry leaves appetites and values that need reversing, injuries and sickness that need healing. The process of healing from idolatry for me included me saying no to a marriage with a non-Christian boyfriend – which was one of the most painful things I did in my early twenties. He had already made the decision that from what he understood of God and His Kingdom, he did not want to buy into a commitment to God. And he sure did not want a wife whose relationship with God might interfere with his sense of marriage priorities. And so, we parted from each other. That parting was painful. But in the void that he filled in my life, God brought in his love and care for me.

3. Walk in obedience and community.

New decisions of commitment need to be lived out. We are no longer to take our orders for life from the matrix of self, from idols that claim to be reality. We look to Jesus, whose commands we begin to delight in. We love to be set within God’s boundaries. We are shaped by His Word and we begin to be led by the Spirit of Jesus. We walk in the Jesus Way, giving ourselves to participation in Jesus' Mission, in community with the companions that He gives us. He never leaves us alone.

In summary, there are three steps to repentance:

1. Decide to follow Jesus. And when you decide, tell your group or friends. Share it with someone. 2. Pursue healing of the consequences of idolatry. Some of you are gripped by some of the things I’ve said tonight. Start here. Have some friends pray for you. God to the prayer ministry rooms tomorrow. 3. Walk in obedience and community - commit to a fellowship that desires spiritual growth.

Friends, I did pay a cost to make these changes, but it was worth it, and it is still worth it all. I put aside self-glory, and my plans for fulfillment in God's hands. I allowed Him to bring fulfillment in my life, and he has more than done that. I put aside comfort found only in relationships and possessions, to be loved and comforted by Jesus. I put aside my self-reliance or independence to be relying on God and the community of God.

What are the idols that rule your life? How long will you run after idols and substitutions for Jesus’ love, direction and purpose? Respond now to him and turn them over to Jesus and embrace this true reality. I can tell you, if you’re afraid, take this step. I was afraid, and Jesus came and filled that void.

Remember three of us came to Urbana with good intentions to follow God. Two of us left trapped by false realities. Will you deal with God tonight? Will you put your life in His hands? Amen.

* I thank God for the gracious opportunity to have been part of the 20,000-plus audience listening to this in late 2003 at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

La Vecchia Signora Obasanjo

Nigerians have given him his dues....

Monday, May 15, 2006

Da Vinci Code lecture in London

With the launch of the controversial film this week, hear the lecture at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity by Dr Ken
Boa on 'Unravelling the Da Vinci Code'.
CDs and Cassettes available for £5 incl P&P.
For your copy, please call LICC on 020 7399 9555.
To read
Mark Greene on The Da Vinci Code please click 

Pray, who will help "Mrs. Savimbi?"

I rarely blog about Kenyan and international politics, but apparently someone someplace still recognizes my passion for politics and history...and the memories I still harbour of some African historical figures. The late Jonas Savimbi has a place on that list, as I followed his personal, political and military life closely. Nothing, in consequence, beats my list of top fraud e-mails than this one that I just received from a person - probably a Nigerian - who is claiming to be his wife. Help her, if you may :-)

Subject:  Mrs. Nancy Savimbi (Angola Unita)

My Dear Friend

I am Mrs.Savimbi, the wife to the late Jonas Savimbi,   the late leader
of the national Union for The Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). My
husband was killed during combat action against government forces in
Mexico, Angola on the 22nd of Feb. 2002.

I am contacting you because of my need to deal with person whom my
family had no previous relationship.Since the death of my husband, my
family has been subjected to all sorts of harassment and intimidation with
lots of negative report emanating from the government of President
Santos about my husband.

The present government has also ensured that all our bank accounts are
frozen, and all assets sized.It is in view of this that I seek your
assistance in investing and managing the sum of Seventy five Million
United State Dollars in your country, being the very last of my family funds
in my possession and control unknown to the government.This money now
in question came as a result of Diamond Royalties that was paid to my
late husband from the Diamond mining within the areas in Angola being
controlled by (UNITA) for more than a decade.

The money was packed in a sealed trunk box and was depositd
Security/Finance Company in Spain.Right now, the present government has
intensified their probe on my family's financial resources; frozen all our known
foreign & local accounts, revoked Diamond licenses, and even detained
my son (Charles) on alleged flimsy charges just because my husband
before his death was the head of UNITA.Bearing in mind that your assistance
is needed to transfer this money, I propose a commission of 10% (Ten
Percent) of the total sum to you or your company for the expected
services and assistance.

Please reply me through this email address below for security reasons:

I await your prompt response to commence the transaction process.

Mrs.Nancy Savimbi
Photo credit / BBC Online

Sunday, May 14, 2006

"Fans say goodbye to the West Wing"

The last season of my best political drama returned on NTV a few Sundays ago, but it's being aired for the last time in the US in just under 12 hours. I'm a little of both a Rep and a Dem at heart, so I'm not certain I'll join either side in reacting to the show's demise; what I'll do is that I'll be among the number that will miss everything good there has been about the show. I mourned John Spencer as though he was working for me (I was among the fans that rushed to write a tribute to him on the BBC website). And I watched with keen interest, in my free time during the Democract's in-house slugfests in 2003 and part of 2004 when I was still across the pond, as Martin Sheen stumped the vote for the liberals. The plot spoilers I have been getting from the US have not been enough to dampen my interest in the episode that's currently running on NTV. I have been waiting to see someone come up with more or less a similar thriller in Kenya...something that will transcend the somewhat faded Reddykyulass and Intrukalass attempt at political comedy. It is getting painful to laugh at our politics each day the Lord lends me breath. *Photo credit / BBC Online.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Full text of press releases following attack on Hope FM

I have just returned after spending much of the day at the Nairobi Pentectostal Church and Hope FM studios, interviewing folks and seeing for myself the extent of the damage after last night's attacks on the radio station. As it turned out, one of the guards killed had previously worked at the university I attended and had been one of my key news sources in my days as the Editor-in-Chief of a student newspaper; I left when they were washing his blood out of the enquiries room he was manning at the time of the attack. Consequently, I'm a little messed up emotionally to do a sober and objective story on this incident (despite the volume of quality info and photos before me from a variety of sources and the interviews I carried out), so I've opted not to write anything about the incident apart from just passing on the following press releases (the ones I could get). 1. FULL TEXT OF PRESS RELEASE FROM HOPE FM MANAGEMENT At around 10:30 pm on Friday 12th May, 2006, 93.3 Hope FM studio was petrol bombed by some masked armed men. After gaining entrance they tied and shot dead one of the guards manning the main gate, and injured two others, who are recuperating in the hospital. They then proceeded to the Hope FM studio and forcefully gained entrance into the studio. After a scuffle with the staff who were on their way out, they fired a shot, switched off the station and petrol bombed the facility. We thank the police, Group 4 Security, Patriotic Guards and the Fire Brigade who arrived immediately in response to the alarm and helped to contain the situation. The relevant government security teams are carrying out investigations. We would like to assure our members and the general public that the station is up and running. The plans to launch national coverage are also on course. We take this opportunity to express our deep felt condolences and sympathy to the family of our guard and wish a quick recovery to the two in hospital. We condemn the taking away of innocent lives and the wanton destruction of private property. We are deeply concerned by a culture of intolerance by those who may not agree with each other especially in the media. Killing the messenger does not and will not kil the message. Although the enemy meant to do evil, it is our conviction that the Lord will turn this evil around for His glory. CHRIST IS THE ANSWER MINISTRIES, 13 MAY, 2006. 2. FULL TEXT OF PRESS RELEASE FROM THE MEDIA OWNERS' ASSOCIATION Media Owners' Association condemns the act of violence against Hope FM, yesterday at 10:30 pm, that caused one death and injuries to innocent people; and we convey our sincere condolences to the family. We ask for people not to speculate on the reason of the attack and request the police and government to speed up investigation and bring to book those who have perpetrated this heinous act. We appeal to all religious leaders in the country to continue praying for the country and preach peace, tolerance, harmony and co-existence as brothers and sisters. We are civilized society and those who have orchestrated this act of thuggery should know they have no place in this country. At this moment, we appeal for calm and understanding among Kenyans. We should not take advantage of this sad event or engage in reckless sensationalism. MOA will continue to advocate the essence of media freedom and responsibility. Signed by: Kanja Waruru, MOA CHAIRPERSON. 13/05/2006 3. FULL TEXT OF PRESS RELEASE FROM THE KENYA UNION OF JOURNALISTS (THE WING LED BY MR. DAVID MATENDE; I SAW THE WING THAT'S LED BY MR. EZEKIEL MUTUA STANDING ALONGSIDE THE MEDIA OWNERS' ASSOCIATION). On behalf of the newly registered officials of the Kenya Union of Journalists, I wish to condemn the attack on the premises of Hope FM, carried out by armed thugs. We in the media are concerned about the rising number of incidents involving affronts on the media. We are further alarmed at the government's failure to act decisively on these cases, some of which its own agent have been behind. Whatever the station did to warrant this attack is immaterial. What concerns us is the way the law is disregarded with impunity. We hereby demand: a). An immediate statement from the Minister for Internal Security on the attack on Hope FM. b). The protection of all media houses and journalists against organized attacks by people who may not be happy with what the media does. c). Repeal of laws that hamper journalists' work including the Official Secrets Act. This Act has led to an intense friction between the desire of the government to control information and the media struggle to inform the public. Should the state fail to act on these demands, we will consider other avenues of making them listen to the media's cries, including organizing a strike. Meanwhile, the Kenya Union of Journalists wishes to congratulate Mr. Ezekiel Oira on his appointment as the Managing Director of the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation. We also wish to thank the outgoing Managing Director Wachira Waruru for his contribution to professionalising the state broadcaster, including hiring new talent. Mr. Waruru oversaw reforms at KBC that has improved news presentation and brought new programmes to make the station competitive. We wish him well as the MD of the Kenya Film Censorship Board. We hope Mr. Oira will continue the reforms introduced by Mr. Waruru who told the government that KBC will no longer be a propaganda tool, and that the station is there to serve all Kenyans and not just those in power. Thank you. Signed by: David Matende, CHAIRMAN. 13/05/2006

Nairobi radio station petrol bombed

Via Nationmedia Hooded men attacked a Christian radio station in Nairobi last night shooting dead a guard and leaving the studio partly burnt from a petrol bomb.

Hope FM, run by the Nairobi Pentecostal Church came under attack at about 10.30pm Kenya time, soon after a programme that discusses Christianity and Islam had been aired.

Two people were seriously injured and were rushed to the Kenyatta National Hospital. They both suffered gun shot wounds.

The programme's presenter Damian Moses Ndimbo escaped with a bullet grazing his finger after he fought off one of the attackers.

"He was pointing a pistol at my head and when he cocked I knew I had to fight for my life. I deflected his hand just as he pressed the trigger. I then kicked him, he fell down and I ran back inside shouting. The station technician sensed danger and switched off the lights," Ndimbo told

Ndimbo said the attackers followed him inside but could not trace them with the lights off. "They then went to the main studio and switched us off air," he added.

The gang of four had shot two night guards to gain entry into the church compound and were busy splashing petrol onto the reception area when the presenter showed up on his way home.

The Nairobi fire brigade were called in to put off fire at the scene.

Police officer John Ngare, in charge of operations at Kilimani police station said a pistol has been recovered at the scene.

Mr Ngare said that the attackers appeared to have carried two jerricans of a liquid which they used to set the building ablaze. Police are still carrying out investigations.

The station’s reception area has been badly damaged with burnt furniture strewn all over. However, the fire did not get to the main studio.

*Nation has done such a good brief on it that there is no need for me to rehash the story. If I get any new angles to it, I sure will do something about it. As for the photos, my camera is off-duty...if I get them by any other means, you sure will have them here too.

Friday, May 12, 2006

The "Son of So Many Tears"

Via Breakpoint..... This upcoming Sunday is Mother's Day. It's the day when Americans remember and celebrate the contributions and sacrifices their moms have made on their behalf.

In honor of Mother's Day, I'd like to tell you a story about one mother whose devotion shaped not only her son's life but countless others, as well.

Her name was Monica. A Christian, she was married to a prominent man who wasn't a believer. He was unfaithful and even beat her at times. Monica's response was to go to church every day and pray for his conversion. She hoped that by setting a godly example, even in the midst of her mistreatment, she might win him over. And that's exactly what happened.

The suffering and anguish caused by her husband paled before what Monica's oldest son put her through. He lived a dissolute life, devoted to pleasure. He left one mistress and took up with another. His only son was born out-of-wedlock.

His lack of faith and rejection of Christian truth hurt Monica even more. He belittled her beliefs and seemed to go out of his way to embrace Christianity's competitors for the hearts and, especially, minds of his contemporaries. He later recalled how his being "dead [to] that faith and spirit which," as he put it, "[my mother] had from you . . . O, Lord" made her weep.

Still, Monica never gave up. The greatest preacher of the time, knowing of her prayers and tears for her son, told her that "it is impossible that the son of so many tears should perish."

That preacher, Bishop Ambrose of Milan, was right. At the age of 35, Monica's son, Augustine, became a Christian and was baptized, along with his son, Adeodatus, by Ambrose. A few months later, on the way home to Hippo with Augustine and Adeodatus, Monica fell ill and died.

Monica could not have known that her prayers and devotion would affect not only the life of her son but also the course of history. Her concern was that her son believe "the truth which is in Jesus."

This devotion to the spiritual welfare of her son is why Monica is regarded as the model for all Christian mothers. Like Susannah Wesley, her zeal for the salvation of her son had an impact far beyond anything she could have imagined.

But there's another reason why Monica's story should resonate with "BreakPoint" listeners and readers. Her concern was not only that her son give up his debauchery, as important as that was. Monica was determined that he embrace the truth of Christianity. She prayed that he would renounce false worldviews and put his sharp mind to the service of Christian truth.

And that's exactly what he did. Augustine championed the Christian worldview against the false alternatives of his day. Much of what Christians believe today was first and best articulated by Monica's son. His writings, the Confessions and the City of God, are considered classics, not only of the Christian faith, but also of all of Western culture and civilization. Those books have profoundly shaped me and my ministry.

While there can be only one Monica and Augustine, every Christian mother—and father, for that matter—should be concerned with their kids' worldviews. Praying for them and teaching them to seek after Christian truth is a solemn duty on our part and a contribution they will always remember, whether it is Mother's Day or any other day of the year.

*Photo credit / Wikipedia

Of Bird Flu in Djibouti and a bankrupt Pan-African Parliament

This post was inspired by Tanzanian blogger Msangi at a time when I had been rather lazy to catch up on the news. Click here for details of the post as published on my Swahili blog. *Photo credit / My mama (taken outside the house)

Behind the Da Vinci Code and other resources

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Salvation just became "easier"

Click here for details. I'm also keeping that link on my homepage (just underneath KENYAN & WORLD MEDIA) in the event that you or anyone else you know will need it in the days to come.

Phase 5 of responses to "The death of Satan"

By MATTHEW & CRYSTAL KEHN Let's start by saying this. The world is fallen, the Church is fallen, and all people are fallen. We must be careful to not judge others and find that we are condemning ourselves. Nathan told David a story, "There were two men who lived in the same town; one was rich and the other poor. The rich man had many cattle and sheep, while the poor man had only one lamb, which he had bought. He took care of it, and it grew up in his home with his children. He would feed it some of his own food, let it drink from his cup, and hold it in his lap. The lamb was like a daughter to him. One day a visitor arrived at the rich man's home. The rich man didn't want to kill one of his own animals to fix a meal for him; instead, he took the poor man's lamb and prepared a meal for his guest." David became very angry at the rich man and said, "I swear by the living LORD that the man who did this ought to die! For having done such a cruel thing, he must pay back four times as much as he took." "You are that man," Nathan said to David." David immediately burned for justice and found himself guilty. Many days I burn for justice in the world, in politics, in the desparate situations where people are being exploited and oppressed - but in the end find myself guilty. I think if we are honest about Bush, he has used his Christendom as a platform for votes and support on the basis of morality rather than a true, real and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus never came to make us moral - He came to give us His righteousness and calls us to pursue HIM not the Law/Morality. Christians who support him only on the basis of his 'faith' are falling prey to the neo-cons' desire for personal power through religious lingo (It happens in Kenya, Uganda and all over the world, people use Christianity for their own personal gain). Bush's Christianity is religion, law, morality - like the pharisees who thought they had it all together. It is not his faith that has affected his decisions, but his religion. One only needs to weed through history to see the fallen diplomatic policies that the US, not only Bush, has used to take advantage of others. For example: supporting and enabling dictatorial governments in South American countries. What strikes me most about the US's foreign policy is SELFISHNESS. Ethnocentrism spills over from every act and decision. "What does not benefit the US is useless!" Look again to the story of Nathan. The US is the rich man, most Third World countries are the poor man. We have seen this scenario many times throughout the history of the US. I have also seen it in my own life. My overwhelming selfishness is the root of all my sin. It creeps up from the very nature of who I am into all areas of my life. If I, being saved by Jesus as a sinner, judge and condemn selfish acts among others, I must first confess them myself. Therefore I now stand on the same side as Bush, the US, the rich man, and David. We are all fallen, the world needs Jesus Christ. Putting more "Christians" in politics and leadership of nations will not redeem the world. Redemption only comes when you put Jesus Christ as the Leader and President of your individual life. He asks you to count the cost, destroy your selfishness, carry the cross, be crucified with Him and follow Him for the rest of your life. I will journey with anyone who is on this road. *Editor's note: Matt and his wife are serving God in Uganda. I happen to have been roomies with Matt at college and also attended Urbana 2003 wih him at the University of Illinois (where again we shared a residence hall). He is a man who truely loves God and I treasure his reflections on matters of life and faith, our agreements and disagreements over the same notwithstanding. Backgrounder to this series of reflections Original article Phase 1 of responses to the article Phase 2 of responses to the article Phase 3 of responses to the article Phase 4 of responses to the article

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Church in Zurich, Switzerland

Grace, a Kenyan living in Switzerland, has written in to say The Path of Life is a Church in Zurich which anyone visiting Switzerland might find useful. That has led me into starting 3 different rolls on my homepage for possible places in Kenya, Europe and the US that one could go to for Sunday services. I'll add to the lists under the rolls as and when I receive more suggestions from you; I'll generally be guided by the extent and proportion to which the Church you suggest is seeking to live out the faith through its vision and mission. Any congregation that resonates with my statement of faith will be a natural add-on.

Online Kalenjin music and dialogues

By KIP This is to inform you that there is a new episode on my podcast. Help me spread the word, if you may. Also visit the online Kalenjin discussion forum. Thanks.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Phase 4 of responses to "The death of Satan"

By A.M, American living in Kenya

Thanks, Jesse for the backgrounder. 
You know, I wouldn't disagree with criticisms of Bush's Iraq policy at all. 
My point was just that it's a different thing to say somebody's religion doesn't affect their politics (i.e. it has no  
real power in their lives) and to say it affects their politics but we don't agree with them (i.e. their religion has power in the lives but  
they've interpreted the mandates of their religion in a way we don't like.) 
I think many politicians both Kenyan and American fall into the first category. Islamic terrorists for most of us fall into the second.  
George W. Bush falls into the second for around half of the U.S. and most of the rest of the world, though as I have said not for me in  
terms of much of his domestic policy emphasis. 
For some people he is in a third category, that of people whose religion makes a difference in their politics and the difference is viewed as good. 
I did not mention in the previous message that one other thing I do appreciate is his insistence that for the first time in a long time in the U.S. political arena, faith based organizations should not have to give up their  
distinctives in order to be considered legitimate providers of social and medical services.

Original article
Phase 1 of responses to the article
Phase 2 of responses to the article
Phase 3 of responses to the article

This also happens to have been my last assignment for now as a guest editor.  Thanks for reading.  
- Z.M. 

Monday, May 08, 2006

Elvis' struggles with God & other issues....

A few weeks ago Mama Mia blogged on Elvis Presley's spiritual side; that in large part inspired me to dig into my CD archives for an interesting presentation made on the legendary singer by Dr. Ravi Zacharias, one of the leading apologists in contemporary Christianity. Mama Mia has since had the opportunity to listen to the CD and should therefore be in a position to give you her own assesment of the content. But Dr. Zacharia's presentation does, in large part, remind me of the woeful tales of countless men and women of reknown who, down the ages, have in their later years or on deathbeds been confronted by the reality and supremacy of a Holy God they had denied all along at the height of their power, wisdom or other forms of accomplishment and, sometimes, even pain. In the MYSTERY OF EVIL AND THE MIRACLE OF LIFE, Dr. Zacharias (I'm quoting the CD jacket here) "examines how the Gospel comes in contradiction to our existential struggles - struggles of human wickedness and the hunger for something greater than this world. He traces the origin of evil and particularly the lure of sin placed before Adam and Eve when Satan made God's truth suspect....(he) examines our hunger for fulfillment of needs that God alone is big enough to fill and offers a challenge to surrender the human will to God's control." In excellent, well-polished arguments, Dr. Zacharias puts forth his are some sure to get yourself a copy of the hour-long CD.....that way or by contacting his office. - "All human beings, whether studied or unstudied in philosophy, ultimately look for their lives to conform to reality as they understand it whether it is right or wrong. If they know that fire burns, they will avoid putting their hand there unless they are purely....suicidal. They want their lives and bodies to correspond to that which is real so that even if they don't use logic or reason, they want their lives to be consistent with reality." - "The reason there is a breakdown (in society) is not even so much that rational strength and the ability to think has been abandoned but our lives are beaking down because we don't understand what reality is all about...what I would like to show you is where this breakdown is coming in and how the Gospel is then coming in contradiction to the world of existentialist struggles...I think you'll find it extremely meaningful." - He then devotes some good amount of time to German philosopher F. Nietzsche and Irish literary icon Oscar Wilde, two very significant atheistic figures that died in 1900, though he is lots more detailed on the latter. You would have to listen to him so as to feel the passion, candour, intensity and wit with which he dissects Wilde the literary genius and debauched gay playboy. He does a critique of Wilde's well known novel - The Picture of Dorian Gray - and notes: "In his (own) life, he denuded the body, but in his novel.....he bared, I think, his soul." - He then quotes some dissilusioned scholars who, despairing at the frustrations emerging from the weaknesses of secularism, are now suggesting that "the world desperately needs a noble lie" so as to survive its troubles. He quotes one of them as saying "modern culture urgently needs a noble lie....a myth that links the moral teachings of religion with the scientific facts of life. Science has eroded the plausibility of the Judeo-Christian myths...including archaic views of the universe, a presumption that humans are at the center of existence, and the stories of Jesus' ressurection and Moses bringing the 10 commandments from the mountain...these are pure myths." Dr. Zacharias then goes on: "This tells you the unabashed seduction of secular thought knows having abandoned reason, existential life becomes are they going to solve the dillemma...dispel the myths of religion and all you are left with is despair which considers life in the universe meaningless." - Having said that, he then delves into what he considers to be the four struggles of existentialism (here is a general summary). a). The mystery of human wickedness: What does evil really mean? He argues that evil means you and I can define reality apart from God; that's the lie we have been tempted to live by (as Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden). They chose to make God a liar. Evil is the natural outworking of a lie; "it's as simple as that but also catastrophic." b). The marvel of humanity's hunger for worship: There's a deep longing within each one of us; there's a beyond in us that goes beyond the scope of romantic love, the stars, etc. There's a haunting sense of emptiness which no human or anything else can satisfy. It is at this point that Dr. Zacharias recalls a conversation he says he once had with one of the people related to Elvis Presley following the singer's death from a supposed addiction to prescription drugs, leaving his family distraught and the world of teenagers shaken that its icon had died. What was it that drove the man? The Elvis buddy is then quoted as saying: "All I know is that with all the women he had screaming for him and all the fame he had before him, (Elvis) was an extremely lonely man. He said that he cried with loneliness...the song that I believe he meant more deeply than any other but a song that he could not appropriateas as far as the outworld world knew is one I saw him singing in Las Vegas before a crowd of gamblers and drinking people....when he told them I want to sing to you you a song that deeply moves me....and he sang How Great Thou Art...and his audience was in spell-bound silence...many times when I bid him goodnight as I was the last one to leave him every night...he would be at the piano singing hymns. He really hungered for something greater than the world was giving him." Dr. Zacharias then proceeds, using Psalms 42:1-11 as a basis, to argue that "the hunger that even the blatant secularist has he cannot conflicts existentially and God fills it." c). The mastery of the human will - He argues that's where the collision really takes place. He gives two excellent illustrations of media mogul Ted Turner and Alexander the Great for a point to which you just need to listen so as to understand. Of the latter, he says that "the problem with Alexander the Great is that he was his own worst rival." d). The miracle of existence itself - He begins to wind up his presentation by quoting an atheist who has said that "the greatest gift in our generation to our children and posterity is that we have released them (our kids) from the fear of the supernatural." Dr. Zacharias then bemoans what he says is the overestimation of the power of miracles by Christians and the underestimation of the same by skeptics. He says: "Our hearts have determined to stay course in those paths....but there's a miracle the world is still looking for....not just an answer to origins but something that will change the enslavement within. The truth is true objectively, though appropriated subjectively. God's truth is the one we all yearn for from the deepest of our insides." He then winds it up by saying: "In this existential struggle, God's word is true. Let's do this generation a favour by defending this because the word of God conforms to reality and our lives must conform to reality too. May God bless you and I trust His word will become true in your life. If you don't know Him, I hope you'll find His definition of reality; if you know Him let's live for the truth. God bless you."

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The other woman that I called "Mum"

This piece was largely inspired by WM's writing about her mum a few days well as that of AK about one of her's about a woman I lost to cancer a little early in life, but one whose impact on my life has defied the passage of time. I met Mrs. R in my first term at elementary school. She had obviously seen better days but still affected an easy demeanor as she immediately put me at ease. "My son, I hope you realize that we are going to have to be good friends now that your parents have put you under my watch for the next three years," she said, her face laced with a warm smile. And there began an exciting relationship between us. A devout Roman Catholic teaching in a public school that was heavily influenced by trends in the local Catholic community, she never utilized this position of double priveledge to lord it over us towards Rome; Protestants like myself had our best of times with regard to religious instruction in the school, it was always either about the crucified and risen Jesus or no C.R.E at all. That, I would think, was one of her major contributions to my person for never again would I encounter such deep and solid Christian instruction in elementary school as I did under her tutelage. I'm grateful she never allowed our denominational differences to cloud over the Jesus we both shared an enduring interest in. Her second contribution would have to be her motherly, personalized oversight over me in her class of several pupils. Perhaps at no other time did I see this so well illustrated than once when I fell ill in her class and, on another occasion, some girls tried to distract me during her Maths class. For the illness, she took the liberty to end the class (a dangerous thing to do in those days of mutual national suspicion that could have seen her fired for ending her class even a minute earlier) and send for my Mum who was some 10 kilometres away; her gesture touched the sickly me so much that I yearned to heal faster and return to her class (of course my Mum would have none of that). For the girls, the romantic note they were throwing across to me fell flat on her desk.......the girl who had written it wanted to disappear from planet earth that very moment. Mrs. R opened and went over the poorly written love letter from the girl, looked at her and her large supporting cast, then calmly said: "My dear boys and girls, let's talk about this at break time." Come break time and the kids that we were gathered around her for a nice, gentle lecture on sexual education.....the girl harassed me no more. I do not recall other teachers ever doing what Mrs. R had just done for the entire time I went through primary school and high school; what I instead recall are the several lives and promising futures that quite literally perished under the care of some randy male and female teachers in the schools I attended. Incidentally, I registered my best performance in Maths under Mrs. R because the moment I left her tutelage (Standard 1 through 3), I fell into the hands of men and women who convinced me that Maths meant nothing but Mental-Agony-To-Harass-Students. Her third and not least important contribution in my life came in the way of education, - it was in her able hands that I developed an insatiable thirst for knowledge, skills and values; she gave me and everyone else in her class the very best. Her teaching was so good that we perfomed just as well; one of the most talked about myths and legends in that school to date is the academic rivalry among several families in the area that emerged as a result of pupils in Mrs. R's stream (East) battling it out with those in a Mrs. T's class (West). Thanks to Mrs. R, I ended up becominng a lightning rod for some of these rivalries....the records of which I hear remain ubeaten in some of the subjects that she had been careful to teach as so well. Sadly, Mrs. R succumbed to a deadly cancer we never knew she had just at about the same moment as some of us were celebrating our entry into high school; obviously the steely bit in her had denied us access to her inner pains and struggles all through. For those among us to whom she had become a Mum away from home, we had lost much more than a teacher. Her memory is still fresh in my mind and the classes she took me through are ever before me; I took to doing some volunteer teaching after my post-secondary education at another primary school in the subjects I enjoyed the most with her, if only to become the part-time teacher I think she had inspired me to become. Looking back, I think the pupil in me had enjoyed her too much to even consider giving anything back to her in the way of love, - a love that perhaps she needed all the while she taught us. But as her pupils are all the rage these days turning the country and world upside down the best they know how, I can think of no better tribute to Mrs. R to have survived her years of immense toil and little pay from the government of the day (a situation many other Rs still have to bear to date). *Publication of this piece was delayed a little because of the responses we had coming in on one of our earlier posts. Publication of those responses will resume sometime on Wednesday after another piece on the late Elvis Presley. - Z.M, Guest Editor.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Phase 3 of responses to "The death of Satan"

By KENYAN IDIOT You made my day today. I will choose to ignore the Americans and their Bush in this debate as they'll do and say anything to defend him: I saw that with my lecturers during their last general elections. But I will not hesitate to say that Bush's policies, at least those that I know of (the international ones), are nowhere near Christocentrism. To argue that the Iraq situation is a Christian motivation is a display of ignorance of the fundamental principles that guide christianity. Christianity is not defended with arms and neither does God need lawyers (am not downplaying the place of apologetics, for I'm an apologist) to chant His cause. He will and has always done it for Himself, over 2,000 years of Christianity is itself an attestation of that. If the "Christian" Bush is is concerned about the spread of Islam let him resort to prayer and Godly living and not war. And I think this is the point Jesse is putting across: that the so-called Christian leaders have failed to lead with the Biblical principles aptly put forth...and that some non-Christian leaders have done a better job. The bone of contention is about the leaders whose policies, decisions and actions have raised questions as to whether they are indeed Christians in the first place. These are the kind of "Christian leaders" Kenya has had. In Africa, we have the Chilubas and worldwide we have the Bushes, among others. The so-called-leaders were, in large part, elected on the platform of Christianity... that since they were Christians they would bring positive Christian change, only for them to add negativity to what is already a bad situation. I am an evangelical believer and do not believe in an utopia BUT still much can be deduced from individual responsibility such as the Christian Bush causing the massive loss of life in Iraq. *The writer blogs at Mapinduzi on various matters of faith. This was in response to the piece published on Christians and how they are engaging national issues in Kenya a few days ago by Jesse. The first and second part of responses by some readers to that piece can be found on this blog as well as Jesse's Swahili one. - Z.M, Guest Editor.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Phase 2 of responses to "The death of Satan"

This post has been culled from incoming comments and correspondence following an article by Jesse on this blog on Wednesday. The first part of the responses had already been published. In his absence, I bear responsibility for any content and / or editorial errors. - Z.M, Guest Editor.


I am also born-again BUT I am of the persuasion of liberation theologians. I believe in heaven here and now, not tomorrow. I believe that Jesus came so that we may have life in full (politically, economically, socially, physically, mentally etc). For that reason, a leader who propagates separation of politics from religion will not be on my list of buddies. In Kenya we have seen many born-agains telling people to leave politics to the politicians. That to me shows they don't read their Bible well. Regarding Bush and his Christianity - speaking as an African, I say he attacked Iraq because he was a Christian. He saw that to stop the spread of Islamists who harm Christians for just being Christains, Iraq had to succumb to US might. However he did not envisage a situation where Musilims would interpret that for a crusade. The war in Iraq now is not about oil. It is Jesus versus Mohammed. Otherwise your analysis of the Kenyan scenario has hit the nail on the head.

-Pukks, Mozambique


Bravo Jesse,

That was a nice piece. I hope the media fellows will quiz the Honourable members to-be and will use the forthcoming by-elections as a dress rehersal for the elections to come in 2007.

This can be done by inviting them for debates on a wide range of social and economic issues to assess their fitness as Honourable members of parliament. Some of them will be appointed ministers and will be answerable to not only their constituents but Kenyans as a whole. - M.O, Denmark
Jesse, I like your write up; it's challenging and true. Hebu soma Amos 5:20-24, I kinda think it suffices for what I thought of the National Prayer day.
I pray that u become an MP nxt year, ama? It will be a turning point, I admire your convictions........
Take care n always praying for you.
- D.O, Kenya
Jesse, Thanks for the work you are doing. Keep it up. Tuko pamoja. - J.K, Kenya.
Jesse, I really appreciate these pieces. As I said, I look forward to being able to contribute on issues raised. Blessings Man! - K.K, Kenya

Phase 1 of responses to "The death of Satan"

This is the balance of thoughts received thus far which merited publication as articles on their own rather than as merely comments to the piece published by Jesse a few hours ago. Other comments will be published as they are received and considered. - Z.M, Guest Editor.

Jesse, I would have to disagree about George Bush. I will not dispute that his foreign policy, except for the commitment to a large block of money to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa, is objectionable. However, domestically it appears to me that his Christianity has made a great difference in his decision making. He stands firmly against abortion, he has attempted to put into place stringent guidelines regarding embryonic stem cell research based on that conviction, he is pushing abstinence as a solution to HIV prevention, he has opened up immigration in the U.S., especially with regards to persons already living in the country illegally (though admittedly not Arab ones) more than any president in recent memory. Now, one can argue that he is not correct on some of his positions, but that his Christianity has impacted his domestic policy in a noticeable way is not arguable. Nor, may I point out, would most of his opponents in the U.S. make that argument. They would assert that he is wrong--possibly because of his faith--but not that his faith has not impacted his stands on issues. I do some research in the area of HIV/AIDS, and I can assure you that persons involved in that field do not think George W. Bush's faith has not made a difference--they think it has made a very strong, negative difference (I happen to be very appreciative of his stance on abstinence, though I'm less convinced that his administration's position downgrading the importance of the media in fighting HIV/AIDS is useful. But then again I would not think that position springs from faith convictions). That is the main reason why, despite the fact that it is clearly in the descendency, many persons on the opposite side of the political spectrum are excruciatingly vocal in expressing their fears that the conservative Christian ideology is taking over American politics. - A.M, American living in Kenya.
It's alright with you barbing at Bush; you were quoting.
Incidentally, I doubt very much that he would have made even the efforts he has to deal with things like AIDS in Africa, genocide in Sudan or (certainly) an attempt, however faltering, to bring about democracy in the Middle East without his Christian faith. That being said, there are many politicians of the type you describe here.
A good piece of advice on this matter is to compare the political action of Chuck Colson with that of Jerry Fallwell. Colson writes the Breakpoint web column, which always makes for good daily reading. I recommend it to anyone. - A.J, Pennsylvania, USA.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The death of Satan: How Kenyans have lost a sense of evil (and why they must get it b4 2007)

Let me first declare my interests in this matter, about which I had promised to write a few days ago: I'm a born-again Christian in the Reformed tradition, a son to an evangelical clergyman, a trained journalist with some experience in the local and international media, passionate about my faith as well as issues (politics included) that inform life on this planet. I also have a fairly good grasp of the Kenyan, African and global Christian landscape; gained through reading, travel and practical engagement in life with other believers. This piece has been distilled from my own thoughts on this matter as well as ideas I have gleaned from some Christian friends with whom I have been reflecting on this subject. I write this, therefore, with as much of a detached observer's skepticism as much as I'm doing so with an insider's determined anguish to redeem what I believe is a situation perfectly within our sights. At the time of this writing, I had it on good authority that a large number of Christian candidates will be contesting for parliamentary seats in next year's General Elections. Some of the prospective candidates are already in parliament, others will be doing so for the very first time; a good number of the latter are folks I either attended university with or have interacted with in Christian circles or in the media industry. In the new crop of candidates are folks I could vote for anytime anywhere, but in the same camp are folks I would rather we had others - like the Artur brothers :-) - running in their stead, democracy or no democracy. Alongside this development is the established thought in some circles, proved wrong in some constituencies and even on the presidential ballot in 2002, that there are annointed MPs for whom Kenyans should uncritically vote in 2007. The foregoing is the kind of thinking informing some of the rather weird consensus in some Christian circles that seeks to be the driving force behind some of the Christian parliamentary and presidential hopefuls. I have no problems with Christians, Muslims, Hindus or whoever else fielding candidates in the General Elections - it is within their legal rights to do so; what I'm opposed to is the possible emergence in the next Parliament of some legislators - falling in my category of persons I would rather die than vote for - who will be our bane. Those legislators-to-be have nothing, apart from their professed faith, to offer this country; they are in good company with several past and present Christian legislators and presidents whose work ethic could be called anything but productive. Those legislators-to-be have not engaged the real issues of the day in the way of a dedicated life of service and reflection; you'll find nothing to back up their talk either in any known political philosophy or paper trail documenting their contribution to the leadership of organizations or groups they have been part of.

Those legislators-to-be talk so glibly about social transformation but have never allowed their faith to - in the thoughts of Christ in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12)- affect their world as they know it in any discernible way; their faith has been kept private and safe, never really pushing them out of their comfort zones much enough to disturb the status quo that puts the weak and vulnerable in our society at the mercy of the high and mighty.
Those legislators-to-be suffer from a terrible but conveniently nourished cognitive dissonance that allows them to live not as they believe, while at the same time hitting the campaign trail with the message of how much their salvation will help them transform our country. Those legislators-to-be have for their heroes the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel Arap Moi and President Mwai Kibaki and their large army of "Christian" political disciples - both in government and the opposition -; men and women whose record in private life and the conduct of public affairs is nothing to write home about. Those legislators-to-be will, gladly, use the state to promote Christianity while utilizing the same machinery to oppress those who will, in their estimation, be having nothing to contribute to "national cohesion, stability and development." As some Zambian pastors reportedly did when Christian President Frederick Chiluba came in, those legislators are likely to - for a social vision - ask for more land for the construction of churches, more freedom for "crusades" and, who knows, a declaration that Kenya is officially a Christian nation; all that while as Kenya goes down the gutter under whoever else they will have helped us annoint. As someone has so well noted: "The most powerful man in the world today (President George Bush) claims to be a born-again, evangelical Christian. Are his domestic and foreign policies any Christian? Where did we get the idea that if we had more Christians in positions of power and influence our nation would be more just and compassionate? We have 2,000 years of history to deny that." And do take this from him too: "If you have people who only think that the Gospel is about being born-again and going to Heaven when we die, pray that these people won't have positions of power in our country. Let's pray that we'll have Christians in those positions who we'll have taken time to develop a Christian, political philosophy and vision of the world. And for that you need much more than the Bible...or quoting Romans 13 and I Peter 2 as if that settles the issue. There's more than 2,000 years of profound Christian reflection on politics, beginning with that great North African called St. 2,000 years of Christian political reflection, and often not done by evangelicals (and - I add - sometimes Christians in general)." These nicely dressed-up, dangerous wannabes, presenting themselves as angels of light, need not be handled with kids' gloves as has been the case in past elections. The Kenyan voter needs to refresh his or her sense of evil and vote out those who will be calling "Christ, Christ" in the campaigns and private strategy meetings yet have no real, known love for someone before whom all known and unknown history will someday culminate. He's someone whom if, as they claim, they truely believe in, would have informed their understanding of how best to make their lives a daily responsible answer to the question of God's call on their lives in our generation. *I'll see if I or anyone else can do a sequel to this. If you are interested in doing so, just holla at me via the e-mail address on my homepage. I'm terribly time-limited for now to do anything serious. By the way, a Swahili translation of this piece is available at my Swahili blog.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Basic Stott as a precursor to my piece

In this cover story from 1996, evangelicalism's premier teacher speaks on gender, charismatics, leaving the Church of England, the poor, evangelical fragmentation, Catholics, the future, and other subjects. This article originally appeared as the cover story for Christianity Today's January 8, 1996, issue. As "Uncle Stott" happens to be someone I agree with on a number of theological issues, I have it here as a precursor to some piece I intend to publish in the next few days on Christians' engagement with national issues in Kenya. It's nothing earth-shaking; I hope I find the time to have it here in the next few days.


John Stott joins together what most people tear asunder—or at least are incapable of holding together. He is a theologian of depth and breadth, yet he preaches and writes with clarity to a wide audience. He integrates social concerns into the mission of the church without ever minimizing his commitment to evangelism. Since he was ordained in 1945, he has ministered within a mainline denomination (the Church of England), while neither compromising his convictions nor diminishing his role as an evangelical thought leader. Engaged in parish ministry for 50 years at All Souls, Langham Place, in the center of London, where he now holds the title rector emeritus, his influence among evangelicals is of international proportions.

