Mene, mene, tekel peres for the Church in Kenya
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By M. MUGISHA Today is a special day for Uganda: lines are organized, papers are checked, thumbs are inked, and ballots are counted. We are electing a President for the next 5 years. This is a crititcal time for the future of Uganda. There has previously been some violence during campaiging and people fear the worst afterward. The Christian community here is asking the world to stand with us in prayer for peace and God's divine appointment. Please join Uganda in prayer: Father you are with us in Uganda Your name must be glorified May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done as we elect our Leader. Provide everything that we need for today that we will depend completely on You. Forgive our corruption as we forgive our opponents Lead us not into armed conflict but deliver us into peace For you hold all the kingdoms, glory and power forever and ever. Amen Thank you for your prayers for us. We so desperately love Uganda and want to see Christ continue to be glorified here in individuals lives. We are ready for whatever His will is for us.
1. Kalonzo - Our "experts" told us at the time that the reason Kibs made it to be the sole opposition candidate was because he appeard to be a moderate and, to be a compromise candidate, had made a paltry few enemies on the local political scene throughout his career. A Mr. Nice Guy, if you know what I mean. Kalonzo loves to portray himself as such. There's an urgent need to not let him or anyone else get the big prize so easily this time round. He, like everyone of them, is a carcass fit for the hounds on this and other fora!
2. The Truth & Reconcilliation thing: I lost some friends and relatives to the ethnic clashes that rocked our country between 1992 and 1997. I was therefore pleasantly suprised when my editor at one of the Kenyan media houses assigned me to cover one of the public hearings of the Makau team. Makau, Mutava, Ali Shee and Amukowa Anangwe were all there. The stuff that came out of the day's hearings would make Escape from Sobibor look like a Sunday school picnic! So I was dissapointed by Kiraitu in this respect while he was still in charge of his justice docket, whatever the excuse. I hope Martha does something in this respect.
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While the jury is still out on the PAC report and the attendant "sanitize-myself-ahead-of-2007" battles for guys in and outside government, something will have to give in the way of openness in the area of capitalization and privatization of some public corporations / parastatals.
You know the Russian orligachs that hoovered around Boris Yeltsin and, in part, continue to hound Vladimir Putin (no hard feelings towards Chelsea fans :-)?
Most of these guys made their kill at the height of the results of the petroiska and other fruits of the glasnost when most souls had their eyes on what they thought was the bigger prize (changes at the Kremlin).
Thus a good number of Russians remain in abject poverty, battling against their biggest silent killer apart from substance abuse - HIV / Aids (much because of the weak moral fabric spawned by an atheistic 70 years-plus past as well as the continent's never-ending "sexual revolution") - and other issues that are spiralling into off-shots of heightened Anti-Semitism (there always has to be someone to blame for some of these things; global and European Jewry in particular has had its unfair share of this down the ages).
Not very different from most post-independent African stories in several respects.
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The last time I checked, Kenya wasn't supposed to run an Orwellian-style Thought Police but I think a number of us are running the high risk of denying the progress Kenya has achieved over the past 3 years and spearheading a growing assault on truth and memory by forces opposed to the government of Kenya popularly elected and by law infinutum:-)
Need an attorney? Look no further than yourself and call collect.... :-)
Truth is, whatever the outcome of the next polls, no one is going to ever take the citizenry's awareness of their place in our polity for granted.
No, not one.
There can be no illussion that much that ails our country and its leadership can be dramatically and quickly altered - there are 40-plus years of our collective history to teach us that.
Nor can the damage rendered by the pervasive perception that Wanjiku is still politically illiterate be erased in the near term (in the minds of some leaders and citizens on both sides of the current political divide).
Steps can be taken to incrementally prepare the voters for a more constructive, interrogative discussion with leadership aspirants at all levels during the next polls (beyond the few minutes some folks often get on air or space in the papers during such times).
Incremental preparation, however, will have to contend with the fluid spointaineity that accompanies much of our politics these days.
