Highlights from Day 1 of Prophetic Prayer Summit @ KICC, Nairobi
Sorry guys, I'm tired...so this will most likely have typos here and there. Pia, leo sina photos zozote as my camera is off-duty kidogo :-) But this report is generally in my tradition of getting you stuff about and from the Kenyan Christian community as and when I get it. Read on....
Speaker: Pastor Emmanuel Nuhu Kure (from Nigeria)
a). Pastor Othniel Mwabili
- Kenya is a lighthouse for Africa; it's called to send missionaries to the rest of Africa and evangelize it. Other African nationa have been finding their destinies through Kenya. This is precisely a sign for Christians regarding what God wants to do both in the physical and the spiritual. Irresponsibility in not fulfilling what He has revealed to us is going to be an insult to Him.
- You need to fight a good fight for your country by what God has revealed to you via the words you speak and what you pray regarding your nation.
- The 8-4-4 generation has been derided previously, but the seasons are shifting and God is doing something new with the so-called "zero-generation" (8-4-4) in this land. The physical and spiritual shaking that has been witnessed in the country has come so that believers may be enthroned. Those who have been saying that there is no God should look up. What He is going to do in this land is immense, no one will even dare accredit it to NARC; His finger will have done it. He is going to rebuke those who have gloried in selling their country to false gods.
- "Kenya" means bright. God is taking us to our rightiful place. You don't have to look blessed now to seem blessed, God will manifest Himself in your life as you respond to Him. You have to obey God's word and apply it in your life. We know that Kenya is blessed; now the fullness of time has come. A major overflow is coming; thank God that you are living in these days. He's raising a generation that will go to the four ends of the earth proclaiming His Lordship and goodness as He shakes its foundations. It's not about our capacity or numbers, it's about Him being with us. If you obey Him, He'll answer you. Because you have chosen to listen to Him as a nation, He'll impregnate you with a vision for yourself and the nations. Take care of yourselfm therefore, so as not to mess with what He is birthing in you; it's about Him, not you. It will bless you and the children of other nations. Take care of the seed He is planting in you. Psalms 68 is coming true for you and Africa. God has re-membered you. You are a child of remembrance; a child of preservation.
b). Pastor Wilson Mamboleo
- God will not let the prayers of His people go to waste. The tears of the saints of God since the inception of the country till now are before Him. All past Kenyan presidents, the present and future ones will have to recognize that pool of tears and turn their nations to God and Godliness or else their leaderships will be in trouble. Kibaki just realized that. Youngmen younger than myself are going to lead this country into better days. Nineteen years ago we gathered here for prayers for this nation. It has taken us this long to gather here again.
Main session with Pr. Emmanuel
- My Father, My Father, whatever in Kenya that is not built on Christ - your solid rock - bring it down. Arise and bring such things down. On the day you died for the nations, your blood was spilt for Kenya too. Let each tribe and community in this nation commit itself to your saving knowledge. Bring down their altars that oppose you and your message of salvation and peace.
- Kenya is going to recover the years it has lost; the day of its glory has come. Its glory among the nations has come. The Lord will instruct the nations through those who believe in Him. Luke 21: God is shaking nations; every shakeable thing is being shaken. My own country Nigeria is trembling, South Africa is trembling, your own Kenya is trembling....this is because we are in moments of travail; the birth pangs are on, leading us to the end of the age.
- We have been born for these times; there's a trumpet sound that is ushering you into your mission. I'm a child plucked out of fire for this generation. Every fire you have been through has been to prepare you for your championship / dominion.
- I'm seeing a change of leadership in this country, there's a new generation coming. You are going through a physical and spiritual transition. You are in the travails and birth-pangs that will give birth to the new generation. Africa is in the place of travail right now. I don't know the outcome of this meeting, but it will be abrupt afterwards. The hour of Kenya has come. The travails of those who have preceeded us are almost over.
- Luke 21:22 - The day of the Lord is nigh, don't be amazed by the calamities and catastrophies that are befalling the earth in our days. The day of your glorification and wiping away of your tears has come. Prepare your heart as His throne; His day is at hand. The day of the bride is here. The earlier leaders of nations realize that the better it will be for them and their citizens. The Church has become so accomodating of the world that it has lost its flavour. It has caroused with the world for so long; those who have kept themselves pure must now arise.
- I release you from the bondages over you and your nation, - witchcraft, freemasonry, satanism, .....etc.