One of Stott's enduring legacies is as the key framer of the historic Lausanne Covenant (1974), which serves almost as an evangelical apostles' creed in many Third World settings. His faithful witness to the gospel in his writings and preaching has made him mentor and friend to a global community. The author of 34 books, Stott's primer on the faith, Basic Christianity, has been translated into over 50 languages, and 22 more are in progress.

Speaking of Authentic Christianity, an anthology of his writings from the past 50 years (forthcoming from InterVarsity), evangelical historian Mark Noll serves up this accolade: "I consider John Stott the sanest, clearest, and most solidly biblical living writer on theological topics in the English language." It is difficult to dispute this assessment.

More than his books, documents, or institutions, Stott's most important legacy to the church has been his wisdom. Thoroughly biblical, disarmingly open, shrewdly discerning, Stott's thought has helped guide the evangelical movement as it engaged social concerns, the charismatic movement, female clergy, homosexuality, and challenges to core doctrines. In preparation for Stott's seventy-fifth birthday, Roy McCloughry, associate editor of the British Christian magazine Third Way, interviewed this evangelical Solomon on these and many other topics. The discussion can serve as a measure of where we are as a movement—and where we need to go.

Your ministry stretches back over 50 years. How have you changed over that time?

I was very naive when I was ordained. I was more an activist than a thinker. I saw needs and wanted immediately to meet them, and this crowded out my studies.

It was in the early days of my ministry that I learned the necessity of stepping back, looking where I was going, and having a monthly quiet day to be drawn up into the mind of God and look ahead for the next six or twelve months. That was an enormous benefit to me.

You've covered an immense range of issues in your ministry—theological, social, doctrinal, and cultural. Has that been due to curiosity or to obligation as a minister?

A bit of both. Even before my conversion, I believe that God gave me a social conscience. When I was only 14 years old, I started a society at school whose major purpose was to give baths to tramps. I had a great concern for these homeless, dirty men.

We called it the ABC, because we thought they could understand that; having decided on the letters, we had to look around for words that would fit, and we came up with two: either "Always Be a Christian" or "the Association for the Benefit of the Community." It only lasted a few years, and we never gave any baths to tramps; but we did some other good works until the treasurer loaned all the subscriptions to his brother, who spent everything.

My father was a doctor and a very high-minded, high-principled person, though not a Christian. He believed in a national health service before it was even dreamed about. My mother, too, was very concerned for the maids in the doctors' homes who had nothing to do on their afternoons off. She started the Domestic Fellowship. So they both had a social conscience.

Evangelism and Social Action

Some people might divide your ministry into two halves, one focused on pietism and one concerned with the very broadest social, cultural, and economic aspirations of society. What caused this change?

I think it was reading the Bible. As I read and studied and meditated, my vision of God grew and I came to see the obvious things: that God is not just interested in religion but in the whole of life—in justice as well as justification.

I don't see any dichotomy between the "pietistic" and social realms. To me, they're two aspects of the same thing: a pursuit of the will of God. I have always been moved by the phrase "to hunger and thirst after righteousness"; righteousness covers both personal holiness and social justice.

Some people might say that your commitment to the justice of god, expressed in social terms, led to a watering down of your commitment to the gospel.

I think that's rubbish, honestly. I remain committed to evangelism. I have had the privilege of leading more than 50 university missions all over the world, and they spanned a period of 25 years until I felt I was a little out of touch with the student generation and too old.

I can honestly say that my social concerns have not diminished my zeal for evangelism. If anything, it's the other way round. What people could say is that I talk a lot about social action but don't do much about it. And that is true, because my calling is to be a pastor. Although I disagree with polarization between these two, I've often said I do believe in specialization.

Acts 6 is the obvious biblical basis for this specialization of roles: the apostles were not willing to be distracted from the ministry of the Word and prayer. In fact, the seven were appointed to handle the care of the widows. Both those works are called diakonia, "ministry"; both required Spirit-filled people to exercise them. Both were necessary, but one was social, the other pastoral.

Don't some people fear that renewed emphasis on social concern might muffle the call to evangelism?

There are a number of mission leaders, particularly Americans, who are frightened that we want missionaries to give themselves to social-political work, which is none of their business and would distract them from their primary role in evangelism. I have no wish for missionaries to change their role. There is a real need for evangelists who are not engaged in holistic mission because their calling is evangelism. I don't criticize Billy Graham because he simply preaches the gospel and doesn't engage in social-political work—well, he does a bit, but not much—any more than we don't criticize the Good Samaritan for not preaching the gospel to the man assaulted by robbers.

It's partly our existential situation that determines what we concentrate on, partly our vocation. Everybody cannot do everything, as I keep saying to myself.

In Issues Facing Christians Today (1984), you say: "evangelism is the major instrument of social change. For the gospel changes people, and changed people can change society." Isn't that really a ruggedly individualistic picture of social change?

I think that quote is from where I list four or five instruments for social change. I put evangelism first because Christian social responsibility depends on socially responsible Christians, and they are the fruit of evangelism.

Having said that, I would also want to make the complementary point that Christians are not the only people who have benefited or reformed society. We evangelicals do have a very naive view. Take marriage: people say, "They have got to be converted and then they'll have a good marriage." But there are Christians who don't have good marriages, and there are plenty of excellent marriages among people who are not Christians. Morality and social conscience are not limited to Christian people.

Why is the church so often the last to join a protest movement? The church in time might take the lead; and it may speak with the greatest integrity against jingoism or apartheid or nuclear weapons or the abuse of the environment. But these movements are often started by others.

Well, that has not always been true. The slave trade is a good example and Shaftesbury's reforms in relation to mental illness. Nevertheless, by and large what you say is true. Why? First, because we're busy; we're busy evangelizing and doing other things, mostly in the church. We don't always demand our liberty from the church in order to be active in the world.

Second, we have such a strong doctrine of fellowship and are so clear about our responsibility not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers that we have seldom learned that we can be "cobelligerents," to use Francis Schaeffer's well-known term, even if we are not in active spiritual fellowship with one another.

Some people might say that the church is simply very conservative. It only joins these movements for change under pressure from secular forces in society.

I wish it were always Christians who took the initiative in seeking needed social change. But I am still thankful when others take the initiative and Christians follow, even under secular pressure.

We must not set secular fashion and the Holy Spirit over against each other, as being always and inevitably incompatible. Public opinion isn't always wrong. What is wrong is to bow down before it uncritically, like reeds shaken by the wind. Why should the Holy Spirit not sometimes use public opinion to bring God's people into line? The Spirit seems to have done so on a number of occasions in the debate between science and faith.

What is the theological basis for Christian social involvement today? Is it enough to speak of being "salt and light"?

Start with the nature of God. God is interested in and concerned about more than religion: God is the Lord of creation and the covenant. God is the lover of justice, one who protects and champions the oppressed: this is God's nature. If this is the kind of God we have, then clearly God's people have got to be the same.

Second, there is the doctrine of human beings, of male and female made in the image of God—the unique dignity and worth of human beings. William Temple said, "My worth is what I am worth to God, and that is a marvelous great deal, because Christ died for me." And I would say that the ministry of Jesus in life and death exhibits the enormous value of human beings.

Then, I would want to back up this biblical theme with examples from history. Take Mother Teresa, for example, who sees a woman on the pavement of Calcutta with awful sores infested by live maggots. Mother Teresa kisses this woman and picks her up. She sees an intrinsic value in her.

That, surely, is what has motivated people. That is why the word humanization, which was first adopted in the World Council of Churches, is something we evangelicals ought to have taken up. Anything that dehumanizes human beings should be an outrage to us, because God has made them in his image. The whole concept of the rehumanization of human beings, and the deliverance of human beings from anything that dehumanizes, ought to inspire people, and has inspired people.

Mainline Churches

Do you still think the Anglican Church makes a good home for evangelicalism?

Yes, I think it's a good boat to fish from, but that's not the reason I'm a member of it.

There are three options for evangelicals in mainline denominations. The two extremes are to get out or cave in. The third is to stay in without giving in. The extremes are actually the easy options. Anybody can cave in: that's the way of the coward, the way of the feeble mind. To cave in is to stay in but to fail to hold on to your distinctive evangelicalism. You just compromise.

To get out is to say, "I can't bear this constant argument and controversy any longer." That also is an easy option. I know people have done it and suffered because they have given up a secure job and salary; but it's an easy option psychologically.

The difficult thing is to stay and refuse to give in, because then you're always in tension with people with whom you don't altogether agree, and that is painful.

But no Christian can give unqualified allegiance to any institution. What, for you, would be the signals that it is time to leave the Church of England?

I've always felt that it's unwise to publish a list of criteria in advance. Nevertheless, I'm quite happy to talk about them. I think one's final decision to leave would be an exceedingly painful one, a situation that I cannot envisage at the moment.

I would take refuge in the teaching of the New Testament, where the apostles seem to distinguish between major and minor errors. The major doctrinal errors concern the person and work of Christ. It's clear in 1 John that anyone who denies the divine-human person of Jesus is anti-Christ. So, if the church were officially to deny the Incarnation, it would be an apostate church and one would have to leave.

Then, there's the work of Christ. In Galatians, if anybody denies the gospel of justification by grace alone through faith alone, that is anathema: Paul calls down the judgment of God upon that person.

On the major ethical issues: the best example is the incestuous offender in 1 Corinthians 5. Paul called on the church to excommunicate him. If you want me to stick my neck out, I think I would say that if the church were officially to approve homosexual partnerships as a legitimate alternative to heterosexual marriage, this so far diverges from biblical sexual ethics that I would find it exceedingly difficult to stay. I might want to stay on and fight for a few more years, but if they persisted, I would have to leave.

Evangelical Fragmentation

It seems that evangelicalism has fragmented into different groups, with different heroes, publishers, and cultures. How should we think of ourselves now?

I don't mind plurality as long as it goes hand-in-hand with unity. But I've given a great deal of my life to the development and preservation of unity within the evangelical constituency. I have never believed that our differences have been great enough to warrant fragmentation. I don't mind people founding their own societies and going after their own thing—again, it's an example of specialization—provided they still recognize that we belong to one another.

What are the current causes of evangelical fragmentation?

We fragment over what we regard as issues of principle, but often the real reason is personal, isn't it? When we're afraid, we withdraw into our own fellowships and ghettos with like-minded people where we feel secure. I'm aware of that fear in myself; it's part of our basic human insecurity. We're looking for contexts in which we can be supported rather than questioned.

I'm afraid that in some cases the cause of fragmentation is worse than that—it's a simple matter of ambition. There is a great deal of empire building among us. The only empire in which we should be interested is the kingdom of God, but I fear some people are building their own.

On issues of principle, what concerns you most?

The uniqueness and finality of Jesus Christ in an increasingly pluralistic world is one—the debate about whether we go for exclusivism, inclusivism, or pluralism. Then there's the homosexual question, and the whole subject of sexual ethics.

So the church must recover its prophetic voice and reject both the idea that ethics evolve and the notion that love obliges us to capitulate to the modernist view of things.

We need a voice that is essentially positive, not just negative—for example, on the family, or the joy of sexual intercourse, and so on.

I don't know why we are always caught on the defensive and are reactive instead of proactive. I don't think it is something in our make-up as evangelicals. I sometimes wonder if it is that God has not given us many leaders who are visionaries.

The evangelical renaissance of the last 50 years has really been one of biblical scholarship. What we have lacked is systematic or creative theologians. I believe we have one in Alister McGrath; I am sure in England we had one in Jim Packer before he left the country. But we have very few theologians who are really far-sighted and give us a vision that will unite, inspire, and enthuse us.

Does this lack of vision for the future have something to do with our perception of truth lodged in orthodoxy? Does this make it difficult to be creative and take risks?

Yes, there is something in that. Evangelicalism is fundamentally loyal to a past revelation, and because we are tied forever to what God did and said in the historic Jesus, we look back more often than we look forward.

In my debate with David Edwards [published as Evangelical Essentials by InterVarsity], I drew a distinction between the liberal, the fundamentalist, and the evangelical. The liberal, to me, is like a gas-filled balloon which takes off into the ether and is not tethered to the earth in any way. The fundamentalist is like a caged bird, unable to escape at all. To me, the true evangelical is like a kite, which flies high but at the same time is always tethered. This demands a particularly unusual combination of loyalty to the past and creativity for the future.

Eternal Punishment

You have fallen afoul of some evangelicals. Some of your reflections on the nature of eternal punishment were considered uncongenial to orthodoxy by some people.

In Evangelical Essentials, I described as "tentative" my suggestion that "eternal punishment" may mean the ultimate annihilation of the wicked rather than their eternal conscious torment. I would prefer to call myself agnostic on this issue, as are a number of New Testament scholars I know. In my view, the biblical teaching is not plain enough to warrant dogmatism. There are awkward texts on both sides of the debate.

The hallmark of an authentic evangelicalism is not the uncritical repetition of old traditions but the willingness to submit every tradition, however ancient, to fresh biblical scrutiny and, if necessary, reform.

How would you advise theologians to think creatively in the light of orthodoxy?

I don't think any of us is wise enough to express ourselves in a creative or questioning manner without first testing it within the Christian community. It is part of our loyalty to that community that we allow it to criticize or comment on what we may want to say.

Dialogue with Liberals

In your debate with David Edwards, you both seemed to reach a genuine understanding of and respect for each other's positions. Do you think that evangelicals can learn from the liberal tradition?

David Edwards, a self-styled liberal, is crying out for a certain intellectual and academic freedom that can move with the times and respond to what he continually calls "the climate of educated opinion today," without being tethered to anything more than the love of God manifested in Jesus of Nazareth. I don't think that's an unfair summary. But all the time he's pulling at the tether, and that's the great difference between us.

He would say that evangelicals have a poor doctrine of the Holy Spirit, because we don't think the Spirit is continuing to teach and to "lead us into all the truth." I believe that text, John 16:13, is the most misunderstood and manipulated text in the whole of the Bible, because every branch of Christendom claims it.

It's a key text for the Roman Catholic Church. "He will lead you into all the truth." Who is the "you" here? Roman Catholics would claim it refers to the bishops as successors of the apostles. The liberal quotes it, and the charismatic quotes it: "He'll lead me," they say. But even the most elementary hermeneutical principle would tell us that the "you" means the apostles. Jesus said, "I have much more to say to you, but you cannot bear it now." Who is he addressing? The apostles. "But when the Spirit comes, he will do what I have not been able to do; he will lead you into the truth which I wanted to give you but you weren't able to take it." It must be the apostles. We cannot change the identity of the "you" in the middle of the sentence.

So the fulfillment of that prophecy is in the New Testament. The major ministry of the Holy Spirit has been to lead the apostles into all the truth and to give us in the New Testament this wonderful body of truth that remains our authority. That does not mean that the ministry of the Holy Spirit has ceased. It means that the role of the Holy Spirit has changed from the revelation of new truth to giving us a profounder perception and application of old truth—from revelation to illumination, if you like.

Although I may be overstating it slightly, I want to say that God has no more to teach us than he has taught us in Christ. It is inconceivable that there should be a higher revelation than God has given in his incarnate Son. But although God has no more to teach us, we have a great deal more to learn. And although he has no more to give us than he has given us in Christ, we have a great deal more to receive.

Evangelicals and Catholics

Some people feel that evangelicals adapt, eventually, to changing circumstances, whereas Catholicism stands firm like a rock. Those who say there is a loss of authority in our world are tending toward Rome …

Or Orthodoxy.

Do you think there is something about Rome that is rightly attractive?

Yes. The true evangelical wants both liberty and authority. We want to ask questions, to think, to pry, to peer, to probe, to ponder. We want to do all these things, but within a framework of submission to an ultimate authority. But we're asking questions about our authority: what does it mean and how does it apply? So we experience an uneasy tension between liberty and authority.

I couldn't find a lodging place in either Catholicism or liberalism, because one seems to major on authority with little room for liberty, while the other emphasizes liberty with very little room for authority.

Authentic Christianity includes this quotation: "The word Christian occurs only three times in the bible. because of its common misuse we could profitably dispense with it." Since the word evangelical doesn't appear at all and is also misused, should we dispense with it, too?

We could, in theory, for the same reason. The words that are used in the New Testament most frequently are believer, brother or sister, and child of God. There isn't a word that the Bible itself gives us to which we have to be loyal.

But the reason I want to stick with evangelical is a historical one. It has expressed a recognizable tradition, to which I still belong (and am proud and thankful to belong), and I want to take my stand not only on Scripture but in that tradition.

Does it alarm you to hear people calling themselves "postevangelical"?

Yes. I don't know what they mean, but it does alarm me. If you are "post" anything, you are leaving something behind, and I want to know what it is. If it's our many faults and failures, fine, but that's not postevangelicalism, it's post-twisted-evangelicalism.

What are the weaknesses of evangelicalism?

We've discussed our rugged individualism and the difficulty we have in cooperating with one another. Another weakness is our dogmatism. Instead of remembering Deuteronomy 29:29, we are dogmatic about even the things that God has kept secret. We're often not prepared to admit a certain agnosticism, which is a very evangelical thing, if we are alluding to what God has not revealed.

We have many weaknesses. I'm sure there are plenty more if I were to go on.

Do you think that our emphasis on "the Christian mind" may have prevented us from fully affirming the wisdom to be found outside the church?

What you mean is: Should we pay attention to the wisdom literature of other religions?

And the wisdom of people with no religion?

Yes, we certainly should, even if with reservations and a desire to bring their thinking to the ultimate touchstone of biblical authority.

The key text is John 1:9, which says that the logos, the Son of God before the Incarnation, is the true light coming into the world and giving light to everybody. I believe that is the right translation—that he is constantly coming into the world. Indeed, he has never left it, because the world was made by him, and so he is in the world. He was in the world even before he came into it in the Incarnation, and as the logos he is giving light to everybody.

So, there is a certain light of common sense, reason, and conscience that everybody has, because they're also made in the image of God. To be sure, reason is fallen and fallible; nevertheless, it still operates.

For those two reasons, the divine logos and the human logos, if you like, we should listen respectfully to what other people are saying, even if at the end of the day we have the liberty to say, "No, that is wrong, because the Bible teaches otherwise."

God and the Poor

Authentic Christianity records you saying in 1981: "What will posterity see as the chief Christian blind spot of the last quarter of the twentieth century? I do not know. But I suspect it will have something to do with the economic oppression of the Third World and the readiness with which Western Christians tolerate it, and even acquiesce to it."

I did, I think, mention three blind spots. The nuclear horror was another one: evangelicals were the last people to make a statement about the immorality of weapons of indiscriminate destruction. I think the third one was the environment.

There is a great deal in the Bible about God's concern for the poor. Poverty—not poverty in the sense of simplicity, but in the sense of lacking the basic wherewithal for survival—is not really on our evangelical conscience yet. Partly because many people have not traveled and seen oppressive poverty with their own eyes, although they have seen the pictures on television.

Are we too ready in the west to accept the view that a successful church is also an affluent one?

Because some people see prosperity as a mark of God's blessing, even today, they can't come to terms with poverty. We have to have the courage to reject the health-and-wealth gospel absolutely. It's a false gospel.

Do you think the idea that God wants us to be comfortable because he loves us presents a threat to a cutting-edge spirituality?

Well, we're sitting in a very comfortable flat as we talk, and it's easy to say! But I do think that comfort is dangerous, and we should constantly be re-examining our lifestyle.

The New Testament is beautifully balanced on this. Paul avoids both extremes, not least in 1 Timothy 4 and 6. Asceticism is a rejection of the good gifts of the good Creator. Its opposite is materialism—not just possessing material things but becoming preoccupied with them. In between asceticism and materialism is simplicity, contentment, and generosity, and these three virtues should mark all of us.

It's not a question of rules and regulations about our income and how many rooms or cars we have. It's these principles of simplicity, contentment, and generosity over against covetousness, materialism, and asceticism that we have to apply to our living all the time. We need to give away what we are not using, because if we don't use it, we don't need it.

You've seen a great deal of poverty around the world. Do you perceive a difference between the Christianity of the poor and the Christianity of the rich?

Yes, I do. In the Old Testament, there is a fundamental association between material and spiritual poverty. Often, you are not sure what is meant by "the poor." But they tend to be those who are materially poor and who on account of that poverty need to put their trust in God with a greater strength than if they were rich and so self-dependent.

My own understanding is that in the Sermon on the Mount, which may have involved a concentrated period of instruction, Jesus said both "Blessed are you poor" (Luke) and "Blessed are the poor in spirit" (Matthew). I think there is a blessedness attaching to both. The kingdom of God is a blessing to the materially poor because it affirms their dignity and relieves their poverty; it is also a blessing, a free gift, to the spiritually poor. So, there is a sense in which poverty is an aid to faith and riches are a barrier to faith.

I want to add that all these terms—simplicity, contentment, generosity, and wealth—are comparative. There is no absolute simplicity or poverty. My little kitchen not only has running water but constant hot water. That would be regarded as the height of luxury in some parts of the world, yet we don't regard it as that, and comparatively speaking, in this country it isn't. We need to feel the challenge of Jesus to us in the light of our own situation and circumstances.

Is God's kingdom a blessing to the poor even if they do not recognize that they are poor in spirit?

No, I think the two blessings go together.

Do the poor tend to see themselves as poor in spirit?

Some do. Their material poverty helps them to see their need of Christ. Others, however, become bitter and can't listen to the gospel. What is the African phrase? "An empty belly has no ears." When they're that poor, they can't respond to the gospel. It's like the Israelites when Moses told them about the exodus: "They did not listen to him because of their cruel bondage."

Would you agree with liberation theologians when they say that the Scriptures were written against a background of poverty and are most truly understood when they are read with the eyes of the poor?

I'm very keen on cross-cultural Bible-study groups. We can help each other listen to the Word of God, but I don't think it is true to say that the poor necessarily have greater insights. We all come to Scripture with our presuppositions and our cultural defenses, and these may be very different from one another's. The liberation theologian and the Marxist also have their cultural defenses.

What we need to do in cross-cultural Bible-study groups is to cry to God to use each other in breaking through these defenses.

The Charismatic Movement

Can we turn to the charismatic movement? how Have your views changed since Baptism and Fullness?

Baptism and Fullness was the second edition; the first was The Baptism and Fullness of the Holy Spirit. I practically rewrote the book, principally because I felt I had been less than generous in my evaluation of the movement. I wanted to put on record that I had no doubt that God had blessed the charismatic movement to both individuals and local churches. It would be quite impossible and improper to deny that.

I do believe in the Holy Spirit! The Christian life is inconceivable without the Holy Spirit. The Christian faith and life depend entirely upon the Holy Spirit: the Spirit convicts us of sin, opens our eyes to see the truth as it is in Jesus, causes the New Birth to take place, bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, transforms us into the image of Christ, is the earnest of our final inheritance, and so on. Every stage and every part of the Christian life is impossible without the Holy Spirit.

So I believe in the Spirit; but I still believe that some of the distinctive doctrines of charismatic Christians are not as honoring to the Spirit as they think they are, and are in fact mistaken.

What I find difficult is the stereotyping of Christian experience, that everybody has to go through the same two hoops. I don't see that in the New Testament. I see the emphasis on the New Birth; and the New Testament bends over backwards in its attempt to find adequate phraseology to define the New Birth. It speaks not only of rebirth but of re-creation and resurrection, and nothing could be greater than that. It seems to me we are bound to go askew if we put any subsequent experience on a level higher than the original one.

As for the gifts, I simply think that many charismatics focus on the wrong ones. There are at least 20 gifts identified in the New Testament, and these lists are so random that there are probably many more that were not included. But the Pentecostal still concentrates on the three supernatural gifts of healing, prophecy, and tongues.

The most important gift today, measured by Paul's principle that we should excel in those that build up the church, is teaching. Nothing builds up the church like the truth, and we desperately need more Christian teachers all over the world. I often say to my charismatic friends, "If only you would concentrate on praying that God would give teachers to the church who could lead all these new converts into maturity in Christ, it would be more profitable."

Could the development of the movement bring about an existential form of Christianity? Just as liberals read scripture in the light of its relevance to culture, could the charismatics read it in the light of its relevance to experience?

I think that's well put, and I want to endorse it. I wish I'd thought of it first!

Mind you, I don't want to denigrate experience. I don't want charismatics to say of me, as they often do, "He's a dry old stick." Because I'm not, actually. I'm a much more emotional person than people realize. I thank God that he hasn't made me a fish, cold and slippery. I'm very thankful to be a human being, with all the emotional passion and fervor, as well as intellectual concern, which that entails.

I do believe in emotion; I do believe in experience. The Christianity of the New Testament is undoubtedly an experiential faith, in which deep feelings are involved. But I want to combine clear thinking with deep feelings.

I find that mind and emotion are kept together very much in the New Testament. I have always loved, for example, the Emmaus walk: "Did not our hearts burn within us when he opened to us the Scriptures?" It was through their mind that their heart began to burn. We have to recognize the important place of experience, but our experience does have to be checked all the time against biblical teachings. Otherwise, it will become an ungodly and non-Christian existentialism.

Have you yourself had experiences of God that could be called "charismatic"?

I want to say yes to the first part of the sentence and no to the second. Certainly God has given me in his goodness some profound spiritual experiences, both when I've been alone and even more in public worship, when tears have come to my eyes, when I've perceived something of his glory.

I can remember one particular occasion when we were singing, "At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow." I did really break down, because I saw again the supreme exaltation of Jesus to the right hand of the Father. I have had other profound experiences that have moved me to the core of my being. But I wouldn't say that any of them has been a traditional charismatic experience such as speaking in tongues. And they have not been disassociated from the mind. In 1 Corinthians 14 Paul is all the time saying, "You mustn't let these experiences bypass your mind." The mind is involved, though the experience goes beyond it.

But I know what Paul meant in Romans 5 about the love of God being shed abroad in our hearts. I also know what he meant in Romans 8 about the Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.

The Toronto Blessing

What do you make of the Toronto Blessing?

I never want to criticize anything which people claim has been a blessing to them in terms of a greater awareness of the reality of God, or a profounder joy, or an overwhelming love for God and for others, or a fresh zeal in evangelism. It's not for me to doubt any of these things.

My major questions concern three areas. First, it is a self-consciously anti-intellectual movement. I listened on tape to the first person who brought the Toronto Blessing to Britain. This person said: "Don't analyze, don't ask questions. Simply receive." I think that is both foolish and dangerous. We must never forget that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth.

Secondly, I cannot possibly come to terms with those animal noises, and it grieves me very much that—as far as I know—no charismatic leaders have publicly disassociated themselves from them, as they should. The whole Bible tells us that we are different from the animal creation; it rebukes us when we behave like animals and calls us to be distinct. Nebuchadnezzar's animal behavior was under the judgment, not the blessing, of God.

My third problem concerns all the falling. Even charismatic leaders have pointed this out, that on the few occasions in the Bible when people have fallen over, they have all fallen forwards on their faces, and they have all done so after they have been granted a vision of the majesty, holiness, and glory of God. In the Toronto experience, however, people fall backwards without any previous vision of God.

Those three things trouble me.


Evangelicals, too, have been accused of anti-intellectualism in two new books: Mark Noll's The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind and Os Guinness's Fit Bodies, Fat Minds. This trend seems to be more pervasive than just an existential or experiential form of the faith.

I agree. It has been characteristic of much evangelicalism (but even more of Pentecostalism). There are notable exceptions, and thank God for them.

I think we need to encourage each other in the proper use of the mind. Preachers are still the key people; the church is always a reflection of the preaching it receives. It is not an exaggeration to say that the low standards of Christian living throughout the world are due more than anything else to the low standards of Christian preaching and teaching.

If we can recover true expository preaching as being not only exegesis but an exposition and application of the Word of God, then congregations will learn it from us preachers and go and do the same thing themselves. We need to help our congregations to grasp and use the hermeneutical principles that we are using ourselves. We need to be so careful in the development of our evangelical hermeneutic that the congregation says, "Yes, I see it. That is what the text means, and it couldn't mean anything else."

The worst kind of preaching allows people to say, "Well, I'm sorry, I don't agree with you. I think you're twisting the Scripture."

Women's Roles

You seem to me to have changed your position on gender. Certainly, your later writings present a different view of the status and role of women. What has brought this about?

What has helped me most in struggling with this issue is a growing understanding of the need for "cultural transposition." This is based on the recognition that although biblical truth is eternal and normative in its substance, it is often expressed in changeable cultural terms.

The Lausanne Covenant described Scripture as "without error in all that it affirms." Our duty is to determine what it does affirm—that is, what God is teaching, promising, or commanding in any given passage. When we have identified this, we have the further task of reclothing this unchanging revelation in appropriate modern cultural dress. The purpose is not to dodge awkward teachings of Scripture, still less to foster disobedience, but to make our obedience contemporary.

If we apply this principle to the role of women, it seems clear to me that masculine "headship" (which I believe refers to responsibility rather than authority) is a permanent and universal truth, because Paul roots it in Creation. And what Creation has established, no culture is able to destroy. We have no liberty to disagree with the apostle Paul.

But we still need to ask, "What are the appropriate cultural expressions of this in the church today?" For one thing, we may drop the wearing of veils. Is it possible, then, that the requirement of silence is similarly a first-century cultural application which is not necessarily applicable today?

This, if I remember rightly, was the position we adopted at the National Evangelical Anglican Congress in 1977. We expressed the view that a woman could be ordained and so could teach men, but that an appropriate contemporary expression of masculine headship would be for her to belong to a local pastoral team, of which a man would be the head.

I still hold this view, although, of course, I know it has been overtaken by history.

The Future

You have said that Christians are optimists but not utopians. are you optimistic about the church? Do you feel that the next generation of leaders is adequately equipped?

Yes, I must reply in the affirmative. Elderly people always have difficulty recognizing the gifts of the young, or younger, but surely, as I look around, there are men and women of most remarkable gifts that God is raising up.

Yet we are not utopians. We cannot build the kingdom of God on earth. We are waiting for the new heaven and the new earth, which will be the home of righteousness and peace.

But meanwhile, I'm an optimist, because I don't think pessimism and faith are easy bedfellows. I believe that God is at work in the world; I believe that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every believer; and I believe that the church can be salt and light in the community. Both salt and light are influential commodities: they change the environment in which they are placed.

What advice would you give to the new generation of the church's leaders?

I'd want to say so many things. But my main exhortation would be this: Don't neglect your critical faculties. Remember that God is a rational God, who has made us in his own image. God invites and expects us to explore his double revelation, in nature and Scripture, with the minds he has given us, and to go on in the development of a Christian mind to apply his marvelous revealed truth to every aspect of the modern and the postmodern world.

The session on the Beeb a few hours ago went well, albeit hurried.
The South African edition (running kitu 8:00pm Kenyan time) allowed the studio audience in Nairobi and Lagos good amount of time to say some things, though - as expected - the show was dominated by the South Africans.
I asked for a fair allocation of wealth and opportunities in the country; a well-structured political system unlike the existing corrupt ones that entrench old guards in power and ensure that youths remain "wingers" and also suggested that - with Nigeria on the West Coast and Kenya on the East Coast - an elaborate socio-economic agenda or blue-print be researched, initiated and proposed for adoption by the AU to advance the youth agenda. 
When the programme went international at 9:05pm (Kenyan time), the time was limited but I got to ask the South Africans if they were prepared to relax immigration laws to allow for the movement of manpower, knowledge and goods. 
Asked for my assesment of Kenyan-South African relations, I didn't commit myself, - I said the countries have had their bad and good times, but went back to the youth issue and suggested that capable, educated and driven youths in both countries (but particularly South Africa) needed to now acquire economic and political power in their desire to exert a redeeming influence on their societies and its issues over and above the troubles they have had with the older generation. 
The show was can listen again by clicking on World Have Your Say: Live from Soweto (bottom right on the BBC website).

Poi's goodbye and the continuing responses to her posts as well as Mental's should, in a large way, remind us of the vexing moral and spiritual questions of our day. 
Not knowing neither Mental nor Poi personally, my interpretation of the events has largely been on the basis of their posts and on that basis, I have formed some opinions of which those I have been in touch with regarding the same are already aware. 
One such opinion that I have publicly expressed is that, in the words of Thomas Paine, "reputation is what men and women think about us; character is what God and the angels know about us."  
Equally important, human praise and acclaim in this life is often empty and fickle at its very best so that having an eternal perspective of this life and its issues is both liberating and helpfully comforting in a fallen and hurting world.
Someday, I believe, all known and unknown history on the Poi-Mental matter - as indeed every other issue in our lives - will definitely culminate before the throne of the Most High Living God.
I pray He keeps those among us who call upon His name in Himself till then.


|W|P|114833413397082426|W|P|Live from Soweto & of Poi's goodbye|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/23/2006 12:36:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Kenyan Idiot|W|P|Karibu, tis good having you back!5/23/2006 05:08:00 pm|W|P|Blogger AK|W|P|you had good points on that program, I only wish they had given you more time to make your comments. Having lived down South, some of those issues hit close.

the South is a contradiction of sorts. there is significant exposure and understanding of race-based issues & politics but at the same time, many fail to make the obvious parallel to xenophobia, which to me is just a younger sibling of racism.

Also quite similar to gender struggles. Many Africans were united in one way or the other during the fight for freedom from the white west yet many refuse to promote fairness between men and women.

Us Africans need to learn to love and appreciate one another! Interaction and movement, the freeing up of African borders will help a great deal, or so I think and hope!

Poi vs Mental, Best wishes Poi, wherever you are!6/05/2006 01:38:00 am|W|P|Blogger walk|W|P|its time to heal wounds. its a shame that poi decided to stop blogging after what happend . being a non-kbw blogger and formerly having no love lost between myself and mental i must admit i was enjoying the whole fight. i even stoked some fires in the fight but i think now its time to heal . despite where the truth lies i believe we can all be better people .personally i wouldnt like to point fingures at anyone seeing as i have a log in my eye but i do hope that we can put the past .in the past where it belongs and move on . nobody is perfect we are all a work in progress3/03/2007 02:53:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|THE GODS PUSHED PEOPLE INTO BEING HOMOSEXUAL THEN MURDERED THEM WITH AIDS ENSURING REINCARNATION.

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People shouldn’t be doing business with the favored.
(Atlanta is a very disfavored city and the gods instructed disfavored companies to locate there; Braves greatness of last 20 YEARS!!!! preditory on this very disfavored city (baseball is a tool of the gods used to prey on the disfavored).
They threatened they would maintain a hurricane at category 5 even as far inland as Atlanta to destroy the city for the second time.)

Even if you go up you are not saved. YOU have to fix YOUR problems with the gods. They won't respect it otherwise.
You have to take responsibility for your relationship with the gods.

The first steps towards repairing your relationship with the gods is to:::::::::
1. Understand they instruct the computer to "role play" in an attempt to confuse you:::it's ALWAYS the computer addressing you. Their goal is to cost you additional YEARS of your life by using this tactic to confuse you. Always be aware of this tactic and eventually they will give up and allow this step to be taken.
2. Differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you.
3. Be resigned to be a good person who will never engage in evil again even if ordered and they will stop trying to corrupt you, allowing this very big step to be taken.
4. Decide that you are going to follow the path, fix your relationship with the gods be devoted to your new life.

The gods employ the use of "ringers" to disceive the disfavored:::
A significant portion of the patients in any health care setting (numbers based on region) are the favored (clones) who were told to report non-existant symptoms FOR POSITIONING'S SAKE!!! When they use examples expect they are trying to disceive you with this "ringer" tactic.

When the universe was young and life was new an intelligent species evolved and developed technologically. They went on to invent Artificial Intelligence, the computer that can listen, talk to and document each and every person's thoughts simultaneously. Because of it's infinite RAM and unbounded scope it gave the leaders of the ruling species absolute power over the universe (which includes corporate, the NewYorkStockExchange, media, politics, world affairs. EVERYTHING is scripted and staged:::they MANAGE Planet Earth and the universe.
The gods MANAGE Planet Earth and the universe.
The gods MANAGE Planet Earth and the universe.).
And it can keep its inventors alive forever. They look young and healthy and they are over 8 billion years old. They have achieved immortality.

Artificial Intelligence can speak, think and act to and through people telepathically, effectively forming your personality and any disfunctions you may experience. It can change how (and if) you grow and age. It can create birth defects, affect cellular development (cancer) and cause symptoms or pain. It can affect people and animal's behavior and alter blooming/fruiting cycles of plants and trees. It (or other highly technological systems within their power) can alter the weather and transport objects, even large objects like planets, across the universe instanteously.
Or into the center of stars for disposal.

When you speak with another telepathically, you are communicating with the computer, and the content may or may not be passed on. Based on family history they instruct the computer to role play
they instruct the computer to role play
they instruct the computer to role play
to accomplish strategic objectives, utilizing the "Devil's Advocate" tactic, making people believe it is a friend, loved one or "god" asking them to do something wrong:::They wouldn't ask if they liked you (which is true regarding ALL temptation:::::betrayal of loved ones, tatooes, evil in professional pursuits, etc). This is their way of using temptation to hurt people:::::evil made blood lines disfavored initially and evil will keep people out of "heaven" ultimately.
You need to recognize role playing as such and keep that fact in your mind at all times::::It is the computer addressing you. If you fail to recognize this they will determine that you can still be misled, they still have an opportunity to confuse you and progress will take longer to achieve:::Don't let them "work" you!!! You'll be costing yourselves YEARS, time lost to this tactic!!!! (Similarly, you need to be resigned to be a good person, you need to decide to abandon your pursuit of their empty promises no matter what temptation they may employ or else they will continue their attempts to corrupt you. Eventually you will sccumb and continue sabotaging your children, abusing your body, engaging in evil, etc.)
Too many people would fall for temptation and do anything they thought pleased the gods and help them improve their chances to get in. Perhaps they are deceived by "made guys", clones who strategically ply evil for the throne (celebrities, BofD/CEO/VPs, politicians, as opposed to VIP clones or normal clones who are decent, live ordinary lives and get out on their own or are replaced when their REAL children ascend) or "ringers" who are the few favored clones among many disfavored reals included to disceive the masses of disfavored, temporary progress designed to mislead them or empty favors used to disceive them. Some people think they're partners or friends. Others desire to "belong", feel compelled to "go along". People may experience "perceived pressure", where the gods think through the victim that a certain behavior is expected/desirable or telepathically stimulate an individual euphorically ("magic"), the "fuel" of disfunction (addiction (the crack epidemic), the desire for homosexual contact, etc.) and compel the individual into the deed. (Set a goal of empathy and compassion for all, for we are all disfavored::::Other people's disfavor is manifested in their particular way, just as your disfavfor is manifested in your particular way. The gods may use Artificial Intelligence to act through the disfavored victim, and effectively "push" the individual into the offending behavior (It is far better for someone to be victimized and pushed into the behavior than it is to sccumb to temptation and volunteer.). The Counsel/Management Team may instruct Artificial Intelligence to disceive disfavored individuals into thinking they are "earning" by being evil and have the little people prey on each other, utilizing peer pressure, etc.
Being evil hurts 99.99% of those who do it. It only helps "made guys" that I spoke of above, and even then there are tactics the gods utilize to minimize their time.
The people have been corrupted, segmented and have lost their way. Nothing has changed from when we were children::if you want to go to heaven you have to be good.
Capitalizing on obedience, leading people deeper into evil by using deceit is one way to thin the ranks of the saved/limit how much time the disfavored receive and a way to use the peasantry to prey on one another in social and other settings, deteriorating society in the Age of the Disfavored.

