Sunday, November 06, 2005

Kenya after 21st: The way I see it

1. The state is and shall, for all intents and purposes, remain intact (inefficiencies of our civil service notwithstanding). However, the government - already out of sync with itself and a considerable portion of of the populace - shall be shaken to its core. I'm not talking about a military coup here, I'm talking about the end of a political era and the beginning of another. I'm also talking about the end of some careers and the beginning of others. More on that further below. 2. Mainstream Christianity has lost out on its credibility in the process and it shall have an uphill task regaining it again (and here I'm talking about individuals on both sides of the political divide). For obvious reasons, no believing and practising Christian is going to ever believe some of our so-called "men" and "women" of God on anything again. The Orange-Banana debates have shown us all that the Church is orthodox in its beliefs but very liberal (even hypocritical) in its practices some times. This disparity between knowledge and expected experience has caused an unprecedented cognitive dissonance in the minds and hearts of people (Christians or not) who previously looked up to the Church to provide spiritual and social leadership (refer to for summary of my thoughts on this). It is my humble submission that there is going to be a new revival in Kenyan Christianity, one that will have men and women hungering for a new visitation of God upon their lives and this country in ways we've never seen before. A new crop of Christian leaders is going to emerge in the process, - one that will not be afraid to take a clear stand for God on topical issues of the day and exhort their congregations to live for God and Him alone no matter the cost. Those are the people whose lives in this country are going to count for eternity. These are no ordinary times (I hope and pray you understand)! 3. Political leadership in this country is definitely going to change, perhaps even earlier than 2007. I take the position that Kenya is destined not just to better the lot of her citizenry but also provide leadership in the region as well as the entire continent. I believe we are called to be a nation that nurtures and blesses her own children as well as those who are hurting besides us (Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, etc). I believe Kenya has been called to be a blessing to the nations. However, successive regimes have not been faithful in leading us along these paths (there is every evidence around you to indicate that our best days remain ahead of us). A new political leadership has to emerge out of this referendum process that will change our status from merely being a nation of potential and promise into one that actually lives out that vision. I do not know precisely when we shall have a clean break with the selfishly myopic kind of politics we are being treated to over the proposed constitution, but it is my firm belief that Nov. 21 shall mark the start of our journey towards that new future. There are leaders who - in their foolish pride - have dedicated this country and its people to untold darkness; and there are leaders who - in their faithful humility - have chosen the less travelled road of walking in the light over the issues at hand. Both kinds are going to reap the fruit of their labour in the fullness of time. Conclusion: At hand is not merely any other vote but a contest for the heart and soul of Kenya by not just the individuals we see on both sides of the divide but also the forces of good and evil. Kenyans must decide the kind of century they want to continue walking into. In doing this, they must consider not just their own priorities and concerns but also those of the God who ordained the being of this nation and very definitely reigns over it (some will, sadly, only acknowledge this too late in the day). In my prayers for this country, I rarely pray for the unity so many are clamouring for ("unity at all costs"); I pray for a clear-cut decision on that day that will not only expose the deep fissures that exist within and around us but also provide a working basis for honest national reflection and re-building.


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