- A few years ago, God gave me a very harsh message for Nigeria. Its political and religious leaders ran away from me; they wanted nothing to do with me. But now they are rushing back, wanting to hear what God is saying. Exodus 4:23-24 - God has declared battle against your physical and spiritual enemies both as individuals and as a nation. Why do you think people from all nations rush to your country every now and then? Do you think it is because of your wildlife? If so, think again. They rush here - and some might not know it - because the seed of the gospel was planted here and found a foundation like it has had in no other African country. Kenya is favoured by God. People, you have had His favour from the beginning. There's no demon or human being that can destroy Kenya's destiny before God. Don't you be overwhelmed by your current pains as a nation and Church.
- Why has God delayed your entry into His glory? Kenya is a pillar - a city of refuge - one of the few through which God will have mercy on Africa. Kenya is among the few landmarks of Africa - don't change that or God will fight you. If Kenya falls, Aftica will be wounded forever. I didn't come here because of you, I came here because of me; if you fall, I'll be affected. I have come to help you in your time of battle so that I'll live. The heavenlies (Editor's note: It means "spiritual world" - for those among you who are not born-again) are currently fighting over Kenya.
- I didn't come here as a Nigerian who wants recognition; if others have come here for that, please forgive them. Please forgive Nigerians who have wounded your souls. There are 3 categories of people who will take Kenya out of its present morass:
i). Elders and princess: The Church in Kenya is divided into harlots (corrupt) and glorious (incorruptible). The ame divisions extend to the princes in your national, political leadership. God will separate the good from the evil in both your politics as well as the Church. He will side with the Godly. A line between the righteous and the unrighteous is being drawn right now. God is going to raise new Church leaders to replace those who have betrayed Him in this nation. God is going to answer your prayers. These are the days when God is going to choose His elect. Have you noticesd that leaders of nations, including your very own Kibaki, are losing control over situations in their countries? In these days, a good heart or intention on the part of a leader is not going to be enough. Nations must turn to God and pursue righteousness in all their dealings. Isaiah 45:22 - Go back to the God of the land, Jesus Christ; not your tribal deities. We have more of the latter in Nigeria, where we speak nearly 800 languages. That has meant that unless God annoints anyone to rule Nigeria, he or she cannot rule it succesfully. Kenya must return to God. He's the owner of the land; you are strangers in this land. The government has to go back to the owner of the land and negotiate with Him. I pray that Kibaki will meet with the right prophets who will tell him the truth so that the Godly remnants in Kenya and the nation can be saved. Kenyans, you are a fulfilment of prophecy.
ii). Wailing women - Jeremiah 9 - When things have gone wrong in a country and its Christian leadership has been bought by government functionaries to preach and prophesy according to the government's liking and the favours the former get from the latter, God turns to prayerful women in the land. There are bishops and pastors who are hirelings. They talk about prosperity; but it's a condemnation of righteousness. Church ministers in our generation need to repent; their stomachs dictate their pace in the things of God. The late Abacha once sent me US$90,000 so that I could go and change God's will in his favour. He knew in his heart that I had access to God. How many government ministers can Kibaki say have access to God? Who among them can he listen to? New ministers and MPs need to be rising now; they need to emerge now so as to be part of the change that must come upon your land. God used me to rebuke Abacha. I told him that unless he repented, he would die and that I would face the same consequence if I touched his money. I never took his money, try as he did to both send other emmissaries to me as well as some hit squads. He died. Everything I'm saying is on tape and verifiable, those among you in this audience who work for the government of Kenya can call Abuja and confirm this with anyone in government. The day the Lord ceases to defend me, I'll die. People, governments don't take us (clergymen) seriously because they know that we go for the highest bidder these days. Godly ministers and MPs must now emerge to fulfill God's purposes in your country.
iii). Virgin daughters of Zion - Every righteous man or woman in your country is a virgin daughter of Zion. You are brides of God. Virgins for Jesus are going to be born (Ezekiel 10:2).
- There is much love for the self in the Church, no love for God. There's much love for selfish interests. Few among your Church leaders have beeb willing to pay the price for Kenya's revival and salvation. They want the prosperity gospel, miracles, healings, etc but no holiness. They work for God's promises (blessings), but not love for Him. Allow God to change you so that you and your nation may be saved. Virgins, the beginning of the end has come. Make your lives His dwelling place.