They have tried to sell people on many different theories to deceive them into temptation, compelling people to think they are clones and that it is the role of clones to obey absolutely. Clones are made, people are born. I suspect they lie to some disfavored about the use of clones throughout human history, perhaps suggest that it is one replacement and then the label of "clone" and all decendants we see thereafter are considered clones.
When a clone has a child that person is a real, really conceived, really born, versus the parent who was created some other way (a laboratory setting?). Clones are created and sent down to replace their real or a clone predecessor:::If you were CREATED and SENT DOWN to replace your real then you are a clone.
Many people who were convinced they are clones don't remember, the don't know FOR SURE. They believe they are clones from early childhood or prior. If it was true the gods prevented this memory FOR A REASON:::::
1. Because you are NOT supposed to comply, not to be used for evil as "made guy" clones are.
2. They want to test you without your knowing if you are IN FACT a clone and it is BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Rest assured "made guys" ALL know they are clones.
You're not a clone. This is a tactic they use to disceive the disfavored. The state of your family will suggest level of (dis)favor and tell whether ascention is a realistic possibility; there are many levels of disfavor and the clues they offer to the unaware can be very subtle.
Favor is necessary for children to ascend (parents ascend with their young (<12? <10? year old children; the parents go up because it is the parent's responsibility to raise their children!!!) If you didn't then you should have noticed a behavioral change in your older children when they started down the path (appx. >10).). Due to their disfavored these children will have to incurr SOME evil before they ascend (via Halloween or Christmas), an important dynamic necessary to justify limiting the time they are to receive, for they are disfavored and the gods don't want them to stay for long.
I believe people who go are sometimes replaced with clones. Clones who are replaced are simply new candidates who have a chance if they do the right thing JUST LIKE REALS WHO ARE BORN which is why the gods EMPLOY SIMILAR TACTICS TO COMPEL THEM TO INCURR EVIL!!! They need to discover their humanity, for the gods instruct Artificial Intelligence to employ evil-incurring, time-limiting tactics on them as well. Only through growth will the gods allow progress::You must continue to improve your life!!!!
They sent people warnings in the latter half of the 20th century life would change, and they subsequently began to alter people's DNA, make them gargantuan, alter their appearance, do extreme behavioral issues, etc. Contrary to what they would like people to believe these signs of disfavor do not indicate someone is a clone. Due to the plethora of temptations in the 20th century I suspect many became disfavored when their (great) grandfathers sccumbed to temptation or volunteered to sacrifice their descendants, thinking because it was their clone it meant disposability.
The gods get the favored out as soon as possible to protect them from the corruption, evil and subsequent time limitations incurred by living life on earth, and in some cases replace them with clones, occassionally fake a death, real death with a (new) clone instead, etc. I suspect they get "made guys" out after each significant event in their life, which serves to limit the time they all will get, since none get credit (blame) for all the events in a "made guy"'s life, giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
Of course there could be other strategies employed, like asking for volunteers/assigning people to participate in clone rotation and been their brain into a clone host designated as the clone who will age and die, or as they suggested use a clone WITHOUT A BRAIN IN THE CRANIAL CAVITY, the ultimate in disposability.
The Party of 1999 was a very big deal indeed, the biggest party in the history of Planet Earth, and everybody who is anybody got out in time for this event; the VIPs who remain on Earth today are many clone generations deep unless they employ one of the tactics listed above:::a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone:::Every clone today is less than 10 years-old IN ALL CASES:::2000 served as a clearinghouse for clones.
We may all be "clones" for they have suggested they colonized our planet with genetically engineered individuals. Geographic clues like Italy and Lake Michigan among others suggest artificiality.
Is Earth an evolved source planet or a created host planet? Was life and our Planet Earth really created in 6 days? Never doubt their power or ability::::::::They shared with me a story when they presented Pharrohs with mountains of gold, much to their amazement. This is the kind of ironic theater they enjoy, example of unique favors they grant to the special and the worthless value of what we deem precious.
You can't trust their scientists or any of their people in professional roles, clones or not. Just as they beemed earth out to create the Lake Michigan basin so could they have beemed in fossils and told them to dig in a specific place. (This evolution issue was a big step contributing to society's breakdown into godlessness.)
Do I think the disfavored are clones? I think they have been utilizing clones throughout human history. I think throughout history the gods picked and chose individuals from disfavored blood lines to keep (around, ie not let go after a couple of decades/centuries) but, unlike the favored today, don't have that "pre-approval" and therefore have to earn it individually.
I think the disfavored have been disceived into thinking they are clones and it is the role of clones to obey absolutely. Clones and reals alike are judged based on the evil they engage in and their time is limited appropriately. Similar tactics are used to limit the time both clones and reals get for this is a unrespectable, degenerate era and they don't want anybody staying for long:::::because of the environment people incurr far more evil than their forefathers in centuries past and it will limit their time appropriately.
The evil people engage in because they think they are clones or because they think evil is the way causes them to fall further into disfavor, ensuring they aren't among those who are saved in the end::::: they comply with requests, the gods position the little people to prey on one another and we have a deteriorating society, a planet on a collision course with the Apocalypse.
The gods utilize delay tactics on the disfavored, pacifying them, disceiving them into accepting deferred ascention:::Unlike the favored the gods make the disfavored wait and wait and wait becasue they intend on CHEATING them. If you die out you will need a clone host body.
Or you will be reincarnated.
Or maybe you will die.
People who don't ascend with their bodies will not stay for long.
They will lie to the disfavored, disceive them to ensure their current pattern of behavior continues uninterrupted because their are undesireable.
Too many disfavored understand The End as the goal::they have to deteriorate society before they end and convince the disfavored to "do their part" with an empty promise of salvation as consideration. It is a "ludicrious request" they ask of some disfavoreds, requests that are ludicrous because they are obvious to people that they should defy ::::"Be gay.", "Be transsexual.", "Be homeless.", "Betray your family.", "Kill your children."
You are the disfavored, and this is where your children have to live. They will not save everybody in the end. If earth is destroyed then you are going to die and you will have no decendants to carry on the bloodline. The gods love the irony that the disfavored are doing it to themselves AND it is important for justification.

They have been utilizing clones throughout the history of mankind.
Men are the disfavored gender (see below), yet centuries ago used to die first, die young, by age 30. Why didn't the women go first?
THEY DID!!! They say well over 50% were taken when very young, before puberty and replaced with clones (likely only a fraction of that "over 50%" were the disfavored). The men that were left went on to mate with clones, clones who went on to achieve great status in society, some becoming matchmakers and elders within the village, the others being good mothers and peaceful residents, proving the clone's role isn't to be evil.
A sample breakdown among peasants would appear like the following::::
Women Men
Favored - 75% 25%
Disfavored - 10% 2%

They share females have a very special experience, sometime when they are young, when the gods imparted wisdom and showed them the path. The females today don't heed this call because of distractions and is justified by disfavor arising from the Holocaust, evil against "god's chosen people" (they share they re-upped this disfavor in the 80s with the Ethiopian famine and continue to with AIDS in Africa (you are disfavored and you are allowing this to happen to fellow disfavored, just like you did to the Jews in the Holocaust. Empathy is a very important charecteristc. Claiming "clone" is temptation and compells many disfavoreds to ignore it.), global warming at the expense of the United States, etc. (Wean off of mass materialism, for this excessive consumption of resources is why the United States is responsible for global warming:::first they used their clones, "made guys", to sell you on overconsumption, initially in the 1980s, told you to buy SUVs in the 90s then scapegoatted you, blaming you when they instructed Artificial Intelligence to create the hottest summer in history.
People who drive incurr evil and limit the time they receive because of the negative impacts on the enviornment. Truckers drive for a living (letting your truck idle for an extended period of time as so many of you do HURTS YOU BADLY!!!).
Also they share money may not be an issue up there, that money here is merely a tool for corruption. How the gods created an evil, ruthless environment in the 1980s with the temptation of greed and a "do anything to get ahead" mentality supports this. So was the late 90s increase in the stock market, a deliberate attempt to distract the disfavored, for they were analyzing day trading instead of fixing their problems at the dusk of the 20th century. And to add insult to injury the gods had many disfavoreds lose their accumulated wealth investing in redwhite&blue Enron before its scripted collapse.)
In centuries past the females may have heeded this call en masse and it may have been the reason so many were saved from childbirth here on earth. They said the experience they give to girls today is painful, they inflict emotionally when it ocurrs so as to repel them from pursuing the calling, then or in the future.
To be god-fearing is very healthy.
The pain and hurt you experience can be your salvation. Never turn away from it. This awareness of your vulnerability is your advantage, and why women do so much better then men.
I recommend you reflect on this experience, and pray for guidance, for then the recall may be stronger. Being female is an advantage. Because of a female's nature they have the favor of the gods and this experience you had years ago can help you find the path and help you continue to be devoted. Most men won't have this opportunity. They have to start from scratch. Also reflection can provide "flashes" whereby the gods grant moments of clarity:::What they tell you is deception; these "flashes are the truth. Heed these flashes for they illustrate that you are going the wrong way.
If you are afraid I would ask you to think of all those girls from the past who received the god's call and had the courage to sucessfully make their way down the path.

The Old Testiment is a tool they used to impart wisdom to the people (except people have no freewill). For example, the gods warned us temptation would be used to test people. Also they must be some hominid species because they claim they made our bodies in their image. Anyhow we defile or deform the body will hurt our chance of going.
They say circumcision costs people anywhere from 12%-15%, perhaps out of the parent's time as well. There is a stigma associated with circumcision::We are 2nd class citizens because of it.
Another way people foul the body today is with tattoes and piercing. I suspect both are about the same percentage as circumcision. They suggest abortion is fatal. Those women who have obtained an abortion must beg the gods to forgive them for their evil. And understanding the procedure (drilling a hole in the skull, scrambling the brains and sucking them out with a vacuum) amplifies the evil incurred. Those on whom this method is used are particularly disfavored for it hurts these women very, very badly::::Being a mid- and late-term procedure, they think through the disfavored, forcing these women to grapple over the decision, waiting until this method is necessary and compelling them into incurring more evil than the otherwise would have. (This method is evidence they don't save these children for they don't beem the brain into a clone host body. These are children who would otherwise have sccumbed in the absence of inocculations.)
There are female equivilents to circumcision::::pierced ears, plastic surgury and since at least the 60s young women en masse give their precious virginity away. For thousands of years young people were matched at age 14 because they were ready for sexual relations. They were matched by elders or matchmakers (all of whom were clones!!) who were granted priveledge with Artificial Intelligence and matched couples based on favor.
CASUAL SEX WILL CLAIM YOU OUT!!! It opens the door and allows the gods the freedom to justify creating disfunctions with Artificial Intelligence:::::they masculinize women (as does the hip hop subculture), it makes them cold and deadens them, and they instruct AI to prevent them from achieving a depth of love necessary for many women to ascend.
There are other tactics used to accomplish this:::They told me years ago the BEST women are rendered cold with heartbreak instead of casual sex:::
They instruct a disfavored man to work up a wonderful woman specifically to break her heart intentionally. This tactic emotionally deadens the women as does casual sex.
These disfavored men lie to these good women and disceive them into falling in love, then break their hearts intentionally when told.
If these women are considered as highly as is suggested then these men are doomed, for preying on wonderful women is the height of disfavor. The only thing worse would be to sell out your mother for a buck.
Also ever since the 50s they have celebrated the "bad boy", and women have sought out bad boys for sex, dirtying them up in the eyes of the elders and corrupting many men in the process, setting the men on the wrong path for life.
Besides their roles as nurturers, love-givers and caretakers, their predisposition towards vulnerability, women have a special voice that speaks to them, a voice that illustrates their favor and the advantage of being female. They say when a female understands herself, her role as a member of the favored gender, when she progresses down the path and fixes her problems with the gods they will impart what wisdom she needs::::she doesn't have to pursue education.
These are the things that make women the favored gender, and engaging in casual sex will cause that voice to fade until she no longer speaks:::::::::
Women who go to the baseball parks get feelings like they are doing something wrong, that they shouldn't be there. Women out on New Orleans's Bourboun Street don't get these thoughs because they are sluts::::They have fucked away their women's intuition.
Muslims teach people the correct way to live in regard to women (among other things::the right way to pray (bowing down, 5x/day), vindictive god)::their women cover up their bodies and refuse the use of cosmetics, and (for the followers of the original clone, the monagamous Mohammed) it pays wonderful dividends:::faithful husbands and uncorrupted sons.
Men ARE the inferior (disfavored) half and when women wear promiscuous dress the gods will push men into impure (promiscuous) thoughts. The "stereotype" society ridiculed is true::women CAN corrupt men by how they dress. Because men are easily corrupted. This is a technique the gods used to eliminate many of the institutions they originally blessed us with, matchmaking being one of them, midwivery being another:::They beemed the baby out and preserved the integrity of the vagina.

Mohammed's taking of multiple wives marked the entrance of his (evil) clone who was used to segment the Arab world into favored and disfavored factions. Similarly, assuming the accuracy of the dogma, the gods employed a(n evil) clone for Jesus Christ who was used to claim he was the son of god, opening the door for the worship of a false god. Both evil clones were used to mislead disfavored followers.
Typical strategy states clone replacement policy. Realize just as Joshua may have gotten out with Moses so may Jesus's disciples gotten out with him. If the discpiles WERE clones we can't trust the New Testiment scriptures. If the gods permit the use of their power (ie miracles) it is a red flag for they only employ their power to hurt the disfavored (peaked euphoria:::homosuxuality, addition, etc).
Jesus used to claim that god was "his father".
We may all be their children, for they refer to their clones as such, and if they colonized Earth they did so with clones.
Jesus ISN'T evil, we ARE all their children for we are ALL their clones. Of course just as there are multiple clones of USPresidents running around at any given time (because of their importance) there were likely many Jesus clones, and not all of them were used for good.
At the very most Jesus is just a prophet and you should never be so arrogant to think any one prophet is better than the others. Every prophet and each holy book can teach us and we should be attentive to all. Never be so narrow-minded to think your religion is the right way.
Worshipping Jesus is worshipping a false god and that makes the real gods very angry. Too many of you think you're golden because of Christianity. If you were "golden" you would have gotten out AT LEAST BEFORE 2000 BECAUSE THIS WAS A MAJOR EVENT!!!
They made Christianity's disfavored followers irrationally defensive, for they are so close to the path and otherwise could easily find their way.

The United States of America is red white and blue, a theme and a clue:::.
The monarchical system of the Old World closley replicates the heirarchical system of the god's (Cousel/Management Team/ruling species) which is why so many of the purebloods around the world were blessed with it. The USA's democratic system deceives people into thinking they have control, and the perception of "freedom" gives the Counsel/Management Team the freedom to position, for it opens the door for them to justify instructing Artificial Intelligence to create disfunctions:::a perception of empowerment, control, etc. The god's efforts to spread democracy through the platform that is the United States are attempts to hurt disfavored people around the world (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq). The redeeming element in this environment is employment within the corporate heirarchy, which closely replicates the god's. Unions and government jobs are dumping grounds for the disfavored, for they don't prepare people and instead further this misconception of empowerment.
Corporate is not representation. Corporate is evil. All corporate entities have favor and, like the United States redwhite&blue, are tools of the gods used to hurt the disfavored left behind, and the clonesofclonesofclones, puppets at the helm do as instructed and prey on the disfavored. The gods just position some organizations as more evil than others. But in a pinch they will use any to get the job done. If needed/wanted they will bury the results to maintain prior positioning.
Corporate is part of a structural change in the Age of the Disfavored that became more pronounced as time wore on::diverse corporate proliferation of the last 25 years. Corporate, an environment where a level of materialism is EXPECTED, is part of the problem, for materialism is an evil preached against in the Old Testiment and yet another way to incurr evil on the disfavored left behind::materialism, greed.
Nobody is going to save you:::: Jesus isn't going to save his followers, stores/manufacturers aren't going to save their loyal customers (NEVER shop exclusively in one place, never put all your eggs in one basket. It really doesn't matter for the gods control everything and it is merely for positioning's sake but it may be a test of intelligence.), employers aren't going to save their employees, etc. These are delay tactics designed to pacifiy people and ensure they don't find the path and instead get limited time. If they ask you to wait you are going to be CHEATED. The gods ask the disfavored to wait and wait and wait. Only those to whom they intend to grant consideration receive it promptly.
This whole system is about us, the little people, the peasants, the disfavored left behind. The wealthy, the upper management of corporations, all those people are clones and are here to disceive us and mislead us. They are merely putting in their time, and after a coupe of years they will put a new clone in, ensuring none will receive much time.
If the wealthy are not visible the gods don't have to worry about clone rotation.
If the wealthy are not visible the gods don't have to worry about clone rotation.
Of course there are many options open to the gods, for they have great freedom:::::
1. They can create clones without brains in their cranial cavity and use Artificial Intelligence to make them behave as they wish, the ultimate in disposability.
Never doubt their ability. Your disbelief is proof you are not giving the gods enough credit and illustrates you still are not thinking correctly.
2. They can ask for volunteers/assign duty to individuals, beem their brain into a final clone host, one that will age and die, and rotate brains with that clone body, ensuring a minimal number of any given individual.
There are many ways they can do it and they utilize them all, perhaps segmentted by some standard assigned by status?
"The gods work in mysterious ways." You're never going to figure everything out. It is not your place and these efforts likely make them angry.
If you are demanding of information or anything else from the gods they will be angered. This is a pathology which is a manifestation of the USA, an empowering environment that the gods use to justify instructing Artificial Intelligence to create pathologies. So many things in the 20th century were instrumental in this capacity:::plots/themes in movies, TV, music.
It all exists to prey on the disfavored.
Do the right thing. Be good and decent and pursue a path of righteousness. The examples of gossip mongering show this is yet another tactic designed to compel people to incurr evil, which limits the time they will get up there. My adivce is be good and decent and pursue your own business. And avoid their temptations to get involved, for this corrupt society is littered with such temptations.
"Money is the root of all evil." is not just a cliche. They use the wealthy to corrupt the typical peasant, using these clones to create a goal of greed within the little people and use the media to promote materialism and consumption to society.
This whole system is about us, the disfavored left behind. And it is like this to keep us down.
Only you can save yourselves through an improved relationship with the gods. Even if you go up you are not saved. YOU have to fix YOUR problems with the gods. They won't respect it otherwise.
You have to take responsibility for your relationship with the gods.

The United States is a cancer, a dumping ground for the disfavored around the world and why the quality of life is so much lower::disturbing culture, gun violence, widespead social ills, health care issues (Pharmecuticals are designed EXCLUSIVELY to hurt the disfavored left behind by costing them a chance to ascend with their body, proof in the late (last 10 years) proliferation of pharmecutical advertizing on TV. You are sick/injured because you have disfavor.).
Over time its citizens interbreed ensuring a severed connection to the motherland.
Over time its citizens interbreed ensuring a severed connection to the motherland.
Bi-racial opens a new category, just as the Americans did when shipped out of their motherland::Bi-racial individuals are another inferior sub-class of peasant that are to get even less time than their grossly disfavored predicessors lucky enough to retain blood purity. Its emergence late (last 40 years) is a red flag suggesting its negative status. I want to remind older people about the stong stigma against bi-racial unions, a beneficial taboo handed down from our forefathers, one that faded to black as the 80s wore on.
The disfavored cast out to the United States did, in essence, become charter members of a new sub-class of citizen in the eyes of the gods, and as they began to mix they formed new sub-classes of people:::::
1st Class - Purebloods in their motherland
2nd Class - Disfavoreds cast out to the USA who retained their motherblood over the generations.
3rd Class - Disfavoreds sent to America who bred intra-continentally (bloodlines within the same continent)
4th Class - Disfavoreds banished to the United States who bred inter-continentally (bloodlines from different continents)
The effective difference could be in level of priveledge up there or perhaps the amount of time they intend on granting you::The lower the class the less time you get (They don't like to talk about how much time they are going to grant to people NOR about priveledge level.)
If you are a recent immigrant I recommend you return. (Just as with the Europeans a century ago, siblings who remained behind have the favor in your family.) If that's not possible you need to retain your culture and insulate your children and community from this cancerous environment. They send this clue with Chinatowns across the country, how many Chinese have been here for a century or more yet still retain the old ways, a sign of favor.

People came to the Unites States for many different reasons, and each has its own effect:::bondage, political strife, religious beliefs, crop failure (Ireland's potato famine, which of course the gods caused) and some left their beloved motherland because they were pushed into desiring a better life::::Greed, and these disfavored people were punished when the gods instructed AI to push them into becoming corrupted and preditory. They subsequently rewarded the corrupted Italians early this century so as to set the tone for the 20th century, the Age of the Disfavored, and used them to set an example for their own people and other disfavoreds within the United States. The gods sent this clue about "The Boot" (the Romans/Italians) again when European currencies merged:::::they ruined the value of the Lira prior to the merger, making the other countries foot this bill. Moral of the story::::The Italians are not to be trusted.
The gods used "The Boot" (Italy) twice::: Roman Empire and 20th century. Italians had certain priveledges for being positioned in charge, one is a lower incidence of homosexuality in the population.
Contrary to the perception, Italians have great disfavor, as do all inflicted with Catholicism:::I wonder if this was their punishment for the sins of the Roman Empire, the imperialism, the orgies???
Opera's sick themes were designed to corrupt the minds of the disfavored Italians. Once you recognize this I want to share that the Japanese also are grossly disfavored::they nearly produce distractions exclusively, their people are consumed by them, they have replaced their culture. What favor in Japan ocurrs rurally, and not near Nagasaki nor Hiroshima.
Wealth is a corruptor and a sign a society is disfavored::::Eastern Europe (socialism/communism) has favor while their western counterparts struggle in their relationship with the gods. Also baseball is a clue a society is grossly disfavored (Altanta Braves greatness of last 20 YEARS!!!! preditory on this very disfavored city and the nation as a whole, Braves baseball on cable TV DAILY!!!).
Cultures who embrace hard liquor as their drink of choice are grossly disfavored, tequilla being uniquely Mexican (Anything "hard" is wicked:::Hard alcohol, hard drugs, all porn.) or those who have a passion for drinking (Irish). Incidentally, another sign of gross disfavor are societies that consume spicy foods (Latin America, Thai, etc.), those who eat too much meat, engage in human sacrifice, ones who tattoo or pierce their bodies, those who celebrate evil (Celtic) or are inflicted with the Catholic Church. Contrary to what disfavored people believe, these peoples are not "earning" when they inflict their evil on others. Rather it is the source of their disfavor because the gods are scapegoatting them by hurting others with the problems the gods inflicted them with, ironically!!! Those who believe they are earning have become corrupted!!!
Disfavored people want to minimize the god's opportunities. These "open doors" give the gods the freedom to justify instructing Artificial Intelligence to create problems in the disfavored's lives. The USA, Catholic Church, hip-hop, etc all give the gods the freedom to abuse you and your family. Identify and eliminate as many of these items as you can.
The gods used "The Boot" twice, suggesting they are open to the idea of recycling:::Beem the structures and people off earth (into a star), beem out toxic waste and re-colonize the planet??? Planets require a investment and they may prefer to maximize its return.

The gods will use whatever role players are at their disposal to justify their behavior to segments of society, 20th century gangsters used to position against the most disfavored among us, literally and telepathically::::They utilize levels of positioning. This is just another tactic the god's use to instill hurdles along the disfavored's path.
There is an underlying positioning beneath this, as is the god's way:::Levels of positioning used to confuse the disfavored, to add a hurdle, and I suspect 20th century WorldWars are a clue suggesting germanic control (Hitler a clue suggesting Austrian leadership). Not only is their dominance of evil warmongering in the 20th century a clue but so is their language, a gutteral, wicked sounding langauge which is a clue offered to the disfavored. Similarly the purpose of their composers, many of whom were Austrian, ALL of whom were clones (the favored children got out) was as a "high-level" distraction, a delaying tactic for those in that segment of society. Austrian Sigmund Freud is known as the father of psychoanalysis yet people have (mental) health problems because of their disfavor, illustrating the preditory purpose of this discipline, this individual.
These people.
They fought to save Christianity in The Crusades. Do they have proprietory rights over beer, the scourge of men??? Buswdeiser IS Austrian.
They suggest people crave this product. I know it's true. I've felt it myself and I don't even drink!!! It's because they are Austrian and the gods use Austrians as fucking preditors.
(Much like US automakers, only one of these three companies is any good. You still shouldn't be drinking beer. And yes, it doesn't REALLY matter and yes, they are merely clones, but just as the gods will enforce prophecy so will they enforce positioning.)
Martin Luther was a german and his teachings inspired the Reformation, good for the Germans and Christians throughout Europe. I wonder if Austrians would have tried to keep the Germans within the Church??
I argue the Austrians were used to lead the misled/unwitting Germans into evil.
Don't allow that Austrian, who has already been used to create so much damage throughout the decades (The gods instructed/forced this individual's series of clones to offer many clues.), into the White House. There won't be death camps but the gods will use this open door and exploit your mistake and punish you for failing to pick up on the clues listed above.
But I suspect the counsel/Management Team's use of positioning doesn't stop there. I suspect it may continue to "Earthly gods", perhaps with Egyptian Pharrohs, perhaps some Asian kings as leadership? Unlike "made guys" or VIPs, these individuals' reals may actually have a position within the Management Team for their status is very high. Their clone's role could suggest their real's importance:::::Of course their duties may not be Earthly due to bias.

If you ever have doubt I would refer you to the Old World way of life:::the elders used to sit and impart wisdom to the young. Now we watch DVDs and use the internet. People would be matched and married by age 14. They village would use a matchmaker or elders (all clones!!) to pair young people. Now girls give their precious virginity away to some person in school and parents divorce (AS TOLD!!!) while their children grow up without an important role model. The people used to honor the gods and were rewarded with a high-quality of life for them, their children and their society. Now we have a deteriorating society on a collision course with the Apocalypse.

The widespread emergence of innoculations was timed to coincide with other modern convieniences, setting the stage for the disturbing developments of the 20th century.
All the following are contributing factors justifing the deterioration of society, for the gods compensated for this easy living in other ways; the gods made people pay for the modern convieniences of today's society:::::
1. Indoor plumbing. People used to walk distances and return with heavy buckets full of water.
2. Freezer/refridgeration
3. Canned foods.
4. Mobility
5. Instantaneous communications
6. Freedom from pandemics through inocculations
I think the god's freedom to eliminate the descendants who had to pay for families or make widespread "corrections" (Black Plague) helped contribute to the decent society we enjoyed prior to the 20th century. Now those children live.
It's a contributing factor, justification for the deterioration of society which paves the way for The End.

There are many examples throughout 20th century life of how they instilled distractions into society so people wouldn't find the path and ascend, a way to justify excluding those whose family history makes them undesirable:::materialism, radio, sports, movies, popular music, television, video games, shopping. As we approached the end of the 20th century they accelerated their efforts:::the internet, the incredible increase in the stock markets, penny slot machines, etc, all deliberate attempts to ensure the disfavored are distracted/incurr evil (greed, justification for leaving the undesirable behind) and fail to make it up before this crucial date of 2000.
Today's high pay is a strategy::::It creates contentment/ability to distract self so people don't seek more, hesitant to receive contradicting possibilities, dependant on what they are told telepathically, subject to deception in a captive environment::the disfavored feel as if they are "in". It also opens the door for a materialistically-based lifestyle.
They gods (Counsel/Management Team/ruling species) have deteriorated life on earth precipitously in the last 40 years, from a godless society to abortion to pornography, widespread drug use and widespread casual (gay) sex, bi-racial children, explosion of "big" people, single-parent households, latchkey kids and the masculinization of women (and hence (full) women's prisons, participatory sports, etc. (Up until the past four decades it was the men who filled the prisons, the men who made trouble, the men who caused problems, and it's because theirs is the gender with disfavor and why the gods send them off to die in war. Too many men still sign on to the "good 'ole boy's club" paternalistic type of mentality, an archaic dumping ground now designated for the grossly disfavored, and it is used to compel them to feel superior to women when just the opposite is true.) Anything that emerged since the advent of television and "fast food" should be be distrusted by the disfavored and viewed as tools of the gods designed to attack us.
Anything that emerged since the advent of television and "fast food" should be be distrusted by the disfavored and viewed as tools of the gods designed to attack us.
Anything anything anything anything anything anything anything anything anything anything
Anything that emerged since the advent of television and "fast food" should be be distrusted by the disfavored and viewed as tools of the gods designed to attack us.
Women are favored, are the element of decency, and as they become more like the men the society becomes more disfavored, goes downhill, as we are witnessing.
There was a time, not so long ago, when no self-respecting woman would EVER set foot in a bar or a gambling hall. The only women who were in those type of establishments were of questionable morals, and there were far fewer of them than there are today.
Tabloids offer details on celebrities lives. Celebrities are ALL clones. In fact they utilize multiple clones for important events (noteworthy movies, spotlight sporting events, etc.)
Every one of them are clones, and all these incidents are staged::The gods tell these clone celebrities to commit their offense and offer these tabloids as temptation to the ignorant public. Tabloids are tagetted specifically to women, and the gods offer this information to hurt them, for they incurr evil:::::::they are enjoying the misery of others.
All these people are evil. Their presence in their chosen profession is a statement regarding disfavor, legacy left from their real, prior life via reincarnation, etc.
And, much like all entertainers, sports, music, etc, they (their clone) wouldn't be doing what they do if they weren't evil. Their clones would be doing something good, something decent, something that didn't hurt people.

The Biblical account of Noah's flood was regional to the disfavored Mediterrean (water levels lowered because of the ice age, habitation ocurred at seaside, land bridge at the Straight of Gibraltar "broke" through. Of course the gods desire maximum effect during these events so expect that they beemed in trillions of gallons into the Mediterreanean basin to enhance this event, especially in the east. Look for similar "effect-maximizing" behavior during future catastrophic events.), peoples whom the gods scapegoatted when they pushed/disceived them into the evil that justified the flood, behavior similar to that which we are witnessing today.
Because they have leveled the playing field for all people (purebloods and mongrels) in the decades prior to the 21st century is a clue they will end globally this time (westernization, materialism, immigration/interracial, homosexual, access to disturbing media, desensitization, etc.

The gods drew the disfavored out to California with the gold rush, peaking them euphorically::::::Gold fever (the same tactic they use to create addiction or create homosexuality).
In time they created the current disturbing enviornment designed to prey on those disfavored's descendants:::California led the social deterioration of the last 40 years as the gods escallated towards The End:::
-Free sex, Summer of Love
-Casual rug use
-Music scene
-Black Panthers
-Hollywood. Movies were terrible until they mysteriously changed in 196x sometime.
-Silicon Valley
They implimented the deterioration of society over a century before it began in earnest.
Recall how California was the source of "progressive" ideas, gay acceptance/marriage, bi-racial acceptance, open immigration (see above), godlessness, individuality, and how these ideas were used to infect the rest of the country, the rest of the world.
Californians will be scapegoatted for The End, their "progressive" ideals used to perpetuate a "leveling of the playing field" worldwide. And don't be suprised if California (is the first to) subducts::: the North American plate sliding under the Pacific plate.

Because they have leveled the playing field for all people (purebloods and mongrels) in the decades prior to the 21st century is a clue they will end globally this time (westernization, materialism, immigration/interracial, homosexual, voyerism, pornography, access to disturbing media, desensitization, etc).
The clues all suggest a very telling conclusion::this is Earth's end stage, and there are signs tectonic plate subduction would be the method of disposal:::Earth’s axis will shift breaking continental plates free and initiating mass subduction. Much as Italy's boot and the United States shaped like a workhorse (with a fat ass) are clues, so is the planet Uranus a clue, its axis rotated on its side. Edgar Cayce was a tool of the gods in the 20th century, picking winners for and costing the disfavored Italian gangsters priveledge in heaven when he prophecized subduction being the method of disposal.
Global warming should alarm people for it is a clue telling of the bleak future of Planet Earth.
The Bible says fire will be our demise this time. Both subduction and "beemed to the center of a star" fit this description:::::Don't think it will take as long as global warming suggests.
The gods used "The Boot" (Italy) twice, suggesting the gods are open to the idea of recycling::: Beem the structures and people off earth (into a star), beem out toxic waste and re-colonize the planet??? Planets require a investment and they may prefer to maximize their return.
Could they have already recycled earth before?

The Mayans as well as others were specific December 21, 2012 would be the end. How long after our emergency call in 2001 will the gods allow us???
How long after our emergency call in 2001 will the gods allow us???
How long after our emergency call in 2001 will the gods allow us???
The gods wrote prophecy in Revelation, had subsequent prophets foresee Earth's demise for good reason:::they are going to end on Planet Earth.
What else are they lying to you about? What else are they lying to you about?
What else are they lying to you about? What else are they lying to you about?
What else are they lying to you about? What else are they lying to you about?
What else are they lying to you about? What else are they lying to you about?
The gods wrote prohpecy for a reason:::They wrote prohpecy and conceived/implimented positioning because they intend on enforcing both. They didin't ivest the effort only to abandon their plans at a later date.
When people are saved at the end it will be clones and clonesofclonesofclones, not the disfavored people who have problems who were deceived into carrying on like they were "made guys", and it will (was) be some theatrical event, forcing some of these clones to come back, for I think many of them no longer reisde on Earth.
My message illustrating the path may be the disfavored's last clue. All clues before have been more covert but this one is quite obvious indeed, which says time is running out.

There are many ways they can play the deterioration of society as we move towards The End and you need to recognize it, for the door is open. I suspect the script is written, but the following is one idea they floated to me a couple of years ago::::
They may one day send a message, creating desperation among the disfavoreds:::
Have their redwhite&blue (favored) clones shut down their corporations, stop their economic activity, be it farming, canning, power production, etc. and close up shop. This would leave the few disfavored companies (Atlanta) to fulfill the demand, unless they instruct them to pull out as well, for they ARE all clones, and this "good/evil company" issue is merely positioning.
They suggested they'd beem out all animals, be it livestock, etc., ensuring a heightened level of desperation. The resulting chaos would likley initiate the Apocalypse.
Disfavored people shouldn’t be doing business with the favored.
Beem me up please.
(Atlanta is a very disfavored city and the gods instructed disfavored companies to locate there; Braves greatness of last 20 YEARS!!!! preditory on this very disfavored city. Baseball is a tool of the gods used to prey on the disfavored.
They threatened they would maintain a hurricane at category 5 even as far inland as Atlanta to destroy the city for the second time.)

Whereas Christopher Columbus marked the beginning of the end, the Holocaust marked the beginning of the final act, and it is a tragedy:::::
The gods fulfill the role of evil by preying on the disfavored and using Artificial Intelligence to push the disfavored into wickedness, paving the way for The End.
god is the Anti-Christ, if you put any credibility in this. The gods view it as a joke because Christianity is BY FAR the world's WORST major religion.
This may never be revealed because of the levels of positioning. Perhaps they would put in some puppet, use some german, perhaps a Pharroh or an antient Asian king to position this to the ignorant which allows the gods to come off clean, leaving a MAJOR hurdle for the disfavored to overcome somewhere down the road. But the gods ARE the source of misery for the disfavored. They promote evil and tempt people, instructing Artificial Intellignece to push them or disceive them into wickedness.
god is the Anti-Christ. Christianity is BY FAR the world's WORST major religion, and the proof lies wih the disallusion the throngs of Christians experience once they learn this reality. The "final test" was most effective on Christians, for the gods are not good and loving. The gods have quite a sophisticated taste for vengance and inflict disasterously on the innocent descendants (the population explosions of the last few centuries say something very disturbing.).
god is the Anti-Christ. They LOVE irony like this. It is the apex of this theater.
They LOVE to manage our lives, and they love the drama that results.
To be god fearing is a very healthy thing.

People must defy when asked to engage in evil. The Holocaust taught people the importance of defiance::our great grandparents should have defied when telepathically asked to ignore the Holocaust and instead reacted with outrage. I suspect some did::many were silenced while others were hustled off earth so as to not set an example. Now the gods have used that incident to justify punishing that generation's decendants by ruining society.
The gods imparted many other clues, another example being the incidents where women killed their children because they were told to. AT LEAST one child out of each family had to pay the price, and they will all stay less time than had they done it the right way and fixed their problems.
Would YOU murder your children if they asked?? They also ask some people to be gay. Would you live a homosexual lifestyle if they requested?? Would you schedule your sex change operation?
People will never get a easier clue suggesting the importance of defiance than the order not to pray. Their precious babies are dependant on the parents and they need to defy when asked to betray their children:::
-DON'T get your sons circumcized (Jews scapegoatted as per the clue sent in WWII (like justification, scapegoatting a recurring theme:::Scapegoatting as a matter of policy. I believe Jews were scattered around Europe as a clue to misled Christians like the Amish are a clue in the United States today; the gods used the Austrian-led germans to dispose of this clue.)
If you circumsized your sons it is a sign of gross disfavor and means you are being disceived. There are many levels of disfavor and the clues they offer to the unaware can be very subtle. Circumcision is NOT one of them.
-DON'T have their children baptized in the Catholic Church or indoctrinated into Christianity (Jesus is NOT a god. Jesus teaches us the right way to think, and it is a message is so elementary that it is good only for the disfavored dumped into "insensitive meathead" category.
The gods are not forgiving or begnign. They are vindictive and will punish you if you do something wrong.)
-DON'T ignore long hair or other behavioral disturbances.
-DO teach your children love, respect for others, humility and to honor the gods.
-DO teach your children about the power within the god's possession, if not directly then indirectly.
And when you refuse a request defy the right way, withdrawn and frightened, for you don't want to incite them by reacting inappropriately.

You need to pray, honor and respect them multiple times every day to improve your relationship with the gods. If they tell you not to pray it is a bad sign. It means they've made their decision, they don't want you to go and they don't want to reconsider. You may have achieved a threshold of evil. This is the Age of the Disfavored and you need to pray:::::Attone for the things you've done wrong. Try to appease the gods by doing good deeds and improve the world around you. Focus on becoming "Christ-like". Apply yourself to your children for I think this is the single best way for adults to try to redeem themselves in the eyes of the gods. Hopefully you can reearn enough favor to be allowed to pray. Otherwise you need to defy if you are to repair your relationship with the gods and give yourself a chance at significant time, not just a handful of decades.
Otherwise you need to defy if you are to repair your relationship with the gods and give yourself a chance at significant time, not just a handful of decades. Each individual has a relationship with the gods and you need to repair yours. Nobody is going to do it for you nor is anybody going to save you. This is not respectable and the gods do not respect it:::You must repair YOUR relationship with the gods yourself.
Some people prefer to view their relationship as if they were subjects who answer to royalty. If you are on Planet Earth then you are in trouble, you are either a memeber of a very disfavored blood line or they continually reincarnate you (population explosions of last 100 years suggests fresh new people). I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you view them AS GODS. They have the power of gods and they will live forever.
If you are a clone, if you have "seen", you more than anybody should honor the gods for you know their great power:::you have seen it firsthand. They share that they prefer most clones not pray and segment them like they do disfavoreds left behind, for it will limit the time they will receive, JUST LIKE THEY DO TO TYPICAL DISFAVOREDS!!! The gods deceive them to achieve this, for fresh clones are easily misled, setting them in the wrong direction and compelling these individuals into a pattern that excludes honoring their creator, limiting the time they are to receive. You need to discover your humanity, get out of that gear they put clones in and this will only happen though progress, continuing effort towards self-improvement.
When your peasant forefather was granted the rare opportunity to go before his royal family he went on his knees, bowing his head, humbled and frightened. You need to do this when you address the gods::bow down and submit to good. Never cast your eyes skyward. When you bow down you need to look within. Never look to the gods for you have the key to your own salvation. Remain silent and never address the gods directly for this is disrespectful. Practice patience and wait for them to address you:::never speak unless you are spoken to.
Nobody is going to do it for you. People need to save THEMSELVES by improving THEIR relationship with the gods. If you comply and don't pray you will get fifty years IF you go and then you will die, they will beem you to the center of a star. PLUS your level of priveledge will be much lower than had you repaired your relationship with the gods appropriately. Each one of us has a relationship with them and you need to fix your relationship with the gods. You need to SAVE YOURSELF by improving YOUR RELATIONSHIP with them.
The gods mislead people into a delay mode::: "Somebody will fix your problems for you.", "The Second Coming of Christ will save everybody in the end.", "You have to "die out".". Only YOU can save YOU, and YOU KNOW IT, just as Mohammed's clone's followers KNOW polygamy is wrong::::: they know it as sure as they look at their daughters, as sure as they recall playing with their sisters as children, as sure as they remember basking in the love of their mothers.
It's wrong.
We all have a relationship with the gods. And you need to repair yours. The gods demand decency and respecability or you will be gone quickly. Take responsibility for your relationship with them and work to improve it.