Town Hall meetings - that kind of low-down one-on-ones with leaders is something we could borrow from our various experiences abroad (my best experience of this is captured at the Carter Presidential Center as well as sections of the MLK Center - both in Atlanta, GA) in helping our people shape their destinies in this matter.
I hope and pray our fellow citizen's eyes shall be opened to the immense possibilities before them that lie in them getting to hold their leaders accountable in all they are and do now and in future, regardless of tribe and political affiliation.
There's much to be said about this matter, but that's my 8 cents worth of it.
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Two days ago, the Government directed 20 individuals to hand in their passports to the Criminal Investigation Department as a result of the ongoing investigations into corruption.
Despite this directive, two individuals Hon. Mutula Kilonzo & Philip K. Murgor did not hand over their passports as required. The Government has, therefore, cancelled the passports belonging to Hon. Mutula Kilonzo and Mr. Philip K. Murgor with immediate effect. Therefore the passports have no validity.
Airports and other border-points have been notified not to accept these cancelled passports. The Principal Immigration Officer has written to the two individuals and asked them to hand over their passports to the nearest immigration office for physical cancellation.
As investigations into corruption unfold, more people are likely to be asked to hand over their passports to the police.
If any suspect sneaks out of the country, the Government will, in conjunction with Interpol, put out a red notice alert for their arrest and repatriation into the country to face appropriate charges.
As the Government continues with investigations into corruption, we urge all citizens to obey the law and to cooperate when called upon.
February 16, 2006
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By TONY EVANS Feb 16, 2006
The story is told of a boy who was floating his boat on a pond when the boat drifted away. A man came by, saw the boat drifting out on the pond, and began throwing stones on the far side of the boat.
The boy asked, "what are you doing?"
But then something very interesting happened. As the stones hit the water beyond the boat, they created ripples which pushed the boat back toward the boy. Even though the stones disturbed the smooth water, they achieved the desired result.
That's how it is with God sometimes. When we drift away from Him, He throws the disturbing stones out beyond us in order to push us back to the shore of His love.
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By STEVE TROXEL Feb 15, 2006
In the beginning of Isaiah's ministry, he was allowed to see a vision of God seated on the throne in Heaven. He was allowed to witness the full majesty of God and hear His Heavenly praise; "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory" (Isaiah 6:3). The vision of God was so pure and so holy that Isaiah was immediately confronted with his own sinful condition; "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips" (Isaiah 6:5).
But God comforted Isaiah by letting him know his sin had been removed; "Your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for" (Isaiah 6:7). God had a purpose for revealing Himself to Isaiah: He was looking for a messenger to deliver His Word to the people of Israel; "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" (Isaiah 6:8).
If we were asked such a question, we might be tempted to request a few details before answering. We might like to know where we would be sent and what we would be doing. But Isaiah had just experienced the full glory of the Lord. He had seen absolute perfection, recognized his utter sinful condition, and received complete forgiveness from a loving Father. With this understanding of the One who was asking, Isaiah had only one reply.
Isaiah 6:8 "And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'"
Isaiah had no way of knowing his reply would be the start of sixty years of ministry. He had no way of knowing the many hardships his answer would cause, nor the many joys he would experience through walking in the presence of God; but he knew the One who was calling... and that was enough!
As a child of God who has seen and understands His glory, there should be only one response when our Father calls. There's no need for lengthy questions regarding the how, why, or what. When the Creator of the Universe calls, we can assume He has made a wise and perfect choice.
God never makes mistakes and will never call us without also providing the tools to accomplish everything in His plan: "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work" (2 Corinthians 9:8). We have received His forgiveness and are seeking to abide in the glory of His presence. We must now learn to trust Him more and follow wherever He leads.
God always calls the right person for the job and always provides all we need to fulfill the calling. When God calls, let's trust Him and boldly answer: Here am I - send me!
Have a Great Day!
Steve Troxel God's Daily Word Ministries
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The Watergate break-in and the attendant political fallouts happen to have been part of my media and public opinion studies seminar at school some time back.
No doubt the Brits and others have their own interests in this (they always call it "enlightened self-interest") just as there were several forces that needed Nixon out of office at the time (not just the Democrats), some of which Americans will never want to hear you discussing in public (the same applies to events surrounding JFK's demise).