- If there was anytime Kibaki and Kenya needed help, it's now. This is because Kenya doesn't know its real enemies. Some of Kibaki's so-called "friends" are his worst enemies; some of the people he considers his "enemies" are the friends he needs. And that's where the Church comes in. Kenya must decide its spiritual destiny now (Daniel 7:26-27). Dominion and rulership are both calling you forth, people of God, but judgement must first take place in your nation. The constants that made you irrelevant must be dealth with. Marketplace conditions and conspiracies that opposed you must fall down. Judgement is coming on government and non-government forces (including the Church) that have opposed and frustrated God's purposes in your country's life. Tommorrow (today :-)) we;ll enter into further prayer for this land and re-structure it in the Spirit. There are people who must be sacked by the President in the next one month. Kenya, get ready for a shaking. There are businesses that have snuffed life out of your country; God is going to snuff them out. Some of you are going to be the persons that will help spearhead the new changes in this country. This is all because God's walk in Kenya has blessed many nations; it's what we are fighting for. In your stability the rest of Africa will be stable; in your sickness Africa shall be sick.
PastorTanya Pugh (from Oklahoma City, USA)
-I Chron. 9:23-34: You must guard the glory that the Lord has placed over your lives and this nation. Your children have oversight over this nation from this generation onwards. You are in charge of your country's intercession. You have been called to turn your faces towards God and join others in battle for the Lord against sin in your lives, country, Africa and the world. You won't accomplish anything till you begin worshipping the Lord. There's going to be much fruit in the land; He'll give you rain for the new seed you are putting in the land both in the spirit and the natural. Pray that towers of sin in your land may fall. He'll give you rain and heal you.
Dr. Billy Lubansa
-We (clergymen) worship ourselves too much. We worship ourselves more than and instesd of God. It's easier these days to see God and the president of a nation than to see some clergymen. We worship our jobs, marriages, businesses, etc. Rains won't come unless we bring down these towers. The rain of favour and healing is coming. We decree this land to be the Lord's for the purposes of the establishment of His Holiness. To preach the gospek is not a right but a priveledge from the Lord; we should not abuse it. God is looking for someone He can work with and because of you, Kenya shall be saved and transformed; because you stood in the gap with the Lord.
- These are important days in our lives and God is getting ready to do some wonderful things in our lives; not the conventional. You cannot reign with God unless you are in fellowship with Him; there's no dominion without communion.
- This is a year of full restoration, all you have lost is coming back to you because God has remembered you Nairobi, Kenya and Africa. He is going to re-member your family, business, etc. God's word has power to do you well in every way; reach out and grab it now! This is not the season of manna. Reach out and grab the word; don't you be complacent.
- To be re-membered by God is to be re-made (be put together). Everything yours that had been distorted will be re-membered. Jehovah has remembered Kenya, behold He is going to do a new thing in your country. We are coming out of the ordinary; we are going to birth a new Kenya. God is here, in this place; that makes this meeting succesful, not our numbers. You are not a biological mistake, you are in God's divine plan for the destiny He has for you and your country. Previously mocked and rejected, Kenya's womb is going to birth an extra-ordinary spiritual and natural re-positioning. God's mercy is here but if you regard passing vanities as your posession and inheritance, you'll perish. Don't run away from God, you have a destiny. don't run away from God into witchcraft, freemasonry, etc or else you'll perish both as an individual and as a nation.
- Your sacrifice towards God must begin with the attitude of your heart. Kenya, you are coming out of your bondage! Out of the belly of your bondage! God has remembered you! Psalms 61 - God is going to answer your prayers in this Psalm. Father, we decree that you are God over Kenya. We command her out of satanism, idol worship, false religions, freemasonry, every form of demonic activity in the name of Jesus. Kenya, you are blessed in Jesus' name!
*I'll try and get you more info from the remaining days of the proceedings.
Thanks Jesse,
It has been wonderful going through your article. I believe Jehovah God has a wonderful plan for our country Kenya.
"Blessed is a country who revere Jehovah God"
Kenyans lets arise to the occasion repent of our sins and pray that the lord may heal our land.
hey Jesse thanks for this and yes it had typos as you forewarned...
I thank God that Kenya is a chosen nation!
Its a good thing we have that summit..sometime we need reminding of what He wants us to do. We need rebuking and correction!
thanks again
Well done!
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