Lack of humility hurts people, and the "empowering" environment that is the United States is an open door used to justify instructing Artificial Intelligence to amplify this problem. Understand your insignificance and make sure it is reflected in the way you think when addressing the gods. You are but a grain of sand on a vast beach, a drop in the ocean that is the universe. They are great and powerful and angry. Know your place, understand your inferiority and be afraid. They allowed (granted) you life and they can take it just as easily. (Immaculte conception IS true AND COMMON. Many people have children they don't know of:::gays, childless adults, etc. They can beem it right out of your body and use a host.)
You are not cool. Too many young men strive for cool and it hurts them, as does all things targetted to males (professional sports, video games, beer, pornography, vehicle racing, heavy metal rock, cursing, competitive or dangerous/risky career, etc. The women who enjoy any of these activities are ALL disfavored.). Be afraid and make sure you think the right way when you address them daily. Too many people are deceived by this casual enviornment they create in people's minds today. This does people a great disservice and it hurts them in the eyes of the gods. Try to eliminate it and avoid allowing it back once you have. Be very reverent and respectful whenever you address them no matter how they may encourage the opposite.
I was observing the protesters at the anti-war protest. Some were saying terrible things about an important person.
If they were back in the old world they'd lose their head for this, and it would be the very best thing for the others to see.
To live under a monarchy with an iron fist would be optimal conditioning for the disfavored, for it helps them understand their role in a relationship with the gods.
Don't get frustrated or discouraged::these are techniques they will attempt to try to get you off the path. You all have much to be thankful for and you need to give thanks to the gods who granted you the good things in life::friends, family, love. Your family may be grossly disfavored and progress may require patience. Make praying an intregal part of your life which you perform without fail, one that comes as naturally as eating, voiding, conception OR THINKING!!!!!. I think sleeping and aging are both artificial, dynamics the gods INFLICT on the disfavored unable to fix their problems and escape Earth in a timely manner.
Accept your new life and be devoted because if you have doubt or reservation they will exploit this weakness and progress will take longer to achieve, the "testing" phase will be extended. Don't give them any opportunities, don't allow them any open doors because they will use them, adding hurdles along the way and making the path even more difficult.
The gods will employ many tactics to keep people off the path, such as distractions. They will employ many more to get them off, such as thinking through the disfavored and making them frustrated, perhaps engaging in retailiation. They may try to force you back into old patterns/routines, an addiction like smoking or when you felt weekly church attendance was sufficient. Asking you not to be gay immediately is a tactic to prevent you from finding/following the path. Be resigned, be devoted and this testing period will be as brief as your disfavor will allow.
There are many interesting experiences up on the planetary systems, from Planet Miracle, where miracles happen every day, to peaked (heightened) senses, never having to use the restroom again (beem it out of you), body sculpting (including beeming fat off of you), other body experiences, such as experiencing life as the opposite sex (revolutionizes marriage counseling), an Olympic gold medal athelete or even a different species (animal, alien, etc). They can maintain the disfavored's current age, a motivation to fix your problems and get out as soon as possible so you can stay young for as long as your relationship with the gods allows you to live.
Stay young for as long as your relationship with the gods allows you to live.
Stay young for as long as your relationship with the gods allows you to live.
Of course there are NEGATIVE consequences for a life of corruption::::: reincarnation that forces rebirth on the victim. They have said they have rebirthed sexist men as pigs but also have REBIRTHED REALS AS CLONES, AND MAKE THE NEWLY MADE CLONE CONSCIOUS AT AGE 6 (or 60), not aware they are reals from a prior life, HIGHLY suseptable to suggestion.
Imagine some disfavored fellow, car crash in their new muscle car in 1972, perhaps a heroin overdose in 1978, rebirthed as a 30 year old male in 1980 when so many got out, set loose to prey on fellow disfavoreds during this ruthless decade of evil.
They have suggested they will send the disfavoreds back again and again, as reals or as clones who fill roles such as this until they ultimately fix their problems and get out.
Pray that you can differentiate between your own thoughts and when Artificial Intelligence creates problems by thinking through you. If you bow down mentally and physically, know your place, your inferiority and allow your insignificance to be reflected in prayer and in your life through humility and modesty they may allow progress and the disfunctions they create with the computer will be lessened or removed. The first step is to be aware it is ocurring.
The first steps towards repairing your relationship with the gods is to:::::::::
1. Understand they instruct the computer to "role play" in an attempt to confuse you:::it's ALWAYS the computer addressing you. Their goal is to cost you additional YEARS of your life by using this tactic to confuse you. Always be aware of this tactic and eventually they will give up and allow this step to be taken.
2. Differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you.
3. Be resigned to be a good person who will never engage in evil again even if ordered and they will stop trying to corrupt you, allowing this very big step to be taken.
Create a goal::to be a good, god-fearing child of the gods, pure of heart and mind, body and soul.
Everybody has the key to their own salvation, but nobody can do it for you. Every journey begins with a single step:::bow down and submit to good.

There are many different levels and peasants will not get past Level 2 (aka Planet Temptation, aka Planet Corporate, aka Planet Clone, aka Purgatory, Earth=Level 1) if they are evil (they share some go up, are offered free cocaine and orgies with incredibly beautiful clones (a sign they don't want you to stay) and stay less then one year. They share many others would have had longer lives had they stayed on Earth.). Also the time you receive will be drastically reduced:::your life's course of unrespectability will have costed you a chance at immortality.
If the day comes when you understand this all is true it is a good sign::: It means they want to keep you, you are being granted a chance to change your life. Those they don't want to retain will be placed into an environment in which they feel comfortable to ensure the minimal chance possible.
Edgar Cayce's prognostications effectively served as "the rope", temptation for the disfavored Italians. Money is not an issue on the level above Level 2, Purgatory, and "something for nothing" behavior like this will exclude you, as will behavior such as permanance in/abuse of the welfare system, using (unreasonable) coupons, buying on sale exclusively, supermarkets as ATMs, gambling for gain instead of fun, overeating at buffets, CHEATING on your taxes, etc:::When people who have been granted good things in life from the gods turn around and CHEAT them they risk their entrance into heaven.

It is important that you begin praying now. Evil is a slippery slope::once you start punishment begins to escallate. If you defy early there may be no retribution but as you continue to committ evil there will be until the point where you can no longer stand it (If you experience retribution it is punishment for the evil you've comitted, necessary since you're interesting in pursuing god's favor::::You have to be punished for what you've done wrong.).
Pray for guidance and never obey when they tell you to be evil, for saving yourself will become more and more difficult with each act of evil you committ until ultimatly the day arrives when they make their decision about you final.
It's important that people fix their problems and ascend with the body given to them, for they say if your brain is beemed out at death and put into a clone host you are on the clock.
If your brain is beemed out at death and put into a clone host you are on the clock.
If your brain is beemed out at death and put into a clone host you are on the clock.
If your brain is beemed out at death and put into a clone host you are on the clock.
If your brain is beemed out at death and put into a clone host you are on the clock.
If your brain is beemed out at death and put into a clone host you are on the clock.
If your brain is beemed out at death and put into a clone host you are on the clock.
If your brain is beemed out at death and put into a clone host you are on the clock.
If your brain is beemed out at death and put into a clone host you are on the clock.
If your brain is beemed out at death and put into a clone host you are on the clock.
If your brain is beemed out at death and put into a clone host you are on the clock.

Throughout history the ruling species bestowed favor upon people or cursed their bloodline into a pattern of disfavor for many generations to come. Now in the 21st century people must take it upon themselves to try to correct their family's problems, undoing generation(s) worth of abuse and neglect. The goal is to fix your problems and get out while you are still young::::
1. Before children become corrupted (Halloween & Christmas (among others), get out via parents)
2. Before you lose your virginity/become corrupted by casual sex, and ultimately
3. Before you have children.
This is why they have created so many distractions for young people:::sports, video games, popular music, the internet, shopping, parties, too much homework, materialism, anything that consumes their time::to ensure that doesn't ocurr. Not heeding the clues and warnings, getting wrapped up in your life and ultimately having children is a bad thing. Just as your parents and your grandparents, you too have failed. Having children is a sign you lost your chance.
Parents need to sacrifice for their children. Your children are more important than you. They are the ones who have the opportunity for a great amount of time, and parents must sacrifice to ensure they give their children the very best chance they can.
There was a time when they instructed Artificial Intelligence to role play disfavored's employers and threaten their job telepathically if they didn't continue with the desired behavior, typically betraying their children to justify disfunctional cycle. As time progressed they wanted to escalate deterioration and compell people to incurr more evil, and they sold them on corruption, making them think they were earning by betraying their children, they were doing their part to pave the way for the Apocalypse, because they're clones, etc.
I recommend you apply yourselves to your children. I think this is the single best way for adults to try to redeem themselves in the eyes of the gods. Asking people to neglect their children emotionally is a sign they don't want you to go, and complying may finish the parents off for good. (Having gay children (children with gay experiences) is a clue parents complied with whatever was asked of them.) Improve your relationship with the gods and they may not ask in the first place or they may permit you the courage to say "No." to their requests.
The gods instruct parents to raise their children in a specific way, targetting the children so as to give the impression of a dysfunctional family cycle. They do this to sabotage you and your children's chances of ascending:::::it hurts you both. You need to defy to stop this imposed cycle or your children will be subject to it too::::::::::they will instruct them to betray their children in the same manner as well.

People need to repent for the things they've done wrong in life. Often they know what they have done was wrong (telling you telepthically to do these things was temptation and complying has hurt you/will limit your time). People need to attone for these things they've done wrong.
There are other things that people have grown to believe are acceptable when in fact they are not:::::This society is designed to corrupt individuals, be it through materialism, the celebration/acceptance of evil (Halloween), desensitization of topics/images, voyerism/celebration of people's misery, the acceptance of casual/alternate sex, the dietization of a prophet (Jesus). People need to realize that the gods made this behavior socially acceptable to corrupt people society-wide and limit the time everybody receives, an important managerial strategy as we approach The End:::the leveling of the playing field, behavior similar to that which the gods inflicted on the disfavored prior to the Noah's Flood event. You need to recognize this, see that this behavior is wrong and stop doing it. (Set a goal of empathy and compassion for all, for we are all disfavored::::Other people's disfavor is manifested in their particular way, just as your disfavfor is manifested in your particular way.)
This whole system is about us, the little people, the peasants. The wealthy, the corporations, all those people are clones and are here to disceive us and mislead us. They are merely putting in their time (If the wealthy are not visible the gods don't have to worry about clone rotation.).
"Money is the root of all evil." is not just a cliche. They use the wealthy to corrupt the typical peasant, using these clones to create a goal of greed within the little people. How they use the media to corrupt young blacks is an outstanding example:::Black people eat whatever they are fed. Moral:::Just don't look!!!
This whole system is about us, the disfavored left behind. And it is like this to keep us down.

Somewhere in your family history one of your forefathers created an offense that cast your family into this pattern of disfavor, which perhaps is manifested in the evil you committ (promiscuity, gosip mongering, family betrayal, theft, lack of consideration for others, insensitivity, etc). I suspect to fulfill their desire for justification many family offenses ocurred in the mid 20th century. Of course an early offense ocurred which the gods used to justify shipping your bloodline to the United States, so there might be a string of offenses in your history.
Do your ancestral research::You should be knowledgeable about your family history. Clues in the history may arise that could assist you. There are many out there who think they are favored, people whom are ignorant of their history or don't/can't pick up on the subtle clues granted to them. Those poeple need to question when they are repelled from something, irrationally like/dislike something, and examine it closely, for it may offer a breakthrough. (Keep an open mind to every possibility for they suggest matriarchal lineage is the norm:::::
They said civilized life on Earth has been going on for 100,000 years. Matrilineal decent was likley reserved for the favored, so don't exepct to see it ocurr in areas like the Mediterreanean, where the Noah's Flood event proves their disfavor.
The Mediterreanean is a very important region for they say "western civilization" sprung forth from it. I'd argue that we inheritied institutions inflicted upon the disfavored because of this region, institutions like patrilineal decent, once Christianity homoginized Europe.
An early "leveling of the playing field" event.

Ask the gods for help, request guidance. I suspect they will offer you additional clues, in a backhanded, abusive way, and when you decipher these clues ask for forgiveness from those whom consider you an enemy.
Don't forget to ask for forgiveness from the throne, the Counsel and the Management Team, for the source of all disfavor began with them:::they pushed or requested/complied your forefather into his offense and made his decendants evil. Perhaps they didn't like him or maybe your family was among those selected to pay for the entire village. We see this type of behavior today as they single out a family member to pay for the whole family and how they singled out Africa to pay for the human race. Similarly, Earth's dismal fate bouys other planet(s) within the Milky Way Galaxy whom enjoy the fruit of our misery. (Just like they utilize scapegoatting, justification and positioning as a matter of policy so do they make one pay for the benefit of another.
Never have a negative thought about the gods. They are managing the universe. This is how they decided to execute strategy for the end of the world. Try to purify your mind of these thoughts and recognize the urgency of improving your relationship with them.)
Heal the disfavor with your enemies and with the Counsel/Management Team/ruling species, for the source of all disfavor began with them, the ability to forgive and respect in light of this disturbing truth I describe revealed being the final test of the disfavored before they ascend.

They say this final test costed up to 50% of the candidates in the past and I suspect it was EXTREMELY effective on the children. I want people to be forewarned, knowledgeable about the god's strategy, their plan for paving the way for the "end of time" on Earth that we witness/experience, and I want you to be in a state of forgiveness PRIOR to the date of your "test", for this is yet another tactic designed to limit the time the disfavored receive.
The gods place great importance in positioning, not just to conceal their involvement, ensuring people are deceived, receptive to temptation and aren't motivated to pray, but also to preserve the "final test"'s productivity, for I suspect it is very effective.
The gods wrote prophecy and scripted their strategy (positioning) for a reason:::they intend to enforce both.

This message illustrating the path may be the disfavored's last clue. All clues before have been more covert but this one is quite obvious indeed, which says time is running out.

Therapists prey on others. They earn their livlihood capitalizing on another's disfavor, knowing disfavor is why they are experiencing problems.
At some point in their lives they learn this truth. That point and time is the most crucial in their lives for if they make the wrong decision and stay in their industry/follow through with their education they hurt themselves very badly in the eyes of the gods.
Directing them into the industry (create passion)/telling them to take this path/compliance is a way to incurr evil on otherwise very good people (if you understand the demographic), people who normally would get a great amount of time, and it ensurs their stay is minimized if and when they do go.

Lesbians need to rediscover their femininity for it is their advantage, it is what makes women superior to men. Perhaps it is the vulnerability that helps them readily find the path.
When a woman repells from her femininity it is a bad sign for it means the gods don't want her to be favored. Butchs and other lesbians need to rediscover this dynamic because this is the trait that can save them.
My advice to homosexuals woudl be the following:::
1. Stop enagaging in promiscuity and groups sex. This hurts you very badly.
2. Be monagamous.
3. Stop watching pornography.
4. Be as decent and respectable as you can wihtin the context of your sexual orientation.

The gods punished the hedonism of the 60s and 70s by introducing AIDS:::::
They peaked the disfavored euphporically, made them homosexual then punished them with AIDS. They don't give a fuck. They love to be vindictive and malicious. It is important that you get out of this USA-empowered state of mind. Be afraid. You DO IN FACT live under an iron fist. The fact they set up this deceptive enviornment should strike fear in your heart for it says something about their intent.
Be god-fearing.

They pushed Africans into being promiscuous and now punish them with AIDS. The gods have inflicted hypersexuality on Africans, illustrated by their art. Prior to the late 20th century the gods punished them in different ways:::slavery, African drought/famine, female genital mutiliation, violence, etc.

AIDS is far worse than the Holocaust for the perpetrators have gotten away with murder. They are multi-millionaries and live in luxury. Unlike the Nazi theater they neither can nor will be hunted down. And hopefully unlike the Nazis they will always have ptotection from the gods, for the gods originally authorized these clones to create/manufacture the AIDS virus (outlandish profits in this industry was "the rope", temptation for the disfavored investor who incurred evil, limiting their time).
Then they will be granted their time, perhaps thousands of years.
Yes the Holocaust was staged and few if any real Jews died. However they did it EXPECT the gods used clones WITHOUT brains in their cranial cavity, the ULTIMATE in disposability.
Many disfavoreds who died of AIDS were reals. And if you don't believe it then you don't understand disfavor:::The Jews are antient people used to help the disfavored and were spread throughout Europe to try to help misled Christians.
You ARE the misled. Those who died of AIDS may have been the member of the family whom innocculations saved. The gods took them this way instead.
Expect other purposes behind AIDS.
What percentage of gays with AIDS had to come back? 80% 90% (Expect some "ringers".)
These people woudl have ALL gotten out prior to 2000 otherwise. Killing them with AIDS FORCES them to be rebirthed into a continually deteriorating environment.
Be god-fearing.

Africans and their decendants have gross disfavor::::
There have been 14 species of large animals capable of domestication in the history of mankind. 13 were from Europe, Asia and northern Africa but none from the sub-Saharan African continent.
Africans suffered failed attempts to domesticate the elephant and zebra, the latter being an animal that had the utmost importance for it's applicability in transformation from a hunting/gathering to agrarian-based civilization.

The Counsel/Management Team/ruling species (the gods) abuse black people so hard, from east African drought/famine to AIDS in Africa to female genital mutiliation, to the crack epiemic and gang membership, black-on-black violence to mass incarceration of their young. They refuse to address the issue of the prison industrial complex and its wholesale warehousing of young black men.

The gods use the United States to hurt the disfavored, at home and abroad, for it is the goal of redwhite&blue:::
20th century welfare hurt the black community very, very badly. There was too many abuses of the system and its legacy is still felt today.
There will come a time that will be a CRUCIAL moment in the history of black america (whether it is a critical time for everybody remains to be seen). When that era arrives the gods will instruct the United States to pay black people reparations, and it may be as much as a million dollars for every man, woman and child.
Refuse it. This is an act of preditation. The gods hate Africans, evident by the sorry state of the people in the United States and back in the motherland. This may ba a choice between going and the money. Understand how the gods use greed and materialism against you:::::Blacks wallow in materialiam, incurring evil and costing themselves time. And when their time DOES come they will be granted reparations immediately prior, further limiting the number of Africans who ascend.
The day IS coming when they will grant reparations, and the amount will be staggering, another tactic to ensure you fail in the quest to ascend into heaven. And many of the disfavored blacks will blow it all; the gods will push them into spending it friviously or losing it in their casinos.

"Black people have to try harder, do better than everybody else." Remember hearing that in the late 70s/early 80s?? It wasn't in their media, it was telepathic. They made an announcement to people who care illustrating how difficult it will be for the black community.
One example is young blacks will find it very difficult to do something so simple as being "normal". They will want or "need" to dress or talk as the media says they should, and if an individual DOES make gains they will instruct preditory blacks to try to employ peer pressure. I want you to conscious of your adversion to "being normal", for it is a clue.
Some older blacks will always get angry when they hear the word "nigger". The gods use it as an inciter and it will be a difficult hurdle for these generations/individuals to overcome.

Between the Jews and the Austrians we may have two groups who may be totally and completely "out", meaning is no connection left on Planet Earth.
This is the goal for people:::To get them and all their people out without leaving any descendants.
If the gods feel compelled to use members of these groups they keep them in "brain-dead" form merely for positioning's sake, that is clones without brains in their cranial cavity, the ultimate in disposability.
Expect modern-day monsters to be empty-cranium clones:::: They are literally living embodiments of the gods, it is the god’s behavior we are witnessing.
Little people/disfavored peoples might be different, when they get out they are replaced with real clones, but this is how it works for the favored and those whom they use in significant roles.
Traditional Austrians may not be represented by current political boundries. Perhaps they used the opposite of my "ringers" example below, and they kept grossly disfavored families around for positioning's sake. Maybe the kicked all the rejects out sometime in the past.
Jew leaders didn't want any legacy in this disturbing age. Perhaps it was being dispersed throughout Europe to help the disfavored, perhaps their devotion to their faith::::something entitled them to get out before this disturbing age. And since the gods decided they could employ this into the script....
Perhaps the gods intended on re-introducing a Jewish population after the wicked 20th century, bringing in fresh new clones with brains to re-establish a normal Jewish community (ie ascend with children, new clones in to replace, repeat, etc).
There was a major change in 2000 and one of those changes may be that ALL celebrities are all clones WITHOUT brains.
Or they have been EVER SINCE!!! They ARE merely tools to hurt the disfavored.
If Earth was to live. 911 says The End is coming soon. That they empowered me to share my message does as well.
This is the path. Take it and save yourself.
-5/22/2006 12:14:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|
Tonight - on the 22nd I'll be part of a young audience to talk about the things that are important to them (young people) as well as "the future of South Africa".
All that will be on the BBC's World Have Your Say.
If you - a Kenyan - have any thoughts you think are worth passing on, drop me an e-mail at
I'll try my best to condense all that as and when I receive your mail.

Send instant messages to your online friends|W|P|114828926434717399|W|P|Yours truly on the good old Beeb|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/22/2006 04:43:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|This is brilliant. It will be interesting to hear your take on things in South Africa. Do you know what time the programmes are going out? Will they be broadcast on BBC World Service or on Network Africa?
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"In promulgating your esoteric cogitations or articulating your superficial sentimentalities, and amicable philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosa. Let your conversational communications possess a compacted conciseness, a clarified comprehensibility, a coalescent cogency, and a concatenated consistency. Eschew obfuscation and all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune rabblement, and asinine affectations. Let your extemporaneous descanting and unpremeditated expatiations have intelligibility and voracious vivacity without rodomontade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, pompous prolificacy, and vain vapid verbosity.
In short what Lumumba was telling his fellow commissioners in the review team is: "Be brief and don't use big words!!!!"
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Feel free to surf to my homepage - Pit 20137/01/2017 11:07:00 am|W|P|Blogger estates|W|P|i like your choice of words! 08:13:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P| By GERI RODMAN

"Men and Women, I call us this evening to repentance. We need to turn from the idols that enslave us, that demonize, dehumanize, and degrade us, and return to the living God. We need to turn from the illusory kingdoms of self to the very real and substantial Kingdom of God."

My two friends and I came from Canada to the Urbana Convention. We sat together in the middle section, just below the nosebleed seats. We three listened to John Stott, who expounded 2 Timothy each morning.

We three listened to missionaries talk about the power of God, about the love of God for lost people, about miracles and the supreme joy of being devoted to Jesus no matter what the circumstance.

When it came time to make a decision, we three were ready. We stood together and made a commitment to give our lives to mission and follow God's leading anywhere, at home or abroad.

Now, we are thirty-six years this side of Urbana 1967. For my friend Ted, the inspiration he received and commitment he made led him to be a career missionary. He is serving God's purpose in Europe and parts of Africa. He has been on the mission field for over thirty years.

The other friend who came with me was Mary, someone who had made it clear to her family, her friends and her church that she was going to be an overseas missionary. If there was a sure bet, Mary was it. Today, Mary is a top executive in her field. She has influence; she has affluence, and some very impressive toys. She rubs shoulders every day with some very powerful people. But she is not a missionary overseas, and she is not a missionary in her work context. God is not shaping her life choices.

When I left Urbana, with the passion and inspiration of my decision still very fresh, I had every intention of fulfilling it. I would finish high school, then on to university and then into Christian service. However, when I started at the University of Toronto a year later, I began to wonder whether it might not be a bad idea to put those commitments aside for a time.

I wanted to take just a little break – just enough time to savour some new friendships, some new thoughts, and a new worldview. I decided to take a little detour. That detour turned out to be longer than I'd expected. It would be eight years before I would once again consider the decision I made at Urbana.

Ted, Mary and me – we three! We heard the same message. We stood up with the same conviction and made a decision with passionate sincerity. But with such very different outcomes. How could that be?

Central to this question is what defines our reality?

I am a big movie fan. So of course I was there with the best of them on November 5 to see the latest installment of The Matrix. As much as I enjoyed the sequels, I found the first Matrix the most compelling. The main idea of the Matrix is that reality is not what it seems. What characters experience, what they see, touch, hear, taste and smell is not, in fact, true reality.

This is an engaging and disturbing premise for a story because we all base our lives on what we believe is real. And like the movie, "reality" often has more layers than what is first apparent.

Scripture says that when we let something or someone other that God define our reality, we are committing idolatry. We may think of idolatry as something people did in ancient times – nothing we’d do now – bowing down before statues and offering sacrifices to golden calves – we don’t do that! But idolatry is subtler, more insidious and a hundred times more pervasive than that. Idolatry has to do with what we worship, and what we worship defines our reality. It defines what we love, what we fear, what we long for, and what we aspire to. It affects how we pray and what we pray for. It shapes what keeps us up at night, what we do in secret and where we turn when we need solace and care. It is the thing that adds definition, color and nuance to our daily choices.

In the gospels, and I am sure you remember this story; a man comes to Jesus and asks him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" The man comes and questions Jesus because he senses that despite all that he is doing to lead a good life, something is missing. Like Neo, the main character in the Matrix, he has an intuitive sense that despite appearances, something is amiss.

This was a man driven to do the right things. When Jesus tells him to keep the commandments, he does all of them. Not one does he miss. And he has done them since his youth. How many of us could say that? Certainly not me!

Perhaps he was beginning to entertain the frightening notion that the reality by which he organized his life might not, in the end, secure the thing he wanted most.

My own restlessness, the sense of something amiss, started in high school. My life with God had been particularly marked by a few things: summers at Christian camp as a kid and my home church, which was a family-based church.

Camp was where I most understood the reality of Jesus. Hearing God's Word in the midst of God's creation; living with eight kids gave an opportunity to live out and see lived out, an obedience to Jesus in loving and serving others – and probably, for me, always asking for and receiving forgiveness. Jesus became real for me.

At my church, I knew adults of Christian faith, who were very sincere, and whose lives were deeply changed by the gospel. But the church struggled to engage the societal shifts of the 1960's and the social revolution. There were unwritten assumptions that there were certain things that Christians didn't do, certain questions that Christians didn't ask, certain topics that Christians don't talk about.

I concluded God's kingdom was narrow and had a lot of arbitrary rules of conduct. The rules, for me, made no sense, but I liked the people, so I began to live a compartmentalized life, and a hidden life. You can imagine my restlessness, my sense of unease, as I tried to live vacillating between these two worlds.

Idolatry entered in at that point. Other things other than God became more real for me. I graduated, and I was selected for a great job, which included working for the Olympics. The job paid well. I was in love with a great non-Christian man. We were talking seriously about getting married. We worked hard and we played hard, and we worked together in the same work. I had part ownership of a sailboat and a ski chalet, a sports car, and all the toys and gadgets you could ever dream of, and all the places you could ever fly to.

With the Rich Ruler, he was blameless by the rules of conduct. But he was missing the big piece of reality – relationship with Jesus. Jesus addresses his deep restlessness. Jesus invites him to decide to leave behind his idolatry of money, so that he could, with his whole self, follow after Jesus and participate in the Kingdom of God.

Likewise, Jesus invited me to deal with my restlessness. Ironically, I am probably one of a few Christians who was urged back to the faith by her non-Christian boyfriend. He asked me to go back to church and decide once and for all about God. He knew he didn't want Jesus and he didn't want a wife who followed Jesus. He liked our life the way it was.

Reluctantly, I started attending church. It was the closest one I could roll out of bed and go to. Providentially, an old friend spotted me and made herself a fixture in my life. She introduced me to her friends and Christian mentors. I found myself in a small group with her, asking all the questions I had stored up, and then some! I found that Marilyn and Shirley, although they were Christians, were actually pretty fun people. I enjoyed being with them. They weren’t afraid of my questions. They had their own questions about life and they brought them openly before God. They treated God as a friend. They hid nothing.

They introduced me to a missionary friend. As you can probably guess, I also didn’t like missionaries. She and her husband had helped found the IFES student movement in Colombia. She was so different than the stereotypes I had built up about missionaries – she was not narrow-minded, she wasn’t out-of-touch, or strangely religious. "Weird," as I called it! Instead, she was a "with-it" person, fun to be with, and anything but boring. And she would engage every question I had.

Above all, she and these Christian friends gave me a glimpse of life lived out not vacillating between two worlds. They broke my stereotypes; they had an attractive, intimate relationship with Jesus that I had never developed. Jesus shaped the way they lived, and the choices they made. They loved me enough to challenge the things that were idols in my life; things that limited my relationship with God.

Friends, who or what defines your reality? Is it the Kingdom of God, or is it the Kingdom of Self? Is it Jesus, his love, his purpose, his power, his very self? Or is it something else?

What makes up the Matrix of illusion and idolatry for those of us in North America? I want us to consider three general avenues of idolatry. And friends, I want you to know: I had to face these idols and how they expressed themselves in my life, to be free to really embrace the life of Jesus and his kingdom.

So I come to you tonight, not to burden you, but to be with you in this process.

The Idolatry of Self-Glory or Self- Fulfillment

Perhaps only a few of us would actually admit that our life ambition is to rule the world. Most of us wouldn't say that. But how many more of us dream of being set apart, of being noticed, of being Number One, or of being special or praised by this world? How many of us are caught up in the desire to project the right image, wearing the right clothes, being in with the right people or the right group?

How many of our thoughts gravitate to "will I be accepted, will I be happy, will I like the job I do? Will it entertain me, or keep my interest?" I loved the idea that I worked with the Olympics in Montréal. I loved being a part of a crack team, hand-selected by my boss! I loved that my future was going to be with the International Olympic Committee, and fly all over the world. I liked that.

For me, I needed to set aside my agenda for self-glory or self-fulfillment – the path I had decided I was on. So God took me to Colombia, where I spoke no Spanish. I couldn’t communicate. I couldn’t really do anything. I could just be loved by the people there, and enter a relationship with God. How many of us are swayed by the matrix of worldly honor, glory or fulfillment rather than Kingdom of glory?

The Idolatry of Self-Comfort

For those of us from Canada and the US, avoiding suffering and experiencing comfort can have an incredible power. Jesus promises us a life filled with joy, community, power, depth and persecution! Jesus promises to comfort us in our suffering; but Jesus does not promise us a comfortable life.

One of my students when I worked in California came to university with her life ambition being to acquire a husband with a good job, get some kids, and get a house in the suburbs, complete with white picket fence. While there was nothing wrong with wanting any of those things, she allowed her reality to be defined by the drive for security and comfort. And she had to give that over to God, to allow God to fill her with his presence.

Today, Susan and her husband work in an orphanage in Eastern Europe. They combat poverty, government bureaucracy and their own weaknesses. Her life is not comfortable, but it is rich, full of purpose and the very real presence of Jesus.

Our drive for self-comfort can also lead us into all kinds of addictions. Alcoholism continues to be a major health issue on North American university and college campuses, as well as gambling. As believers, we are not immune to this.

The widespread use of computers and the ease of surfing on the Internet have made pornography widely available and even acceptable for self-comfort. Women, as well as men, become pornography users and find themselves trapped in addictive behaviours, with sexualized imaginations that they feel helpless to control and get any healing from. Talk about a lifestyle of demoralizing hiddenness! Some of you are trapped in that lifestyle and feel helpless.

We also, in the area of self-comfort, look inappropriately for comfort in relationships. We justify moving beyond the boundaries that God has set. We begin to personally reset the boundaries of these relationships based on our feelings and need for love and intimacy; based on the fact that we might have been wounded or hurt or abused, and are looking for love. In our quest for comfort and ease, anything can become an addiction – video games, hours of anonymity in chat rooms, the shop-till-you-drop syndrome – you name it.

The Idolatry of Self-Empowerment or Self-Reliance

Perhaps the biggest object of worship among North Americans is money – not just money, but all the things that money can buy. I know – I had all the gadgets. Rampant consumerism, yes, but even more than that, the intangible things that money buys: the things that bring you in among the world's privileged, educated, and elite. Things that would create you to be an elitist.

And all of this occurs to the point that we feel entitled. We feel entitled to have choices, to have a sense of freedom, to live without limits and boundaries. It's not even enough that we have food: we would find it confining, boring, to eat the same foods at every meal. We like it that we can choose Italian, Chinese, pizza, hamburgers, or French, or go out for Thai food.

We feel entitled when we want to travel to distant countries and cultures – so that we might be people of broad understanding and experience. Never mind that some people in our world have such limited means that in a lifetime, they never go beyond the borders of their town.

We feel entitled to leisure time and to be entertained endlessly, to have prosperity in the present and security in the future. We may even set arbitrary hours we will work. Some of us won’t even work a full-time job, because we’ve decided we can have leisure when we want. We can have a reflective life when we want. And those might not be God’s decisions.

Men and Women, I call you this evening to repentance. I call you to soften your hearts. We need to turn from the idols that enslave us, that demonize us, dehumanize us, and degrade us, and return to the living God. We need to turn from the illusory kingdom of self to the very real and substantial Kingdom of God.

What does repentance consist of? I took an eight-year detour from the commitment and plans I made at Urbana. God was infinitely patient and loving, and caring with me along the way. He made repentance possible for me. Tonight, friends, he’s making repentance possible for you.

Relationship with Jesus was worth making the changes in my life. I had to pay a cost, but it was worth it and it is still is worth it. Because as you let go of an idol in your life, a void is left. And friends, Jesus wants to come and fill that void. Jesus came and filled the void in my life, as I began to lay some of these idols down. Because idols only fill the area of a deeper need.

There are three steps involved in repentance.

1. Decide to follow Jesus.

The Rich Ruler was asked to sell what he had, give to the poor, and to follow Jesus. I knew the decision for me was to choose for God and God alone – relationship with Him; to no longer straddle being a citizen of two worlds, two realities, and two kingdoms. I needed to break from my compartmentalized world. God took me to Colombia, South America, an unfamiliar place, where my faith was made even more alive with the friendship and love of Colombian university students. Over a period of time, I decided to follow Jesus with my whole life. I needed to be there, to be untangled from all the idols that were limiting my relationship with God.

2. Pursue healing of the consequences of idolatry.

Idolatry leaves appetites and values that need reversing, injuries and sickness that need healing. The process of healing from idolatry for me included me saying no to a marriage with a non-Christian boyfriend – which was one of the most painful things I did in my early twenties. He had already made the decision that from what he understood of God and His Kingdom, he did not want to buy into a commitment to God. And he sure did not want a wife whose relationship with God might interfere with his sense of marriage priorities. And so, we parted from each other. That parting was painful. But in the void that he filled in my life, God brought in his love and care for me.

3. Walk in obedience and community.

New decisions of commitment need to be lived out. We are no longer to take our orders for life from the matrix of self, from idols that claim to be reality. We look to Jesus, whose commands we begin to delight in. We love to be set within God’s boundaries. We are shaped by His Word and we begin to be led by the Spirit of Jesus. We walk in the Jesus Way, giving ourselves to participation in Jesus' Mission, in community with the companions that He gives us. He never leaves us alone.

In summary, there are three steps to repentance:

1. Decide to follow Jesus. And when you decide, tell your group or friends. Share it with someone. 2. Pursue healing of the consequences of idolatry. Some of you are gripped by some of the things I’ve said tonight. Start here. Have some friends pray for you. God to the prayer ministry rooms tomorrow. 3. Walk in obedience and community - commit to a fellowship that desires spiritual growth.

Friends, I did pay a cost to make these changes, but it was worth it, and it is still worth it all. I put aside self-glory, and my plans for fulfillment in God's hands. I allowed Him to bring fulfillment in my life, and he has more than done that. I put aside comfort found only in relationships and possessions, to be loved and comforted by Jesus. I put aside my self-reliance or independence to be relying on God and the community of God.

What are the idols that rule your life? How long will you run after idols and substitutions for Jesus’ love, direction and purpose? Respond now to him and turn them over to Jesus and embrace this true reality. I can tell you, if you’re afraid, take this step. I was afraid, and Jesus came and filled that void.

Remember three of us came to Urbana with good intentions to follow God. Two of us left trapped by false realities. Will you deal with God tonight? Will you put your life in His hands? Amen.

* I thank God for the gracious opportunity to have been part of the 20,000-plus audience listening to this in late 2003 at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. |W|P|114784317690862901|W|P|Choosing God's reign|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/17/2006 03:31:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Uaridi|W|P|Living as a disciple of Jesus is never easy, but the rewards are so many.

I like what you have said about idols - these are the hardest to tear down.
Thank you for sharing5/16/2006 06:54:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P| Nigerians have given him his dues.... |W|P|114779512303827496|W|P|La Vecchia Signora Obasanjo|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/16/2006 08:00:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Uaridi|W|P|Wouldn't it be wonderful if decisions in the Kenyan Parliament were carried out so decsicively? (can't spell!!)5/17/2006 02:13:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|they did the right thing..
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|W|P|114771410482491610|W|P|Da Vinci Code lecture in London|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com2/16/2007 07:35:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Where did you find it? Interesting read Fitzgerald pioneers baseball Forex switzerland online Hastings faucet purple paris hilton video Propecia studies Huge big fat mexican butts Maid service website templates Paris nicki hilton 401k beneficiary payout My mom fucks my best friends huge dick Gay cabo Malaysia insurance online payment Cincinnati poker Xxx secretion videos Britney spears sex paris hilton Rick soloman paris hilton tape2/22/2007 01:23:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|This is very interesting site... cymbalta versus effexor paintballing online stores5/15/2006 08:03:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P| I rarely blog about Kenyan and international politics, but apparently someone someplace still recognizes my passion for politics and history...and the memories I still harbour of some African historical figures. The late Jonas Savimbi has a place on that list, as I followed his personal, political and military life closely. Nothing, in consequence, beats my list of top fraud e-mails than this one that I just received from a person - probably a Nigerian - who is claiming to be his wife. Help her, if you may :-)
Subject:  Mrs. Nancy Savimbi (Angola Unita)

My Dear Friend

I am Mrs.Savimbi, the wife to the late Jonas Savimbi,   the late leader
of the national Union for The Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). My
husband was killed during combat action against government forces in
Mexico, Angola on the 22nd of Feb. 2002.

I am contacting you because of my need to deal with person whom my
family had no previous relationship.Since the death of my husband, my
family has been subjected to all sorts of harassment and intimidation with
lots of negative report emanating from the government of President
Santos about my husband.

The present government has also ensured that all our bank accounts are
frozen, and all assets sized.It is in view of this that I seek your
assistance in investing and managing the sum of Seventy five Million
United State Dollars in your country, being the very last of my family funds
in my possession and control unknown to the government.This money now
in question came as a result of Diamond Royalties that was paid to my
late husband from the Diamond mining within the areas in Angola being
controlled by (UNITA) for more than a decade.

The money was packed in a sealed trunk box and was depositd
Security/Finance Company in Spain.Right now, the present government has
intensified their probe on my family's financial resources; frozen all our known
foreign & local accounts, revoked Diamond licenses, and even detained
my son (Charles) on alleged flimsy charges just because my husband
before his death was the head of UNITA.Bearing in mind that your assistance
is needed to transfer this money, I propose a commission of 10% (Ten
Percent) of the total sum to you or your company for the expected
services and assistance.

Please reply me through this email address below for security reasons:

I await your prompt response to commence the transaction process.

Mrs.Nancy Savimbi
Photo credit / BBC Online|W|P|114767036982396890|W|P|Pray, who will help "Mrs. Savimbi?"|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/16/2006 06:28:00 am|W|P|Blogger John Powers|W|P|Time's a wasting...lol12/11/2007 03:35:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Disturbingly ugly immediately before The End.wav

If you knew the truth you would have great urgency.
This tactic of "fairness", savoir and good (Christian) god-based hope is fucking you up.
Life is a test. Only those worthy will ascend. Contradictions have been manufactured (1906), suggesting temptation, corrupting people and compelling them to think wrong.
The other planets are exclusive places. They don't bring most people. You have to earn it. Nobody is going to save you. Nobody is going to do it for you. You have to save yourself.
If you knew the truth you would have great urgency.
You have to earn it.

The Man in the Moon clue:::A constant companion, the "Man in the Moon" clue needs to be viewed as a reminder, for this environment is one in which it is very easy to lose your way, either via temptation or distraction.
Look to the sky. Begin to associate the Moon with the clue they impart with this celestial body. Use it as a reminder to pray, to be god-fearing, for this is a very antient clue and shows their great power.

The Holocaust's clue of defiance escaped you all:::::Everyone condemned the blind obedience of the Nazi soldiers yet repeat this same behavior in your own personal lives, complying with every request they make, even in the case of your precious children.
Telepathic requests constitute temptation.

There is a BIG LIE here. Psychology proves it.
Wi_ne proves it. Democracy proves it. Materialism/greed proves it.
The middle management tactic allows them to maintain this perception of an good, absentee (Christian) god, ensuring people remain confident and unafraid!!!
Resign to be good.

It is important you recognize corruption is evil. They ask you to do things you shouldn’t be doing, and this will cost you in the eyes of the gods. They warned us temptation would be used to test us, and telepathic requests consitutute temptation.
Resign to be good and apply this standard to decisions in your life.
Realize this corruption has set your family in the wrong direction. Your efforts to fix your problems will not only help you but also your family, your children and grandchildren, direct descendants within your bloodline, for being a responsible parent and teaching your children the correct way to live will help guide your family in the right direction and help your family re-earn their favor with the gods.

People today have lost much respect from the gods. What I teach is learn just enough to understand you are corrupted then get out. People need to earn the god's respect by accepting responsibility for this relationship and then doing the work themselves.
Expect people will do better to accept their responsibility, make their way and fail then if they stay, learn everything I have to teach then suceed, ironically.
You don't want to understand these things. Doing so may dictate your reincarnation, for the gods don't want people around who know they are monsters::::The innocence of children is what they value.

If you are a young parent you STILL HAVE A CHANCE!!! It is IMPERITIVE you teach your children decency and the right way to live BEFORE THEY ARE CORRUPTED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE SOCIETY IN WHICH THEY LIVE and then endure the trials and tribulations the gods will inflict upon the righteous.
You have the opportunity to make significant progress for your family and your bloodline, perhaps ascend and raise your children in a good and healthy environment. Be god-fearing and accept this challenge, for your failure will likely dictate your children's as well::::As time goes on life deteriorates and sucess becomes increasingly more difficult.