Octogenerian Mark Felt confessed last year to having been Carl Bernstein's and Bob Woodward's "Deep Throat," but some biographers of his boss at the FBI at the time (John Edgar Hoover) had already expressed reservations about his (Felt's) loyalties earlier on.
In his book THE MAN AND THE SECRETS, a Hoover biographer (Curt Gentry, am not sure he was the author) it would seem already had his pulse on this.
Githongo has every chance to survive the "you were a mole" onslaught on him just as much as he could succumb to overdoses of Kikuyu nationalism in the process that, in recent times, appears to be finding its expression in persons and processes outside Kibaki's control (let the reader understand).
The Brits and other nations know much more about our nation, its resources , potential, leadership, na kadhalika not so much because Githongo and others may have told them but because much that goes for the new international / world order is skewed in their favour.
Going the Gamal Abdel Nasser way (of nationalizing the economy) or, in these Chaves hours, rabid anti-Mzunguism, is always an attractive option in trying to break such a strangle-hold; but our leaders often sound hollow when they voice such (because they are often less motivated by public interest and more by personal interest, i.e becoming our Black Whitemen).
It's partly why I have consistently insisted that change ain't coming our way any soon (even 2007) as most of the current political players / leaders are either sold out to the previously-mentioned international interests or are the hypocrites who would rather we defended them in their sins when they are killing us softly (consider corruption and much that goes for "privatization").
An obvious disconnect in such dialogues often is our present crop of leaders' repeated refrains / references to our brutal colonial past in their internecine and / or such other wars with foreigners.
You see, that provokes the romantic in us that naturally evokes the romanticised negritude that was mostly blind to our inherent weaknesses in our carvoting with forces on the world stage.
Leopold Senghor is long dead physically and ideologically; I keep wondering why anyone would would to ressurect him.
I see some good souls attempting to conveniently rouse him (mostly some of my dearest Kikuyu buddies - no pun or offence intended to the community) in the marketplace of ideas in the Church, sections of the media, on the Office of Public Communications forum, BBC threads and other fora where a similar debate is obtaining; but how far can we go with such in shaping our destiny as a country in the 21st century?
It is Wole Soyinka, if my memory serves me right, who reminded Leopold that a tiger need not prove its tigritude.
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By MWANGi IRUNGU In politics, as in every battlefield, one can never write off an opponent untill he has exhausted his last arsenal, lest the enemy be saving the best for last.
With the disintegration of NARC, loss in the referendum, failure to honour most of the 2002 campaign pledges and Anglo Leasing scandal among other political impediments, President Mwai Kibaki might on his way to his lost yet also familiar hoods in Muthaiga or Othaya. Many Kenyans have written him off politically, saying he cannot redeem himself and proclaim his lost credibility which many were ready to accord him when he rode to power.
With the Anglo Leasing scam staring at him, with no strong political support in some provinces like Nyanza and Rift Valley save for Nakuru District, Kibaki's political flame is slowly fading away as it gets blown by the anti-Kibaki wave sweeping across the country.
Many Kenyans had a dream, they dreamt of Kibaki becoming a true African statesman who would hang his coat on the same rack with the likes of Nelson Mandela but that dream is no more in the current scheme of things in the country.
But can Kibaki, like a limping wounded soldier in the battle field get his groove to re-claim his credibility and erase his name on the awaiting list of the "missing in action"?
Kibaki has what it takes to write his name as a redeemer of the Kenyan political, economic and social injustices that has rocked this country for years.
Once upon a time, the story is told, Kenya rode on the same economic lane with the economic giants of the South east Asia but the current state is incomparable.
Our selfish political system which is yet to be up-rooted exhaustively gave way to what Gachoka MP Joseph Nyaga termed as "a crop of very rich inexperienced Africans and Asians who were picked up and used by senior Africans to loot State coffers."
Many public looters-cum-politicians and civil servants are holding offices for which they are not qualified due to their sins of the past.
Many in the current and past governments have plundered public resources and its time we got rid of them and save out weeping country.