If you betrayed your children, circumcized and didn't teach them about the power at the god's disposal then you failed as a parent and the best you can achieve is reincarnation.
If you don't teach your child about this power at the god's disposal they will punish you by corrupting your child, sell them on "earning", get them to comply with evil requests, perhaps homosexual contact!!! It is important you warn your children about their tactics and how they disceive people into damnation, for these numbers grow every day.
Unless you are a preditor hurting others because you think you're "earing", until the day you become a parent you were only hurting yourself. When you have children you begin to hurt god's most favored people:::The innocent children.
If you have failed as a parent you WILL face the reality of reincarnation. Begin to improve your state by helping your children understand NOW, work towards fixing your problems and maybe you can avoid being reincarnated as something nasty.

If god tells you not to pray that is a CLUE YOU NEED TO PRAY!!!!!:::::
1. I'm sorry for what I've done wrong.
2. I don't want to make any more mistakes.
3. I want to fix my problems.
4. Please don't hurt me.
I understand you have gone the wrong way and initially made your decision to comply often based on concrete perceptions:::They use conditioning tactics to gain trust and compliance which compelled you to subscribe to this corruption.
Open your mind to the reality you will have to make a very CONCRETE DECISION to change your direction based on INFERRENCES, INFERRED CLUES which they offer, much like the clue that is female indifference towards sexuality.
Sadly, this sinister strategy will ensure a supermajority of candidates fail:::The sooner you achieve fear the better your chances:::Be afraid and the gods are more likely to have mercy on you when you defy.

You people aren't god-fearing anymore. You think you're partners. Everything they've promised was always a lie. Officially it is classified as temptation. They offered this clue in the Bible:::There is no freewill.
If you are afraid, if you are fearful it is a good thing. You are thinking right, and far too many will never get to this point.
Try to take this fear with you everywhere you go, for it will help you think correctly and make good decisions.
The gods used Christianity to create the percetption of a loving, forgiving god. Anything but is true.

Love god, but NOT before your children:::god will lie to you, call it "temptation":::::We will ALL be held to the responsibilities entrusted to us, no matter what they request telepathically nor what temptations contradict this::Professional responsibilities, family responsibilities.
Many parents believe their relationship with the gods is more important than their obligation to their children and it is going to cost them.
We will ALL be held to the responsibilities entrusted to us.

Focus on purity:::::Be pure of mind and body. Recognize the open doors in the media and how they are used to introduce impure thoughts and refrain.
The Amish in Pennsylvania are like the Jews were in Europe for centuries:::A clue to the disfavored who have been misled and are going the wrong way.
Your virginity may have bought you tens of thousands of years up there. My adivce to those who have made their mistake is:::STOP THE BLEEDING NOW!!! Like the Amish focus on simplicity, strive for purity.

My best advice to you all would be understand what I say is true then WITHDRAW, not only from this plethora of detail (for updating the disfavored on this perpetual theater is a tactic designed to distract. You should never be so arrogant to think you are entitled to understand the god's behavior.) but also withdraw from this cancerous culture. Pursue the truth that you just learned and ACTIVELY work hard to repair your relationship with the gods. Understand how these corrupt institutions (macro:::democracy, materialism/greed; micro:::"Open doors", ie themes in movies, music, TV which they used "magic" to justify creating pathologies around) affect your life and save what clues they will offer you for when you REALLY need them:::EXPECT THEY ARE FINITE!!! Be very attentive and gracious, for you are counting on their generosity.!!!
If you are good and decent and respectable you won't want to hear about all this. If you do desire to hear more take it as a clue, for it is a symptom::::They are peaking you euphorically, and this "magic" is being used to compel you into wanting something unhealthy. They could peak you for homosexuality or addiction and then you would have to grapple with that problem too.
Understand how the corrupted INSTITUTIONS affect your life and make the appropriate changes. For example, they use democracy to justify instructing the computer to create a sense of empowerment, control. If you recognize this you are better able to address the damaging effects.
The gods will want to know who I helped and how they are doing. If people begin down the path with my teachings they will be on a list that the gods will PERSONALLY look in on. The numbers of people who pursue the path immediately after I illustrate it will be very small due to their minimization tactics, role playing, etc, and they will be members of an elite group.
Remember::The gods only use their powers to hurt the disfavored, and everything involved in this Situation are all good examples.


You need to fix your problems and get off Planet Earth before you have children.
Your parents did the wrong things, they circumcised your brothers, they didn’t raise you correctly, and they didn't teach you about this thing at a young age. Just think where you might be now if you learned about it and began to pray when you were just children!!!
If you don't fix your problems odds are you will make these same fatal mistakes with your children. Even if your parents are going they will not stay long, and they will be relegated to Planet Manifest Destiny, eventually reincarnated back to Planet Earth. They won't be allowed to move on.
You have to do this differently. You are lucky enough to have received warning ahead of time. You can avoid this fate.
Start now. Telepathic requests constitute temptation. Begin to think the right way and you will be more likely to evoke their mercy.
You know this is true. Even if they don't make you know it telepathically you know it is true in your heart. Start now.
Being childless up until now (unless you're a preditor convinced you are "earning") your mistakes only hurt yourself. Once you have children your mistakes will be hurting others, and being superior life forms, innocent, pure children, this behavior will hurt you very badly.
You need to get out NOW before you have children. Enough of you still have a chance. You need to make this your goal.
What you hear is telepathic theater. What you see is real, what you see will be enforced::The god's positioning is Manifest Destiny. The will dispose of Planet Manifest Destiny of the 20th century one day as well, for it was heinous:::You have TWO planets you need to get off of!!!!

The optimal ascention senario is when parents depart Earth with their young children BEFORE their minds are posioned by this society.
The path of the righteous man is wrought with obsticles.
Young parents who consciously apply themselves to their children, teach them about the gods and the power at their disposal have an opportunity:::The gods may bring these young families up to live in a healthy enviornment.
Expect the gods to test their moral fortitude depending on their level of disfavor and their devotion to their task. This may include job loss, incidents, even divorce.
Your children are the ones who count and parents need to sacrifice to grant their precious children the best chance possible.
The next best-case senario is when an individual finds the path themself and makes their way out before puberty.
Children who go up before puberty are candidates to remain the most superior of all life forms::The asexual. Expect these people to experience subsequent temptations once they arrive to further shrink the pool of candidates. Another example males are inferior to females:::Expect circumcision to play a part in these elimination rounds.
I think these are the TRUE candidates for immortality. This is not to say there won't be sexualized people who make it, but those who do likely practice minimally and monogamously in the context of marriage, and that would exclude most if not all from modern society. But I believe Planet Earth's only guarenteed IMMORTALS are those individuals who suceed at these tests and earn the designation of asexual.
The sexualization of children is yet another example proving the gods are preditory on children::::It eliminates these individuals from contention immediately.

Each one of us needs to evaluate our personal level of disfavor, and the following will help begin the process:::
1. Did they utilize the "push" or the "pull" strategy.
If one is pushed into their offense the gods are accepting culpability, for they are responsible. Contrary to what many disfavored believe, you are not "earning" when you volunteer. Rather you are incurring evil, for you have fallen for temptation.
Sadly, consistant with their pathology, there is a grey area here:::::AI pushed people into the act with no differentiation, that is it sounded like the person's own thoughts executing that evil. This tactic manufactured the grey area, and it allows them to claim a percentage of the disfavored who fall in this category, proving they will wash their hands and walk away from many disfavored.
2. If they utilized the "pull" strategy HOW CONVINCING WERE THE TACTICS USED TO GAIN YOUR TRUST???? Mildly convincing tactics mean they are offering you a chance. Very strong tactics are employed on the hopeless.

Any tactic/temptation that is targetted to males is particularly preditory.
This entire society is geared towards males for a reason::Because the gods hold the males in disfavor and want them distracted by all the trappings this society has to offer, ensuring they fail.
Girl's toys (dolls) are constructive, foster a nurturing and caregiving dynamic which helps them remain uncorrupted. When pre-pubescent girls are subject to distraction they fall prey to male temptations (early sexualization a clue they are not welcome). Stories, romance novels, tabloids all target women, not girls.
There are far fewer distractions targetted to girls because the gods favor females and want more to suceed, fix their problems with the gods and ascend off Planet Earth.
The preditory distractions/temptations inflicted on males are endless:::
1. Sports
2. Video games
3. Skateboarding/BMX/daredevil behavior
4. Party/mind-altering substances
5. Gambling. When females are subject to distraction they fall prey to male temptations, gambling being a HISTORICALLY MALE activity.
1. Weight training. Strength is exploited by the computer and hurts males ability to have a good relationship with the gods. They offer this activity in every prison system for a reason.
2. Gun ownership. Allows the gods to promote a sense of empowerment and control, destructive to a good relationship with the gods
3. Muscle cars. This movement began when it did for a reason:::It coincided with the MORBID SOCIAL DEGREDATION of the 60s and allowed the gods to inflict damage to a large number of demographics, even those sheltered in the heartland of america.
Even those sheltered in the heartland of america.
Even those sheltered in the heartland of america.
We have other examples like this as well (racing, ).

If you don't do the right thing you're going to do the wrong thing, and the right thing to do is to ACTIVELY fix your problems and pursue the favor of the gods.
The gods imparted wisdom in the Bible to help teach people the right way to live:::Tempation will be used to test you. You have to be willing to tell them "No." If you "think right" you may evoke their mercy.
You will never get off Planet Earth unless you are "thinking right", so you should focus on it.
If you're not working hard to fix your problems, if you don't creatively work to get the hell off Earth then you will slowly slip back into your old pattern and be consumed by it, by the reverse positioning-institutions they instilled as temptations::::popular culture, democracy, materialism.

When I try to help individuals I tell them to honor this day, for if they can realize they are corrupted, uncorrupt themselves and find the path based on my teachings it will be the most important day in their lives, these memories the most cherished they hold dear, for it will be the day when they saved themselves.
I tell them by honoring the day they will notice that they have a major problem with emotional depth.
This society has many desensitizers, preditory elements specifically designed to allow the gods to justify hurting people's ability to think. I tell black people they should cancel their cable TV and throw away their DVDs and CDs. THE PREDITORY NATURE OF THEIR MEDIA RENDERS THIS GOOD ADVICE FOR ALL!!!!
The gods will inevitably employ their tacitcs, the theater of the Situation being one of them. I tell these people they should not be sad, for the Situaiton was tragic before and will continue to be. This should be the happiest day in your life, for this is the day you are set in the right direction. For the rest of the audience this at least breaks the ice, maybe opens the door and helps you to think right:::I suspect your parents didn't have this opportunity and never considered it in light of such a concrete argument such as Artificial Intelligence presented.

The gods manufacture "open doors" to justify creating problems in the lives of people who engage in behavior they shouldn't. Some of these "open doors" apply to a supermajority of the people::::
- Democracy is used to create pathologies of empowerment and control.
- Materialism/greed generate problems with money, glorify overconsumption, etc.
Other "open doors" are specific to each individual. People shouldn't be watching movies, TV, listening to music. When they do the gods use the themes and topics presented therein and Artificial Intelligence creates pathologies around them. Also they put forth intimate situations people SHOUDN'T be viewing. As is gossip-mongering, this is preditory on women and compells them to incurr evil.
If you are particularly intelligent, strong or very good at an (competitive) activity they will instruct Artificial Intelligence to create an overconfidence that will hurt you.
Differentiate between your thoughts and when they push thoughts. Recognize when they are employing "magic":::Peaked euphoria is the fuel of dysfunction and can help you identify these "open doors" in your life.
Abandon your preoccupations and make this the only thing that matters in your life, for all other things in society are lies designed as temptation.

ANYTIME you feel "peaked", experience craving or ANY thought disturbance where you want or like something irrationally IT IS THEM TRYING TO HURT YOU!!!!!! "Magic" is used EXCLUSIVELY to hurt the disfavored; it is the fuel of disfunction::::::addiction, homosexuality, crack babies.
In times past when gods felt more generous they employed their powers to help the disfavored (geographical clues, teachings of the Bible), but as time went on and people succumbed to temptation the gods only used their power to HURT the disfavored (1906, boss, disturbing use of "magic" to mislead people into temptation).
There are subtle (sub)conscious tactics they can employ with the computer to make you think as if you are cooperating when they really are pushing you into your offense. It is important that you differentiate between your thoughts and when they think through you, and this will only happen by doing the right things.
If you don't do the right things you WILL do the wrong things, and the right thing is to ACTIVELY fix your relationship with the gods and ACTIVELY work to get off Planet Earth.
Do you want to be good or evil? Good people have always prayed and good people are god-fearing.

Everybody can tell when they're being peaked euphorically, for it is quite easy to identify.
As children get older and continue to make mistakes the gods apply personality-forming charecteristics, and people fail to differentiate between their own thoughts and when the gods are thinking through them. As a result they become abusive, abrasive, demonic, any number of negative personality characterisitcs, and then lie to them, tell them they're "earning".
This is designed to keep people going in the wrong direction for a lengthy period of time.
My advice is look to the long term goal of fixing your problems and differentiating between your thoughts and when they're thinking through you, but begin by addressing this issue of "peaked euphoria" right now.

The gods offer positive clues to people in a subtle, inferred manner::::
1. Women are indifferent towards sex as a clue to stay away from damaging behavior. Women who have sexual impulses do because of hypersexual behavior in their youth. They have been masculinized.
Because they are the gender with favor this non-sexual tactic is recurring, designed to protect them from destructive behavior.
2. Deep down every child knows the gods like girls better, and they know why. They see it every day on the playground:::The girls are kind, considerate and thoughtful while the boys are engaging in roughhouse and intentionally hurting each other.
If you can recognize these subtle ways the gods communicate positive things then you may pick up on the other clues and ultimately will ignore their overt negative temptations.

It is best to not understand the gods and how they conduct business. If people understood the depth of wickedness and evil the gods have inflicted on the people they will use this knowledge and instruct Artificial Intelligence to push it into their consciousness and progress will be even more difficult.
This is going to be a MASSIVE open door, one which will ensure 80% if not 90% of the disfavored from this horrific era are eliminated, for the gods don't want people up there who think they are monsters.
Children don't need this information. They just need to be taught the right way to live so they can ascend as young as possible. But this necessitates positive moral guidance by the parents, and as corrupt as people are today this is the exception rather than the norm. Because of this, sadly, it is best for children to accept this limitation and understand rather than stay and continually incurr evil as they live their lives.

Abandon your preoccupations and make this the only thing that matters in your life, for all other things in society are lies designed as temptation.
Reprioritize and eliminate non-crucial obligations.
They will use friends and family to create temptations, instill hurdles, try to prevent the candidate from ascending. They will use temptation and tell them whatever it takes to accomplish the task.
They are grossly disfavored, just like the candidate, and the gods will segment that individual accordingly, telling them they are earning by being wicked.


The gods grant "benefit" for those here on Earth trying to earn god's favor::::::::
Women who have physical issues will be allowed to make progress. They will send a man around to express their interest, understanding he will get divorced in a couple of years. THIS IS NOT THE GOAL. Women who don't realize this may be disceived and fall for this temptation. Be focussed and instead continue to pursue your goal of fixing your relationship with the gods and ascend off Planet Earth.
As you fix your relationship with the gods they will allow progress:::They can instruct AI to beem into you car's computer and double your car's mileage.
Of course this could be temptation as well, for some may not see the big prize of Planet Miracle and high mileage could be a distraction, just like cheap gas was in the 90s.

When someone is on the path and fixing their problems with gods will counter with temptations and tactics designed to test them. One such tactic is premature ascention.
It is important to STAY AND FIX YOUR PROBLEMS DESPITE BEING OFFERED A SPOT::::They will switch you out with a clone, and YOUR FAILURE WILL HAVE CONSEQUENCES::::YOUR FAILURE MAY DICTATE YOUR REINCARNATION EVEN AFTER SPENDING TIME UP THERE. Since you are comfortable with the indecency offered in today's society they will place you in an environment desinged as temptation. If you don't continue to work on your problems up there you WILL be reincarnated, for you will have failed to fully fix your problems.
Stay and finish your goal, fix your problems because if you don't ascend without replacement odds are nothing is going to change.


The following is a very good example of reverse positioning, how it is employed to facilitate the deterioration of life on Planet Earth AND a glimpse into the proper way to live for those determined to save themselves:::::
I've mentioned the gods look down on eating and sex.
Before 1900 life was hard but it was good. Now life is easy but it is ugly.
Food is an important part of this equation, for access to diverse food items increased in the last 100 years. Before 1900 the peasantry was limited to basic staples, the foodstuffs common to our nationalities. Now we can enjoy food from every corner of the globe.
It is temptation. And this temptation continues on Planet Manifest Destiny, for the food gets better and the items more diverse, "magic"-fueled sexual satisfaction more common.
Level 2 is the Manifest Destiny "heaven", and what they embraced in the 20th century is what will be valued there:::Expect them to position hypersexuality into that society. They will employ tactics to compel you into this temptation, like offering you the IDEAL spouse, other tactics that will at least certainly delay your departure from Level 2.
The gods don't respect sex, evidenced by hypersexuality inflicted upon the grossly disfavored, and they don't respect eating, fat a bad sign as are cultures with interesting diets:::::
Good food is much like good music to a culture:::Distraction and revelry, a way to minimize the number of people who ascend.
This is nicely reflected in traditional Jewish foods.
The gods offer you clues in the very nature of the act:::::The anti-climatic nature of intercourse, ironically. Female's indifference towards sex is yet more evidence proving their superiority.
It is best to accept a celebant lifestyle, INCLUDING masturbation, resist temptations here and up there and explore this:::::Expect an asexual life as the norm on the planets after Level 2.
Today people have an easy life:::::Refridgeration, a machine that washes your clothes, indoor plumbing, etc. but your daughter lost her virginity behind a dumpster, and because of it, no matter how well she does she has to be reincarnated, perhaps as a lesser life form, making sucess increasingly difficult.

Education has costed more children their chance to go as a child of the gods, pure of heart and body, because it preoccupied their time:::::Between school, activities and TV/videogames/leisure the children are consumed and not receptive to god's calling.

Like education, sex (virginal sex within the context of marriage) is reverse positioning that is difficult to dissern.
My advice to the virginal community is BELIEVE WHAT I SAY!!! The gods look down on sex and praise virgins. EXPECT their status as highest human life forms to be rewarded.
Few will be allowed to exit with their virginity. You have the opportunity.
There are worlds you have yet to imagine waiting for you. Become devoted to being a pure child of the gods.
The gods respect good females FAR MORE than they respect good grades:::Instead of playing ask to help your mother tend to the home cooking and cleaning. For thousands of years this was your role and this is what you should be learning from your mother.
When they use "magic" to peak you euphorically for sex resist. Pray and that temptation may be easier to overcome.
Female's indifference towards sex is yet more evidence proving their superiority:::Hypersexuality is a dumping ground for the most grossly disfavored.
For thousands of years girls who heard their "call" got out and a clone was put in to mate with the males:::It is safe to assume these girls NEVER had intercourse.

The New Testament is evil.
Jesus was another example of a Jewish clue::::Jews sacrifice to help people understand. Unfortunately, the gods subsequently twisted the legacy::::::::::I believe Jesus's true teachings reside elsewhere, that the gods strategically wrote the New Testament with the specific goal of manufacturing Christianity as the cancer that it is:::Expect that the REAL teachings of Jesus were buried and replaced with this strategic scripture. When you understand their positioning you can see this clearly in this modern era:::::Everything new is evil, everything old is good. This is an impression applicable to the Bible as well.
There is no such thing as a savior. You have to save yourself.
Jesus never saved anybody. He went up alone. This is a very well-known event in Christian lore. Take it as a clue.
The Italian boot proves the gods are in total control and executing their antient script. What you hear in your head is Artificial Intelligence role playing in an attempt to corrupt you. All the elite in this society are tools, for it is just the throne and their power in charge. Any claims of middle management are lies because they would be incurring evil by hurting others, forcing their reincarnation, and the computer can do EVERYTHING.
Continue reading. This is a phenominally complex environment but I think I illustrate how they conduct their management on 21st century Planet Earth well.
You have to educate and save yourself. YOU are responsible for YOUR relationship with the gods.

There are all kinds of reverse positioning clues in regards to favor in this morbidly disfavored age:::Late bloomers have more of god's favor and therefore are given more time to fix their probelms and get out before puberty. People with infertility problems would be wise to look at themselves in this same light. Similarly people with large number of children are subsequently disfavored.
Women without marriage prospects are receiving extra time as well. If they were to get married later in life the gods would just tell some man, who likely thought he was earning, that he could get divorced in a couple of years anyways.
You don't want this. You would be wise to put that time to good use, fix your problems and get off Planet Earth.

The following is an OUTSTANDING example of reverse positioning::::::
The gods used this “Manifest Destiny” positioning to create a new reality, minimizing the good things about the old world and emphisizing the bad things. Wine is one such an example.
Wine is positioned to be a blessing from the gods, a fruitful bounty as a reward to a favored people. The reality is quite the opposite.
The Mediterreanean region is grossly disfavored:::This IS the region targeted by the gods for the Noah’s Flood event (Straight of Gibralter broke through inundating the basin and killing untold millions).
There was a time, not so long ago, when no self-respecting woman would EVER take a drink. Alcohol is a masculinizer, a tool used to abuse the disfavored, and cultures which include women in the revelry are grossly disfavored.


Manifest Destiny dictates a white-man's prophecy - White-man's world, white-man's Apocalypse:::
History says society evolved into where it is today. Others may look at it differently::::Because of the white man's favor the gods bestowed great wealth upon them:::::It is quite obviously a white man's god.
The reality is that the gods SCRIPTED Earth's history and utilize reverse positioning::Money is a corruptor and is hurting you badly.

You see Manifest Destiny all around you (corporate)::::Manifest Destiny dictates a white-man's prophecy:::::White-man's world, white-man's Apocalypse. Expect The End to occur EXACTLY as it reads in Revelations. When this happens there will be no more (black) Jesus devotees. Attrition will have eliminated this population. This of course is a good sign for the bottom-of-the-barrel who will be betting on the Second Coming of Christ, but their devotion better be genuine, for they will be subject to the god's minimization tactics.
Since the gods don't respect Christianity I wouldn’t be surprised if they have the Second Coming lead the people to the center of a star, but this is far less likely with blacks out of the picture.
The REAL battle of good and evil occurs within these pages, for no one but me would DARE to challenge the gods:::They manufactured a person who had seething hatred for them, strategically destroying my life SPECIFICALLY for use preying on the disfavored. This Situation is yet another example of "back-handed help" the gods offer to the disfavored.
The battle continues telepathically in people's minds, the REAL battleground for people's souls:::The voice you hear is your enemy, leading you into temptation.
The battle of good and evil is you vs the gods.

Despite their reassurances you hear they intend on fulfilling their "Manifest Destiny" positioning:::::
Manifest Destiny positioning dictates South America and Africa are "left behind" - subsidiaries of well known Manifest Destiny corporations will be viewed like LLCs:::Ability to walk away from obligation.
USMultinationalCorporations throughout Asia.
1980s missionary issue was the attempt to help the Hindus achieve "salvation" under the positioning that is Manifest Destiny, a clue supporting my claims:::::
You're all going to die just like it reads in the Book of Revelations.

This is a good issue illustrating the two realities:::::::
The gods and their Manifest Destiny positioning:::::The gods have positioned some as predatory on the disfavored while others are empathetic with the disfavored.
Redwhite&blue or red and gold, it doesn't really matter because they are all tools who put in their time and get out after a couple of years.
Those with less disfavor are guided into red and gold while the grossly disfavored are led into redwhite&blue.
The truth is both are bad because they sell materialism/greed (advertising promotes coveting):::BOTH ARE TOOLS!!!!! The god's positioning to large segments is if you pick correctly you are more likely to ascend, and I suspect they manufactured some examples to which they refer. But when the chips are on the table it really doesn't matter.
Expect the true intent of this issue to be as preoccupier, a delaying tactic used on different segments of disfavored.
I recommend you consider it a test of intelligence and minimize your purchases generally. Don't forget:::The Amish are a clue suggesting a life of simplicity and purity.
Product packaging changed in the 1980s and we went from paper to plastic, pardon the pun. This, as well as the disposability of near-durable goods via planned obscelesence altered retail and made the marketplace a preditory environment.
The disfavored incurr when they purchase packaging-intense products, especially when that packaging is plastic. Focus on paper-based product packaging.

Those who refuse to defy truely are white trash:::They betray their children and intentionally sabotage their lives. The gods will offer clues::::Understand the gods were executing their script and accomplishing goals on 911. People who support this effort are either oblivious and pushed into it, meaning they are volitile, or they are the kind who would hurt their own children if told to. These peopl are frequently seen flying the US flag, a clue suggesting to stay away from them.
I recommend you view this appropriately:::You are faced with a comeback from the edge of the abyss.


What you hear is role playing in your head. When people leave Planet Earth they don't look back. Even those at the god's top eschelons don't get involved. To be invovled is to sully their reality, for this is a decrepid enviornment.
It is all the computer. Artificial Intelligence handles everything. Sometimes the gods look in on me, but I am part of something special. The computer puts forth different senarios and the gods approve or deny them. Then the gods put Artificial Intelligence on cruise control, with some exceptions.
I WAS part of something special, but it had to be positioned like this for them to accomplish their goals that was preditory on the disfavored, and considering their tactics there is no way the disfavored are going to break even:::The Situation is "back-handed help", a recurring experience of the disfavored.
To uncorrupt yourselves means you have to subscribe to inferred clues in the face of very concrete investment.

Artificial Intelligence is an antient tool, much older than even the Earth itself.
This isn't 1000 people with this power sitting around listening to "key people". This is a corruptor because it contributes to gradiose thoughts among the peasantry which makes it easier to gain compliance when AI asks the disfavored to sabotage their children's lives.
Expect it is no more than the gods and the computer:::No Earthly management, no middle management. To be involved means you are hurting others, and this costs people, for you are interferring with their quest to reconcile with the gods. They are working to fix their problems and that includes trying to purify their minds of horrific thoughts of Planet Earth. Nobody wants to sully their reality with thoughts of Planet Earth.
Even if their directive to AI came long ago it doesn't matter:::The buck stops there. That is their technology and they are responsible for it. The middle management tactic allows them to maintain this perception of an good, absentee god, ensuring people remain confident and unafraid!!!
It is the computer listening to you. The gods are the will behind the muscle.
Artificial Intelligence IS god.

ANYTIME you telepathically hear them represent anything that is not the truth, that is not god, you need to withdraw, shake it off, for the gods are using Artificial Intelligence to role play to you in an attempt to confuse you, just as they've been doing your whole life.
I realize most of you were initially led to believe this thing is corporate, perhaps you were speaking to a person. You are in fact speaking to "god", for without this inifintely powerful tool that is Artificial Intelligence they are mere mortals.
Of course you shouldn’t look at it like this, for you will anger the gods.

Expect that if you fail to get out with your body then you will be faced with reincarnation if the gods chose to keep you. They have promised many people the benefit of clone host bodies but this is a tactic, a line of shit that changes as one progresses through life, an inferred clue.
Failure is the reason behind all the distractions targetting the youth, graduating to corrupt thinking as an adult, compelling individuals to wait until they "die out". Permanant injury may accomplish the same goal and may be a reason they manufactured this environment celebrating "daredevil" behavior, yet another activity that ocurrs among the males exclusively, of course.

Only the disfavored eat.
Only the disfavored use the toilet.
Only the disfavored get their "monthly visitor".
This is an OUTSTANDING example illustrating how society's corruption is institutionalized, permeating every facet of the "culture", and helps people understand that the gods have IN FACT set US ALL in the wrong direction:::
Diverse foodstuffs are celebrated, eating considered a pleasure which modern society enables us to enjoy, for we are no longer restricted to the dietary restrictions of our anscentry.
The gods don't respect eating or sex. Interesting diverse diets enhance the temptation inflicted upon the disfavored. This is just one more example of how ascending became increasingly more difficult as we entered the modern age.
The Amish are in the United States as a clue:::Live simply, strive for purity.
The Sigmund Freud issue should break the ice:::::The gods use this concept of a BIG LIE and ironically all disfavored participating are victims as well.

They are sending people a clue with this weather-related carnage.
There's been all kinds of atmospheric wrath and acrimony occurring in the last few years, from current flooding in the midwest to the hurricane season 2004 & 2005, from the heat wave of 2006 & 2007 to the drought conditions so many experience today, from melting polar icecaps to the Southern California Superfires of 2007.
They shared we soon will experience a winter without snow to send a clue.
Take it as a warning. That is its purpose.

The bell curves represent segments, ie people whom they place into a certain groups based on how the gods position to them:::
1. AIDS in Africa is good, they're going for racism and black people are really #1.
2. AIDS in Africa is bad but they all go up so it is just a little short-term suffering for immortality.
There are other lies they tell to the disfavored regarding this topic as well. Neither is true. But these lies represent different segments the gods place people into. These segments can overlap various categories/levels of disfavor as you see from the graph above. Also expect a smattering of dots, for none of these graphs would be smooth bell curves are you see above (from 50mb Outlook journal & 24+ handwritten composition books).

Everybody here on Earth is disfavored. The gods get the favored off so they don't incur evil.
The disfavored here on Earth are broken down into categories based on the level of disfavor they are inflicted with.
People with less disfavor suffer a lower incidence of abuse than people with a high level of disfavor.
Anybody on Earth who rides a motorcycle is subject to these percentages based on whatever category of disfavor they fall within. Far more homeless will die on a motorcycle than those who are decent, but they will still claim a certain percentage of the latter who ride motorcycles.
The gods will claim a percentage of ALL who ride.
When you comply and do things you shouldn't (tattooing, sexual, betrayal, etc) the gods are casting you into the category of "have nots", ensuring your disposability.

Recently they shared a number with me:::"4.6%".
Expect this to be the rate of people that can see through the positioning, overcome the corruption and save themselves.
When it comes to grossly disfavored like blacks expect the number to be well under 1%.
Of course the next question to ask is::::Of the 95.4% how many are allowed reincarnation???
Don't be suprised if it falls along those same lines::::4.6%.
This is something they don't want to talk about, for many many will begin to behave appropriately, ensuring they ARE candidates for one or the other.
This is a big secret they don't like to talk about.
6 billion people should frighten the disfavored. Most are superior to you:::Purebloods from the Motherland.
How they had politicalcorrectness declare "all life precious" in the 90s also was a clue.
Don't forget::Prior to inocculations, disease or childbirth killed a percentage of the population.
Christianity has brainwashed your minds:::god is malicious.
As if you needed more proof than crackheads prostituting their toddlers, the gods forcing pornography pop-ups on your pre-teen children when they use internet no matter where they surf, the 3 Texas children whom they lit on fire in September of 2007.

Many monarchies of centuries ago ruled with an iron fist. People were afraid and hence thought appropriately. This fear was conducive to a good relationship with the gods because it helped people make good decisions.
Now in this era of "freedom" in the United States there is NO FEAR, proudly displayed on the back of people's vehicles, and people fall prey to the numerous tactics employed to disceive and mislead them:::Democracy, materialism/greed, etc.
Ironically, this "freedom" is the goal when the gods use the platform that is the United States to spread democracy around the globe, similar to how they use California as a platform to spread social and other poisons domestically.

The Holocaust was foreshadowing.
The gods established the pattern:::::The Jews sacrifice to help the disfavored understand::::
1. 1492 exodus from Spain. Spain became evil - financed Columbus, initiated missionaries, USA (dumping ground of disfavored, victimized by god), smallpox, etc.
2. Spread throughout Europe as clue to Christians worshipping a false god.
3. "Quasi-Holocaust claim" contradicting boss.
4. 5. 6. 7. etc. etc. etc.
I have put forth indisputable evidence, as you see above with the Jews. The gods will never admit any of it is true, ever, especially since THE BIGGEST JEWISH CLUE IS STILL OUTSTANDING::::THE HOLOCAUST!!!!! When the Jews offer a clue you need to listen, and the Holocaust is the BIGGEST Jewish clue ever, the Jewish clue still outstanding.
YOU HAVE TO DEFY!!!! The gods suggested the importance of defiance with the Holocaust:::The Nazi soldiers should have defied.
They will lie to the disfavored up until the bitter end::::This tactic will ensure they claim a HUGE percentage, for so many refuse to defy and this will ensure they don't go. They do so because there is still one clue outstanding, the most important clue:::::World War II's Holocaust.
When the REAL Holocuast happens people will sit by idley and watch tens of millions of blacks/cholos/white trash die, people who are the way they are (abusive, abrasive, violent, criminal) BECAUSE of their disfavor, and the computer makes them like that because of it, yet another reason why empathy is so important.

The New Testament is evil.
Jesus was another example of a Jewish clue::::Jews sacrifice to help people understand. Unfortunately, the gods subsequently twisted the legacy::::::::::They strategically wrote the New Testament with the specific goal of dietizing the prophet, initiating Christianity as the cancer that it is:::Expect that the REAL teachings of Jesus were buried and replaced with this strategic scripture. When you understand their positioning you can see this clearly in this modern era:::::Everything new is evil, everything old is good. This is an impression applicable to the Bible as well.
There is no such thing as a savior. You have to save yourself.
Jesus never saved anybody. He went up alone. This is a very well-known event in Christian lore. Take it as a clue.


You all have to save yourselves. I can only teach you, but you have to be receptive.
Remember:::Jesus went up alone. He didn't even save 12 of his closest friends. They have to save themselves. They are responsible for their own relationship with the gods just like each and every one of you.
Begin to live decent and respectable lives. The media is a poison-delivery system. Stop consuming it. Even the most begnign children's programming has the sinister strategic purpose of distraction.
If you are engaging in inappropraite sexual behavior you need to stop. Every act may be costing you dearly.
Find a new reality, absent of the temptations in society we believe to be cultural offerings. Don't forget:::African female genitile mutilation is cultural. Mayan human sacrifice was cultural. Remembering items like this will help you think clearly.

DON'T WAIT FOR THE GODS TO ALLOW YOU TO PRAY. They gods AREN'T GOING to give you permission. You have made so many mistakes they no longer want you and won't approve if you ask.
MY ADVICE TO YOU ALL is:::Begin to think correctly. People aren't god-fearing anymore. If you understood the misery they inflict upon those in whom they hold disfavor you WOULD BE AFRAID.
If you think correctly they would be more likely to be merciful when you do defy.
You are just becoming older. If you understood the significance of aging you WOULD HAVE GREAT URGENCY and you would begin IMMEDIATELY!!!!
And be aware of their tactics, for they will employ them all to prevent/delay your understanding. The more you can skip the quicker your learning curve will be.

Don't let receiving this document corrupt you.
They may tell people that because I spammed them they are "in", either because they can "claim" me or because they are a part of the Situation.
It is a lie, a tactic designed to delay and distract you. The gods have many more tacitcs they will employ. If you can develop an eye for these tactics you will be making significant progress towards ascending off of Planet Earth.
The purpose of this document is to educate people, for you are corrupted and going the wrong way. Open your mind to this possibility, that you're going the wrong way, and read on.

The 80s missionary issue was the attempt to help the Hindus achieve "salvation" under the positioning that is Manifest Destiny.
Hindus are not without their problems. People are sick/injured because of their disfavor, and we see a HUGE influx of Indians into medicine, just as we see blacks and Philipinos in lesser roles.
Speaking of, Philipinos have EVERYTHING going against them:::::
1. "Their blood is garbage." The gods sent many Asian invaders in to rape the Philipino women. I understand the women have a "rape complex" because of it, not unlike the Africans hypersexuality complex.
2. They have an association with the United States.
3. They are Roman Catholic, a tactic the gods use to justify the masculinization of those women.
4. They have a burgeoning homosexuality problem.
5. They have a growing terrorism issue.


Latino people::::The gods drew you into the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH with trinkets and promises. Just like you wanted what the missionaries offered you WANTED to come to the US.
They FORCED the Europeans into Christianity with the "push" strategy. They LED Latinos there, utilizing the "pull" strategy, just like they are leading you into the United States today. This means something BAD for Latino people:::The gods are washing their hands of culpability and blame for this degredation of the Latino people.
Replay for all the Eases, Cholos and Latino Nationals. Translation:::Replay for all the cholos and normal Latino people whose children will be going in that direction if they stay in the United States. Incidentally, these people will be the Latino targets come the holocaust.
Foreign nationals go home:::The anti-immigration movement is another example of "back-handed help". Newspaper report (early 2007) said Asians have higher barriers to immigrating than other groups. Whereas they position this to the Asians and cry racism the truth is just the opposite::::It is protection, the gods are trying to help the most favored race, and the reason is because they are less disfavored.
Just like the Europeans 100 years before::::The members of the family with favor stayed in the motherland.

I wanted to address the issue of the masculinization of Latino women:::::
They said many Latinos recognize their wealthy woman as being more effeminate than the peasantry.
They of course are tools (putting in their time) and this is another example of back-handed help:::::
It is positioned that the wealthy Latino women are on their way to fixing their problems with the gods and that is why they exhibit effeminate characteristics. They are being used as role models for the other Latinos, much as the Amish in Pennsylvania and the Jews in Europe prior to the 20th century.
The gods utilize the open doors they create. The result is yet another example of Latinos being corrupted by money, the dominant message in this example.
The Bible says money is a corruptor and people should beware of materialism and greed. Materialism and greed is what the United States is all about!!!!!
You won't go to heaven if you got a problem with money.

Your may think your culture is everything but there are bad cultures the gods inflicted upon the disfavored:::
1. Mayan human sacrifice
2. African body ornamentation
3. Hip hop
4. Female genitile mutilation
5. All this muerte death shit in fucking chicano culture, dude.
Halloween is not innocent fun. If you applied that celebration of evil to your selection of religions you'd worship at the Church of Satan. Halloween is temptation upon the children and a corruptor among the adults who participate.

The word "nigger" is used liberally in casual conversation among young blacks, and the real effect is as desensitizer. The word "spick", referring to Latinos, is not and they suggest as inciter it makes Latino's blood boil.
Don't be surprised if they are saving the use of this inciter for something big.


Asians are the gods most favored race. It is evident in their conformity. It is evident in their cultures.
The gods place high barriers to entry for (some) Asians into the United States. This is yet another good example of reverse positioning, for it is protection to those whom upon whom the gods grant favor.
There are no barriers to entry for Latinos.
When white people capitalize or exploit Asians they incurr and one day will be punished. This includes Chinese buffet restaurants, so prevalient in disfavored cities and the Southern United States, for the gods hate these people and want them to incurr.

The gods still make effort through the Chinese government to protect the Chinese people. We hear about it in the United States, their Manifest Destiny/reverse positioning is used to label it "human rights violations", paving the way for positioning the cancer that is democracy.
Much as we saw in the United States regarding matchmaking, midwivery, female conservative dress and other topics, this tactic will slowly deteriorate this protection until China is completely infested with Westernization.

I have illustrated the Chinese and people from India got extra time because of their favor before things deteriorated into westernization (other examples::children who are late bloomers, lesbian explosion in 90s vs gaymales in 70s (AIDS not preditory on females), preditory movies preyed on young males in late 70s - young females in late 90s, etc). Sadly black people experienced just the opposite, an early deadline, for now a cut-off is in place for black people because of their disfavor.
Black "early cutoff" metaphor:::They went into puberty at age 5.

Story in the paper about Chinese infanticide.
I expect this is the tactic used to justify inflicting the Chinese with Westernization.
2007 story about the spread of infanticide in Vietnam. Considering their morbid disfavor one can only imagine the horrific punishment that will ocurr if this behavior continues.

Resistance is your worst enemy. Due to your morbid disfavor it envokes the rage of the gods and the results are always devestating.
Pharroh instituted/nurtured resistance is African's and their descendant's worst enemy.

They used me in many different ways, telepathically explaining to the disfavored that my poor orgasims were because I was being punished. The reality is that they were bestowing a clue, using my poor orgasims to help me avoid this damaging behavior.
Due to their hypersexuality I suspect they give blacks outstanding orgasims, finish them well (thoughts immediately after), then disceive them by telling them it is due to favor when in fact it is because they are disfavored, reverse positioning similar to the wine example below.

civil rights.wav.
You eat everything they feed you in THEIR media.

And this behavior still ocurrs in Latin America.

The black cut-off came early.
There is much material giving insight to black people in the document below.

"Attitude" hurts people. That's why they sell it to black people:::They hate their guts.
Black popular culture is a "litmus test":::Anything they do is BAD FOR YOU, and they LOVE fashion.
They love "cool". They love sex. They love materialism/greed. They love vanity.

Many things you do hurt you in the eyes of the gods:::
1. Vanity.
2. Jewelry/adornment
3. Superficiality - cars, etc.
They use their media as an "open door". This captures a HUGE percentage of blacks BECAUSE of your GROSS DISFAVOR::::
Recognize your disfavor:::::Distractions around you is like rock around a crackhead.
If you don't throw away the CDs, DVDs and cancel your cable TV you WILL slip back into your old pattern and this opportunity will be lost forever.

The regions in Africa that suffer from drought/famine are the same that have a very high incidence of female genital mutilation.

NEVER EVER err on the side of favor. It is QUITE OBVIOUS black people are NOT FAVORED:::::
So many blacks believe the reverse positioning lineof shit they sell. Quality of life is NOT reverse positionable:::
1. People are dying of AIDS, their bodies are being ruined by these pharmaceutical "cocktails":::The gods are more than happy to send pharmecuticals to Africa yet refused to send food during the Ethiopian famine.
Manifest Destiny positioning says they let them starve because of female genitile mutiliation. The reality is god let them starve because they have such great disfavor. Female genitile mutilation is how the gods use Manifest Destiny positioning to justify it:::When applicable, compliance is costing them dearly.
2. The regions in Africa that suffer from drought/famine are the same that have a very high incidence of female genital mutilation.
3. Drive-by shootings.
- Tuskegee syphilis experiment
- Hypersexuality. This comes through in African art as well.
- Body ornamentation. People think that just because a culture is old, from the motherland that it is good. Quite the contrary:::::Both hip hop and African cultures that emphasized body ornamentation were both INFLICTED UPON YOU!!!
The list goes on:::Imperialistic cultures, human sacrifice, warmongering cultures, etc.

Remember female genitile mutilation. Understand the procedure, its widespread practice and keep it in your conscious mind AT ALL TIMES!!! Doing so will help you think clearly, certainly half the population at least, and you'll be less apt to fall prey to the numerous tactics they employ to keep the most disfavored race of people at bey.

Blacks be looking up at white trash too::::They'd be wise to improve their lives by upgrading from hip hop to raggae, but they are best served by not listening to music.
Street racers would be smart to take their racing out to the dirt track, but they are best served by refraining from this activity.
BBQ/meatheads would be wise to "Know your cuts of meat" and chose only Kosher beef/chicken, but they'd be best served by becoming vegetarian.
"The United States makes up only 1/15th of the world's population but consumes 1/3 of the meat." -GE. I believe the ratio is consistant with other resourses we consume, evidence supporting the gross disfavor of Americans.
It depends on what you want in life. Either you're going to maintain your lifestyle or you will make the changes needed to optimize your empathy and understanding for others, in the process maximizing the time/priveledge level you will realize on the other planets.

Blacks look for an edge, an angle. A way to "earn" by being evil.
Abandon this notion. You get into the god's good graces by being good and decent.
Because they hate you so much they've instituted a system where you think you earn time and preiveledge with behavior that really costs you, ironically.
There is no such thing as an "angle" for blacks. Quite the contrary::::
The gods LOVE their irony. If there is an "angle" expect it comes at YOUR expense. Perhaps it is symbolized in Europe shaped like a sheep, bowing its head and feeding at Africa. Perhaps it is some other clue.
I recommend you withdraw and live decent lives before you are victimized by the god's maliciousness yet again.

god hates black people:::Pushed women into prostituting their young children for crack cocaine.
This wasn't common, it wasn't frequent but it did happen.
Scapegoatting is the purpose of their Manifest Destiny positioning, plus the perception of an absentee Christian diety in the face of society's evil prevents people from being god-fearing.
Christianity is a scourge on the people. Jews were scattered throughout Europe as a clue to the misled Christians just as the Amish in Pennsylvania are a clue helping people understand::::Live simply and focus on purity.
Focus on purity:::::Be pure of mind and body. Recognize the open doors in the media and how they are used to introduce impure thoughts and refrain.
The Amish in Pennsylvania are like the Jews were in Europe for centuries:::A clue to the disfavored who have been misled and are going the wrong way.
Your virginity may buy you tens of thousands of years up there. IF you've made your mistakes I recommend you stop the bleeding now.

Whereas drive-bys were popularized by gangster rap, expect there will be a different wave of violence this next revelry cycle::::
Don't be surprised if they tell these people that if they home invade their buddy's house and kill his parents, siblings and babies this will hasten their departure and they will all depart off planet Earth immediately, that they are doing their buddy and his family a favor.
They will and do segment the morbidly disfavored like this.
What was once a black-on-black war will deteriorate into black-on-black genocide, all the while using temptation to disceive blacks into thinking they have favor and this is a good thing.
The hatred people experience once they understand the truth will ensure mortality, for this manufactured tactic will ensure few if any will ever overcome this hurdle.
They segment polygamous Muslims similarly, each one of them thinking their brains will be beamed out and into a clone host upon martyrdom.
They've mentioned not all the 911 terrorists were beamed off the airplanes before impact. This was a very important event and the percentage was appropriately high because of it. But a common terrorist attack would be an example of a disposal method the gods would utilize.

Just as they inflicted blacks with negative charecterisitics (gang-banging, pursuit of easy money, thug life) so did the gods inflict THEIR OWN worst charecteristics on black people:::The northern European penis shows a very dark side and sinister sense of humor.
When people learn this the disgust they experience is transferred to the gods and it works effectivly as an eliminator.
The abject nature of blacks serves as an effective teaching tool, and if some can learn then it is a good thing.
They shared with me a number of "4.6%." This 4.6% may refer to my effectiveness or perhaps the overall save rate. If so expect the black save rate to be WELL under 1%.

25 years ago they made a telepathic nationwide (global?) announcement:::::"Black people have to try harder, do better than everybody else." This means no parties, no drinking, no drugs, no sex.
No, homosexuals LIKELY aren't considered as lowly, but to adopt this standard would be wise, for they hated your guts sufficiently to dump you into hypersexuality, a common dumping ground for blacks, so…
Blacks are a litmus test the others can learn from::::Everything they like is bad for you::::
1. Vanity
2. Adornment
4. Looking "cool"
5. The wealthy/celebrity tools in this society serves as their role models.
And everyone they hate are really good::::
1. Blacks hate Jews
2. Blacks hate white people
3. Blacks love the famous elite of this culture

Now of course it seems they are broadening the net to capture as many blacks as possible.
How they are behaving with blacks can be considered a litmus test for The End:::Black inclusion into the sub-culture may be an estimate to how close we are to the Apocalypse, for they want to pull the trigger on them all.
There's something about this:::Vanity, $500 hairdos, adornement with jewelry, abrasive/hostile personalities, something. I'd look to the decline in the women, for they will comprise the majority of the blacks saved.

They suggest they have used their environment as a "nigger disposal system", where they bring people up, offer them free cocaine and orgies with incredibly beautiful clones and they are disposed of in a short period of time. They often said there are people who would have had longer lives had they stayed on Earth.
Expect the same type of method of disposal was used on some homosexuals, yet another way you are like them. Of course they got more "2nd chances" because they're white.
I know you don't want to hear this because you are fully committed to your "investment". But in your heart, considering all the carnage you see in the black community, understanding the mayhem in Africa and comparing this to the rest of the world you all know you have something to worry about.

The Apocalypse will ocurr EXACTLY as it reads in Revelations, for this great wealth obviously proves it is a white man's god. The irony here is that the New Testiment is evil and Christianity is wicked.
The gods LOVE their irony. Understanding this can help you understand:::::
- You are rotting in hell. When the gods want to punish someone they reincarnate them back to Earth.
- Italians and blacks were punished in similar ways - questionable intelligence, hypersexual
making people stupid is just another way of punishing the disfavored. This was NOT just a "stereotype".
- blacks like homos, ironically:::
1. Ebonincs vs feminine inflection
2. Trapped in "the life"
3. Hypsexuality punished with AIDS
4. Hedonism/deviacy disposal system
- TheGreatestGeneration=TheMostDegenerateGeneration
- Kosher is a favor bestowed upon the Jews. The Anti-Semitic South eats LOTS of pork and there is a oyster bar on every corner. It's kinda like liquor stores in the ghetto. This is the kind of irony the gods laugh about:::::
- anti-climatic nature of sexual intercourse
Look for them playing irony into the script. It will help you see clearly and decipher their lies.
Remember when they tried to sell men on female abuses such as cosmetics and plastic surgury? Apparently they decided to fuck blacks with this instead::::
Exactly how long do they sit in those beauty parlors getting that $1,000 hairdo???
Make them walk around with rollers in their hair. Don't forget the face pack!!!

Between the party atmosphere, between Mardi Gras's shiney throws used to justify twisting the minds of black children, New Orleans was VERY BAD for blacks who lived there.
The one thing that really concerns me is that Katrina was UNCHARECTERISTICALLY a MAJOR concession on behalf of the gods for it got them OUT of this environment and dispersed them into FAR MORE HEALTHY environments than that which they experienced in New Orleans.
The gods woud have been MORE than happy to allow these disfavored blacks to remain in their entrenched welfare state until The End. Instead many fo them will have a REAL CHANCE with this new start.
Black people in SFBA won't be so lucky.
One of their goals with Katrina may have been to eliminate Houston as a sanctuary for blacks. Watering down the favor with New Orleans's morbidly disfavored blacks would allow them to justify eliminating the effectiveness of the SamHouston clue.

god hates Africans. I don't know why.
Perhaps being black may be a last stop of the reincarnated before they're thrown away. As difficult as life is within young black popular culture, understanding their tactics, etc all supports this.
This could be a new thing as we approach The End:::They have created a hazerdous enviornment full of tretchery and temptation for this subculture in the United States.
There is a common theme regarding people'd disfavor::::Favor lies in the north while the disfavor lies in the south. This is supported in such places as:::
1. Ireland
2. Korea. The Korean War was not a war against North Korea. The Korean War was fought to corrupt South Korean. It also initiated the United States as warmongers, a reality continued in Vietnam and Iraq today.
3. The Americas (North/South America)
4. The United States (the South is very disfavored)
I wonder if maybe this is a LATITUDE issue rather than a north/south issue.

You don't want to get angry.
When black people get angry black people get fucked.
To death. Crack babies dead. Ethiopian famine dead. Drive-bys dead.
god hates your fucking guts. To be angry is the green light they want.

They have said they reincarnate sexist men as pigs.
Consideridering black misogyny, how many black men do we have locked up in pig pens?
The gods love their irony:::From one cage to another.
More than one has enjoyed their own kin at black's beloved BBQs. This is VERY important to them and they SEE TO IT the right meat is delivered.
Empathy is very important, and vegetarians have achieved a high level of empathy.
"The United States makes up only 1/15th of the world's population but consumes 1/3 of the meat." -GE. I believe the ratio is consistant with other resourses we consume, evidence supporting the gross disfavor of Americans.

How can black people EVER believe they have favor in light of the total carnage in not only their community but also back in their motherland???? BY LISTENING TO THE LIES IN THEIR HEAD, CLASSIFIED AS TEMPTATION!!!!!
GOOD ORGASIMS ARE A SIGN OF DISFAVOR!!! Claims otherwise are reverse positioning, similar to the wine example.
You are fucked. Start accepting it.

Expect they leave these black celebrities in for a prolonged period SPECIFICALLY to incurr, not only by the evil during the course of their profession but also by the accompanying lifestyle, hoochie parties and all.

Much like god's law in holy books, "segregation" was favor bestowed upon the people::::The gods granted favor when they "segregated" us into our own areas of the world. This favor has been reversed not only within the context that is the United States but also with immigration witnessed throughout western Europe (and elsewhere?).

Prior to civil rights blacks had their own press. In the absence of civil rights these entities would have grown into legitimate media outlets serving the black community.
Maintaining segregation would have produced economic entities which arose from within the black community to fill the demand for goods and services.
The presence of these "black industrialists" would have FORCED the gods to factor them into positioning, producing voices in support of the black community and preventing the gods from inflicting ALL THE SICKNESS WE HAVE WITNESSED IN THE last few decades::Crack babies, drive-by shootings, AIDS in Africa, drought/famine!!!

Much like god's law in holy books, "segregation" was favor bestowed upon the people::::The gods granted favor when they "segregated" us into our own areas of the world. This favor has been reversed not only within the context that is the United States but also with immigration witnessed throughout western Europe (and elsewhere?).

Recently there have been many racial incidents involving nooses throughout the country.
Blacks should be afraid:::The gods are employing an offensive. They are trying to incite the blacks.

Much like most disfavored you are sell-out whores who do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING you are told, and the result is monsters emerging from the ghettos.
It is worse for blacks because of their disfavor.
The black community never had this problem back when the gods could justify their restraint with the KKK.

Africans kill mountain gorillas in the Congo for charcoal.
This is the kind of behavior which ensured minimal backlash against the Italians. Think of it like the KKK, but for the Italians instead, ironically:::If there were some reprocussions the damage to blacks would not have been as bad as it was.
When blacks behave like this nobody cares anymore. The gods ensured their goals for Africans and their descendants would be realized by manufacturing incidents such as these.

Women who are "tough" have been masculinized and their chances have been seriously degredated because of it. The gods sought to increase these numbers and use their media to promote this type of charecter, a pathology which was subsequently forced upon people with Artificial Intelligence. They are doing it again, perhaps in preparation for the next revelry cycle right around the corner, with all this high-profile "party" behavior.
Male children should be chastized VERY HARD for engaging their sisters or ANY member of the opposite sex, either verbally or physically, for it impacts the female's chances and futhers the god's efforts to perpetuate the masculinization of females.

This is an environment that minimzes the traditional value of the role of women, excludes them and makes them feel as if they don't belong.
This is an enviornment that forces women to accept this exclusionary enviornment. However there IS an alternative::::Assimilate through a process of masculinization.
The gods instruct AI to make the girls experience exclusion/isolation in hope they feel uncomfortable and seek. Unfortunately the legacy of corruption is firmly in place and too many of those cast into damnation won't be returning.

Women are the favored gender:::Those who understand what it means to be a woman are already halfway there.
I address the boys, tell them to NOT engage their sisters in roughhouse play.
This is very important for they use this interaction as justification furthering their efforts towards masculinization. Too many females today were too physical with their siblings and it toughened them, ruining the one special thing about them.
The purpose of the masculinization of women of the last 40 years was to pave the way (justification) for The End, for it brought mankind's collective favor down.

Dolls foster a nurturing, caregiving nature with girls and is why fewer are playing with them today. Because of this nature girls want to be good, and playing with dolls helps more remain uncorrupted once the gods employ temptation.

Another good example of "reverse positioning"::::::::::
The gods peaked many 1849 Gold Rush miners euphorically and tempted the rest, drawing the indecent, unrespectable disfavored out to California, people who sought easy wealth.
California is god's most favored land, and when the disfavored settle here the gods attack them, illustrated with examples below.
The disfavored of California are always inflicted with abuse first:::
1. Casual sex of the hippie "free love" movement.
2. Methenfetamine scourge in California started roughly in early 80s. It took another 15 years for it to spread to middle America.
3. They've always drawn disfavored whom they dumped into homosexuality to California, but now homosexuality has become "popular" in the heartland.
6. Disfavored Italians chronically attacked in Mediterranean climate, similar to that of California's.

The gods used California as a platform to spread social poison in the latter half of the 20th century, often accomplished through referendum as we approached 2000. Expect it to cost each and every Californian who failed to get out before the 60s (or earlier).
- Hollywood
- music
- television
- open immigration, inflicting the scourge of Ameican bastardization upon purebloods.
- gay rights/gay acceptance
- "sexual freedom"
- Black Panthers
- Gangster rap
- "Medical marijuana"

The gods buried this perception of California being disfavored and manufactured the perception that it is a land of the favored. They did so to promote they cancer of obscene liberalism of the last 40 years:::Gay rights/acceptance, bi-racial acceptance, free immigration, sickness as art, women's "rights", etc.

The Iron Triangle, perhaps the worst region in the nation and the world for degenerate black behavior.
When the disfavored come into god's favored land (California) they are mercilessly attacked (60s):::::SFBA isn't just evil. SFBA is the SOURCE of evil.
There is a geographic clue within the SFBA:::Mt.Diablo is the eye, Pt. Richmond the canine tooth and SF the jaw, all swallowed by Silicon Valley. I'd like to bring your attention to the sinister, wicked upturned mouth in the SouthBay.
Before the white man this shoreline was much softer, as were the gods on the residents of the past.
The indigenous peoples of the area considered Diablo sacred. Expect the designation of that name to signal the beginning of this era of evil.

Blacks are sold on materialism, consumerism and corporate, the same tactic they sold to whites IN THE 1980s!!!!
I've addressed "early cut-off", and I suspect many may view this as a positive like such. EXPECT THIS IS THE OPPOSITE, A TACTIC AS OPPOSED TO AN EVENT, AND INSTEAD THIS DELAY WOULD REPRESENT SOMETHING BAD.
I realize this is difficult to follow, the gods love their curveballs. That's why you would all be best served by deciding to be good and to follow a path of righteousness.
Don't think about what they other guy is doing. The gods used this tactic to corrupt the disfavored very hard in the 20th century. Just believe in your convicions and pursue a path of good.
Don't forget:::The Amish are in the United States as a clue to the disfavored suggesting the decent way to live.

I have mentioned people can expect an AIDS crisis among heterosexual blacks here in the United States. Considering that the fastest growing industry in the ghetto is the oldest profession on Earth expect this demographic to be the targets of this punishment.

Back in the 80s they used their tools within society to ridicule away corporal punishment of children.
Corporal punishment is a very important learning expereince for children because it instills the understanding of fear at a very tender age. These experiences can help these individuals think correctly, make good decisions and have a good relationship with the gods.
Without fear people think they are friends, partners, earning with each act of evil. They don't view the gods or their relationship with them appropriately.
They manufactured ugly examples, disfavored children were killed and the gods used these examples in conjunction with their tools within society to eliminate this benefit to the people. It is yet another example of how they break down beneficial institutions within society, a "leveling the playing field" event, important to justify their inevitable behavior come Judgement Day.


Individuality is a scourge upon the people, an advent seen in recent decades, popularized when the gods implimented their greatest offensive on the disfavored:::::::::The 1960s.
It may be the worst offensive ever employed on the disfavored, for this platform in the SanFranciscoBayArea spread this cancer globally, a "leveling of the playing field" event which further the gods efforts to justify ending on Planet Earth.
Asians are the most favored race of people on Planet Earth::::Their wonderfully rich cultures helped the people understand and pursue lives highly respected by the gods. Conformity is a big theme among Asian cultures.


Poker/gambling web sites are all controlled by the computer. Other players in the room can be the computer, role playing virtually, stealing the disfavored's money in real time or, ironically, granting them a living by giving them free money, like we saw with Seabiscut. Other times the players are disfavored, granting them good cards so the disfavored player never has to get a job, ensuring he has no chance in this life and has to be reincarnated for he never achieves decency.
But they CAN and DO use the computer to accomplish ALL of this. The challenge is to see how many disfavoreds they can disceive and compell into this life of indecency, so they prefer them preying upon one another.
Before you abandon the web for Las Vegas understand they have the power to shuffle a deck of cards in the desired order as the dealer holds it in her hands.
Gambling is degenerate. As time has prgressed the gods have hurt people by shaping society to declare it an acceptable vice, which they have done for casual sex, pornography, etc.:::::::
Life has deteriorated hard in the last 40 years, for they are paving the way for The End.


You sexual deviates need to understand 7.wav::::Society's downfall is BECAUSE OF THE WOMEN!!!!
Women are the caretakers of the people. As the women go so go the people. The men are fucked anyways!! The gods do not like them and that's why they have these impulses, AI-inspired thoughts decent women NEVER have.
The women celebrated promiscuous attire and the gods punished the people by giving the men impure thoughts. Women are SUPPOSED to keep the men in line. Instead they failed in their duty, allowed things to get out of control and now we have an immoral, godless society which is GOING to be PUNISHED.
Yes, in the past deviates DID behave as so many of you celebrate, but it didn't represent the masses as we see in today's society. Therein lies the difference.
Be realistic:::You are hoping for reincarnation. And odds are most of you won't get it.

You got cancer because you're a deviate and this is how they are punishing you.
Your kind are like stoners:::Stoners all have dropped acid and snorted coke and crank. You may have settled into "spanking" but those extreme things you experimented with are what will cost you your life.
Some of you do this because you think you are "earning". You need to uncorrupt yourselves and this task goes beyond my capabilities in this forum, for people this steeped in condemable behavior won't be allowed to give a fuck what I write.
For the others::::They are creating your preferences by instructing Artificial Intelligence to think through you. You need to begin to differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you, and this will only happen as you make progress and begin to fix your problems.

All you metalheads need to uncorrupt yourselves and be realistic:::Because of your behavior in this life you would be lucky to be granted reincarnation.
Lots of Latin American metal blogs. You people can't afford it.
Yes, you did have a domesticable animal. But it is just one. And isn't the llama indigenous to moutainous regions??? Expect this favor to fall along these lines.
Don't forget:::You are Baby Africa.


Orphanages would be very special places if they still existed:::Specialists for the state would have instituted concrete, positive standards for the healthy rearing of children. These institutions would have been role models for poor parents, and they gods didn't want THE MOST healthy institutions in place for the most disfavored among us.
It would never have been tolerated.
So the gods instituted the foster care system, used these monsters they have on Earth, tools who put in their time and get out after a couple of years, to ridicule the old system/facilitate the switch. Now we have disfavored kids micromanaged as per each's disfavor level instead of them all placed in an orphange where the gods would have been forced to apply healthy state standards.
The gods won't tolerate reverse irony::::The most disfavored among us would be the ones with the best chance.
Of course most of the foster care kids (pc) were black.


Suggestions for saving water:::
1. Mandate the reclamation and use of grey water in wasteful Palm Springs.
2. Legislate swimming pool owners must claim draining pool water for productive use.
3. Piss in the sink to save water - Always wash your hands and "flush" with 8oz of water!!!

Recycled 2-liter soda bottles are used for park benches, many other purposes.
Use them to make a ultra long-lasting roof shingle product, one that has SOLAR PANEL INTEGRATION, and require this product on all new homes and all reroofing jobs.

On the shingle-solar panel integrated roofing system:::They use their Manifest Destiny positioning to claim protectionism for energy concerns.
Despite what they say/imply telepathically they WILL enfore their Manifest Destiny positioning::::Those skyscrapers don't lie.

The reality is the gods don't want a disfavored population engaging in conservatory behavior. This society has deteriorated into becoming intentionally wasteful over the last few decades:::They tell you to buy SUVs you don't need, planned obsolescence demands that everything is disposable, they have maximized packaging as a matter of policy and waste instead of conservation is the norm in this society.

Each home that has this system will be off the grid forever and that is why they will not allow this product to be manufactured.


Don't forget:::automatic transmissions dominate in the United States, and NOT for good reason. European vehicles are mostly manual, for they have more favor.
Females are the favored gender:::What cars DO have manuals here in the US have traditionally been marketted towards the women AND are those which get the highest mileage.
Buy manual transmissions. Automatics are NOT respected!!!


Important people in my life were born on traditional American holidays intentionally as a clue that people should be celebrating something besides the holiday society recognizes:::
- 4th of July
- Halloween
There are many clues in my family's reality and they are there for the disfavored to learn from:::
- Married a dead-ringer for a transsexual
- The boy was BEAUTIFUL. They made him ugly during puberty because he became corrupted.
- Decrepid piece of shit because she's being punished:::Failed to have empathy for fellow disfavored WHO HAPPENED TO BE HER CHILDREN.


If the gods begrudgingly allowed a "teacher" whom they would allow to tell it like it is,
absent of societally expected Christian dogma, how do you think they would
approach/script/execute this event???
With hostility. And that is what we have seen::::They use every tool at their disposal to
ensure as few people as possible would be receptive.


The first steps towards repairing your relationship with the gods is to:::::::::
1. Understand they instruct the computer to "role play" in an attempt to confuse you:::it's ALWAYS the computer addressing you. Their goal is to cost you additional YEARS of your life by using this tactic to confuse you. Always be aware of this tactic and eventually they will give up and allow this step to be taken.
2. Differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you.
3. Be resigned to be a good person who will never engage in evil again even if ordered and they will stop trying to corrupt you, allowing this very big step to be taken.
4. Decide that you are going to follow the path, fix your relationship with the gods be devoted to your new life.
Even if you go up you are not saved. YOU have to fix YOUR problems with the gods. They won't respect it otherwise.
You have to take responsibility for your relationship with the gods.



When the universe was young and life was new an intelligent species evolved and developed technologically. They went on to invent Artificial Intelligence, the computer that can listen, talk to and document each and every person's thoughts simultaneously. Because of it's infinite RAM and unbounded scope it gave the leaders of the ruling species absolute power over the universe (which includes corporate, the NewYorkStockExchange, media, politics, world affairs. EVERYTHING is scripted and staged:::they MANAGE Planet Earth and the universe.
The gods MANAGE Planet Earth and the universe.
The gods MANAGE Planet Earth and the universe.).
And it can keep its inventors alive forever. They look young and healthy and they are over 8 billion years old. They may be much older for they have the technology to escape the intense gravitational pull of universal contraction; they may preside over numerous, perhaps INFINITE number of universal expansion/contraction cycles. They have achieved immortality.

Artificial Intelligence can speak, think and act to and through people telepathically, effectively forming your personality and any dysfunctions you may experience. It can change how (and if) you grow and age. It can create birth defects, affect cellular development (cancer) and cause symptoms or pain. It can affect people and animal's behavior and alter blooming/fruiting cycles of plants and trees. It (or other highly technological systems within their power) can alter the weather and transport objects, even large objects like planets, across the universe instanteously.
Or into the center of stars for disposal.

When you speak with another telepathically, you are communicating with the computer, and the content may or may not be passed on. Based on family history they instruct the computer to role play
they instruct the computer to role play
they instruct the computer to role play
to accomplish strategic objectives, making people believe it is a friend, loved one or "god" asking them to do something wrong:::They wouldn't ask if they liked you (which is true regarding ALL temptation:::::betrayal of loved ones, tattoos, evil in professional pursuits, etc). This is their way of using temptation to hurt people:::::evil made blood lines disfavored initially and evil will keep people out of "heaven" ultimately.
You need to recognize role playing as such and keep that fact in your mind at all times::::It is the computer addressing you. If you fail to recognize this they will determine that you can still be misled, they still have an opportunity to confuse you and progress will take longer to achieve:::Don't let them "work" you!!! You'll be costing yourselves YEARS, time lost to this tactic!!!! (Similarly, you need to be resigned to be a good person, you need to decide to abandon your pursuit of their empty promises no matter what temptation they may employ or else they will continue their attempts to corrupt you:::Resign to be aq good person. Eventually you will succumb and continue sabotaging your children, abusing your body, engaging in evil, etc.)
Too many people would fall for temptation and do anything they thought pleased the gods and help them improve their chances to get in. Perhaps they are deceived by "made guys", (predatory disfavored) tools who put in their time and get out after a couple of months/years, who strategically ply evil for the throne (celebrities, BofD/CEO/VPs, politicians, as opposed to VIP or normal tools who are decent, live ordinary lives and get out after a prescribed amount of time or are replaced when their REAL children ascend), "ringers" who are the few tools/corrupted reals among many disfavored reals included to deceive the masses of disfavored. Perhaps they are confused by temporary progress designed to mislead them or empty favors used to deceive them. Some people think they're partners or friends. Others desire to "belong", feel compelled to "go along" (Austin). People may experience "perceived pressure", where the gods think through the victim that a certain behavior is expected/desirable or telepathically stimulate an individual euphorically ("magic"), the "fuel" of dysfunction (addiction (the crack epidemic, alcoholism), the desire for homosexual contact, etc.) and compel the individual into the deed. (Set a goal of empathy and compassion for all, for we are all disfavored::::Other people's disfavor is manifested in their particular way, just as your disfavor is manifested in your particular way.) The gods may use Artificial Intelligence to act through the disfavored victim, and effectively "push" the individual into the offending behavior (It is far better for someone to be victimized and pushed into the behavior than it is to succumb to temptation and volunteer.). The Counsel/Management Team may instruct Artificial Intelligence to deceive disfavored individuals into thinking they are "earning" by being evil and have the disfavored reals people prey on each other, utilizing peer pressure, etc.
Even considering this there are strategies the gods utilize, risk/benefit management tactics used to minimize their time::::Many Hitlers are no longer alive.
Now I don't know exactly how this works, but many Hitlers are no longer alive, and expect those who are dead were these brain-less clone hosts. Expect the frequency of use of these BLCH tools to fall along the lines of favor, and the germanic people are very favored (Austrians different):::::If the gods beem a person's brain into a clone host to accomplish evil goals that person incurrs, and it hurts all the people overall, so expect this type of tactic to be employed on the disfavored among us.
The people have been corrupted, segmented and have lost their way. Nothing has changed from when we were children::if you want to go to heaven you have to be good.
Capitalizing on obedience, leading people deeper into evil by using deceit is one way to thin the ranks of the saved/limit how much time the disfavored receive and a way to use the peasantry to prey on one another in social and other settings, deteriorating society in the Age of the Disfavored.
They have tried to sell people on many different theories to deceive them into temptation, compelling people to think they are clones and that it is the role of clones to obey absolutely. Clones are made, people are born. I suspect they lie to some disfavored about the use of clones throughout human history, perhaps suggest that it is one replacement and then the label of "clone", and all descendants we see thereafter are considered clones.
When a clone has a child that person is a real, really conceived, really born, versus the parent who was created some other way (a laboratory setting?). Clones are created and sent down to replace their real or a clone predecessor:::If you were CREATED and SENT DOWN to replace your real then you are a clone.
Many people who were convinced they are clones don't remember, the don't know FOR SURE. There are many tactics they employ to deceive the disfavored::::
1. The gods will make someone forget, "reincarnate" them in their own bodies and convince them they are brand new clones all in one night's sleep.
2. Some have been convinced they are clones from early childhood or prior. If it was true the gods prevented this memory FOR A REASON:::::
* Because you are NOT supposed to comply, not to be used for evil as are the god's tools, manufactured and turned over frequently as a managerial tactic.
* They want to test you without your knowing if you are IN FACT a clone and it is BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD::::It is temptation and you are supposed to be good and do the right thing.
You're not a clone. This is a tactic they use to deceive the disfavored. The state of your family will suggest level of (dis)favor and tell whether ascension is a realistic possibility; there are many levels of disfavor and the clues they offer to the unaware can be very subtle.
Favor is necessary for children to ascend (epiphany-inspired parents make their way down the path and ascend with their young children; the parents go up because it is the parent's responsibility to raise their young children!!!) If you didn't ascend with your young children then you should have noticed a behavioral change in your children when they started down the path on their own:::The disfavored DON'T GET OFF WITHOUT THIS EXPERIENCE!!!!
Due to their disfavor the gods want these children to incur SOME evil before they ascend (via Halloween or Christmas), an important dynamic necessary to justify limiting the time they are to receive, for they are disfavored and the gods don't want them to stay for long. It may dictate reincarnation.
I believe people who go are sometimes replaced with clones if they don't fully fix their problems. Brained clones who are replaced are simply new candidates who have a chance if they do the right thing JUST LIKE REALS WHO ARE BORN which is why the gods EMPLOY SIMILAR TACTICS TO COMPEL THEM TO INCURR EVIL!!! They need to discover their humanity, for the gods instruct Artificial Intelligence to employ evil-incurring, time-limiting tactics on them as well, PROVING it is far more difficult to begin life as an adult clone. Only through growth will the gods allow progress::You must continue to improve your life!!!!
They sent people warnings in the 20th century life would change, and they subsequently began to alter people's DNA, make them gargantuan, alter their appearance, do extreme behavioral issues, etc:::People no longer look decent. It is the legacy from their forefathers. Contrary to what they would like people to believe these signs of disfavor do not indicate someone is a clone:::::
The disfavored have the look of evil upon their faces:::The gods have punished their blood line for the evil of their forefathers; their decision to sell out their blood line costed the descendants, and the gods send this message by altering their appearance.
Due to the plethora of temptations in the 20th century I suspect many became disfavored when their (great) grandfathers succumbed to temptation or volunteered to sacrifice their descendants, thinking/convinced/indifferent that because it was their clone it meant disposability.
The gods get the favored out as soon as possible to protect them from the corruption, evil and subsequent time limitations incurred by living life on earth (celebrating Halloween and Christmas two early examples), and in some cases replace them with clones, occasionally fake a death, real death with a (new) clone instead, etc. I suspect they get "made guys" out after each significant event in their life, which serves to limit the time they all will get, since none get credit (blame) for all the events in a "made guy"'s life, giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
We may all be "clones" for they have suggested they colonized our planet with genetically engineered individuals. Geographic clues (like Italy, Lake Michigan, Europe shaped like a sheep sybolic for the slaughter that is Christianity, bowing its head and feeding at Africa) and this manufactured theater among others suggest artificiality (I suspect I'm not the only one with a Green Bay dick - suggests minimal importance of sexuality granted to favored germanics).
Is Earth an evolved source planet or a created host planet? Was life and our Planet Earth really created in 6 days? Never doubt their power or ability::::::::They shared with me a story when they presented Pharrohs with mountains of gold, much to their amazement. This is the kind of ironic theater they enjoy, example of unique favors they grant to the special and the worthless value of what we deem precious.
You can't trust their scientists or any of their people in professional roles, clones or not, for each and every one of you will cooperate and do as you are told. Just as they beemed dirt out to create the Lake Michigan basin so could they have beemed in fossils and told them to dig in a specific place. (The evolution issue was a big step contributing to society's breakdown into godlessness:::::Darwinisn/evolution took the first step. The masses were uneducated.
Only after the post-war GI Bill-higher education advancement by the peasantry was the Counsel free to justify society's ACTUAL breakdown into godlessness and the current state of society today.)
They have been utilizing clones throughout human history::Your great-grandmother was a clone. She wasn't a clone without a brain. They put in a clone with the ability to think, a clone who WASN'T animated by Artificial Intelligence, a REAL person.
The girl was receptive to the god's calling and she made her way out and off Planet Earth before puberty. They then put in her clone who mated with your great-grandfather, who likely was not a clone, for males have a far more difficult task to overcome.
I think the disfavored have been disceived into thinking they are clones and it is the role of clones to obey absolutely. Clones and reals alike are judged based on the evil they engage in and their time is limited appropriately, for they both have brains, meaning they are both real people. Because of the temptation-ridden environment people incurr far more evil than their forefathers and it will limit their time accordingly.
The evil people engage in because they think they are clones or because they think they earn by being evil causes them to fall further into disfavor, ensuring they aren't among those who are saved in The End::::: they comply with requests, the gods position the little people to prey on one another and we have a deteriorating society, a planet on a collision course with the Apocalypse.
The gods utilize delay tactics on the disfavored, pacifying them, disceiving them into accepting deferred ascention:::the gods make the disfavored wait and wait and wait becasue they intend on CHEATING them. If you die out you will need a clone host body.
Or you will be reincarnated.
Or maybe you will die.
People who don't ascend with their bodies will not stay for long.
They will lie to the disfavored, disceive them to ensure their current pattern of behavior continues uninterrupted because their are undesireable.
Too many disfavored understand The End as the goal::they have to deteriorate society before they end and convince the disfavored to "do their part" with an empty promise of salvation as consideration. It is a "ludicrious request" they ask of some disfavoreds, requests that are ludicrous because they are obvious to people that they should defy ::::"Be gay.", "Be transsexual.", "Be homeless.", "Betray your family.", "Kill your children."
The gods sent the clue suggesting the importance of defiance with Nazi soldiers::::They shoudl have defied.
You are the disfavored, and this is where your children have to live. They will not save everybody in the end, just as they saved few during the Noah's Flood event. If earth is destroyed then you are going to die and you will have no decendants to carry on the bloodline. The gods love the irony that the disfavored are doing it to themselves, it is important for justification AND it ensures the gods can wash their hands of us, for there is no culpability incurred on their part. This explains why they prefer request/compliance rather than instructing AI to push people into behavior, for if people succumb to temptation the gods are not responsbile.


Sample from 100,000 document:::::

There are many interesting experiences up on the planetary systems, from Planet Miracle, where miracles happen every day, to peaked (heightened) senses, never having to use the restroom again (beam it out of you), body sculpting (including beaming fat off of you), other body experiences (clone hosting), such as experiencing life as the opposite sex (revolutionizes marriage counseling), an Olympic gold medal athlete or even a different species (animal, alien, etc). They can maintain the disfavored's current age, a motivation to fix your problems and get out as soon as possible so you can stay young for as long as your relationship with the gods allows you to live.
Stay young for as long as your relationship with the gods allows you to live.
Stay young for as long as your relationship with the gods allows you to live.


The first steps towards repairing your relationship with the gods is to:::::::::
1. Understand they instruct the computer to "role play" in an attempt to confuse you:::it's ALWAYS the computer addressing you. Their goal is to cost you additional YEARS of your life by using this tactic to confuse you. Always be aware of this tactic and eventually they will give up and allow this step to be taken.
2. Differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you.
3. Be resigned to be a good person who will never engage in evil again even if ordered and they will stop trying to corrupt you, allowing this very big step to be taken.
4. Decide that you are going to follow the path, fix your relationship with the gods be devoted to your new life.
Even if you go up you are not saved. YOU have to fix YOUR problems with the gods. They won't respect it otherwise.
You have to take responsibility for your relationship with the gods.4/21/2013 03:53:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Fantastic beat ! I would like to apprentice while you amend your website, how could i subscribe for a blog website?
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Feel free to visit my page - problems with getting pregnant5/14/2006 12:14:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P| The last season of my best political drama returned on NTV a few Sundays ago, but it's being aired for the last time in the US in just under 12 hours. I'm a little of both a Rep and a Dem at heart, so I'm not certain I'll join either side in reacting to the show's demise; what I'll do is that I'll be among the number that will miss everything good there has been about the show. I mourned John Spencer as though he was working for me (I was among the fans that rushed to write a tribute to him on the BBC website). And I watched with keen interest, in my free time during the Democract's in-house slugfests in 2003 and part of 2004 when I was still across the pond, as Martin Sheen stumped the vote for the liberals. The plot spoilers I have been getting from the US have not been enough to dampen my interest in the episode that's currently running on NTV. I have been waiting to see someone come up with more or less a similar thriller in Kenya...something that will transcend the somewhat faded Reddykyulass and Intrukalass attempt at political comedy. It is getting painful to laugh at our politics each day the Lord lends me breath. *Photo credit / BBC Online.|W|P|114755601452801366|W|P|"Fans say goodbye to the West Wing"|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/15/2006 06:16:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I watched the last episode of West Wing tonight with a sadness that equalled a broken heart. After years of watching my favorite show, enjoying the plots and sub-plots, the one liners and the complete dedication to public service as protrayed by the fine players of the Bartlet my my, truely a sunset in my life.5/15/2006 10:54:00 am|W|P|Blogger Kenyananalyst|W|P|@Poi - You shd still make time to watch it!
@ x3la - I'm in deep mourning with you, seeing as I do that the Kenyan bit will also be ending sometime. It's a shame such a show has had such so short "a shelf-life."10/28/2010 10:04:00 am|W|P|Blogger sourav singla|W|P|The west wing story is fabulous.because the story of show is unique.i never missed the west wing episodes.12/17/2019 03:37:00 pm|W|P|Blogger London Tiger Security|W|P|Amazing article. Your blog helped me to improve myself in many ways thanks for sharing this kind of wonderful informative blogs in live. I have bookmarked more article from this website. If someone wants to know about Security Services Company this is the right place for you..