Kenyans have tried to get rid of people who hold public offices in the guise of serving Kenyans through the ballot but it has proved hard as they have easily bribed their way up the ladder. Many are mentioned in the just released Goldenberg scam where Court of Appeal Judge Julius Bosire is baying for their blood.
Others are in the Ndung'u report having grabbed public land for personal gain and a number too are in the Anglo Leasing scam.
The Akiwumi tribal clashes report is yet to gather dust on the shelves and it will come in handy to put the final nail on the political coffins of additional ones who might have survived the axe.
With all his executive powers, Kibaki has what it takes to clean this country and start on a clean slate.
With the help of the Attorney General, Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs and the Judiciary the president can take drastic measures of whatever nature that will see such people barred from serving Kenyans in any public position/ office.
Some ODM political mandarins are waiting anxiously to make the Anglo Leasing scandal a campaign item but once Kibaki decides to crack the whip very few will evade the onslaught.
If he decides to crack the whip Kibaki should resist going to bed with some politicians who might be willing to assure him of political survival.
Kibaki should not be moved by some tribal-minded ones who will start inciting Kenyans to avoid the humiliation by crusading that the he is after "our tribe, our land, our people, our....."
Kenyans will be ready to back the president if he takes genuine action against such people no matter their political pedigree.
All what Kenyans want Kibaki to do is, delete them and empty the recycle bin. Period!
Kenyans are praying for a miracle that will get rid of people who have done injustice to them as a country.
Its time Mr. President you fully did your duty with no fear or favour.
Some advice for Mr. Kibaki though, sir, "This world is full of people who do their duty half-heartedly, grudgingly and poorly. Don't be like them. Whatever is your duty Sir, do it as fully and perfectly as you possibly can. And when you have finished your duty, go on to spare some time and talent in service to the less fortunate people, not for any reward at all, but because it is the right thing to do." (Geoffrey William Griffin, founder, Starehe Boys Center, 1933-2005). The writer is Daystar University graduate and a freelance writer and can be reached at
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The plot thickens with each day's revelations from the Githongo dossier. Everything from his dossier to the exclusive BBC interview, both of which are now in the public domain, betray a high psychological capacity on Githongo's part to decipher trends in public opinion and react appropriately. For a former scribe (with the NMG stable's The East African), he has done exceptionally well in his progressive releases. The PAC meeting he'll have in London this weekend should cap it all. What, however, should stand out is the overlooked bit by most in the fact that he quite literally "spied" on his corruption subjects. That he tape-recorded his conversations has given us a nearly photographic recollection of stuff that many in power would wish never was. That, for keen observers, contrasts sharply with the likes of Collins Owayo in the Goldenberg saga who would often say clever Moi issued telephone instructions to him and others. Probably Moi made the calls, but again probably he never did. Fact is no Githongo at the time tape-recorded anything (though the paper trail and rumour mongering would hint at culpability as much as anything else) and nothing close to phone transcripts were availed at the Bosire hearings. What do we learn from this episode? First is that civil servants should still blow whistles when they still can and while they are at it, be smart! You might not have the techno-know-how / why, but at least be wise (as Githongo and the CBK folks that leaked the Goldenberg thing were). The Watergate scandal as well as the Monica Lewinsky affair also both taught us the benefits of such. Second and last is that we need some legislative framework to help us retrieve e-mail and telephone records for government officials in the public interest over such cases as Anglo Leasing and Goldenberg. The European Union recently set the pace by setting in motion policies towards such in its fight against international terrorism. Privacy issues may be an obvious concern in the process, but we ought to find some way to balance that with greater public good. In the meanwhile, it would be interesting to see how State House and the Office of Public Communications handle the latest damage from London. Yes, from London, with love :-)
Her family had come to America from Sweden. She had a typical Scandinavian look... Long blond hair; blue eyes; long slender legs; soft, blemish-free skin. She was gorgeous - she was beautiful. In fact, a professional international photographer in her hometown thought she was so pretty that he used a photograph of her to advertise his business.
But that was not her real beauty.