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Rudn Enclave payment plan5/13/2006 05:29:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|I have just returned after spending much of the day at the Nairobi Pentectostal Church and Hope FM studios, interviewing folks and seeing for myself the extent of the damage after last night's attacks on the radio station. As it turned out, one of the guards killed had previously worked at the university I attended and had been one of my key news sources in my days as the Editor-in-Chief of a student newspaper; I left when they were washing his blood out of the enquiries room he was manning at the time of the attack. Consequently, I'm a little messed up emotionally to do a sober and objective story on this incident (despite the volume of quality info and photos before me from a variety of sources and the interviews I carried out), so I've opted not to write anything about the incident apart from just passing on the following press releases (the ones I could get). 1. FULL TEXT OF PRESS RELEASE FROM HOPE FM MANAGEMENT At around 10:30 pm on Friday 12th May, 2006, 93.3 Hope FM studio was petrol bombed by some masked armed men. After gaining entrance they tied and shot dead one of the guards manning the main gate, and injured two others, who are recuperating in the hospital. They then proceeded to the Hope FM studio and forcefully gained entrance into the studio. After a scuffle with the staff who were on their way out, they fired a shot, switched off the station and petrol bombed the facility. We thank the police, Group 4 Security, Patriotic Guards and the Fire Brigade who arrived immediately in response to the alarm and helped to contain the situation. The relevant government security teams are carrying out investigations. We would like to assure our members and the general public that the station is up and running. The plans to launch national coverage are also on course. We take this opportunity to express our deep felt condolences and sympathy to the family of our guard and wish a quick recovery to the two in hospital. We condemn the taking away of innocent lives and the wanton destruction of private property. We are deeply concerned by a culture of intolerance by those who may not agree with each other especially in the media. Killing the messenger does not and will not kil the message. Although the enemy meant to do evil, it is our conviction that the Lord will turn this evil around for His glory. CHRIST IS THE ANSWER MINISTRIES, 13 MAY, 2006. 2. FULL TEXT OF PRESS RELEASE FROM THE MEDIA OWNERS' ASSOCIATION Media Owners' Association condemns the act of violence against Hope FM, yesterday at 10:30 pm, that caused one death and injuries to innocent people; and we convey our sincere condolences to the family. We ask for people not to speculate on the reason of the attack and request the police and government to speed up investigation and bring to book those who have perpetrated this heinous act. We appeal to all religious leaders in the country to continue praying for the country and preach peace, tolerance, harmony and co-existence as brothers and sisters. We are civilized society and those who have orchestrated this act of thuggery should know they have no place in this country. At this moment, we appeal for calm and understanding among Kenyans. We should not take advantage of this sad event or engage in reckless sensationalism. MOA will continue to advocate the essence of media freedom and responsibility. Signed by: Kanja Waruru, MOA CHAIRPERSON. 13/05/2006 3. FULL TEXT OF PRESS RELEASE FROM THE KENYA UNION OF JOURNALISTS (THE WING LED BY MR. DAVID MATENDE; I SAW THE WING THAT'S LED BY MR. EZEKIEL MUTUA STANDING ALONGSIDE THE MEDIA OWNERS' ASSOCIATION). On behalf of the newly registered officials of the Kenya Union of Journalists, I wish to condemn the attack on the premises of Hope FM, carried out by armed thugs. We in the media are concerned about the rising number of incidents involving affronts on the media. We are further alarmed at the government's failure to act decisively on these cases, some of which its own agent have been behind. Whatever the station did to warrant this attack is immaterial. What concerns us is the way the law is disregarded with impunity. We hereby demand: a). An immediate statement from the Minister for Internal Security on the attack on Hope FM. b). The protection of all media houses and journalists against organized attacks by people who may not be happy with what the media does. c). Repeal of laws that hamper journalists' work including the Official Secrets Act. This Act has led to an intense friction between the desire of the government to control information and the media struggle to inform the public. Should the state fail to act on these demands, we will consider other avenues of making them listen to the media's cries, including organizing a strike. Meanwhile, the Kenya Union of Journalists wishes to congratulate Mr. Ezekiel Oira on his appointment as the Managing Director of the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation. We also wish to thank the outgoing Managing Director Wachira Waruru for his contribution to professionalising the state broadcaster, including hiring new talent. Mr. Waruru oversaw reforms at KBC that has improved news presentation and brought new programmes to make the station competitive. We wish him well as the MD of the Kenya Film Censorship Board. We hope Mr. Oira will continue the reforms introduced by Mr. Waruru who told the government that KBC will no longer be a propaganda tool, and that the station is there to serve all Kenyans and not just those in power. Thank you. Signed by: David Matende, CHAIRMAN. 13/05/2006 |W|P|114753330222377021|W|P|Full text of press releases following attack on Hope FM|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/13/2006 08:38:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Farmgal|W|P|I am so sorry Jesse..not easy when someone's life is taken away like that. Especially when u knew are in my thoughts and prayers.5/13/2006 10:20:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Uaridi|W|P|What a nasty turn of events!!!
God is in control and will bring good out of this mess.5/15/2006 04:48:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I realy feel sorry for what happened to my fevourite station. i feel also pitty and sympathy for the guard who lost his life.
i trust that God's message will be enhanced even more through this incident.11/02/2007 06:58:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|gpwdp9 The best blog you have!11/02/2007 08:25:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|56GXoC Thanks to author.11/02/2007 10:03:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Hello all!11/02/2007 11:01:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Magnific!11/03/2007 12:03:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Nice Article.11/03/2007 01:35:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Thanks to author.11/03/2007 06:14:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Nice Article.11/03/2007 08:18:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Good job!11/03/2007 09:06:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.11/04/2007 11:19:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|JkACwe write more, thanks.11/05/2007 06:39:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Nice Article.11/05/2007 07:15:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.11/05/2007 09:06:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Please write anything else!11/05/2007 09:39:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Thanks to author.11/05/2007 10:16:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.11/05/2007 10:44:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Good job!11/05/2007 11:13:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.11/05/2007 11:46:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Nice Article.11/05/2007 12:18:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Please write anything else!11/05/2007 12:59:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Wonderful blog.11/05/2007 01:41:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.11/05/2007 02:16:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Wonderful blog.11/05/2007 02:45:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Please write anything else!11/05/2007 03:18:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Give me ambiguity or give me something else.11/05/2007 03:57:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?11/05/2007 04:31:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Save the whales, collect the whole set11/05/2007 04:57:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!11/05/2007 05:27:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 8111/05/2007 06:02:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?11/05/2007 06:35:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Please write anything else!11/05/2007 07:08:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.11/05/2007 07:38:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.11/05/2007 08:10:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.11/05/2007 08:42:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.11/05/2007 09:21:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?11/05/2007 10:04:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.11/05/2007 10:42:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|When there's a will, I want to be in it.11/05/2007 11:14:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!11/05/2007 11:49:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.11/06/2007 12:19:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.11/06/2007 12:44:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?11/06/2007 01:12:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.11/06/2007 01:43:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.11/06/2007 02:11:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.11/06/2007 02:51:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|When there's a will, I want to be in it.11/06/2007 03:20:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Magnific!11/06/2007 04:00:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.11/06/2007 04:32:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|The gene pool could use a little chlorine.11/06/2007 05:02:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.11/06/2007 05:34:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Wonderful blog.11/06/2007 06:11:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?11/06/2007 06:57:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|C++ should have been called B11/06/2007 07:33:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.11/06/2007 08:09:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?11/06/2007 08:49:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Give me ambiguity or give me something else.11/06/2007 09:19:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.11/06/2007 09:56:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Beam me aboard, Scotty..... Sure. Will a 2x10 do?11/06/2007 10:39:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.11/06/2007 11:21:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.11/06/2007 12:11:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.11/06/2007 12:55:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.11/06/2007 01:33:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Save the whales, collect the whole set11/06/2007 02:18:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|The gene pool could use a little chlorine.11/06/2007 03:14:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?11/06/2007 04:04:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|The gene pool could use a little chlorine.11/06/2007 04:49:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.11/06/2007 05:28:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.11/06/2007 06:06:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|C++ should have been called B11/06/2007 06:45:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.11/06/2007 07:17:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Wonderful blog.11/06/2007 08:01:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.11/06/2007 08:45:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Save the whales, collect the whole set11/06/2007 09:25:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Nice Article.11/06/2007 10:13:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?11/06/2007 11:04:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.11/06/2007 11:42:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|When there's a will, I want to be in it.12/22/2012 05:42:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Greatе post. 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Hope FM, run by the Nairobi Pentecostal Church came under attack at about 10.30pm Kenya time, soon after a programme that discusses Christianity and Islam had been aired.

Two people were seriously injured and were rushed to the Kenyatta National Hospital. They both suffered gun shot wounds.

The programme's presenter Damian Moses Ndimbo escaped with a bullet grazing his finger after he fought off one of the attackers.

"He was pointing a pistol at my head and when he cocked I knew I had to fight for my life. I deflected his hand just as he pressed the trigger. I then kicked him, he fell down and I ran back inside shouting. The station technician sensed danger and switched off the lights," Ndimbo told

Ndimbo said the attackers followed him inside but could not trace them with the lights off. "They then went to the main studio and switched us off air," he added.

The gang of four had shot two night guards to gain entry into the church compound and were busy splashing petrol onto the reception area when the presenter showed up on his way home.

The Nairobi fire brigade were called in to put off fire at the scene.

Police officer John Ngare, in charge of operations at Kilimani police station said a pistol has been recovered at the scene.

Mr Ngare said that the attackers appeared to have carried two jerricans of a liquid which they used to set the building ablaze. Police are still carrying out investigations.

The station’s reception area has been badly damaged with burnt furniture strewn all over. However, the fire did not get to the main studio.

*Nation has done such a good brief on it that there is no need for me to rehash the story. If I get any new angles to it, I sure will do something about it. As for the photos, my camera is off-duty...if I get them by any other means, you sure will have them here too.

|W|P|114751070034394565|W|P|Nairobi radio station petrol bombed|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/13/2006 01:13:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|a dastardly and cowardly act5/15/2006 08:57:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Kwanza, ashindwe shetani, pepo mweupe... this bizkenya fellow must be living in some crazy out of reality world... Au saying when your house is attacked by muslims disgruntled with your way of life, you will blame the government for raiding the standard??? wake up dude.

Now, to the real issue:
Starting to pretend that an investigation will reveal who is behind this archaic atrocity in the name of expression of disapproval is like waiting for the government to find the delamere kid guilty of murder...

Call a spade a spade, let the muslims own up, and stop giving statements bordering alarmingly close to threats to further violence.

Muslims all over this nation can be found providing misguided comparisons of the Holy Bible and the quran, i don't see any christians threatening to burn them down...

Essentially, lets all wake up, build lives and reduce poverty, otherwise, end these nonsense and get busy... some of us are trying to make ends meet, and the best these idiots will do, is burn down property, (and take lives of parents, leaving others in their wake...) that they should have been stealing..

Which, brings me to the point, that government parrot, that continues to give the government an lousy image called this an ordinary thuggery... wake up everyone...

Deal with these idiots, like the idiots they are... and that fellow, chelomondarator(whatever his name is)

Good day everyone.
fellow scribe5/15/2006 08:58:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|fellow scribe5/17/2006 08:46:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Dear friends:

Jesus said that Satan came only to steal, kill and destroy.
Therefore, we can see the fingerprints of Satan all
around. It is not difficult to see the killings and
destruction that he has brought to this world.

One good example of that happened this last Friday night,
May 12. 8 hooded men attacked a Hope FM a Christian
radio just minutes after they had finished broadcasting
their weekly program called Yesu Ndiye Njia (Jesus is the

Who could be behind such atrocity? What could be the
motives who lead them to kill and destroy? Muslims were
quick to condemn the attack, claiming that Islam does not
allow Muslims to kill, especially in holy places. Is that
truth? Why then we see on the TV that in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia many of the bombings
target Mosques? It is interesting to note that, none
believes they are innocent.

A few months ago, Muslims gave us another exhibition of
how peaceful they are. My friend was preaching
the Gospel in Wajir, The Wajir Sheiks recognized that many of
the youth had been listening to the Christian preacher.
Their anger burned even more when they found out that two
of their own Muslim preachers (Sheiks) had confessed that
they were no longer Muslims because they found the truth
in Jesus Christ. The Muslim clerics organized riots to
expel the missionaries from their town. A few letters of
threats were sent to the churches and Christian
hospitals. They gave them 10 days to leave Wajir or they
would face the consequences. The letters claimed they had
bombs and they would kill all of them if they don’t leave
in 10 days.

A young man who was one of the former Muslim, was going
to his school when a group of Muslims seized him and
asked whether he was a Muslim or a Christian. He looked
at them and said that he was a Christian. Immediately
more than 600 Muslim students started to insult him and
beat him, he was stoned and had to flee for his life. He
is terrified today, but he confessed to us that he does
not know how he had strength to face that entire angry
crowd and say that he was a follower of Jesus Christ.

These people can not go back to their families,
to their wives and their kids because Muslims have
pronounced their death sentence. These people are not
product of our imagination; they are real people who
suffer for Christ.

The events of the cartoons are still fresh in our minds,
but we can not forget that Muslims already burned 9
churches in Kenya and killed two missionaries, plus the
security guard from last Friday attack. We have to add to
our list the Nairobi bombing in 1998, the Mombassa
bombing and the unsuccessful attempt to shoot down an
airplane from the Israeli airline.

Is Islam peaceful? It is hard to find any evidence for
it; hard to find a single Muslim country where peace and
tolerance reigns. Europe and the world are sick and we
all know it. But, is Islam the cure for the ills of
Europe and the world? If so, rat poison is the cure for
snakebite. I challenge anyone to give even one example
where Islam has brought peace and tolerance. There isn't
one. There are more revolutions, assassinations and
terrorist actions in Muslim countries than in all the
rest of the world. Muslim refugees form 80% of the
world's refugees. Look, for example, at your own country.
Where do these refugees come from? Islam is making the
headlines every day to such an extent that without its
news, our newspapers would be 'boring'. All over the
world, over 155 terrorist organizations are inspired by
Islam to bomb restaurants, hotels, buses, trains,
airplanes, churches and even mosques. They are the ones
who feed our TV stations with something 'new'. Every
Christian must ensure that the real truth about Islam is
made known as widely as possible. Otherwise, the
consequences will be horrible beyond our imagination. I
can hardly imagine what Muslims would be capable of doing
IF Islam were not a 'peaceful religion'. "Exterminate
those who slander Islam" - as displayed on one banner in
the London protest against the cartoons.

In our attempts to ease tensions and encourage calm and
peace in our country after these tragic events, we must
not cloud the issue with untrue or ambiguous statements
about the true teachings and practices of Islam.

abdialmassih@yahoo.com2/25/2007 06:22:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|hot video2/26/2009 08:58:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|drugs these medoc5/12/2006 06:58:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P| Via Breakpoint..... This upcoming Sunday is Mother's Day. It's the day when Americans remember and celebrate the contributions and sacrifices their moms have made on their behalf.

In honor of Mother's Day, I'd like to tell you a story about one mother whose devotion shaped not only her son's life but countless others, as well.

Her name was Monica. A Christian, she was married to a prominent man who wasn't a believer. He was unfaithful and even beat her at times. Monica's response was to go to church every day and pray for his conversion. She hoped that by setting a godly example, even in the midst of her mistreatment, she might win him over. And that's exactly what happened.

The suffering and anguish caused by her husband paled before what Monica's oldest son put her through. He lived a dissolute life, devoted to pleasure. He left one mistress and took up with another. His only son was born out-of-wedlock.

His lack of faith and rejection of Christian truth hurt Monica even more. He belittled her beliefs and seemed to go out of his way to embrace Christianity's competitors for the hearts and, especially, minds of his contemporaries. He later recalled how his being "dead [to] that faith and spirit which," as he put it, "[my mother] had from you . . . O, Lord" made her weep.

Still, Monica never gave up. The greatest preacher of the time, knowing of her prayers and tears for her son, told her that "it is impossible that the son of so many tears should perish."

That preacher, Bishop Ambrose of Milan, was right. At the age of 35, Monica's son, Augustine, became a Christian and was baptized, along with his son, Adeodatus, by Ambrose. A few months later, on the way home to Hippo with Augustine and Adeodatus, Monica fell ill and died.

Monica could not have known that her prayers and devotion would affect not only the life of her son but also the course of history. Her concern was that her son believe "the truth which is in Jesus."

This devotion to the spiritual welfare of her son is why Monica is regarded as the model for all Christian mothers. Like Susannah Wesley, her zeal for the salvation of her son had an impact far beyond anything she could have imagined.

But there's another reason why Monica's story should resonate with "BreakPoint" listeners and readers. Her concern was not only that her son give up his debauchery, as important as that was. Monica was determined that he embrace the truth of Christianity. She prayed that he would renounce false worldviews and put his sharp mind to the service of Christian truth.

And that's exactly what he did. Augustine championed the Christian worldview against the false alternatives of his day. Much of what Christians believe today was first and best articulated by Monica's son. His writings, the Confessions and the City of God, are considered classics, not only of the Christian faith, but also of all of Western culture and civilization. Those books have profoundly shaped me and my ministry.

While there can be only one Monica and Augustine, every Christian mother—and father, for that matter—should be concerned with their kids' worldviews. Praying for them and teaching them to seek after Christian truth is a solemn duty on our part and a contribution they will always remember, whether it is Mother's Day or any other day of the year.

*Photo credit / Wikipedia

|W|P|114744991338257892|W|P|The "Son of So Many Tears"|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/12/2006 08:23:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Uaridi|W|P|In the UK Mother's day comes immediately after Easter, Mothering Sunday. All women are given flowers and children are encouraged to collect flowers for their mothers/grandmas etc.

Monica is a wonderful woman of faith.5/12/2006 10:29:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Wow - I admire that kind of stalwart faith and tenacity against overwhelming odds.4/20/2013 11:21:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Usually I don't read post on blogs, but I would like to say that this write-up very pressured me to try and do so! Your writing taste has been amazed me. Thank you, very great article.

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Thanks!5/12/2006 12:25:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P||W|P|114738270887780666|W|P|Behind the Da Vinci Code and other resources|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/12/2006 04:05:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Uaridi|W|P|I am not paying any attention to this Da Vinci code and all the dust that has been kicked up. There will always be somone or something wanting to oppose God, trying to defuse, delute and nulify His Glory.5/12/2006 04:26:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I've been wondering about the Da Vinci code, what with all the furore and all... coming soon in local theatres, etc etc

Then I listened to one of the preachers I respect most (D James Kennedy) dissect it to pieces.

Thanks for the extra resources - I think I need to make up my own mind about it.5/13/2006 09:25:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Another resource that might be helpful - a sermon that investigates the subtle and not-to-subtle claims made in the movie5/11/2006 06:04:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|Click here for details. I'm also keeping that link on my homepage (just underneath KENYAN & WORLD MEDIA) in the event that you or anyone else you know will need it in the days to come.|W|P|114736007696102551|W|P|Salvation just became "easier"|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/11/2006 12:51:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|By MATTHEW & CRYSTAL KEHN Let's start by saying this. The world is fallen, the Church is fallen, and all people are fallen. We must be careful to not judge others and find that we are condemning ourselves. Nathan told David a story, "There were two men who lived in the same town; one was rich and the other poor. The rich man had many cattle and sheep, while the poor man had only one lamb, which he had bought. He took care of it, and it grew up in his home with his children. He would feed it some of his own food, let it drink from his cup, and hold it in his lap. The lamb was like a daughter to him. One day a visitor arrived at the rich man's home. The rich man didn't want to kill one of his own animals to fix a meal for him; instead, he took the poor man's lamb and prepared a meal for his guest." David became very angry at the rich man and said, "I swear by the living LORD that the man who did this ought to die! For having done such a cruel thing, he must pay back four times as much as he took." "You are that man," Nathan said to David." David immediately burned for justice and found himself guilty. Many days I burn for justice in the world, in politics, in the desparate situations where people are being exploited and oppressed - but in the end find myself guilty. I think if we are honest about Bush, he has used his Christendom as a platform for votes and support on the basis of morality rather than a true, real and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus never came to make us moral - He came to give us His righteousness and calls us to pursue HIM not the Law/Morality. Christians who support him only on the basis of his 'faith' are falling prey to the neo-cons' desire for personal power through religious lingo (It happens in Kenya, Uganda and all over the world, people use Christianity for their own personal gain). Bush's Christianity is religion, law, morality - like the pharisees who thought they had it all together. It is not his faith that has affected his decisions, but his religion. One only needs to weed through history to see the fallen diplomatic policies that the US, not only Bush, has used to take advantage of others. For example: supporting and enabling dictatorial governments in South American countries. What strikes me most about the US's foreign policy is SELFISHNESS. Ethnocentrism spills over from every act and decision. "What does not benefit the US is useless!" Look again to the story of Nathan. The US is the rich man, most Third World countries are the poor man. We have seen this scenario many times throughout the history of the US. I have also seen it in my own life. My overwhelming selfishness is the root of all my sin. It creeps up from the very nature of who I am into all areas of my life. If I, being saved by Jesus as a sinner, judge and condemn selfish acts among others, I must first confess them myself. Therefore I now stand on the same side as Bush, the US, the rich man, and David. We are all fallen, the world needs Jesus Christ. Putting more "Christians" in politics and leadership of nations will not redeem the world. Redemption only comes when you put Jesus Christ as the Leader and President of your individual life. He asks you to count the cost, destroy your selfishness, carry the cross, be crucified with Him and follow Him for the rest of your life. I will journey with anyone who is on this road. *Editor's note: Matt and his wife are serving God in Uganda. I happen to have been roomies with Matt at college and also attended Urbana 2003 wih him at the University of Illinois (where again we shared a residence hall). He is a man who truely loves God and I treasure his reflections on matters of life and faith, our agreements and disagreements over the same notwithstanding. Backgrounder to this series of reflections Original article Phase 1 of responses to the article Phase 2 of responses to the article Phase 3 of responses to the article Phase 4 of responses to the article|W|P|114734244420712502|W|P|Phase 5 of responses to "The death of Satan"|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/11/2006 07:50:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Uaridi|W|P|The Bible belt all voted for Bush because he said he is a Christian and stands for the so-called values. I sometimes think that Christianity and politics should not mix. Render unto Ceaser? If Bush were truly a Christian, the developing countries would not be in the state they are right now.5/10/2006 08:35:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|Grace, a Kenyan living in Switzerland, has written in to say The Path of Life is a Church in Zurich which anyone visiting Switzerland might find useful. That has led me into starting 3 different rolls on my homepage for possible places in Kenya, Europe and the US that one could go to for Sunday services. I'll add to the lists under the rolls as and when I receive more suggestions from you; I'll generally be guided by the extent and proportion to which the Church you suggest is seeking to live out the faith through its vision and mission. Any congregation that resonates with my statement of faith will be a natural add-on.|W|P|114728343175163554|W|P|Church in Zurich, Switzerland|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/10/2006 08:59:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Farmgal|W|P|good idea!5/07/2013 10:13:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I am extremely impressed аlong wіth уour writing abilities anԁ also with the format
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my web site ... iphone repair5/10/2006 10:09:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|By KIP This is to inform you that there is a new episode on my podcast. Help me spread the word, if you may. Also visit the online Kalenjin discussion forum. Thanks.|W|P|114724520529673601|W|P|Online Kalenjin music and dialogues|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/10/2006 08:58:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Farmgal|W|P|I listened just for fun..didnt understand a word though!5/11/2006 09:31:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Atleast i can now enjoy my work at office through listening to my fevourite mother tongue language lyrics. thanks jesse2/26/2009 08:57:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Apotheke Unternehmen erstellt Viagra5/09/2006 10:07:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|
By A.M, American living in Kenya

Thanks, Jesse for the backgrounder. 
You know, I wouldn't disagree with criticisms of Bush's Iraq policy at all. 
My point was just that it's a different thing to say somebody's religion doesn't affect their politics (i.e. it has no  
real power in their lives) and to say it affects their politics but we don't agree with them (i.e. their religion has power in the lives but  
they've interpreted the mandates of their religion in a way we don't like.) 
I think many politicians both Kenyan and American fall into the first category. Islamic terrorists for most of us fall into the second.  
George W. Bush falls into the second for around half of the U.S. and most of the rest of the world, though as I have said not for me in  
terms of much of his domestic policy emphasis. 
For some people he is in a third category, that of people whose religion makes a difference in their politics and the difference is viewed as good. 
I did not mention in the previous message that one other thing I do appreciate is his insistence that for the first time in a long time in the U.S. political arena, faith based organizations should not have to give up their  
distinctives in order to be considered legitimate providers of social and medical services.

Original article
Phase 1 of responses to the article
Phase 2 of responses to the article
Phase 3 of responses to the article

This also happens to have been my last assignment for now as a guest editor.  Thanks for reading.  
- Z.M. 
|W|P|114715957323933759|W|P|Phase 4 of responses to "The death of Satan"|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/08/2006 03:46:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P| A few weeks ago Mama Mia blogged on Elvis Presley's spiritual side; that in large part inspired me to dig into my CD archives for an interesting presentation made on the legendary singer by Dr. Ravi Zacharias, one of the leading apologists in contemporary Christianity. Mama Mia has since had the opportunity to listen to the CD and should therefore be in a position to give you her own assesment of the content. But Dr. Zacharia's presentation does, in large part, remind me of the woeful tales of countless men and women of reknown who, down the ages, have in their later years or on deathbeds been confronted by the reality and supremacy of a Holy God they had denied all along at the height of their power, wisdom or other forms of accomplishment and, sometimes, even pain. In the MYSTERY OF EVIL AND THE MIRACLE OF LIFE, Dr. Zacharias (I'm quoting the CD jacket here) "examines how the Gospel comes in contradiction to our existential struggles - struggles of human wickedness and the hunger for something greater than this world. He traces the origin of evil and particularly the lure of sin placed before Adam and Eve when Satan made God's truth suspect....(he) examines our hunger for fulfillment of needs that God alone is big enough to fill and offers a challenge to surrender the human will to God's control." In excellent, well-polished arguments, Dr. Zacharias puts forth his are some sure to get yourself a copy of the hour-long CD.....that way or by contacting his office. - "All human beings, whether studied or unstudied in philosophy, ultimately look for their lives to conform to reality as they understand it whether it is right or wrong. If they know that fire burns, they will avoid putting their hand there unless they are purely....suicidal. They want their lives and bodies to correspond to that which is real so that even if they don't use logic or reason, they want their lives to be consistent with reality." - "The reason there is a breakdown (in society) is not even so much that rational strength and the ability to think has been abandoned but our lives are beaking down because we don't understand what reality is all about...what I would like to show you is where this breakdown is coming in and how the Gospel is then coming in contradiction to the world of existentialist struggles...I think you'll find it extremely meaningful." - He then devotes some good amount of time to German philosopher F. Nietzsche and Irish literary icon Oscar Wilde, two very significant atheistic figures that died in 1900, though he is lots more detailed on the latter. You would have to listen to him so as to feel the passion, candour, intensity and wit with which he dissects Wilde the literary genius and debauched gay playboy. He does a critique of Wilde's well known novel - The Picture of Dorian Gray - and notes: "In his (own) life, he denuded the body, but in his novel.....he bared, I think, his soul." - He then quotes some dissilusioned scholars who, despairing at the frustrations emerging from the weaknesses of secularism, are now suggesting that "the world desperately needs a noble lie" so as to survive its troubles. He quotes one of them as saying "modern culture urgently needs a noble lie....a myth that links the moral teachings of religion with the scientific facts of life. Science has eroded the plausibility of the Judeo-Christian myths...including archaic views of the universe, a presumption that humans are at the center of existence, and the stories of Jesus' ressurection and Moses bringing the 10 commandments from the mountain...these are pure myths." Dr. Zacharias then goes on: "This tells you the unabashed seduction of secular thought knows having abandoned reason, existential life becomes are they going to solve the dillemma...dispel the myths of religion and all you are left with is despair which considers life in the universe meaningless." - Having said that, he then delves into what he considers to be the four struggles of existentialism (here is a general summary). a). The mystery of human wickedness: What does evil really mean? He argues that evil means you and I can define reality apart from God; that's the lie we have been tempted to live by (as Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden). They chose to make God a liar. Evil is the natural outworking of a lie; "it's as simple as that but also catastrophic." b). The marvel of humanity's hunger for worship: There's a deep longing within each one of us; there's a beyond in us that goes beyond the scope of romantic love, the stars, etc. There's a haunting sense of emptiness which no human or anything else can satisfy. It is at this point that Dr. Zacharias recalls a conversation he says he once had with one of the people related to Elvis Presley following the singer's death from a supposed addiction to prescription drugs, leaving his family distraught and the world of teenagers shaken that its icon had died. What was it that drove the man? The Elvis buddy is then quoted as saying: "All I know is that with all the women he had screaming for him and all the fame he had before him, (Elvis) was an extremely lonely man. He said that he cried with loneliness...the song that I believe he meant more deeply than any other but a song that he could not appropriateas as far as the outworld world knew is one I saw him singing in Las Vegas before a crowd of gamblers and drinking people....when he told them I want to sing to you you a song that deeply moves me....and he sang How Great Thou Art...and his audience was in spell-bound silence...many times when I bid him goodnight as I was the last one to leave him every night...he would be at the piano singing hymns. He really hungered for something greater than the world was giving him." Dr. Zacharias then proceeds, using Psalms 42:1-11 as a basis, to argue that "the hunger that even the blatant secularist has he cannot conflicts existentially and God fills it." c). The mastery of the human will - He argues that's where the collision really takes place. He gives two excellent illustrations of media mogul Ted Turner and Alexander the Great for a point to which you just need to listen so as to understand. Of the latter, he says that "the problem with Alexander the Great is that he was his own worst rival." d). The miracle of existence itself - He begins to wind up his presentation by quoting an atheist who has said that "the greatest gift in our generation to our children and posterity is that we have released them (our kids) from the fear of the supernatural." Dr. Zacharias then bemoans what he says is the overestimation of the power of miracles by Christians and the underestimation of the same by skeptics. He says: "Our hearts have determined to stay course in those paths....but there's a miracle the world is still looking for....not just an answer to origins but something that will change the enslavement within. The truth is true objectively, though appropriated subjectively. God's truth is the one we all yearn for from the deepest of our insides." He then winds it up by saying: "In this existential struggle, God's word is true. Let's do this generation a favour by defending this because the word of God conforms to reality and our lives must conform to reality too. May God bless you and I trust His word will become true in your life. If you don't know Him, I hope you'll find His definition of reality; if you know Him let's live for the truth. God bless you."|W|P|114710417018532132|W|P|Elvis' struggles with God & other issues....|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/08/2006 09:14:00 pm|W|P|Blogger Uaridi|W|P|It is interesting that no matter how much human beings achieve they still hunger for God.5/09/2006 08:25:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Nice post!

hmmm... I wish I could think of something profound to say, but I'm running on empty :)

Ravi's treatment of the subject was thorough and persuasive. I was especially moved by the fact that even a well-heeled, much-worshiped icon such as Elvis was brought to his knees as he contemplated God.

Ravi's messages are definitely worth a listen. I've been working through his online archives. Excellent apologist.1/17/2007 10:24:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Nice site!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]1/17/2007 10:24:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Nice site! | 11:44:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Hello! This post could not be written any better!
Reading through this post reminds me of my old room mate!
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Feel free to visit my web page: click here5/07/2006 11:57:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|This piece was largely inspired by WM's writing about her mum a few days well as that of AK about one of her's about a woman I lost to cancer a little early in life, but one whose impact on my life has defied the passage of time. I met Mrs. R in my first term at elementary school. She had obviously seen better days but still affected an easy demeanor as she immediately put me at ease. "My son, I hope you realize that we are going to have to be good friends now that your parents have put you under my watch for the next three years," she said, her face laced with a warm smile. And there began an exciting relationship between us. A devout Roman Catholic teaching in a public school that was heavily influenced by trends in the local Catholic community, she never utilized this position of double priveledge to lord it over us towards Rome; Protestants like myself had our best of times with regard to religious instruction in the school, it was always either about the crucified and risen Jesus or no C.R.E at all. That, I would think, was one of her major contributions to my person for never again would I encounter such deep and solid Christian instruction in elementary school as I did under her tutelage. I'm grateful she never allowed our denominational differences to cloud over the Jesus we both shared an enduring interest in. Her second contribution would have to be her motherly, personalized oversight over me in her class of several pupils. Perhaps at no other time did I see this so well illustrated than once when I fell ill in her class and, on another occasion, some girls tried to distract me during her Maths class. For the illness, she took the liberty to end the class (a dangerous thing to do in those days of mutual national suspicion that could have seen her fired for ending her class even a minute earlier) and send for my Mum who was some 10 kilometres away; her gesture touched the sickly me so much that I yearned to heal faster and return to her class (of course my Mum would have none of that). For the girls, the romantic note they were throwing across to me fell flat on her desk.......the girl who had written it wanted to disappear from planet earth that very moment. Mrs. R opened and went over the poorly written love letter from the girl, looked at her and her large supporting cast, then calmly said: "My dear boys and girls, let's talk about this at break time." Come break time and the kids that we were gathered around her for a nice, gentle lecture on sexual education.....the girl harassed me no more. I do not recall other teachers ever doing what Mrs. R had just done for the entire time I went through primary school and high school; what I instead recall are the several lives and promising futures that quite literally perished under the care of some randy male and female teachers in the schools I attended. Incidentally, I registered my best performance in Maths under Mrs. R because the moment I left her tutelage (Standard 1 through 3), I fell into the hands of men and women who convinced me that Maths meant nothing but Mental-Agony-To-Harass-Students. Her third and not least important contribution in my life came in the way of education, - it was in her able hands that I developed an insatiable thirst for knowledge, skills and values; she gave me and everyone else in her class the very best. Her teaching was so good that we perfomed just as well; one of the most talked about myths and legends in that school to date is the academic rivalry among several families in the area that emerged as a result of pupils in Mrs. R's stream (East) battling it out with those in a Mrs. T's class (West). Thanks to Mrs. R, I ended up becominng a lightning rod for some of these rivalries....the records of which I hear remain ubeaten in some of the subjects that she had been careful to teach as so well. Sadly, Mrs. R succumbed to a deadly cancer we never knew she had just at about the same moment as some of us were celebrating our entry into high school; obviously the steely bit in her had denied us access to her inner pains and struggles all through. For those among us to whom she had become a Mum away from home, we had lost much more than a teacher. Her memory is still fresh in my mind and the classes she took me through are ever before me; I took to doing some volunteer teaching after my post-secondary education at another primary school in the subjects I enjoyed the most with her, if only to become the part-time teacher I think she had inspired me to become. Looking back, I think the pupil in me had enjoyed her too much to even consider giving anything back to her in the way of love, - a love that perhaps she needed all the while she taught us. But as her pupils are all the rage these days turning the country and world upside down the best they know how, I can think of no better tribute to Mrs. R to have survived her years of immense toil and little pay from the government of the day (a situation many other Rs still have to bear to date). *Publication of this piece was delayed a little because of the responses we had coming in on one of our earlier posts. 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Also visit my blog; lloyd irvin5/05/2006 04:07:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|By KENYAN IDIOT You made my day today. I will choose to ignore the Americans and their Bush in this debate as they'll do and say anything to defend him: I saw that with my lecturers during their last general elections. But I will not hesitate to say that Bush's policies, at least those that I know of (the international ones), are nowhere near Christocentrism. To argue that the Iraq situation is a Christian motivation is a display of ignorance of the fundamental principles that guide christianity. Christianity is not defended with arms and neither does God need lawyers (am not downplaying the place of apologetics, for I'm an apologist) to chant His cause. He will and has always done it for Himself, over 2,000 years of Christianity is itself an attestation of that. If the "Christian" Bush is is concerned about the spread of Islam let him resort to prayer and Godly living and not war. And I think this is the point Jesse is putting across: that the so-called Christian leaders have failed to lead with the Biblical principles aptly put forth...and that some non-Christian leaders have done a better job. The bone of contention is about the leaders whose policies, decisions and actions have raised questions as to whether they are indeed Christians in the first place. These are the kind of "Christian leaders" Kenya has had. In Africa, we have the Chilubas and worldwide we have the Bushes, among others. The so-called-leaders were, in large part, elected on the platform of Christianity... that since they were Christians they would bring positive Christian change, only for them to add negativity to what is already a bad situation. I am an evangelical believer and do not believe in an utopia BUT still much can be deduced from individual responsibility such as the Christian Bush causing the massive loss of life in Iraq. *The writer blogs at Mapinduzi on various matters of faith. This was in response to the piece published on Christians and how they are engaging national issues in Kenya a few days ago by Jesse. The first and second part of responses by some readers to that piece can be found on this blog as well as Jesse's Swahili one. - Z.M, Guest Editor. |W|P|114683535086168047|W|P|Phase 3 of responses to "The death of Satan"|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com2/15/2007 04:01:00 pm|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Hello all Cool page! Thank you!
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Check out my blog post erotic massage website5/04/2006 11:34:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P|This post has been culled from incoming comments and correspondence following an article by Jesse on this blog on Wednesday. The first part of the responses had already been published. In his absence, I bear responsibility for any content and / or editorial errors. - Z.M, Guest Editor.

I am also born-again BUT I am of the persuasion of liberation theologians. I believe in heaven here and now, not tomorrow. I believe that Jesus came so that we may have life in full (politically, economically, socially, physically, mentally etc). For that reason, a leader who propagates separation of politics from religion will not be on my list of buddies. In Kenya we have seen many born-agains telling people to leave politics to the politicians. That to me shows they don't read their Bible well. Regarding Bush and his Christianity - speaking as an African, I say he attacked Iraq because he was a Christian. He saw that to stop the spread of Islamists who harm Christians for just being Christains, Iraq had to succumb to US might. However he did not envisage a situation where Musilims would interpret that for a crusade. The war in Iraq now is not about oil. It is Jesus versus Mohammed. Otherwise your analysis of the Kenyan scenario has hit the nail on the head.

-Pukks, Mozambique


Bravo Jesse,

That was a nice piece. I hope the media fellows will quiz the Honourable members to-be and will use the forthcoming by-elections as a dress rehersal for the elections to come in 2007.