She was raised by some wonderful Christian parents and had become a Christian at an early age. Integrity, honesty and sweetness were just a few of her characteristics. In fact, at her engagement party, her sister, who knew her better than anyone, said that she had never heard her tell a lie. All of her friends said the same thing about her: She was the sweetest girl they knew. She would never speak a harsh word about anyone. Everyone loved to be around her.
A young man she met in her freshman year started dating her and fell in love with her - both her exterior photographic beauty and the wonderful godly character of her inward beauty. She fell in love with him and they spent every free moment they could with each other over the next four years. They were committed to each other and they believed in waiting long before the "True Love Waits" Campaign ever existed.
One week after they graduated from college, they were married. They loved each other's company. They would walk together, exercise together, go on bike rides together, chaperone youth trips together - go to movies, watch TV, eat pizza, travel - all the things any normal couple would love to do together. They were so much in love.
She taught school for a year and then became a bookkeeper for a surgical supply company. One day, while she was working, for no apparent reason, she lost her balance and fell on the floor. She was later able to get up and went to see a doctor that night. He set her up to see a Neurologist.
The following day, it happened again. For no apparent reason, she lost her balance and fell. This time, though, she couldn't get up. She had lost all feeling in her legs. They wouldn't move. Her husband had to come to the office and pick her up in his arms and carry her to the hospital. After six days in the hospital, the doctor gave this beautiful, active young lady the dreadful news. She had Multiple Sclerosis and she would continue to deteriorate.
This young couple, who had now been married only 18 months - who loved to go everywhere together and do everything together - would now face some new challenges. All their future plans would change, everyday life would change. They would change.
For the next 30 years, this young lady did deteriorate. She had to take steroids (not the kind athletes use, but anti-inflammatory steroids). Her bones became brittle, breaking easily. Her face became puffy and bloated and she could not even put on make-up. Her body was a mess. She went from a walker, to an electric scooter, to a wheelchair. She could no longer feed herself, write her name, or control her own bodily functions. She now had to have someone stay with her 24 hours a day.
If that couple had not had the kind of committed love that's based first on a personal relationship and a commitment to Jesus Christ and second, on a love that's based on a commitment to each other, the marriage never would have lasted. In fact, a large percentage of the marriages where a spouse has MS, the other spouse leaves them. The other spouse won't stay committed to the constant care and the continual physical, psychological and mental changes that continue to occur.
Please hear me carefully - those two people are not heroes. They are not super-saints or super-Christians. They will be the first to tell you that they are not super Christians. Those two people are normal, ordinary people, empowered by the Love of God and a love for each other, to do what the world considers beyond normal and extraordinary.
I know this for a fact - because that woman, that beautiful young lady who will never walk again, who can't even feed herself, is Lynda Langerfeld - my wife. She's not a hero. I'm not a hero. We're children of God, doing what the children of God are supposed to do. Doing what His children are called to do. Doing what God expects of every man and every woman who make a vow before God on their wedding day.
Quite often, Hollywood will portray a "hero" sacrificing his life for his "heroine" in a film. In the world's eyes, he's a hero. In God's eyes, he's an ordinary man making an extraordinary sacrifice that every Christian who's committed to his spouse ought to make. Sacrificial, Committed Love is the rule, not the exception. We're not super-saints, we're not heroes when we're being faithful and committed to our mates. We're doing what God has called every husband and wife to do since the beginning of time.
(c) David Langerfeld [] []
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Sam blasted Wome for missing the penalty that made Cameroon miss out on Germany 2006. Some guys back home harassed and nearly killed Wome's family. Consequently, he wasn't considered for Egypt 2006. I hope E'too's miss last evening helps him learn to be just a little more gracious towards his colleagues in future. He's a fantastic player; that was a shameful and cruel way by which Cameroon would crash out. POLENI wasee was Yaounde.
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Individuals, NGOs, Members of Civil Society and some Cabinet and Parliamentary colleagues have been demanding that ministers, the Secretary to the Cabinet and I should step aside or be sacked to allow investigations to proceed concerning Anglo Leasing.