This can be done by inviting them for debates on a wide range of social and economic issues to assess their fitness as Honourable members of parliament. Some of them will be appointed ministers and will be answerable to not only their constituents but Kenyans as a whole. - M.O, Denmark
Jesse, I like your write up; it's challenging and true. Hebu soma Amos 5:20-24, I kinda think it suffices for what I thought of the National Prayer day.
I pray that u become an MP nxt year, ama? It will be a turning point, I admire your convictions........
Take care n always praying for you.
- D.O, Kenya
Jesse, Thanks for the work you are doing. Keep it up. Tuko pamoja. - J.K, Kenya.
Jesse, I really appreciate these pieces. As I said, I look forward to being able to contribute on issues raised. Blessings Man! - K.K, Kenya|W|P|114677566084749301|W|P|Phase 2 of responses to "The death of Satan"|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/04/2006 09:52:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P| This is the balance of thoughts received thus far which merited publication as articles on their own rather than as merely comments to the piece published by Jesse a few hours ago. Other comments will be published as they are received and considered. - Z.M, Guest Editor.
Jesse, I would have to disagree about George Bush. I will not dispute that his foreign policy, except for the commitment to a large block of money to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa, is objectionable. However, domestically it appears to me that his Christianity has made a great difference in his decision making. He stands firmly against abortion, he has attempted to put into place stringent guidelines regarding embryonic stem cell research based on that conviction, he is pushing abstinence as a solution to HIV prevention, he has opened up immigration in the U.S., especially with regards to persons already living in the country illegally (though admittedly not Arab ones) more than any president in recent memory. Now, one can argue that he is not correct on some of his positions, but that his Christianity has impacted his domestic policy in a noticeable way is not arguable. Nor, may I point out, would most of his opponents in the U.S. make that argument. They would assert that he is wrong--possibly because of his faith--but not that his faith has not impacted his stands on issues. I do some research in the area of HIV/AIDS, and I can assure you that persons involved in that field do not think George W. Bush's faith has not made a difference--they think it has made a very strong, negative difference (I happen to be very appreciative of his stance on abstinence, though I'm less convinced that his administration's position downgrading the importance of the media in fighting HIV/AIDS is useful. But then again I would not think that position springs from faith convictions). That is the main reason why, despite the fact that it is clearly in the descendency, many persons on the opposite side of the political spectrum are excruciatingly vocal in expressing their fears that the conservative Christian ideology is taking over American politics. - A.M, American living in Kenya.
It's alright with you barbing at Bush; you were quoting.
Incidentally, I doubt very much that he would have made even the efforts he has to deal with things like AIDS in Africa, genocide in Sudan or (certainly) an attempt, however faltering, to bring about democracy in the Middle East without his Christian faith. That being said, there are many politicians of the type you describe here.
A good piece of advice on this matter is to compare the political action of Chuck Colson with that of Jerry Fallwell. Colson writes the Breakpoint web column, which always makes for good daily reading. I recommend it to anyone. - A.J, Pennsylvania, USA.
|W|P|114672655105531434|W|P|Phase 1 of responses to "The death of Satan"|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/03/2006 11:32:00 pm|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P| Let me first declare my interests in this matter, about which I had promised to write a few days ago: I'm a born-again Christian in the Reformed tradition, a son to an evangelical clergyman, a trained journalist with some experience in the local and international media, passionate about my faith as well as issues (politics included) that inform life on this planet. I also have a fairly good grasp of the Kenyan, African and global Christian landscape; gained through reading, travel and practical engagement in life with other believers. This piece has been distilled from my own thoughts on this matter as well as ideas I have gleaned from some Christian friends with whom I have been reflecting on this subject. I write this, therefore, with as much of a detached observer's skepticism as much as I'm doing so with an insider's determined anguish to redeem what I believe is a situation perfectly within our sights. At the time of this writing, I had it on good authority that a large number of Christian candidates will be contesting for parliamentary seats in next year's General Elections. Some of the prospective candidates are already in parliament, others will be doing so for the very first time; a good number of the latter are folks I either attended university with or have interacted with in Christian circles or in the media industry. In the new crop of candidates are folks I could vote for anytime anywhere, but in the same camp are folks I would rather we had others - like the Artur brothers :-) - running in their stead, democracy or no democracy. Alongside this development is the established thought in some circles, proved wrong in some constituencies and even on the presidential ballot in 2002, that there are annointed MPs for whom Kenyans should uncritically vote in 2007. The foregoing is the kind of thinking informing some of the rather weird consensus in some Christian circles that seeks to be the driving force behind some of the Christian parliamentary and presidential hopefuls. I have no problems with Christians, Muslims, Hindus or whoever else fielding candidates in the General Elections - it is within their legal rights to do so; what I'm opposed to is the possible emergence in the next Parliament of some legislators - falling in my category of persons I would rather die than vote for - who will be our bane. Those legislators-to-be have nothing, apart from their professed faith, to offer this country; they are in good company with several past and present Christian legislators and presidents whose work ethic could be called anything but productive. Those legislators-to-be have not engaged the real issues of the day in the way of a dedicated life of service and reflection; you'll find nothing to back up their talk either in any known political philosophy or paper trail documenting their contribution to the leadership of organizations or groups they have been part of.
Those legislators-to-be talk so glibly about social transformation but have never allowed their faith to - in the thoughts of Christ in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12)- affect their world as they know it in any discernible way; their faith has been kept private and safe, never really pushing them out of their comfort zones much enough to disturb the status quo that puts the weak and vulnerable in our society at the mercy of the high and mighty.
Those legislators-to-be suffer from a terrible but conveniently nourished cognitive dissonance that allows them to live not as they believe, while at the same time hitting the campaign trail with the message of how much their salvation will help them transform our country. Those legislators-to-be have for their heroes the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel Arap Moi and President Mwai Kibaki and their large army of "Christian" political disciples - both in government and the opposition -; men and women whose record in private life and the conduct of public affairs is nothing to write home about. Those legislators-to-be will, gladly, use the state to promote Christianity while utilizing the same machinery to oppress those who will, in their estimation, be having nothing to contribute to "national cohesion, stability and development." As some Zambian pastors reportedly did when Christian President Frederick Chiluba came in, those legislators are likely to - for a social vision - ask for more land for the construction of churches, more freedom for "crusades" and, who knows, a declaration that Kenya is officially a Christian nation; all that while as Kenya goes down the gutter under whoever else they will have helped us annoint. As someone has so well noted: "The most powerful man in the world today (President George Bush) claims to be a born-again, evangelical Christian. Are his domestic and foreign policies any Christian? Where did we get the idea that if we had more Christians in positions of power and influence our nation would be more just and compassionate? We have 2,000 years of history to deny that." And do take this from him too: "If you have people who only think that the Gospel is about being born-again and going to Heaven when we die, pray that these people won't have positions of power in our country. Let's pray that we'll have Christians in those positions who we'll have taken time to develop a Christian, political philosophy and vision of the world. And for that you need much more than the Bible...or quoting Romans 13 and I Peter 2 as if that settles the issue. There's more than 2,000 years of profound Christian reflection on politics, beginning with that great North African called St. 2,000 years of Christian political reflection, and often not done by evangelicals (and - I add - sometimes Christians in general)." These nicely dressed-up, dangerous wannabes, presenting themselves as angels of light, need not be handled with kids' gloves as has been the case in past elections. The Kenyan voter needs to refresh his or her sense of evil and vote out those who will be calling "Christ, Christ" in the campaigns and private strategy meetings yet have no real, known love for someone before whom all known and unknown history will someday culminate. He's someone whom if, as they claim, they truely believe in, would have informed their understanding of how best to make their lives a daily responsible answer to the question of God's call on their lives in our generation. *I'll see if I or anyone else can do a sequel to this. If you are interested in doing so, just holla at me via the e-mail address on my homepage. I'm terribly time-limited for now to do anything serious. By the way, a Swahili translation of this piece is available at my Swahili blog. |W|P|114668883741131967|W|P|The death of Satan: How Kenyans have lost a sense of evil (and why they must get it b4 2007)|W|P|jesse.masai@gmail.com5/04/2006 10:13:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Jesse, I would have to disagree about George Bush. I will not dispute
that his foreign policy, except for the commitment to a large block of
money to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa, is objectionable. However,
domestically it appears to me that his Christianity has made a great
difference in his decision making. He stands firmly against abortion,
he has attempted to put into place stringent guidelines regarding
embryonic stem cell research based on that conviction, he is pushing
abstinence as a solution to HIV prevention, he has opened up
immigration in the U.S., especially with regards to persons already
living in the country illegally (though admittedly not Arab ones) more
than any president in recent memory. Now, one can argue that he is not
correct on some of his positions, but that his Christianity has
impacted his domestic policy in a noticeable way is not arguable. Nor,
may I point out, would most of his opponents in the U.S. make that
argument. They would assert that he is wrong--possibly because of his
faith--but not that his faith has not impacted his stands on issues. I
do some research in the area of HIV/AIDS, and I can assure you that
persons involved in that field do not think George W. Bush's faith has
not made a difference--they think it has made a very strong, negative
difference (I happen to be very appreciative of his stance on
abstinence, though I'm less convinced that his administration's
position downgrading the importance of the media in fighting HIV/AIDS
is useful. But then again I would not think that position springs from
faith convictions). That is the main reason why, despite the fact that
it is clearly in the descendency, many persons on the opposite side of
the political spectrum are excruciatingly vocal in expressing their
fears that the conservative Christian ideology is taking over American
politics.5/04/2006 10:15:00 am|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|It's alright with you barbing at Bush; you were quoting.
Incidentally, I doubt very much that he would have made even the efforts he has to deal with things like AIDS in Africa, genocide in Sudan or (certainly) an attempt, however faltering, to bring about democracy in the Middle East without his Christian faith. That being said, there are many politicians of the type you describe here.
A good piece of advice on this matter is to compare the political action of Chuck Colson with that of Jerry Fallwell. Colson writes the "Breakpoint" web column, which always makes for good daily reading. I recommend it to anyone.5/05/2006 12:56:00 am|W|P|Blogger Kenyan Idiot|W|P|You made my day today. I will choose to ignore the Americans and their bush in this debate, they'll do and say anything to defend him: i saw that with my lecturers during their last general elections.But i will no hesitate to say that Bush's policies, at least those that i know of (the international ones), are nowhere near christocentrism.
To argue that the Iraq situation is a Christian motivation is a display of ignorance of the fundamental Principles that guide christianity. Christianity is not defended with arms, neither does God need lawyers (am not downplaying the place of apologetics, for i am an apologist)to chant His course.He will and has always done it for himself. over 2000 years of Christianity is itself an attestation.
If the 'Christian bush is is concerned about the spread of Islam let him resort to prayer and Godly living and not war.
...and i tthhink this is the point Jesse is putting across: that the so-called Christian leaders have failed to lead with the biblical principles aptly putt forth...and that some non-christian leaders have done a better job. The bone of contention is about the leaders whose policies, decisions and actions have raised questions as to whether they are indeed Christians in the first place.
These are the kind of 'Christian leaders' Kenya has had. In Africa, we have the Chilubas and worldwide we have the Bushes, among others. The so-called-leaders elected on the platform of Christianity... that since they are christians they'l bring positive christian change, only to add negativity to what is already a bad situation. I am an evangelical believer and do not believe in a utopia BUT still much can be deduceed from individual responsibility such as the Christian Bush causing the massive lose of life in Iraq.5/07/2006 06:01:00 am|W|P|Blogger Matt and Crystal Kehn|W|P|Let's start by saying this. The world is fallen, the Church is fallen, and all people are fallen. We must be careful to not judge others and find that we are condemning ourselves. Nathan told David a story, "There were two men who lived in the same town; one was rich and the other poor.
The rich man had many cattle and sheep, while the poor man had only one lamb, which he had bought. He took care of it, and it grew up in his home with his children. He would feed it some of his own food, let it drink from his cup, and hold it in his lap. The lamb was like a daughter to him.
One day a visitor arrived at the rich man's home. The rich man didn't want to kill one of his own animals to fix a meal for him; instead, he took the poor man's lamb and prepared a meal for his guest."
David became very angry at the rich man and said, "I swear by the living LORD that the man who did this ought to die!
For having done such a cruel thing, he must pay back four times as much as he took."
"You are that man," Nathan said to David."
David immediately burned for justice and found himself guilty. Many days I burn for justice in the world, in politics, in the desparate situations where people are being exploited and oppressed - but in the end find myself guilty.
I think if we are honest about Bush, he has used his Christendom as a platform for votes and support on the basis of morality rather than a true real and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus never came to make us moral - He came to give us His righteousness and calls us to pursue HIM not the Law/Morality. Christian's who support him only on the basis of his 'faith' are falling prey to the neo-cons desire for personal power through religious lingo (It happens in Kenya, Uganda and all over the world, people us Christianity for their own personal gain). Bush's Christianity is religion, law, morality- like the pharisees who thought they had it all together. It is not his faith that has affected his decisions, but his religion.
One only needs to weed through history to see the fallen diplomatic policies that the US, not only Bush, has used to take advantage of others. For example: supporting and enabling dictatorial couts in South American countries. What strikes me most about the US's foreign policy is SELFISHNESS. Ethnocentrism spills over from every act and decision. "What does not benefit the US is useless!" Look again to the story of Nathan. The US is the rich man, most third world countries are the poor man. We have seen this scenario many times throughout the history of the US.
I have also seen it in my own life. My overwhelming selfishness is the root of all my sin. It creeps up from the very nature of who I am into all areas of my life. If I, being saved by Jesus as a sinner, judge and condemn selfish acts among others, I must first confess them myself. Therefore I now stand on the same side as Bush, the US, the rich man, and David. We are all fallen, the world needs Jesus Christ. Putting more 'Christians' in politics and leadership of nations will not redeem the world. Redemption only comes when you put Jesus Christ as the Leader and President of your individual life. He asks you to count the cost, destroy your selfishness, carry the cross, be crucified with Him and follow Him for the rest of your life. I will journey with anyone who is on this road.5/02/2006 11:01:00 am|W|P|Kenyananalyst|W|P| In this cover story from 1996, evangelicalism's premier teacher speaks on gender, charismatics, leaving the Church of England, the poor, evangelical fragmentation, Catholics, the future, and other subjects. This article originally appeared as the cover story for Christianity Today's January 8, 1996, issue. As "Uncle Stott" happens to be someone I agree with on a number of theological issues, I have it here as a precursor to some piece I intend to publish in the next few days on Christians' engagement with national issues in Kenya. It's nothing earth-shaking; I hope I find the time to have it here in the next few days.


John Stott joins together what most people tear asunder—or at least are incapable of holding together. He is a theologian of depth and breadth, yet he preaches and writes with clarity to a wide audience. He integrates social concerns into the mission of the church without ever minimizing his commitment to evangelism. Since he was ordained in 1945, he has ministered within a mainline denomination (the Church of England), while neither compromising his convictions nor diminishing his role as an evangelical thought leader. Engaged in parish ministry for 50 years at All Souls, Langham Place, in the center of London, where he now holds the title rector emeritus, his influence among evangelicals is of international proportions.

One of Stott's enduring legacies is as the key framer of the historic Lausanne Covenant (1974), which serves almost as an evangelical apostles' creed in many Third World settings. His faithful witness to the gospel in his writings and preaching has made him mentor and friend to a global community. The author of 34 books, Stott's primer on the faith, Basic Christianity, has been translated into over 50 languages, and 22 more are in progress.

Speaking of Authentic Christianity, an anthology of his writings from the past 50 years (forthcoming from InterVarsity), evangelical historian Mark Noll serves up this accolade: "I consider John Stott the sanest, clearest, and most solidly biblical living writer on theological topics in the English language." It is difficult to dispute this assessment.

More than his books, documents, or institutions, Stott's most important legacy to the church has been his wisdom. Thoroughly biblical, disarmingly open, shrewdly discerning, Stott's thought has helped guide the evangelical movement as it engaged social concerns, the charismatic movement, female clergy, homosexuality, and challenges to core doctrines. In preparation for Stott's seventy-fifth birthday, Roy McCloughry, associate editor of the British Christian magazine Third Way, interviewed this evangelical Solomon on these and many other topics. The discussion can serve as a measure of where we are as a movement—and where we need to go.

Your ministry stretches back over 50 years. How have you changed over that time?

I was very naive when I was ordained. I was more an activist than a thinker. I saw needs and wanted immediately to meet them, and this crowded out my studies.

It was in the early days of my ministry that I learned the necessity of stepping back, looking where I was going, and having a monthly quiet day to be drawn up into the mind of God and look ahead for the next six or twelve months. That was an enormous benefit to me.

You've covered an immense range of issues in your ministry—theological, social, doctrinal, and cultural. Has that been due to curiosity or to obligation as a minister?

A bit of both. Even before my conversion, I believe that God gave me a social conscience. When I was only 14 years old, I started a society at school whose major purpose was to give baths to tramps. I had a great concern for these homeless, dirty men.

We called it the ABC, because we thought they could understand that; having decided on the letters, we had to look around for words that would fit, and we came up with two: either "Always Be a Christian" or "the Association for the Benefit of the Community." It only lasted a few years, and we never gave any baths to tramps; but we did some other good works until the treasurer loaned all the subscriptions to his brother, who spent everything.

My father was a doctor and a very high-minded, high-principled person, though not a Christian. He believed in a national health service before it was even dreamed about. My mother, too, was very concerned for the maids in the doctors' homes who had nothing to do on their afternoons off. She started the Domestic Fellowship. So they both had a social conscience.

Evangelism and Social Action

Some people might divide your ministry into two halves, one focused on pietism and one concerned with the very broadest social, cultural, and economic aspirations of society. What caused this change?

I think it was reading the Bible. As I read and studied and meditated, my vision of God grew and I came to see the obvious things: that God is not just interested in religion but in the whole of life—in justice as well as justification.

I don't see any dichotomy between the "pietistic" and social realms. To me, they're two aspects of the same thing: a pursuit of the will of God. I have always been moved by the phrase "to hunger and thirst after righteousness"; righteousness covers both personal holiness and social justice.

Some people might say that your commitment to the justice of god, expressed in social terms, led to a watering down of your commitment to the gospel.

I think that's rubbish, honestly. I remain committed to evangelism. I have had the privilege of leading more than 50 university missions all over the world, and they spanned a period of 25 years until I felt I was a little out of touch with the student generation and too old.

I can honestly say that my social concerns have not diminished my zeal for evangelism. If anything, it's the other way round. What people could say is that I talk a lot about social action but don't do much about it. And that is true, because my calling is to be a pastor. Although I disagree with polarization between these two, I've often said I do believe in specialization.

Acts 6 is the obvious biblical basis for this specialization of roles: the apostles were not willing to be distracted from the ministry of the Word and prayer. In fact, the seven were appointed to handle the care of the widows. Both those works are called diakonia, "ministry"; both required Spirit-filled people to exercise them. Both were necessary, but one was social, the other pastoral.

Don't some people fear that renewed emphasis on social concern might muffle the call to evangelism?

There are a number of mission leaders, particularly Americans, who are frightened that we want missionaries to give themselves to social-political work, which is none of their business and would distract them from their primary role in evangelism. I have no wish for missionaries to change their role. There is a real need for evangelists who are not engaged in holistic mission because their calling is evangelism. I don't criticize Billy Graham because he simply preaches the gospel and doesn't engage in social-political work—well, he does a bit, but not much—any more than we don't criticize the Good Samaritan for not preaching the gospel to the man assaulted by robbers.

It's partly our existential situation that determines what we concentrate on, partly our vocation. Everybody cannot do everything, as I keep saying to myself.

In Issues Facing Christians Today (1984), you say: "evangelism is the major instrument of social change. For the gospel changes people, and changed people can change society." Isn't that really a ruggedly individualistic picture of social change?

I think that quote is from where I list four or five instruments for social change. I put evangelism first because Christian social responsibility depends on socially responsible Christians, and they are the fruit of evangelism.

Having said that, I would also want to make the complementary point that Christians are not the only people who have benefited or reformed society. We evangelicals do have a very naive view. Take marriage: people say, "They have got to be converted and then they'll have a good marriage." But there are Christians who don't have good marriages, and there are plenty of excellent marriages among people who are not Christians. Morality and social conscience are not limited to Christian people.

Why is the church so often the last to join a protest movement? The church in time might take the lead; and it may speak with the greatest integrity against jingoism or apartheid or nuclear weapons or the abuse of the environment. But these movements are often started by others.

Well, that has not always been true. The slave trade is a good example and Shaftesbury's reforms in relation to mental illness. Nevertheless, by and large what you say is true. Why? First, because we're busy; we're busy evangelizing and doing other things, mostly in the church. We don't always demand our liberty from the church in order to be active in the world.

Second, we have such a strong doctrine of fellowship and are so clear about our responsibility not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers that we have seldom learned that we can be "cobelligerents," to use Francis Schaeffer's well-known term, even if we are not in active spiritual fellowship with one another.

Some people might say that the church is simply very conservative. It only joins these movements for change under pressure from secular forces in society.

I wish it were always Christians who took the initiative in seeking needed social change. But I am still thankful when others take the initiative and Christians follow, even under secular pressure.

We must not set secular fashion and the Holy Spirit over against each other, as being always and inevitably incompatible. Public opinion isn't always wrong. What is wrong is to bow down before it uncritically, like reeds shaken by the wind. Why should the Holy Spirit not sometimes use public opinion to bring God's people into line? The Spirit seems to have done so on a number of occasions in the debate between science and faith.

What is the theological basis for Christian social involvement today? Is it enough to speak of being "salt and light"?

Start with the nature of God. God is interested in and concerned about more than religion: God is the Lord of creation and the covenant. God is the lover of justice, one who protects and champions the oppressed: this is God's nature. If this is the kind of God we have, then clearly God's people have got to be the same.

Second, there is the doctrine of human beings, of male and female made in the image of God—the unique dignity and worth of human beings. William Temple said, "My worth is what I am worth to God, and that is a marvelous great deal, because Christ died for me." And I would say that the ministry of Jesus in life and death exhibits the enormous value of human beings.

Then, I would want to back up this biblical theme with examples from history. Take Mother Teresa, for example, who sees a woman on the pavement of Calcutta with awful sores infested by live maggots. Mother Teresa kisses this woman and picks her up. She sees an intrinsic value in her.

That, surely, is what has motivated people. That is why the word humanization, which was first adopted in the World Council of Churches, is something we evangelicals ought to have taken up. Anything that dehumanizes human beings should be an outrage to us, because God has made them in his image. The whole concept of the rehumanization of human beings, and the deliverance of human beings from anything that dehumanizes, ought to inspire people, and has inspired people.

Mainline Churches

Do you still think the Anglican Church makes a good home for evangelicalism?

Yes, I think it's a good boat to fish from, but that's not the reason I'm a member of it.

There are three options for evangelicals in mainline denominations. The two extremes are to get out or cave in. The third is to stay in without giving in. The extremes are actually the easy options. Anybody can cave in: that's the way of the coward, the way of the feeble mind. To cave in is to stay in but to fail to hold on to your distinctive evangelicalism. You just compromise.

To get out is to say, "I can't bear this constant argument and controversy any longer." That also is an easy option. I know people have done it and suffered because they have given up a secure job and salary; but it's an easy option psychologically.

The difficult thing is to stay and refuse to give in, because then you're always in tension with people with whom you don't altogether agree, and that is painful.

But no Christian can give unqualified allegiance to any institution. What, for you, would be the signals that it is time to leave the Church of England?

I've always felt that it's unwise to publish a list of criteria in advance. Nevertheless, I'm quite happy to talk about them. I think one's final decision to leave would be an exceedingly painful one, a situation that I cannot envisage at the moment.

I would take refuge in the teaching of the New Testament, where the apostles seem to distinguish between major and minor errors. The major doctrinal errors concern the person and work of Christ. It's clear in 1 John that anyone who denies the divine-human person of Jesus is anti-Christ. So, if the church were officially to deny the Incarnation, it would be an apostate church and one would have to leave.

Then, there's the work of Christ. In Galatians, if anybody denies the gospel of justification by grace alone through faith alone, that is anathema: Paul calls down the judgment of God upon that person.

On the major ethical issues: the best example is the incestuous offender in 1 Corinthians 5. Paul called on the church to excommunicate him. If you want me to stick my neck out, I think I would say that if the church were officially to approve homosexual partnerships as a legitimate alternative to heterosexual marriage, this so far diverges from biblical sexual ethics that I would find it exceedingly difficult to stay. I might want to stay on and fight for a few more years, but if they persisted, I would have to leave.

Evangelical Fragmentation

It seems that evangelicalism has fragmented into different groups, with different heroes, publishers, and cultures. How should we think of ourselves now?

I don't mind plurality as long as it goes hand-in-hand with unity. But I've given a great deal of my life to the development and preservation of unity within the evangelical constituency. I have never believed that our differences have been great enough to warrant fragmentation. I don't mind people founding their own societies and going after their own thing—again, it's an example of specialization—provided they still recognize that we belong to one another.

What are the current causes of evangelical fragmentation?

We fragment over what we regard as issues of principle, but often the real reason is personal, isn't it? When we're afraid, we withdraw into our own fellowships and ghettos with like-minded people where we feel secure. I'm aware of that fear in myself; it's part of our basic human insecurity. We're looking for contexts in which we can be supported rather than questioned.

I'm afraid that in some cases the cause of fragmentation is worse than that—it's a simple matter of ambition. There is a great deal of empire building among us. The only empire in which we should be interested is the kingdom of God, but I fear some people are building their own.

On issues of principle, what concerns you most?

The uniqueness and finality of Jesus Christ in an increasingly pluralistic world is one—the debate about whether we go for exclusivism, inclusivism, or pluralism. Then there's the homosexual question, and the whole subject of sexual ethics.

So the church must recover its prophetic voice and reject both the idea that ethics evolve and the notion that love obliges us to capitulate to the modernist view of things.

We need a voice that is essentially positive, not just negative—for example, on the family, or the joy of sexual intercourse, and so on.

I don't know why we are always caught on the defensive and are reactive instead of proactive. I don't think it is something in our make-up as evangelicals. I sometimes wonder if it is that God has not given us many leaders who are visionaries.

The evangelical renaissance of the last 50 years has really been one of biblical scholarship. What we have lacked is systematic or creative theologians. I believe we have one in Alister McGrath; I am sure in England we had one in Jim Packer before he left the country. But we have very few theologians who are really far-sighted and give us a vision that will unite, inspire, and enthuse us.

Does this lack of vision for the future have something to do with our perception of truth lodged in orthodoxy? Does this make it difficult to be creative and take risks?

Yes, there is something in that. Evangelicalism is fundamentally loyal to a past revelation, and because we are tied forever to what God did and said in the historic Jesus, we look back more often than we look forward.

In my debate with David Edwards [published as Evangelical Essentials by InterVarsity], I drew a distinction between the liberal, the fundamentalist, and the evangelical. The liberal, to me, is like a gas-filled balloon which takes off into the ether and is not tethered to the earth in any way. The fundamentalist is like a caged bird, unable to escape at all. To me, the true evangelical is like a kite, which flies high but at the same time is always tethered. This demands a particularly unusual combination of loyalty to the past and creativity for the future.

Eternal Punishment

You have fallen afoul of some evangelicals. Some of your reflections on the nature of eternal punishment were considered uncongenial to orthodoxy by some people.

In Evangelical Essentials, I described as "tentative" my suggestion that "eternal punishment" may mean the ultimate annihilation of the wicked rather than their eternal conscious torment. I would prefer to call myself agnostic on this issue, as are a number of New Testament scholars I know. In my view, the biblical teaching is not plain enough to warrant dogmatism. There are awkward texts on both sides of the debate.

The hallmark of an authentic evangelicalism is not the uncritical repetition of old traditions but the willingness to submit every tradition, however ancient, to fresh biblical scrutiny and, if necessary, reform.

How would you advise theologians to think creatively in the light of orthodoxy?

I don't think any of us is wise enough to express ourselves in a creative or questioning manner without first testing it within the Christian community. It is part of our loyalty to that community that we allow it to criticize or comment on what we may want to say.

Dialogue with Liberals

In your debate with David Edwards, you both seemed to reach a genuine understanding of and respect for each other's positions. Do you think that evangelicals can learn from the liberal tradition?

David Edwards, a self-styled liberal, is crying out for a certain intellectual and academic freedom that can move with the times and respond to what he continually calls "the climate of educated opinion today," without being tethered to anything more than the love of God manifested in Jesus of Nazareth. I don't think that's an unfair summary. But all the time he's pulling at the tether, and that's the great difference between us.

He would say that evangelicals have a poor doctrine of the Holy Spirit, because we don't think the Spirit is continuing to teach and to "lead us into all the truth." I believe that text, John 16:13, is the most misunderstood and manipulated text in the whole of the Bible, because every branch of Christendom claims it.

It's a key text for the Roman Catholic Church. "He will lead you into all the truth." Who is the "you" here? Roman Catholics would claim it refers to the bishops as successors of the apostles. The liberal quotes it, and the charismatic quotes it: "He'll lead me," they say. But even the most elementary hermeneutical principle would tell us that the "you" means the apostles. Jesus said, "I have much more to say to you, but you cannot bear it now." Who is he addressing? The apostles. "But when the Spirit comes, he will do what I have not been able to do; he will lead you into the truth which I wanted to give you but you weren't able to take it." It must be the apostles. We cannot change the identity of the "you" in the middle of the sentence.

So the fulfillment of that prophecy is in the New Testament. The major ministry of the Holy Spirit has been to lead the apostles into all the truth and to give us in the New Testament this wonderful body of truth that remains our authority. That does not mean that the ministry of the Holy Spirit has ceased. It means that the role of the Holy Spirit has changed from the revelation of new truth to giving us a profounder perception and application of old truth—from revelation to illumination, if you like.

Although I may be overstating it slightly, I want to say that God has no more to teach us than he has taught us in Christ. It is inconceivable that there should be a higher revelation than God has given in his incarnate Son. But although God has no more to teach us, we have a great deal more to learn. And although he has no more to give us than he has given us in Christ, we have a great deal more to receive.

Evangelicals and Catholics

Some people feel that evangelicals adapt, eventually, to changing circumstances, whereas Catholicism stands firm like a rock. Those who say there is a loss of authority in our world are tending toward Rome …

Or Orthodoxy.

Do you think there is something about Rome that is rightly attractive?

Yes. The true evangelical wants both liberty and authority. We want to ask questions, to think, to pry, to peer, to probe, to ponder. We want to do all these things, but within a framework of submission to an ultimate authority. But we're asking questions about our authority: what does it mean and how does it apply? So we experience an uneasy tension between liberty and authority.

I couldn't find a lodging place in either Catholicism or liberalism, because one seems to major on authority with little room for liberty, while the other emphasizes liberty with very little room for authority.

Authentic Christianity includes this quotation: "The word Christian occurs only three times in the bible. because of its common misuse we could profitably dispense with it." Since the word evangelical doesn't appear at all and is also misused, should we dispense with it, too?

We could, in theory, for the same reason. The words that are used in the New Testament most frequently are believer, brother or sister, and child of God. There isn't a word that the Bible itself gives us to which we have to be loyal.

But the reason I want to stick with evangelical is a historical one. It has expressed a recognizable tradition, to which I still belong (and am proud and thankful to belong), and I want to take my stand not only on Scripture but in that tradition.

Does it alarm you to hear people calling themselves "postevangelical"?

Yes. I don't know what they mean, but it does alarm me. If you are "post" anything, you are leaving something behind, and I want to know what it is. If it's our many faults and failures, fine, but that's not postevangelicalism, it's post-twisted-evangelicalism.

What are the weaknesses of evangelicalism?

We've discussed our rugged individualism and the difficulty we have in cooperating with one another. Another weakness is our dogmatism. Instead of remembering Deuteronomy 29:29, we are dogmatic about even the things that God has kept secret. We're often not prepared to admit a certain agnosticism, which is a very evangelical thing, if we are alluding to what God has not revealed.

We have many weaknesses. I'm sure there are plenty more if I were to go on.

Do you think that our emphasis on "the Christian mind" may have prevented us from fully affirming the wisdom to be found outside the church?

What you mean is: Should we pay attention to the wisdom literature of other religions?

And the wisdom of people with no religion?

Yes, we certainly should, even if with reservations and a desire to bring their thinking to the ultimate touchstone of biblical authority.

The key text is John 1:9, which says that the logos, the Son of God before the Incarnation, is the true light coming into the world and giving light to everybody. I believe that is the right translation—that he is constantly coming into the world. Indeed, he has never left it, because the world was made by him, and so he is in the world. He was in the world even before he came into it in the Incarnation, and as the logos he is giving light to everybody.

So, there is a certain light of common sense, reason, and conscience that everybody has, because they're also made in the image of God. To be sure, reason is fallen and fallible; nevertheless, it still operates.

For those two reasons, the divine logos and the human logos, if you like, we should listen respectfully to what other people are saying, even if at the end of the day we have the liberty to say, "No, that is wrong, because the Bible teaches otherwise."

God and the Poor

Authentic Christianity records you saying in 1981: "What will posterity see as the chief Christian blind spot of the last quarter of the twentieth century? I do not know. But I suspect it will have something to do with the economic oppression of the Third World and the readiness with which Western Christians tolerate it, and even acquiesce to it."

I did, I think, mention three blind spots. The nuclear horror was another one: evangelicals were the last people to make a statement about the immorality of weapons of indiscriminate destruction. I think the third one was the environment.

There is a great deal in the Bible about God's concern for the poor. Poverty—not poverty in the sense of simplicity, but in the sense of lacking the basic wherewithal for survival—is not really on our evangelical conscience yet. Partly because many people have not traveled and seen oppressive poverty with their own eyes, although they have seen the pictures on television.

Are we too ready in the west to accept the view that a successful church is also an affluent one?

Because some people see prosperity as a mark of God's blessing, even today, they can't come to terms with poverty. We have to have the courage to reject the health-and-wealth gospel absolutely. It's a false gospel.

Do you think the idea that God wants us to be comfortable because he loves us presents a threat to a cutting-edge spirituality?

Well, we're sitting in a very comfortable flat as we talk, and it's easy to say! But I do think that comfort is dangerous, and we should constantly be re-examining our lifestyle.

The New Testament is beautifully balanced on this. Paul avoids both extremes, not least in 1 Timothy 4 and 6. Asceticism is a rejection of the good gifts of the good Creator. Its opposite is materialism—not just possessing material things but becoming preoccupied with them. In between asceticism and materialism is simplicity, contentment, and generosity, and these three virtues should mark all of us.

It's not a question of rules and regulations about our income and how many rooms or cars we have. It's these principles of simplicity, contentment, and generosity over against covetousness, materialism, and asceticism that we have to apply to our living all the time. We need to give away what we are not using, because if we don't use it, we don't need it.

You've seen a great deal of poverty around the world. Do you perceive a difference between the Christianity of the poor and the Christianity of the rich?

Yes, I do. In the Old Testament, there is a fundamental association between material and spiritual poverty. Often, you are not sure what is meant by "the poor." But they tend to be those who are materially poor and who on account of that poverty need to put their trust in God with a greater strength than if they were rich and so self-dependent.

My own understanding is that in the Sermon on the Mount, which may have involved a concentrated period of instruction, Jesus said both "Blessed are you poor" (Luke) and "Blessed are the poor in spirit" (Matthew). I think there is a blessedness attaching to both. The kingdom of God is a blessing to the materially poor because it affirms their dignity and relieves their poverty; it is also a blessing, a free gift, to the spiritually poor. So, there is a sense in which poverty is an aid to faith and riches are a barrier to faith.

I want to add that all these terms—simplicity, contentment, generosity, and wealth—are comparative. There is no absolute simplicity or poverty. My little kitchen not only has running water but constant hot water. That would be regarded as the height of luxury in some parts of the world, yet we don't regard it as that, and comparatively speaking, in this country it isn't. We need to feel the challenge of Jesus to us in the light of our own situation and circumstances.

Is God's kingdom a blessing to the poor even if they do not recognize that they are poor in spirit?

No, I think the two blessings go together.

Do the poor tend to see themselves as poor in spirit?

Some do. Their material poverty helps them to see their need of Christ. Others, however, become bitter and can't listen to the gospel. What is the African phrase? "An empty belly has no ears." When they're that poor, they can't respond to the gospel. It's like the Israelites when Moses told them about the exodus: "They did not listen to him because of their cruel bondage."

Would you agree with liberation theologians when they say that the Scriptures were written against a background of poverty and are most truly understood when they are read with the eyes of the poor?

I'm very keen on cross-cultural Bible-study groups. We can help each other listen to the Word of God, but I don't think it is true to say that the poor necessarily have greater insights. We all come to Scripture with our presuppositions and our cultural defenses, and these may be very different from one another's. The liberation theologian and the Marxist also have their cultural defenses.

What we need to do in cross-cultural Bible-study groups is to cry to God to use each other in breaking through these defenses.

The Charismatic Movement

Can we turn to the charismatic movement? how Have your views changed since Baptism and Fullness?

Baptism and Fullness was the second edition; the first was The Baptism and Fullness of the Holy Spirit. I practically rewrote the book, principally because I felt I had been less than generous in my evaluation of the movement. I wanted to put on record that I had no doubt that God had blessed the charismatic movement to both individuals and local churches. It would be quite impossible and improper to deny that.

I do believe in the Holy Spirit! The Christian life is inconceivable without the Holy Spirit. The Christian faith and life depend entirely upon the Holy Spirit: the Spirit convicts us of sin, opens our eyes to see the truth as it is in Jesus, causes the New Birth to take place, bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, transforms us into the image of Christ, is the earnest of our final inheritance, and so on. Every stage and every part of the Christian life is impossible without the Holy Spirit.

So I believe in the Spirit; but I still believe that some of the distinctive doctrines of charismatic Christians are not as honoring to the Spirit as they think they are, and are in fact mistaken.

What I find difficult is the stereotyping of Christian experience, that everybody has to go through the same two hoops. I don't see that in the New Testament. I see the emphasis on the New Birth; and the New Testament bends over backwards in its attempt to find adequate phraseology to define the New Birth. It speaks not only of rebirth but of re-creation and resurrection, and nothing could be greater than that. It seems to me we are bound to go askew if we put any subsequent experience on a level higher than the original one.

As for the gifts, I simply think that many charismatics focus on the wrong ones. There are at least 20 gifts identified in the New Testament, and these lists are so random that there are probably many more that were not included. But the Pentecostal still concentrates on the three supernatural gifts of healing, prophecy, and tongues.

The most important gift today, measured by Paul's principle that we should excel in those that build up the church, is teaching. Nothing builds up the church like the truth, and we desperately need more Christian teachers all over the world. I often say to my charismatic friends, "If only you would concentrate on praying that God would give teachers to the church who could lead all these new converts into maturity in Christ, it would be more profitable."

Could the development of the movement bring about an existential form of Christianity? Just as liberals read scripture in the light of its relevance to culture, could the charismatics read it in the light of its relevance to experience?

I think that's well put, and I want to endorse it. I wish I'd thought of it first!

Mind you, I don't want to denigrate experience. I don't want charismatics to say of me, as they often do, "He's a dry old stick." Because I'm not, actually. I'm a much more emotional person than people realize. I thank God that he hasn't made me a fish, cold and slippery. I'm very thankful to be a human being, with all the emotional passion and fervor, as well as intellectual concern, which that entails.

I do believe in emotion; I do believe in experience. The Christianity of the New Testament is undoubtedly an experiential faith, in which deep feelings are involved. But I want to combine clear thinking with deep feelings.

I find that mind and emotion are kept together very much in the New Testament. I have always loved, for example, the Emmaus walk: "Did not our hearts burn within us when he opened to us the Scriptures?" It was through their mind that their heart began to burn. We have to recognize the important place of experience, but our experience does have to be checked all the time against biblical teachings. Otherwise, it will become an ungodly and non-Christian existentialism.

Have you yourself had experiences of God that could be called "charismatic"?

I want to say yes to the first part of the sentence and no to the second. Certainly God has given me in his goodness some profound spiritual experiences, both when I've been alone and even more in public worship, when tears have come to my eyes, when I've perceived something of his glory.

I can remember one particular occasion when we were singing, "At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow." I did really break down, because I saw again the supreme exaltation of Jesus to the right hand of the Father. I have had other profound experiences that have moved me to the core of my being. But I wouldn't say that any of them has been a traditional charismatic experience such as speaking in tongues. And they have not been disassociated from the mind. In 1 Corinthians 14 Paul is all the time saying, "You mustn't let these experiences bypass your mind." The mind is involved, though the experience goes beyond it.

But I know what Paul meant in Romans 5 about the love of God being shed abroad in our hearts. I also know what he meant in Romans 8 about the Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.

The Toronto Blessing

What do you make of the Toronto Blessing?

I never want to criticize anything which people claim has been a blessing to them in terms of a greater awareness of the reality of God, or a profounder joy, or an overwhelming love for God and for others, or a fresh zeal in evangelism. It's not for me to doubt any of these things.

My major questions concern three areas. First, it is a self-consciously anti-intellectual movement. I listened on tape to the first person who brought the Toronto Blessing to Britain. This person said: "Don't analyze, don't ask questions. Simply receive." I think that is both foolish and dangerous. We must never forget that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth.

Secondly, I cannot possibly come to terms with those animal noises, and it grieves me very much that—as far as I know—no charismatic leaders have publicly disassociated themselves from them, as they should. The whole Bible tells us that we are different from the animal creation; it rebukes us when we behave like animals and calls us to be distinct. Nebuchadnezzar's animal behavior was under the judgment, not the blessing, of God.

My third problem concerns all the falling. Even charismatic leaders have pointed this out, that on the few occasions in the Bible when people have fallen over, they have all fallen forwards on their faces, and they have all done so after they have been granted a vision of the majesty, holiness, and glory of God. In the Toronto experience, however, people fall backwards without any previous vision of God.

Those three things trouble me.


Evangelicals, too, have been accused of anti-intellectualism in two new books: Mark Noll's The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind and Os Guinness's Fit Bodies, Fat Minds. This trend seems to be more pervasive than just an existential or experiential form of the faith.

I agree. It has been characteristic of much evangelicalism (but even more of Pentecostalism). There are notable exceptions, and thank God for them.

I think we need to encourage each other in the proper use of the mind. Preachers are still the key people; the church is always a reflection of the preaching it receives. It is not an exaggeration to say that the low standards of Christian living throughout the world are due more than anything else to the low standards of Christian preaching and teaching.

If we can recover true expository preaching as being not only exegesis but an exposition and application of the Word of God, then congregations will learn it from us preachers and go and do the same thing themselves. We need to help our congregations to grasp and use the hermeneutical principles that we are using ourselves. We need to be so careful in the development of our evangelical hermeneutic that the congregation says, "Yes, I see it. That is what the text means, and it couldn't mean anything else."

The worst kind of preaching allows people to say, "Well, I'm sorry, I don't agree with you. I think you're twisting the Scripture."

Women's Roles

You seem to me to have changed your position on gender. Certainly, your later writings present a different view of the status and role of women. What has brought this about?

What has helped me most in struggling with this issue is a growing understanding of the need for "cultural transposition." This is based on the recognition that although biblical truth is eternal and normative in its substance, it is often expressed in changeable cultural terms.

The Lausanne Covenant described Scripture as "without error in all that it affirms." Our duty is to determine what it does affirm—that is, what God is teaching, promising, or commanding in any given passage. When we have identified this, we have the further task of reclothing this unchanging revelation in appropriate modern cultural dress. The purpose is not to dodge awkward teachings of Scripture, still less to foster disobedience, but to make our obedience contemporary.

If we apply this principle to the role of women, it seems clear to me that masculine "headship" (which I believe refers to responsibility rather than authority) is a permanent and universal truth, because Paul roots it in Creation. And what Creation has established, no culture is able to destroy. We have no liberty to disagree with the apostle Paul.

But we still need to ask, "What are the appropriate cultural expressions of this in the church today?" For one thing, we may drop the wearing of veils. Is it possible, then, that the requirement of silence is similarly a first-century cultural application which is not necessarily applicable today?

This, if I remember rightly, was the position we adopted at the National Evangelical Anglican Congress in 1977. We expressed the view that a woman could be ordained and so could teach men, but that an appropriate contemporary expression of masculine headship would be for her to belong to a local pastoral team, of which a man would be the head.

I still hold this view, although, of course, I know it has been overtaken by history.

The Future

You have said that Christians are optimists but not utopians. are you optimistic about the church? Do you feel that the next generation of leaders is adequately equipped?

Yes, I must reply in the affirmative. Elderly people always have difficulty recognizing the gifts of the young, or younger, but surely, as I look around, there are men and women of most remarkable gifts that God is raising up.

Yet we are not utopians. We cannot build the kingdom of God on earth. We are waiting for the new heaven and the new earth, which will be the home of righteousness and peace.

But meanwhile, I'm an optimist, because I don't think pessimism and faith are easy bedfellows. I believe that God is at work in the world; I believe that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every believer; and I believe that the church can be salt and light in the community. Both salt and light are influential commodities: they change the environment in which they are placed.

What advice would you give to the new generation of the church's leaders?

I'd want to say so many things. But my main exhortation would be this: Don't neglect your critical faculties. Remember that God is a rational God, who has made us in his own image. God invites and expects us to explore his double revelation, in nature and Scripture, with the minds he has given us, and to go on in the development of a Christian mind to apply his marvelous revealed truth to every aspect of the modern and the postmodern world.

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